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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

"Ah... hello Jill. Sorry sorry but I still need to sort out getting one of those communication devices." The man responded to her upon entering the apartment with the others. Their time made much quicker than foot travel thanks once more to Penguin's vehicle. "Food? Yeah sure though make it light like trail mix or chips or something like that if you could. Nothing too big." Taking Shiva over to the couch prepared for her, Glenn would set the merc girl down and free himself from the torture she was giving his ear and mind. Which was a good thing too, since not too long after he had done so the girl emptied herself of what remnants of the brew managed to remain in her stomach. Filling the nearby bucket prepared for her with an odorous mix and leaving Shiva in the throws of peaceful relief. Looking once more like just a sweet innocent girl to the foolish observer.

Glenn shook his head and rubbed his forehead briefly in the silence that followed before speaking to the group. "Well now that we're here, make yourselves at home. It's a little bare I'm sure but I wasn't really afforded this in the best of circumstances. Still, indulge yourselves." He told his guests, before leaning down to look at Shiva and inspect her injuries. From what he could tell they didn't seem to be more than superficial. But they definitely didn't look all that good. "Jill, what kind of clothes do we have around here. Anything fresh that Shiva might be able to wear?" He asked the golem as he scanned Shiva further and summoned up a healing weave to work on the girl's injuries. Focusing on providing a bit more of a soothing cool experience to the magic to help with the process. Channeling the magic through his hands as he attended to her.

When that task was done the man would finally begin to relax. Pulling off his outer clothing, which he didn't even want to think about what was currently stained into it, and settingly down into his silken black undershirt and shorts underneath. The ones that Cynthia had given him some time back, and if he didn't know any better had also weathered far better than his other clothes currently for one reason or another. "Penguin this is Jill. The golem I talked about before? Sona's old body..." Glenn stated as he introduced Penguin to Jill, speaking more softly at that last bit while pointing Jill out. "She retains some memory from that old body but I'm not sure if she will recognize you further. I don't think it will be a problem. It took me awhile to fix her up but I think I did fair enough. There's still this problem of weight though. I'm thinking some kind of arcane stabilizer; a simple passive weave that uses her soul to lighten her but... I'm not sure how best to implement it." The man scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Maybe something with a conscious control mechanism? I can imagine being able to control one's weight like that could come in handy both in and out of battle." Glenn told Penguin, though he mostly wanted to not get crushed by the girl's massive weight again honestly. Not all the time at least.
Jill looked to be in the fridge before Glenn gave his desire for something ultimately simple. She expressed one of her few emotions so far. Disappointment, before simply handing him a glass half filled with a handful of trail mix, an assortment of random treats with lots of vitamins.

Inspecting Shiva, there were many bruises and cuts. Many did seem like light damage, with some worse than others. As far as a fight goes, she took minimal damage. "I can examine what she is currently wearing and synthesize a replica of her garb." she declared, before getting right to that over the table, her eyes firing straight and thin beams onto the table that seemed to manifest into clothing stitches.

Introduced to Jill, Penguin stuttered. "O-oh... Okay." she said in reply. "If it's her weight, then you might need a whole new frame... The old model's armor was very heavy.. Most of it, you removed." she declared. "If you did something like trying to lighten the weight with her weaves... It would be costly. She would run out of energy quickly... I can think of a way to do that, but it would be temporary."
Glenn frowned at Penguin's words, giving Jill a good look where she stood fashioning a new set of clothing for Shiva. "I was afraid you might say that. Suppose it's the simplest way without involving magic but... I'm not sure if I've the time to craft a whole new frame right now." He told Penguin. With the whole incoming threat his time might be better spent training to combat it rather than building up a replacement mechanical skeleton. Though if there was another pre-built frame he could get his hands on that would certainly make things easier. "The old frame was taken out of scrap storage... which I'm still not too sure how I feel about it being disposed that way but... if there were heavy frames there you don't suppose there would be lighter frames dumped there too? It would be a hell of a lot easier to fix up one than scratch build one."

Even if the man could get his hands on a lighter frame somehow that still left one problem. How to properly transfer Jill from one frame to another. He wasn't entirely oblivious to the process; the artificial soul was usually contained within the chest of most units per a Magi standard. So, it should be as simple as disengaging that soul from the current body and connecting it to the other. The skin sheath he had made for Jill would also have to be transfered lest he need to entirely create a new one. Building one around the skeletal robotic form had been morbid enough. Just thinking of pealing it off now to wrap around another twisted his stomach in a very undelightful way.

He watched Jill do her weaving to build a new set of clothing for Shiva with idle curiosity. As being able to replicate all manner of clothing would certainly be quite beneficial in the future. For everyone around and involved he figured, not to mention himself. A few moments later his old thoughts concerning the golem raised in his head, and with them he turned to Penguin once more. "Was there a time where Sona was like Jill. I mean... if enough time passes will Jill develop into her own somewhat?" He asked with curiosity. "When I fixed her up I figured she could eventually grow beyond just a servant if she learned enough. But the way Isabel spoke made it sound like I was just thinking foolishly..." He sighed then, rubbing the back of his head. 'Wouldn't be the first foolish thing I've thought or done here...'
Penguin shrugged. "I-I never go to the scrapyard often... Y-you can probably find something?" she theorized. But Jill immediately interjected. "Master, my current frame is fine and integrity is functional. With the defenses this frame offers I can offer you far more than if I were light and frail." She said, seemingly with a lack of desire to have her body swapped out.

Penguin hummed at his next question. "Um... I suppose... But Sona was someone who broke the mold she was created with and became her own person. Jill is still working under that mold. It's true that golems often show different characteristics depending on who their owner is, which is why Isabell discourages us from getting friendly with the golems... I-In your case, it seems like Jill is defiant towards you..." she noted how she refused the idea of a new frame. "What usually ends up happening to males is that their golem... Swaps the relationship..." she declared. Jill was in the middle of finishing the clothes, and offered no response to everything Penguin said. Rather, for a brief moment, Glenn would see Jill's eyes stop weaving a moment and regard him, before going back to work.
Defiant? While it might have been true that Jill suggested against a new frame, saying she was acting defiant was a bit reaching Glenn felt. It wasn't as if she were saying no right out. And what Penguin said about the change in relationship... it was only for a moment but the man noticed the golem's eye regard him ever so briefly before returning to her work. The weight of that glance far heavier given the implication of it. He was reminded of how assertive she had gotten only a day or so before. She had practically taken charge of that encounter... and was very willing to keep charge of it even after he had come to. It made him wonder just how far it might have gone if he had taken up her offer to join him when he went to wash up. His mind quickly filling with betraying thoughts of sharing a tub with the beautiful golem and continuing where they had left off then...

He snapped out of his thoughts with a shake of the head, a light blush etching on him. "But does that swap happen because of the curse, or because of something else. Like a lack of understanding a golem's wishes?" He asked grabbing his chin for a moment before regarding Jill. "The points you make are true, but offense and defense aren't everything. When I was fixing your body I intended for you to be versatile. A light weight body that could be equipped with a removable armored hardsuit. Effectively the best of both worlds. That way when you were out of combat you wouldn't be weighted down in armor and weapons that could get in the way of... other duties... or things you might want to do." He said clearing his throat a moment after.

Placing his hand on Jill's shoulder Glenn took a deep breath. "I trusted you once with Isabel and you weren't wrong. If you believe this is the best course for now I'll trust you again. To be honest, I think it will work out much better. If we get into this fight with those 'angels' a strong frame will be better than a weak one surely. And if I actually did create a hardsuit layer it'd be even stronger." He stated giving her a smile. "That said, I can't say that it won't get in the way. After all you've got a bit of a crushing presence as it is. Which isn't bad sometimes but... I can think of a number of scenarios where being lightweight would be very advantageous. No matter who you ended up with...". He didn't intend to entirely imply it but it was a truth he couldn't overlook. If Jill developed further there might indeed come a time where she might take leave elsewhere. And then these changes he proposed that benefited him now would then also benefit others and Jill herself.
Penguin shuffled a bit in place. "... The curse..." she replied softly. "The succubus curse changes the life it touches. The only discretion it makes is between men and women, and ultimately since souls are born without gender, the discrmination is made due to it's succubus nature targeting women with certain characteristics. S-some women are actually immune to it like men are, if they lack... S-something most women have..." she said, and this time her eyes were on Shiva, who was rolling a bit on the couch and letting out a stinky burp.

"Heh, I guess that's true! Shiva's already kinda a mamono!" Sona chuckled.

Jill looked at him flat, now holding Shiva's new clothes, which she folded and put near the mercenary. Her face was as emotionless as one could expect from a machine. "Other duties?" she inquired. "I do not have any task I must perform for you that requires a light frame." she replied squarely, her expression doubling down on her firm response. "Angelic blades can cut through any material, but my frame is built like many machines, with reserve power supplies in my joints and feet to give the mobility I require to move quickly in required bursts. But weapons that are not infused with their fire will not affect me. Historically, they have not imbued their arrows and light attacks with fire, as the theory behind the fire is that it is hard to create. They simply cannot imbue all their weapons with it's power. That is my purpose, to fight the humans and handle the light assault from Angelic forces with impunity. When the true angel forces march in, that is when I shall make way for the other set of golem make: The elite who are designed from the ground up to fight in melee with angels. Even so, they are estimated to have a high destruction rate." she explained. "I was not designed to be destroyed."

Her head lowered, and for a moment she showed a pinch of emotion as she lifted a hand to touch the one on her shoulder, squeezing it a bit. "I was designed to protect my master. By any means."

Sona stepped forward, and waved at Jill. "You don't need to be so formal!" she began, and Jill turned slowly to face the former golem. The air in the room changed a bit. It seemed to come from Jill. The two golems looked at one another. Sona's glowing gaze, and Jill's flat stare. "I'm like your older sister, so you can leave protecting Glenn to me!"
( )​

Jill's reply came firm. "You are designated as a failure, a rogue. Someone who turned on her master and then fled the Magi, and is ruled by immature emotions is ill fit to be a guardian. From what I gather, you even upset your second master. Your performance does not surmount mine." Jill said very coldly to Sona, her eyes having shifted to red. Sona simply looked shocked, her face almost like the time Glenn lost his patience with her. It was clear Jill hit a soft spot. But how she knew about Glenn being upset in any detail was anyone's guess.

Sona was a bit shaky. "J-Jill... You don't hate me, do you?"

Jill's eyes became blue as she tipped her head back into a straight pose. "No. There is no reason to hate you, but I must educate you that you are not fit to be his protector. That is why I exist. Despite some issues you have, it is clear master still yet wants you nearby. I will not chase you away or wish ill upon you. However, I have learned who you are. A creature of whimsy. I will not accept you as a guardian to Master. I will not trust his life in your hands." She declared, before reaching up to brush some of the hair Glenn bestowed upon her to the side of her face."I know this upsets you, but your chance to be trusted has expired. Not that he needed you for that anyway. He trusts me, so I shall protect, serve, and fulfill his every wish." Jill turned to Glenn, and seemed to try and he gave her.

Not only Sona, but Penguin looked shocked as well. Penguin stuttered. "J-Jill... Aren't you going too far?" she seemed insistent. "I think you might be... G-getting ahead of yourself...?"

Jill replied firmly. "On the contrary, former engineer Penguin, I was designed with Sona's faults in mind. I have not been letting the curse get the better of me. I was designed to be flawless by my creator, Queen. I would never betray my master or the Magi. My loyalty is absolute, unlike the previous generation."

Sona stepped forth, looking flustered. "W-what if Glenn leaves the Magi!? Isn't that a contradiction!?" she exclaimed.

Jill shook her head. "Then, he wouldn't be my master anymore. But, he wouldn't do such a thing. That would be foolish to abandon such a prestigious position." she said with confidence. Sona seemed outraged.

"The only one who's foolish is you!" she stated. Jill's smile faded. "How can you pretend to be so important to Glenn if it's clear you don't even love him!? What is wrong with you!?"

Jill rose an eyebrow. "There is nothing wrong with me. I love my master, no matter who they are-"

Jill was interrupted when Sona, with a firm face, delivered an ear ringing slap to Jill's cheek.

The room was silent for a time.

Jill's latest emotion, was pure shock plastered across her face. "... Did I do something wrong, Master?" Jill inquired to Glenn, still looking shocked. "I do not understand why Sona struck me. May I retaliate?" she inquired, and though it was a simple question, Jill looked intense with that desire to strike back.
Glenn could guess that the something Penguin referred to was a certain type of feminine charm that made them more vulnerable to the curse's effect. A charm that could also effect males he wagered, if they happened to more inclined to that reality as well. He wouldn't have to worry about that since such things never interested him, and he certainly didn't think along that kind of charm's thinking. Even with one embarrassing scenario he could recall, he'd still be right along with Shiva with where he stood. It made him wonder what happened to men who weren't as comfortable with themselves however. How did the curse effect someone like that? He'd have to read up about all of it at a later time.

"So frames like yours are for skirmishing and light assaults? I can relate to that. When I was enlisted back home I had a similiar role. Didn't stop them from putting us on the front though..." He stated with a hint of bitterness, recalling the time he had been in military service to his homeland. It was one of those times he would rather forget. Things seemed to be going alright with the golem until Sona dropped in, and quickly the mood changed. Jill lambasting the former mimic girl with what might amount to the closest amount of passion from the golem that didn't involve her straddling him for his energy. Clearly, it struck quite the nerve.

The sentiments Jill spoke of also struck a nerve with Glenn. He knew it was part of the golem's design to never betray the Magi, but such a design meant that a Magi golem could never really love anyone who wasn't a Magi themselves. In the soul of such golems the Magi was their first love and duty above all others. 'A golem with such thoughts ingrained into their very soul would never be truly free to make their own choices would they?' He asked himself in thought, further feeling that his thoughts of Jill becoming like Sona over time were misplaced. Quickly things became heated between Sona and Jill, and before he could intervene the former mimic had already struck Jill with a powerful slap that echoed throughout his personal chambers and left silence in it's wake.

The man let out a breath at the antics before regarding the both of them. "No, you may not retaliate. I know you don't understand but love isn't blind obedience. Whether it be to another person or an organization of some kind. That conditioning in your soul compels you to serve the Magi and by extension your master... but that's not really your choice is it? It was already determined for you by someone else. My uncle is a practitioner of the necromystic arts and they had a term for the kind of arcane bond like that. I believe he called it 'Vassalization'. One's will imposed upon another to the point that duty and love become practically synonymous. Something akin to domination but far far greater."

Briefly he raised an eyebrow while he regarded Jill further. "And I have to agree with Penguin. You seem to be getting ahead of yourself and your position. In fact, you're starting to sound a lot like Aurine." He twisted his lips in discomfort at that thought. "I suppose that might just be a little bit of Isabel coming out through the soul conditioning. She tended to get a bit ahead of herself too and nearly caused strife between her and I because of it. Sona ended up helping the fortmaster soothe that potential strife quite a bit. Instead of writing her off perhaps you might consider learning a thing or two from her?" He suggested to the golem, coming between the two of them and placing a hand on each of their shoulders as if to encourage a bond between them. "If you take the time to listen to Sona and consider things further you'll find the answers to why responded like that. Despite what you might currently think, personal desire and duty are not one and the same."
Jill looked taken aback, while Sona looked to be calmed that she didn't go too far, or so she seemed to understand by Glenn's reaction.

Jill regarded Glenn with eyes widened and a step backwards. "I am the one at fault?" she questioned. "That is not possible. I am not cursed, and I am not flawed." Despite her expression, her tone was still mostly singular and simplistic. Like a machine. Then, he got between her and Sona.

"If you take the time to listen to Sona and consider things further you'll find the answers to why responded like that. Despite what you might currently think, personal desire and duty are not one and the same."

Jill looked at him and listened, before her eyes looked straight ahead at Sona, who he could feel was unnerved by the act. "... Yes..." Jill agreed, before her eyes twitched a bit and her eyes flashed red, as if something did indeed go wrong for a second. She turned her head, and looked at Glenn. "... Master." she said simply, before seemingly letting the matter drop either to the floor, or into someone else's hands.

"Jill..." Sona called out, but Jill simply turned away and went to her chamber. "I must recharge." she said simply, before closing the pod and falling into it with her arms folded, and closed her eyes. Glenn knew enough that this simply meant that she has completely removed herself from the situation. She was just a doll now, until she woke up.
Glenn raised an eyebrow at the golem's twitches, watching her as she turned face and went into her charging pod with barely a word. The conditioning was strong but despite her best efforts Isabel's creation could stand up to the curse that effected everything only so far. And given how Jill was responding... and the episode he had with her before... well he hoped the girl would be able to come to terms with not being as flawless as she considered herself to be. Perhaps even learn some sentimentality from Sona. That is if she actually let her 'sister' encourage her. He really wasn't looking forward to a day when the two of them might come to blows. He'd much rather want them to look out for each other.

"Don't sweat it too much." The man aired towards Sona, patting her shoulder briefly. "I'm sure Jill will come around. Even with the changes Issy must have done to the souls of golems between your time and hers. Assuming she actually did any changes; I wouldn't really know. Penguin probably knows better about the insides of a Magi golem's soul more than me. My closest understanding involves that hexagram place you pulled me into once." He commented before plopping himself down on the couch nearby to Shiva, putting his feet up to relax. "I suppose now that you're corporeal using that space isn't exactly going to be an option. Let's hope we never get into trouble that might require it now eh?"

After some time of laying about and partaking a few bits of the mix Jill had served, Glenn turned to Shiva. "So... uh... you feeling better?" He asked, the awkwardness of the recent events with her still very fresh in his mind. "That oni brew had quite the kick! I only smelled the stuff and it was strong, can't imagine how tasting it must have felt. Initially at least." He added quickly given the outcome that came to her. Silence followed, with Glenn fidgeting where he sat, unsure what to really say to Shiva next. "Shiva... about tomorrow. Perhaps it might be best if I went to meet with Anubis... alone. We both don't need to put ourselves into danger again. And it is my responsibility to meet with her once more. I don't know how she's going to respond about my 'predicament' though. I suppose she'd figure then who has a shard and who doesn't then wouldn't she?" The man sighed and rubbed at his temple. 'If I had my shard this wouldn't be a problem. I'd be able to hold the danger myself instead of putting Shiva at risk again...'
Despite him mentioning how much she knew, Penguin looked confused when he mentioned the inside dimension of Sona, who just made a catface at him.

Relaxing a bit, everyone got cozy in a way... Until Shiva woke up and seemed to cast away all sense of quiet and comfort with her aura alone.

( )​

"Ugh." she groaned with displeasure. "Fuck you." Shiva replied to his question. She opened her eyes, and seemed to summon a block of ice that she immediately put to her head.

Sona chipped in. "That means she's fine~" she said, patting Glenn in case he got offended.

She adjusted herself to get more comfortable, resting one leg over the couch and lifting the other up. She seemed to pay no mind to the very nice panty shot she was offering. Or maybe she didn't know that Glenn could see where her slightly thick thighs ended and her pantyline began, the cloth curving around to emphasize on her crotch and butt. "Yeah, thanks for the brew. I haven't suffered this much in a while. Really makes you feel alive." she said with a chuckle. It was still unclear if she was hostile or not. Her words backhanded.

Then, he mentioned that he was going to meet with Anubis alone. Shiva rose up to a sitting position, the panty shot vanished under her skirt. "Except you don't know what you're talking about. Again." Shiva growled. Though she quickly winced, suffering from a hangover. "Last I saw, she didn't catch the bird yet, it's been giving her trouble. Before that whole fiasco, I was actually planning on stealing it before she could get it. Thus invalidating her stupid conditions." Shiva stated. "So instead of sounding off like you need to go lick her gummy pussy like a good boy, how about we be a little bit cheeky?" she suggested with an evil smirk. "If you're going to help, you are going to be a hard BACK seat. If any one of your fingers touches the bars, I get to keep those fingers. Got it?" she said with warning. "Otherwise, I'm taking Sona. I'm not gonna let old yella take a dump on my yard."

With a bit of a weave, she seemed to fix what was causing her pain inside her head once the ice lessened the pain. "Then we can decide if we need her help. Which I'd hope we don't. That dog is a pain in the ass. But she's known historically to be one of those honor sluts. If she fails to catch the bird as she agreed, and WE catch it instead, she'd be disgraced. Not in the violent way either. I think." Shiva hummed. "Basically, it'd give us breathing room when talking to her. She may even be satisfied with just giving you doggy style once or twice. Who knows."

Sona chipped in. "Honor? I thought Anubis betrayed the Pharaoh?"

Shiva nodded. "Her pledge was to her people, not the Pharaoh. By design, all godlike figures of The Sands were meant to be servants of the people, so she claimed to backstab her leader to save her people. Didn't work out for her in the end. Bunnies." Shiva shrugged. Then, Shiva looked at Glenn. "Right. I should mention, if you see a bunny girl, or any race you aren't familiar with... Show it some fucking respect. In the case of bunnies, they can literally reverse you back to the time you were a baby. They're NOT to be fucked with. Even I respect those fuzzy ears. And I usually don't respect people." she stated.

"But they sound so cute!" Sona cheered.

Shiva chuckled. "Oh yeah, real cute. If you see a small grumpy one, pet the shit out of it. See what happens."

Sona threw her arms up in cheer. "Yaaay! I really wanna pet a small bunny now!"

Shiva leaned towards Glenn. "... If anything happens to her in regards to a bunny, I take no responsibility."

Penguin rose a hand. "S-Sona... Please don't aggravate any bunnies..."

Sona was bouncing on her heels. "I'm not gonna aggravate them, just pet them~!"

"Closed Casket." Shiva concluded.

Then, Shiva looked at Glenn. "So, wanna go bird biking?"
The man cast an eye at Shiva's words, rubbing his temple some more. "A bit cheeky? That's one way to put it I suppose." The idea she put forth was an intriguing one; return to the desert and catch the bird before the lord of the dead could. Such a plan could give them the edge when negotiating with her too, as she wouldn't have the shadow of a favor hanging over them. It also sounded potentially dangerous; what if they came across the desert forces while doing this? What if they were captured? If that happened in the man's mind it sounded like giving Anubis all the chips instead. She'd have far more power then to convince Isabel to join with her, if she decided to take that route. "Let's hope that honor extends to those she captures..."

Glenn groaned slightly at her comments about her bike again. "Of course... hard seat..." He was almost afraid to ask what she planned to do with his fingers; on this island it was more up in the air than normal. He assumed the worst though. "Bunny girls can do that huh, I'll keep that in mind. And I don't plan on disrespecting people if I can help it. Give me a little credit at least. Our first meeting with Anubis should be at least worth some showing of that." He rolled his eyes at Sona's bubbly enthusiasm about the bunnies, before glancing at Shiva and then looking down with a twist of the face. He really wanted to say even this was too dangerous... but Shiva was prepared to go off on her own regardless. And if he said no now it would just be distancing himself from the crazy merc girl after gaining some of her favor back.

After a moment he took a breath and then looked Shiva in the eye. "Okay... let's do this. Lead the way... A-aunt Shiva..." Glenn added awkwardly, glancing at Sona when he said it with a small amount of heat hitting his face along with some discomfort. Saying something like that sounded so wrong to the man... but he remembered the merc girl had wanted him to call her that before so... it couldn't hurt right? Well, aside from his pride. "Given how big our party is getting we might have to invest in more than just bikes to get around locally. Maybe I should build a hovercar too. I was always better at driving a car than a bike." Rather quickly the man piled on his gear, before standing ready to follow Shiva out once more. His mind still wary of the danger of traveling once more into that barren desert that stretched for miles around. "I don't know when we'll be back..." Glenn directed at both Penguin and Sona, "If you guys would like to stay here you're more than welcome. Given how Jill is... I'd certainly appreciate keeping an eye on her."
Give me a little credit at least. Our first meeting with Anubis should be at least worth some showing of that.

It seems she had no words beyond that. Though she seemed struck with awe as she was called Aunt Shiva. "... If I told you to say that, I was not sober. Don't ever do that again." she said with warning. Though, it was with warning that was bit back, as if she had a feeling it was her fault.

Penguin nodded. "I wouldn't mind looking at your design..." she hummed, examining Jill already.

"Kay, let's go." Shiva said, grabbing Glenn by his shoulder and pushing him forward to walk out. Sona waved at them. "Good luck! Don't get hungry and accidentally eat it!" she said. That comment made Shiva ask him later, as they got near the bike. "... Does she have a habit of eating things?" she inquired, before getting on and allowing him to take the hard back seat.
When asked about Sona's habit of eating Glenn quickly replied, "You could say she has a habit... though with her new body I don't think we'll have any repeats of that one guy from the bar anytime soon.", reminding her of that encounter and of one of it's many outcomes. His mind still hung to her reaction to the whole Aunt Shiva, noticing right away the moment of awe she seemed to have. It almost seemed like she had completely forgotten about having said it, while knowing she might actually say such things. He kept her warning in mind, not wanting to aggravate the merc girl beyond the seemingly restrained response she had given. It did make him ponder what other things she might say in the future she would forget about though.

Following her lead, the man straddled the seat behind Shiva, adjusting on the seat before securing himself there. Hugging the girl from behind most likely, his sight crossing over her shoulder and body pressing up close. "So what's the plan? Track, pursuit and catch I can get... but how are we going deal with that thing's pheromones? Actually better question: How out of our minds is it gonna make us?" He asked, the closeness already starting to tickle his senses in a number of ways. "Is there anything beyond that I should know about? Besides the chance of running into servants of the lord of the dead of course." Glenn recalled, still quite wary of their involvement as a third party in this affair now, and not really wanting to come across them now given the plan they were pursuing.
When he got close, Glenn recognized the smell of Shiva as not one of beauty. Or a woman that bathed using anything other than plain shampoo. She smelled... Normal. "All the pheromones do is make you desire that thing more. It also makes you hornier in general... So odds are, once we catch it, we're gonna fuck the shit out of it. And each other. But, not without some help." She declared, driving down a ways before coming to a halt in front of what seemed to be a junker shop, where even the sign was seemingly made out of random scrap. "Junker Town" was the name of the sizable establishment. "I come to this place often, you'll like the owner. If you liked me, that is." she said with a smirk, before walking inside, past various bits of scrap bent like origami and hanging on lines of string that made soft metallic sounds as she pushed past them. It clearly seemed like an artist's work... And based on how they looked like skulls of various mamono shaped with heated metal, a demented artist.

As they entered a shop arranged with lines of 8 foot high metal shelving, dimly lit with a seemingly randomly assorted set of different standing lights casting a chaotic set of different colors of light ranging from white to yellow to orange, Shiva let out a sonorous warcry. "JUNKIE! GET YOUR GREASY ASS OUT HERE!"

Then, what followed was an explosion. A loud pop followed by a tuft of smoke coming out of a doorway leading to another room came with the sound of maniacal laughter. "BOO-HWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Laughed a woman that sounded like she could have been related to Shiva with her disconnection from reality. The owner of the voice walked out of the room with the smoke with a limp and the sound of a boot followed by the clink of metal on the ground. Immediately Glenn would notice she was an amputee of her left leg, likely lost doing what she loved. . "How ya doin', Shiva'n'Friend?" she inquired. She had eyes a bright brown that looked almost orange, but with the lighting in the room, it looked like her eyes were filled with furious fire.

"Yo, Junkie~" Shiva greeted with a wave and smile. "I need a rebreather." she declared.

Junkie's lips curled into a bigger smile. "Ooooh, do we~? What kind of dastardly mischief are ya gettin' into this time?"

"Hunting a Cockatrice."

Junkie began slapping the table with her hand, laughing while her head dipped down below the counter, her voice sounding distant for a moment before she threw her head up in a hysterical mirth. "Well WOW-IE, you've got yerself a handful! Go on ahead and take what's on the shelf, I owe ya after all, and I really wanna see if your crazy ass can pull it off with your trustie sidekick... Uh..." she put her hand to her chin, leaning over with narrowed eyes at Glenn. The things that seemed like grenades hanging on a vest over her breasts slid over just enough to show a pink nipple. "What wuzzit called again?"
"Wonderful." Glenn replied with a lack of mirth. He had hoped to avoid being overwhelmed with lust when they encountered this creature again, but it looked like that possibility was rather slim. Not unless the merc girl had some way of mitigating the pheromone's effects that was. As luck might have it she seemed to have an idea brewing, with her mentioning that they might need help in catching this cockatrice. Before they would head off into the desert they instead were stopping at some kind of scrap and junk service store, a place even adorned with recycled scrapyard takings for decor. Glenn glanced at Shiva warily over her comment about the owner, unsure if her implication meant they would be exactly alike or if she would just be similarly eccentric.

He would quickly get his answer. Stepping into the dim store lit only by a cascade of lamps of different colors, his companion called out to the owner and she soon appeared. Not before some kind of backfire occurred from another room and she made herself known. He tried not to glance too long at her missing limb, a thing not hard to notice given it's physical lack and the metallic clanking of it's replacement. So he instead kept his gaze elsewhere, mostly glancing at the various trinkets of the store and occasionally back towards the store owner and Shiva as they did their thing. When Shiva mentioned rebreather he looked back. That should definitely come in handy in dealing with the creature's pheromones... though he did realize rather quickly that she only asked for one. His lips curled somewhat at that.

He relaxed when the girl turned her gaze towards him after her hysterical mirth, turning his own eyes to her attention. "I'm Glenn. Nice to meet you miss." He stated, politely introducing himself to the girl. "Assuming everything goes alright we'll be hauling in that creature in no time." He added, hoping that to be true. That creature was certainly a fast one, and he remembered as much from when they first caught sight of it. In fact if he recalled the last time they saw it the creature was making headway towards a bunch of ruins. "We might need something to scare it loose of a few crannies it might duck into. Got anything you'd recommend to scare it out from any hidey holes it might duck into?"
( )​

Junkie actually giggled at Glenn. "You sure you're someone that should be hangin' around Shiva? Ya seem far too well spoken lad." she commented with amusement. "No matter, hang out with us and you'll be LOONIE before too long! Then you can join the PARTY!" she celebrated, throwing her hands into the air, her right arm much like her right leg, amputated and replaced with a mechanical arm.

When asked, she raised a finger, digging beneath the counter, before lifting a literal straw basket of grenades with the symbol of a white ghost on them. "These are my Spooks! They're cheap, and they make a point by making a LOUD POP! Followed by some bright lights. Great for scarin' people! And you'll probably want this too!" she walked back into her smoking room, which was still literally smoking. She then returned with what seemed to be an incredibly heavy net gun. It seemed like it required two hands to aim. "This'll be what ya use to catch it! You'll never do well just trying to throw yourselves at her, so why not just take one good shot and tie her up! Of course, I removed all the other stuff, like the blades, the-the... Hooks, and all the things that KILL the victim, since I heard... You probably don't want it dead! But I can put it back on if you'd like! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!" she laughed hysterically.

"You're amazing, Junkie." Shiva said, taking two rebreathers. It seemed she was getting two, and Glenn just misunderstood her intentions.

"This here net gun will cost ya twenty silver dags!" she declared. Shiva smiled and pat Glenn on the shoulder. "All you, partner~" she cooed. With that amount of money, Glenn could buy enough food for months and eat well while he was doing it. Almost the price of a vehicle back home. Very pricey.
Glenn carefully examined the grenades that Junkie placed on the counter. A noise and flashmaker were great tools to have, and would definitely come in handy. Not just for this cockatrice but some potential situations in the future. Depending on how many were in the basket and how many he and Shiva would end up needing, he would try to set aside one of them to keep beyond the job at hand. When Junkie returned with the netgun he eyed it's bulkiness while both glancing between it and the girl as she described the state of it's former ammunition. A rather nasty combination of a net with hooks and knives thrown together. He remembered being hit by something similar a long time ago, though not a net per say. Rather a type of bola combined with such sharp points and ends. He did not doubt how terrible a wound that barbed net would cause both in description and in his own memory he could draw from.

They would not be using such a net thankfully. And in another bout of fortune his initial understanding of the rebreathers turned out to be a mistake. Shiva was indeed acquiring two of them. He relaxed a bit at that clarification, before a price was spoken and he became aware of the onus of paying for it being placed upon his shoulders. "Of course..." He answered towards Shiva's coo, before focusing on Junkie. "I'm not carrying that kind of money currently, BUT I can assure you that you'll get paid. Just... forward the expenditure details to the office of Isabel Queen and it should get paid." He said, sounding a little nervous now that he considered how many expenditures he had made in the last few days at Isabel's expense. She did say she would pay for such things but still...

Still nervous he continued, "Is that alright with you miss? I literally can't offer any physical silver as a down payment for this. Or anything really. If things don't go alright with the payment for whatever reason I've no qualms with merely borrowing this netgun if all's the same to you." Giving the netgun a try, the man examined the thing too, picking it up off the counter somewhat to judge the weight of it and test how it handled. He hoped the thing wasn't too unwieldy for however heavy it happened to be. Or aiming it while in hot pursuit might become a far more challenging affair than he imagined it might be.
"If ya don't have the coin, then do ya have the card?" Junkie inquired, slamming a metallic device in front of him to enter the card into. If he was going to pay, he'd do it as he did at the restaurant. "And me name ain't miss. Junkie." she corrected him. "And yer really soundin like someone who worries about a whole lotta nuthin. Bit of advice from the criminally insane, problems are only as big as ya let em be. So don't let em be! That easy, friend!" she laughed. "Even the tallest wall will crumble, with a very well placed explosive charge!"

Shiva pat Glenn on the shoulder, moving an arm around to hug around the back of his neck and let her hand hang opposite her position next to him. "Words of wisdom right there, Glenn. Your problem is truly that you don't see the simple solution for what it is. That's why we're here right now, with you following my lead. We're here to learn how simple the world can be. That, and we're going to catch a cockatrice BABY! YEAH!" Shiva let out a roar of zeal, before Junkie roared in kind and the two held out their hands, Junkie using her fake hand with fingers pointed down, and Shiva pointed up, worming their fingers at each other in a bizarre handshake.

Shiva was headed for the door, a wide grin of the like that would make a shark jealous was glowing on her face. "Hurry up, Glenn! I'm getting moist just thinking about what I'm going to do with that bird once I've caught her. Er... Once WE'VE caught her, heh-heh-heh..." she chuckled with wicked intent. Shiva would board the bike and put on her rebreather, waiting for Glenn to get on the back.
"Card? You mean like a charge card?" Glenn asked in confusion. As far as he was aware he didn't have something like that on him; Isabel hadn't given him one certainly. Or if she did he had completely forgotten about it. He only remembered getting that picture of Shiva from the Magi head at the time, and he didn't remember using anything to pay for that last restaurant. It had sounded like Isabel had preapproved the whole thing herself. Still, it didn't stop him from checking his pockets to see if he had something to that effect, and if miraculously he did find such a card he'd follow through with using it. Placing it into the device Junkie had provided and settling the fee that way.

At Junkie's and Shiva's words the man fidgeted, not being one to really view things all that simple as they seemed to. He had lived a life always accounting for many of it's details when dealing with things usually. And yet the simple and direct approach had been doing wonders when dealing with so much of the problems he had been running into. He wasn't all that comfortable with it... but if it had been working before why not see what else would work too he figured. Grabbing the grenades, the extra re-breather and the netgun Glenn followed after Shiva. "See you later Junkie." Once outside the man would follow the excitable Shiva back onto her bike, once more the hard back seat. But this time packing quite the munitions.

He worked something up to keep him stable on the bike. A bit of magic binding to keep him from flying off the thing while he aimed. And when comfortable with it he settled in. "Let's go get this thing partner. I'm almost afraid to ask what we ARE going to do with that creature when we catch it. I can assume at least one of the things given how... endangered their species is... and where it probably is going to be living..." He remarked to the merc girl, already feeling his face heat up from where he remembered she wanted to setup the cockatrice's living area.
Easily missed perhaps. The card was handed right along with the picture of Shiva, which Shiva noticed he had. "Huh... That's a pic of me alright." she noted how she was sitting in the chair so confidently. "You picked a good one, Queen~" she seemed pleased. Junkie accepted the payment.

Then, Junkie waved happily in reply to Glenn. "Bye-bye! Have a nice day!" she said with a mischievous tone.

Getting onto the bike with Shiva, he saw a look of serious nature on her face for a change, before she activated the bike and it lifted to take off at a good speed. Though, it was much slower for Shiva. They quickly left the city, Shiva heading right for a cliff as they simply flew off. But they didn't fall. They just slowly glided downwards through the air, drifting down safely before they went down the mountain and reached the desert.

( )​

"Hmm... You know, I've never done something without profit in mind before, ever since I became an adult. All I was thinking about was selling her at first, or now, just getting a leg up on Anubis... But what you're saying has no profit in it. Unless we sold her eggs. I can find some trustworthy sellers... But... I dunno, thinking about being selfless for no reason really takes me back to some dark times in my life. When I learned that being a goody two-shoes really gets you nowhere." she said with a sad tone. It seemed that something unusual caused her to touch on an odd topic. "I hate the past, Glenn. No matter when I think about previous events, all they do is make me angry. And that's all I ever am. Angry. I hate people, I hate the way they think. I hate how they worry about stupid shit. I hate how people derive problems from the most menial shit when they're living lives so much better than mine, and yet acting like they have it so much worse. I've learned to count my blessings, while all those people know to do with all their blessings is to count their problems... It's pathetic." She revved the bike, going faster. "Though, the person I hate the most in this world is my sister. I love her because she's family, but she's the embodiment of what I hate. She's the kind of person who has no problems to speak of. So her life is living to worry about other people's problems. Obsessing over them. She literally has nothing better to do. By far, she's the most pathetic person I know... We obviously never saw eye to eye."

"Then you showed up." she turned an eye to Glenn, before looking forward again. "You pissed me off the moment I heard about you. A while before we met. Some dildo who was here to help with the Magi's problems. Just the idea irritated me. I wanted to meet you just for the excuse of showing you what it's like to have a real problem, by beating your ass..." She leaned back, one hand on the bar as she looked to relax while she flew, her left hand going to her hip as her back rested against his front. "... As nice as your ass was, it was really Sona who made me change my mind. She was someone who had no problems, and had no interest in finding them. She is the opposite of what I hated. So she is obviously like a hero to me... Until you became her sole problem. Oh, I was furious. It was like finding your hero and then immediately seeing them die. I wanted to rip you apart. I still kinda do, actually." she expressed. "Sona loves you in a way she cannot enjoy. She has no morals or concepts of limitations. To that end she's like an infant. Do you understand that you're eventually going to break her heart? Granted, you can use the stupid excuse that her reasoning is dumb all day long, it doesn't change the fact." she declared. "A mind like hers is constantly changing and evolving. Learning about the world. Eventually, she's going to turn into a bitter mature adult like you and me. She's already learned what it feels like to suffer, and she's trying to avoid feeling that way again. Eventually, she's going to be crushed again, and it'll hurt worse than before, because now the fear of that pain is in her heart. Do you understand that?" Shiva inquired.

"So, as someone who cares about that bubbly little dumbass, I'm telling you now. If you can't handle her, redirect her focus. Let someone else who can handle her wild mind take the reins. Otherwise, you're begging for a repeat of that one day's events." she declared.

The sands stretched far and wide without end. The mountains now were fading out of view. There was a faint whiff of something in the air that smelled like an odd flavor of sex. Shiva handed Glenn a rebreather. They weren't there yet, but they found the bird's trail. "I'm not trying to be a bitch. But... Take it from me. Sometimes, you gotta get fucked in the ass to get the job done." she declared. The smell was very apparent soon enough. Shiva was looking blushed and Glenn was already erect, his cock resting in the bed her ass made between her cheeks. She lowered the bike down to the ground, resting it and standing up to turn and face Glenn. "Speaking of. We need to eliminate all build up of lust from our bodies before we attempt this. Otherwise we're liable to start fucking each other mid attempt. We're close by, so we have our lead on her. But first... We need to fuck like rabbits." she said with a smirk. "You're slutty enough that I know you're fine with it. So, let's get this over with. Leave your rebreather off as well. The pheromones will draw out our lust. We'll put them back on when it comes time to ride." she declared.

Shiva reared her bottom half back, her ass pressing up against his crotch. The familiar and lovely shape of it bringing back that familiar lust. His hands were gripped with her rough strength, his left brought to her chest, and his right brought to her crotch. His instructions needed no words it seemed, as Shiva merely brought his hands into position to to their work, all while she planted her hands on her knees to move her ass, running his clothed cock between the rounds of her ass under her skirt, which she took off along with her shirt so Glenn could see and touch better.