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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Glenn stared long and hard at Sona as he contemplated the words Shiva told her, before finally returning. "No. She's wrong. Love, kindness... helping people in need... all of that can prevail and make things better... but it isn't a guaranteed. When you crossed that one boundary almost immediately after I asked you not to... it really hurt. It was humiliating, infuriating, and something I absolutely hated. I trusted you and trusted that you'd have more common sense than to do something boneheaded like that... but I don't hate you for it. Same as how I don't hate Aurine for what she's been doing despite how absolutely dreadful some it has been, assuming it is all because of the shard effecting her of course." He commented, glancing at Shiva. The man may have been harsh before about it but the merc girl's dependance on her own shard for that bravado and spunk she had was dangerous. If he could lose his shard so easily than what was to say that the same couldn't happen to her?

"I want nothing more than to put this whole mess behind me and go back to how things were. The last week with you has been one of the best I've had in a long time. Being able to relax and be a greasemonkey was liberating. And you were a great help reading some of those documents and assisting me while I was working on Jill. There is no one I'd rather have at my side at the moment." He told the former mimic, taking her hands into her own against her nervous twitch. "But having my allies keep secrets from me about something important like this whole shard business? How it actually has been turning the personality of one of them into the kind of monstrous person I actually despise and hate? And how my thoughts and choice in this matter were completely ignored for some hidden plan? These are all things that make me miserable and very suspicious of people who I would rather not be suspicious about."
Sona fidgeted in place. "I didn't realize I was doing it though... After doing it together so recently... The thought didn't cross my mind, so... I didn't know what to think. I was even more confused when you began trying to approach me again..." She declared, looking uncertain and very bothered. "Maybe it's because I'm different... Or maybe it's because I didn't have a lot of time to learn how people behave... I'm not really that old, to be honest... If that kind of sense is common... It's new to me..." She said, sounding as if she was afraid any word she spoke might be the wrong one to use. It seemed like talking to him was very difficult for her, in her new state.

"I don't know..." She said with an exhausted face that looked like it couldn't take the thought of worrying anymore. "I just... I can't see things the way you do. When people are nice to me and make me feel welcome, I feel like I can trust them even if they keep secrets. I mean, you seem like you want to do a whole bunch of things I don't know about... And the only reason why I don't trust you is because... Well..." She shifted again, swaying a bit nervously. "Head scien-... Er... Fortmaster Queen, and especially Cleska... They both had... 'A look' on their face, whenever something was in their way. Whenever something annoyed them... It's a scary face... And you had the same face, that expression... The one that they wore before they... Killed a golem that was my friend... Accusing her of all kinds of things, like... A revolt... When I got upset, Penguin said I'd be next, and... She left my restraints free, and I ran away..."

She looked over at Glenn, her face somber. "Right now, I feel like I want to run away again... I even tried, but you came to find me. Even if I'm not the one to be hurt, I don't want to see anyone hurt at all. And I feel like if you were to hurt anyone..." She looked up slowly. Her eyes were directed at Aurine.

Then, she looked to the ground again. "... If you were to hurt anyone... I might never forgive you." She said, her glance casting up at Glenn. And though it was weak, there was a trace of judgement in her eyes.

Shiva rolled her eyes. "What you're feeling, Sona, is called 'instinct'. It's your thought process before actual thought, meant to serve as a defense mechanism. Both for physical and emotional defense. Despite how 'wrong' I am, you should trust that instinct. Unlike you, your instinct does not believe that the world is a place where love triumphs. It's a place where people hate and kill each other. We're on this journey because of Glenn. A journey born through that kind of hatred. His hatred of Aurine, or her current state. Whatever he wishes to call it. He acted on his hatred of your blithe carefree nature before his love of you. Get your heart broken now, Sona, before it's too late. Then you'll mature enough to resist the world's evils." She gestured at Glenn. "Listen to him, get all buddy buddy with him again if you want. But do you think what he dislikes about you is something you can change? You enjoy being childish, as most 'children' do. If you can't... We'll see if that love will prevail. Spoiler warning, it won't. Especially not if you keep that little cock fetish thing you have going with him."

That made Sona fidget again. Shiva mentioning that clearly stirred an old wound and seemed like it made her clam up again. "... Maybe Jill's right about me..." Sona said with a defeated gaze, cast to the ground.

Amidst the negativity, Sphinx's carefree voice echoed, as they stood before the dock for the airships. "A giant box filled with flying boats. Was this our intended destination, master Glenn~?" She purred, her tail swaying slightly. Jill, who had taken the lead, answered. "Traveling by my master's repurposed mode of transportation is preferable to walking. And it will be faster. It will also shorten these conversations that only create more problems for my master." She said, looking even more furious with Sona. Her levels of disdain for the technical sister only increasing. Jill looked at Glenn, but when it seemed very obvious what she wanted to say about Sona, Jill seemed to opt to not say anything at all. Glenn already knew her feelings about Sona, after all. However, it seemed that disdain stretched to Sphinx, but less so. Seemingly due to how she was expecting the Egyptian monster to leave soon.
Throughout her talk to the man about all her worried thoughts Sona's naivete was clearly expressed, and as Glenn listened on he gained a much clearer picture about how she comprehended things. It was simple, straightforward, and childish; he couldn't help but fear for her well being in light of it. Trust by itself wasn't a bad thing, but blind trust certainly was. The next time he had a scare like what happened with Aurine everyone might not be so lucky. And in a troubled thought the man considered the circumstance of a dangerous creature like one of these 'angels' strolling up and acting nice, and then pouncing when everyone was least expecting it. She might not want to believe it, but there were beings like that out there. And blind optimism and friendliness would only go so far.

Glenn followed Sona's gaze toward Aurine when she spoke her weak warning, his eyes softening when he met Sona's own. She clearly hated the idea of conflict and somehow expected him never to get into one. Did she not think he wouldn't defend himself if the need ever arose to? Did she think he would just lie back and take a beating? That he would do nothing more than smile incessantly when these reportedly monstrous beings he was supposed to fight against for the Magi arrived to kill everyone? More frighteningly though, would she? For a moment he went pale at the thought of her naively trying to make nice with something truly dangerous in their midst only to be ripped apart in seconds. If there was ever a place he wanted her to mature a battlefield would not be it.

Amidst the seriousness of the conversation going on he noticed the direction the party had seemingly took towards the airdocks. "Not my first destination but I suppose this order makes more sense." Glenn said towards Sphinx, conceeding to Jill's point that taking the airship would be faster than just walking to their destination. "Should be plenty enough room to hold all of us and then some. And we'll be to Anubis in no time flat. Who knows, maybe Anubis could get Issy to commission a vessel for her once things get sorted out. If she wants. I could always give you guys a ride sometime too if you want." He offered, pulling on Sona somewhat where she stood dejectedly where he still held her hands to help her get going again. If that wasn't enough he would actually opt to walk alongside her with an arm around to get her going. The thought of a more mature and sensible Sona a fascinating thought to the man, and one that he couldn't help but agree with Shiva in his mind that he'd actually like to see.
The Sphinx chuckled at his offer. "Careful you don't make yourself too useful to my lady." She said, one hand on her hip, which swayed slightly as her tail swayed with her alluring yet smooth motions. "She might try to find a way to make you hers permanently~" She cooed at him.

Coming into the hanger, there was a pair of Magi who looked a lot alike. One was a man with hair a lot like his own, and brown in color. The other was a thin girl with long brown hair and modest c-cup breasts. They were the most normal looking people Glenn had the pleasure of interacting with in days, as the pair saw him coming and approached him. Getting a closer look, the familiar appearances they had, despite one being a fair built man and the other a thin built woman, only worsened. It was more than obvious that they were twins. "Are you Doctor Doppler?" the girl inquired with interest, waving him down. Then the man nodded. "We heard from Fortmaster Queen to expect you and have your ship ready, and be ready to escort you if needed. I'm Biggs!" He said with a smile. The girl smiled as well. "I'm Wedge!" The girl introduced herself. Then, the girl, Wedge, continued. "As the ones with the most experience working with those containing the shards of fate, Queen appointed us to aid you, after aiding a certain slime crystal girl thing!" She said, standing tall and saluting him. Biggs did the same, with the same salute. "We also have contacts to the areas of Undine's Temple and the Dwarf Fortress. We're intructed to aid you however we can, sir!" He said. The both of their voices sounding very optimistic.

Glenn would get a feeling that these two seemingly ordinary soldiers had actually seen a lot recently.

"Wow, your hair is so beautiful! And weird!" Wedge declared, coming right up to Sona after the salute, trying to touch Sona's hair, which behaved strangely, like some mix between water and not. Sona, who was looking a bit down, reacted like she didn't know what to do. "W-weird? Uh..." She fidgeted. Meanwhile, Biggs sized up Shiva, before smiling at her. "What a cool looking sword! You look like a badass!" He said, like an enthusiastic fanboy. Shiva was far better at the fawning than Sona, as she folded her arms and smirked. "Yup," was her simple response. "You may have heard of me, I'm Shiva, an infamous merc around here." She boasted. The man shook his head. "Nope! But I believe you!" Biggs chuckled. Shiva then looked a lot more like Sona at that moment, unsure how to feel.

Jill looked to Glenn. "We should utilize their aid, master. I'd prefer it if you had more reliable protection, not that I doubt my own abilities at all." Jill declared in her usual stone tempered voice.
'Doctor? That's a new one.' Glenn thought to himself as he was introduced to the Magi pair waiting in the hanger. Two fairly normal looking people who bore the unmistakable appearance of twins. "Nice to meet you." He offered in response with a nod, silently confirming their take to his identity with no contest. Seemed Isabel wanted to make sure his transportation was prepared in advance and with a formal escort offered. The way they spoke they seemed enthusiastic enough about preforming that duty, and had similar experience doing so for others. The talk of a slime crystal girl raising a brow from the man. As did talk of contacts with some Temple and Fortress they claimed to have. Something to inquire later he supposed.

Hearing Jill's suggestion as Biggs and Wedge made their comments to the others, Glenn could find little fault in the additional party, as much as he wished it would just be a private thing between him and Aurine to sort out. More protection sounded good to the man... speaking of which... "That reminds me... don't let me forget about forging your combat armor. If you're to be in serious combat you're gonna need more than your some clothes and your birthday suit I reckon. You'll need an primary arsenal... and the additional power to back it all up." He said as a request to her before turning his attention back to the Magi pair currently enthralled with Sona and Shiva. Both of whom looked absolutely timid with the Magi response.

A small twist of his mouth later and he reached a decision. "Well no use wasting ya if you're here and ready. Feel free to join us. But fair warning; first stop is the Queen of the Dead." He announced to them, subtly pointing out Sphinx among them with a point of the head. "And afterward we'll be departing to a town south of here, Waymeet it's called, on a few personal matters." He told them, before pausing as curiosity struck him. "You said you two had experience with those containing the shards of fate. It must've been quite... something... given how those things effect people. With or without them..." He inquired offhand gently probing at them to share their experience. If it was anything like what he had to go on these things were instruments that inspired nothing but trouble.
Jill nodded. "Wisdom at last, master. You perform better mentally when speaking only to me." She declared. "I'm not against being your personal assistant for deep thought. Being with the others seems to affect your mental state, introducing corruption to your thought processes and brain waves." Her eyes went red for a moment, before heading to the ship just as they turned blue. "The preparations for the suit have been sent as a request to Isabell to review. I've no doubt she will have a response when we return." Jill announced.

Wedge would let out a chuckle when he mentioned the Queen of the Dead, while Biggs looked nervous. "Ah, of course." Biggs began. "Whenever you're around a Chosen, something frightening happens..." He said. Wedge shrugged. "No kidding. Come to think of it, this shard case looks a lot more tame than the last one. The previous owner died and turned into that new form. Maybe..." She hummed, and Biggs nodded. "Maybe, but I think it's too early to assume that chosen undergo some great transformations. It might be coincidence." It seemed like the two of them were talking amongst themselves at that point. Wedge nodded, wearing a serious expression as she rose a finger of thought. "Is it? When we saw her as Kala, she was radically different from before. I think there has to be some kind of change in body and personality." Wedge offered. Biggs glanced at Glenn. "This shard might make it's owner obsessed with the color brown..." He noted, looking at Glenn's attire. Wedge chuckled. "Biggs, you didn't read the paper again. The shard's in the blue haired girl." Biggs gave a surprised look, offering a gesture with his hand at Glenn. "Ah, my bad."

"*The* shard?" Aurine seemed to speak aloud. Then she glanced at Shiva, who offered a quick and silent wink.

Biggs and Wedge came to the ship's entrance, offering to let everyone in and close the door with a single button press that wasn't there before, the hatch then closing on it's own and the interior with an even more sleek and white plastic look. The sound their boots made on the floor had a very strange yet appealing sound that made the ship sound insulated and safe. As if giving the illusion that it could survive that storm from when he first crashed into the ocean. When he'd be directed to the pilot's seat, a voice came alive and spoke to him with a powerful feminine tone.

"Welcome, Master Doppler... Please take a moment to sit down and become familiar with the control scheme assigned to this vessel. For now, you are assigned to guided input. I will ensure a safe flight while you steer the ship. When I feel you have become comfortable with flying on your own, I will prompt you to disable guided input. You may reenable guided input at any time, such as when you wish to take a break from flight and get some tea in the back of the vessel."

Hearing the voice, Sona became visibly shaken. "I just remembered a lot of things I didn't want to..."

The panel he had remembered was like a dream now, as the pilot's seat was now facing a circular design, allowing him to turn in his seat and reach switches, levers and panels like the ones the magi often used to touch without having to sit up out of his seat to reach them. It was complete with two large orbs for his hands to place upon. For now, touching them did nothing, the orbs were two floating masses of metal that pushed against his hand as he attempted to push or pull them. Just from the sutble sounds the ship made, he could tell that the left was for momentum and yaw, and the right was for spinning and lifting up and down. The seat Jill sat in was similar to his, except when she tested her controls, he saw a cannon appear right overhead from within the ship, turning with her motions with such fluid speed that it seemed like her aiming arc was intimidatingly large. While doing this, her eyes were concentrated red... Turning blue only to look at him. "Calibration complete, master." She said. "The red lever controls energy flow. The further you pull it in, the more energy the ship is losing to power the engines. Once you pull that in, lift up on the left orb to activate the ventral thrusters. The ship will fly up. Don't worry about crashing into anything. Then, hit the green button to pull in the landing gear. Then, push forward on the orb to fly. Pilots often say it always feels strange your first time, given the magnetic controls, but you will get used to it in time." She assured him.

Biggs spoke up in the back. "Shiva, aren't you gonna put your seatbelt on?" he inquired.

"I've been a passenger to Glenn's driving before. It's slightly more dangerous than walking. Not worried at all." Shiva replied.

"Wearing a seatbelt makes me feel more excited for some reason." Sona spoke up.

Wedge laughed aloud. "Aurine can't get her seatbelt on!"

Aurine cursed in the back. "It's too small! What fool made this!?"

Sphinx mewed with amusement. "Perhaps you should be milked to reduce your... Volume~?"

Shiva called out, "Glenn, your cow needs some release!"

"Shut up, clown!" Aurine hissed.
Glenn didn't learn much concerning Wedge and Bigg's experiences with the chosen, save for one involving someone named Kala. One who had died then returned as something and someone else. Was that yet another thing the shards did to people? Transform them further upon death? He tried not to let a scowl form on his face at this knowledge but it was hard to oppose it. More and more these shards sounded like maddening items of corruption and evil to him. Whose only real prize on the surface was whatever ample power could be drawn from them by those who overcame or weathered it's effects. When gestured at over the misunderstanding Glenn offered a small pleasant acknowledgement towards Bigg's but said nothing more. Though he did internally echo the same sentiment that Aurine gave when it seemed the Magi pair only knew about her having a shard but not the deal with it nor of Shiva's own fragment.

Upon entering the airship after being ushered in by the magi pair surprise took over the man, replacing whatever was left of his previous scowl. "Oh... you can talk now. That's gonna take some getting used to." Glenn commented, fairly sure the last time he had taken the airship for a test flight that there had been no such voices. After being given a talk by both the ship's AI and Jill the man frowned a little. "Thanks but this isn't the first time I've flown this vessel. I remember how to do it... sort of..." He assured them as he took his seat got used to where and what the controls were again. '20%-25% thrust should be enough for now. We aren't going that far.' The man figured, adjusting the red lever as such before slowly lifting the left orb to take off. Once they were high enough he'd retract the landing gear and then level out the orb and press forward to be on their way. "Computer... passive target Anubis and display as a navigation point. Give me current distance and heading towards the target." He commanded, before falling into the routine of controlling the ship.

Against the sounds of the vessel sailing as he piloted it, and above the chatting of his companions onboard, Glenn's thoughts turned back to the shards once again. What was it Shiva had said to him back in his room? She said his soul wasn't compatible with that shard of his didn't she? They didn't meld. It wouldn't corrupt his mind nor body but he could still draw from it's power. It puzzled him, that didn't sound like the kind of thing he needed to be protected from. So why not just let him have and use his shard instead of subjecting another to it's influence? Seemed like a lot of effort to go through just to shield one man over a shard that didn't effect him.

'What if it wasn't just one shard?' Came a thought bubbling to the surface. One that lingered in his mind and didn't seem to fade away. One that sounded far more viable a reason to keep him and others from learning about it for as long as possible if it were true. His scowl faded then, replaced by troubled contemplation that such thoughts could inspire combined with the dream he remembered from before. "Couldn't be..." He muttered under his breath, a part of him doubting that was the reason for all the troubles he was going through. 'Surely I'm thinking too deep into this. I guess I'll really find out what's up when I talk to the Crow after this.'
Glenn's comment derived a response. First, the window in front of him began to light up with all kinds of information, including his altitude, angle with the ground, and position in relation to the Magi hangar. The other information that was present was somewhat there, like the compass, but most everything else was removed in favor of Magi tech.

(Music - )

"Yes, I apologize for any discomfort. I have fit myself into every pipe and vein of this vessel ever since I was put into it. It is a strange vessel with it's pill-like shape. Not one I am used to based on my creation." She declared. "Are you certain that you can fly this vessel? The design has changed greatly, and the Magi control scheme takes time getting used to. As a safety precaution, I shall enable my guidance to ensure no crashes occur." She said.

Contrary to the physical, manual control from before, the... Orb control scheme was far different. However, it was incredibly responsive and easy to get used to. As if he was moving the vessel with his Will alone. He'd find that an untested movement he made would make it feel like he was going to send the ship spinning, but it was quickly suppressed. The artificial soul was making good on ensuring that Glenn would not make an error. And after a bit of fiddling, he quickly got the hang of it. The size of the vessel was no issue, only the new controls. Quickly, he'd find his vessel capable of things it never was before. It could float, reverse in mid air, and probably flip too, if he didn't have a bunch of passengers to anger. It was as if it was the Magi's statement about defying the rules of Nature.

With target set, Glenn felt a tingle from his hands that went through his arms and reached his mind, giving his brain a tickle that felt oddly pleasant. With that, the ship turned on it's own to where he remembered Anubis to be.

"Course set. Proceeding at a casual speed.
Target: Anubis, Lord of the Dead and the Ruined Sands.
Distance: One point six Strides, at one-hundred, thirty seven degrees.

Sona's voice came from the back. "It's actually about one-hundred forty."

Jill waved her hand. "Do not listen to a discontinued model, master. Continue set course." She declared, as the ship sailed away at a fair pace. Then, Sona let out an unhappy groan in the back.

"What's one-hundred-whatever mean?" Aurine spoke up.

"Wow, really?" Shiva replied. "It's a direction." Wedge followed up. "Didn't ya know?" Biggs dealt the finishing blow.

Aurine scoffed. "Ok, I'm sorry we don't talk about science and numbers in Typhoon Sucking Atlantis. Go to Hell. And fuck this seatbelt! I'm done!" Aurine said angrily. A glance back would reveal, her breasts were indeed an issue. It might have fit between her breasts, but the angle seemed uncomfortable for one of her size.
Confident that the ship's autopilot had things handled, he released his hold of the controls with a guided motion. Feeling that tingle attached to him break as the controls shifted fully under the ship's command. After giving it a moment to settle, he turned back see the aftermath of the ruckus his companion's chat had made. Sighting the unhappy looks that both Sona and Aurine were giving off. "I'm surprised this thing has physical seat belts. I would've expected harnesses made out of magic for all Issy espouses. Now that I think about it though... what's the plan if we start going down?" Glenn prompted questioningly. Though right after asking it he rolled his eyes. "Let me guess. Controlled landing and if that fails some kind of emergency escape saucers that can slide under our feet? Glide us down to safety in case of catastrophic failure. I guess that would beat an old fashion parachute or some kind of slowfall magic." The man commented while shaking his head. It was mostly a joke but he wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't that far from the truth.

"What do they talk about in this Atlantis place? That's where you served as a clergywoman right?" Glenn asked shifting the topic away from the talk of seat belts and crash landings. "It's not all psalms and ceremonies is it? Because that sounds uhh... not so lively. Or fun."
The machine was quick to respond.

"I recognize that the gesture of rolling ones eyes is a passive-aggressive response to an undesirable situation or person. But I'm afraid I do not know how to respond. So, I will merely answer your question, I apologize if I offend. But, so long as we have magical reserves, a safe landing is assured. Flying while low on spiritual energy can mean disaster, but so long as the pilot is capable of weaving, you will be able to undergo safe landing procedures as ensuring the protection of Magi technology and prevention of enemy acquisition is paramount. You must never leave behind Magi tech.

If I am damaged during the process of emergency descent, all pilots are trained with the ability to land their own air craft and ensure it does not fall into hostile hands.

No one seemed to pay too much mind to the speech the robot went on about emergency landings and enemy possession of Magi tech. So much so that Glenn speaking up about Atlantis brought up an immediate reply. "Ugh..." Aurine grimace when he asked about her previous area of service. "I wish I could tell you the great story of Atlantis, the one that was once spoken of with romance and wanderlust in heart. But you're actually almost right on the money. Long ago Atlantis used to be a very wonderful place. When I was a little girl, while humans were still not permitted within our pearl city, we were encouraged to seek them out, blessing sailors in return for good behavior on the humans part. No fishing, no underwater invasions... But one day, Heaven took a stance and noticed that we and the humans of the coast were friendly. Mermaids started to be hunted and sacrificed, their scales torn from their bodies to be used in the religious ceremonies of those winged abominations... But Atlantis didn't opt into becoming the good guy of the whole ordeal. Instead, the Queen and Poseidon both agreed to respond to zeal, with zeal. Now, all denizens of the deep have been coached and instructed to attack all interlopers. In conjunction with the barrier the angels set around this land, the hostility of Atlantis around it has rendered travel by sea dangerous, and attempts to leave impossible. I always had the feeling that this reaction was the one those slimy angels wanted. They essentially got free extra guards for their precious barrier."

"So, no. It's not a lively or fun place. Religion is in practice every living moment within the city. And the people worship Poseidon since the humans are regarded as frightening murderers, and being wary of other mamono isn't anything new for anyone, Atlantis or not. I was breaking the rules the moment I first spoke to you, but that was the plan... I suppose." Aurine said with a sigh, looking out of one of the windows.

A familiar sight came into view as the robot spoke up. "We have almost arrived at our destination." She said, as the clear sight of Anubis and her seemingly growing masses of bandaged and tanned monsters were starting to look like a small army. Certainly more forces than she had before.
"The more I hear about these angels the more there is I don't like. And the happier I am that I didn't crash further out." Glenn commented at Aurine's tale of Atlantis as he leaned back in the pilot seat. If he had ever any inkling of exploring the sea he certainly didn't have that itch now. The only reason really would have been for recovering the ship and Aurine had already seen to that. Though didn't she say she pulled strings to get his ship back? Or did things? If she was breaking the rules as she said more rule breaking would have just been a given at that point with how this Atlantis place sounded to be run. That did make him think that perhaps there were some more bodies added to the water though, given what little he was shown of Aurine's nature.

Sitting up as the computer chimed it's notice the man noted the growing horde of creatures assembling where Anubis could clearly be seen. A literal army now compared to the small entourage she had before. That she could gather that out of a vast seemingly empty desert was pretty telling. "Very good. Find a spot close to the main gathering with Anubis and set us down slowly if you would." Glenn told the ship, stepping out of his seat to prepare to meet the lord of the dead once more. Though what he was going to say to her really he didn't know. They were mostly there to drop off Sphinx after all.

Once the vessel had safely landed Glenn would step out, presumingly with anyone who wanted to disembark for however briefly along with Sphinx. At which point he would approach Anubis alongside Sphinx. "Uh... greetings your majesty! I trust I'm not interrupting anything too important?" He began with a slight bow, feeling things out and glancing at the crowd before continuing. "I'm afraid I've come with some bad news. I... won't be around for that meeting with Isabel you wanted me to attend. There is a personal matter that I'm dealing with currently so I won't be able to attend." He told her while hoping that news wouldn't be taken badly. Though if what Sphinx said about her wanted to secretly appeal to him was true perhaps his expectations were lower than he should have been.
Wedge was the one to answer the bit about angels. "Well, glad to have you aboard the opinion against angels, Doctor Doppler! Unless you're a member of The Order or an angel yourself, it's not so outlandish to dislike them. Since odds are, they dislike you! With all the mamono around you sir, there's no doubt you'd be struck down for their awful ideals of heresy."

Once landed, Glenn walked out of the ship along with the rest of the passengers, none seemed keen on staying inside. This of course had Sphinx walking out and towards Anubis, who was sitting on a throne placed on top of a wide square base with four handles that four mummies were holding up, empty eyed looking women that wore bandages and little else, with plenty of skin showing around certain areas to reveal that while they did not look alive, they looked like the freshness of their skin was comparable to that of the living. They had just finished setting her down for Anubis to walk down from her throne. "I see you're returning with my pet. And of course, I'm hardly too busy for a visit from you, Glenn~" She cooed. "I only wonder, why did my pet end up in your company?" She inquired.

This was when Sphinx kneeled before Anubis, and hugged her leg. "It was quite horrible, my lady Anubis! I was simply trying to secure that oversized magical chicken like you said, before Glenn and that silver haired woman stopped me! I have come to report that Glenn acts against your will and holds no desire to work together with you!" She professed, twisting events into a different view. An act that had Shiva growling. "Fucking cat!" She exclaimed outwards.

Anubis looked up at Glenn upon hearing this news, grabbing Sphinx by the back of her neck, which caused her to freeze up, before Anubis outright began to levitate towards Glenn, holding Sphinx by her neck with ease. She floated towards him until she got close to him, close enough that she could strike him with her cane if she wanted to...

However, that was not what she did. Instead, she used her hand on Sphinx to slam the tan girl's face into the dirt while bending herself forward and taking a knee before Glenn. "I understand." She began. "You have canceled the plans to attend because my pet has done you wrong. I deeply apologize for her behavior. She does not act according to my desires, she only acts on her own whims at times. If you will give me a chance to redeem myself in your eyes, I can show you that I can be a valuable woman to call your ally. All I ask for is redemption in some form. Name it now, and I assure you that I'm capable of it, by my honor as Anubis." She declared, her eyes on the ground.

Sphinx seemed to be holding still. Breathing and conscious, but it seemed that Anubis was bearing her weight down on the legendary beast's head. Shiva and the others dropped their guard as Anubis finished her words, before Shiva herself looked at Glenn. "Well, the Queen of the Dead is asking you for forgiveness." Shiva declared to Glenn.

"I'm asking you to forgive me as well, Shiva. You were with Glenn when my foolish pet bothered you. I do not hold favorites when it comes to those I have wronged. And since it was my pet, it's also my responsibility to own to my pet's foolishness. Her mistake is my own." Anubis replied, her face still aimed at the ground.

Shiva held her hand out. "Make me some meat then."

Anubis lifted her staff without looking, directing it to Shiva's hand as a very similar meat on bone that he had seen before was created right onto Shiva's open palm. She gripped it, and grinned. "Forgiven." She said, biting into the meat.

"Thank you," Anubis replied, before her ears angled towards Glenn. Listening, but not looking.
Glenn's mood quickly matched his companion's at the apparent betrayal that Sphinx set upon them as soon as they approached Anubis. The catgirl claiming ill from them at stopping her when it was she that had dropped in on her, and at him being against working with the desert royalty. His eyes narrowed in annoyance at her, whipping after toward Anubis to gauge her reaction to the false news she was fed. Following her eyes as she approached him with the catgirl in her grip until she was a few feet from him. Not sure what to make of her stance in the moments it took, but really hoping that he wasn't about to be screwed over by Sphinx deciding to have more fun with him and his group.

Thankfully that wasn't the case as Anubis clearly showed, what with her introducing Sphinx to the dirt with one hand, and resting her other hand as she bent a knee to an apology. The man relaxed somewhat then. It wasn't something he was fully expecting, her desire to make up for her servant's antics giving more credence to what the catgirl had said before about her, while also explaining a lot about said catgirl with the apology's explanation. 'Definitely leaving her in a net next time.' He thought to himself unsure of what to make of the royal mamono's offer while Shiva took little time to ask for a stick of meat as payment for forgiveness.

"That's really not necessary... you don't have to 'redeem' yourself to me." Glenn stressed with a dismissing motion of both hands, knowing that at least partially Anubis really might believe he was hiding the preface for him being unable to attend the meeting. "If things were different I'd be attending this meeting between you and Isabel... honest! But I really need to take care of this thing of mine. W-we can sit down over a drink and discuss things sometime later if you're concerned what we can do for each other." He offered as reassurance, knowing full well what he was setting up with such a statement. "Though I suppose if you feel you really must do something at this very moment then uh... maybe something simple like a... hug?" He said glancing at Shiva again as she chewed her summoned meal.
Glenn's request was claimed to be simple, but all the girls in his company, he could hear them react with a start upon his request. They gasped, and made audible noises of surprise. Even Jill, who made a noise like, "Ah...?" upon hearing what he said. There was surprise on Anubis' side as well, but they looked happier and more excited. There were child sized tanned girls with golden, beetle-like features that were smiling. The mummies didn't seem to care, and Sphinx herself covered her mouth and nose with a paw from the shock.

Anubis herself, her tall figure standing over Glenn's own, looked down at him with eyes wide and mouth open. Shock was also prevalent on her own face. Though it didn't last long, before she grinned. "Well... I... I assume you aren't familiar with the customs of these parts, but what you said was quite shocking to all of us." She declared.

Shiva spoke up while eating. "Hugging a woman from the golden sands is the same as declaring that you'll accept a marriage proposal. A woman hugging you is declaring a proposal." She said, without really showing more than her general shock. Though she seemed to be more enjoying the meat than shocked at this point.

Though, Anubis then changed her expression from shock into a grin. She composed herself quickly, and smiled down on Glenn. "Alright... I shall grant your wish, Glenn." She declared at last. Her presence was overwhelming, So much so that Glenn would forget how to move, as this fate approached him. First, it was her breasts that were enough to overfill his hands if groped. They touched his chest, and the nipples within poked against him, making their presence known. Then, her arms and massive paws wrapped around him, making him feel like he was groped by a massive beast. Her presence was warm, relaxing his muscles as if she brought the heat of the desert with her. It felt like it would be easy to relax or get lost into such a hug. The only thing that distracted from all this, was the sound of Aurine's teeth grinding behind him.
Almost immediately after he gave his suggestion the man felt the mood around him change significantly. The various people adopting looks of surprise as well as noises of it. Even Anubis seemed affected, though it quickly changed to something less shocked and more happy. To which the Glenn learned why when Shiva explained it between bites of her meal. 'Wait... really? You've got to be kidding me... He thought, tensing up as his own body reacted into surprise at the news. And here he thought suggesting meeting up later over drinks might be opening up himself up to something. Who could have guessed a hug would be asking for trouble?

He was still tense as the royal mamamo approached him, intent on fulfilling his 'wish' as well as capitalizing on her luck. Just being in her presence was enough to immobilize the man, and he found his eyes fixed mostly to her own. Occasionally glancing downward as the feeling of her body impacted his own. Her bust pressing into his chest where they touched, and where she squeezed him towards herself. Her arms and paws capturing him in a beastly hug that was overpoweringly... comfy. It was really comfy... as if he were being gently warmed by her presence leaking into him like the heat of the sands. It was impossible for his body to remain stiff with such a feeling pervasively surrounding him, and his muscles practically became putty after a few moments in.

Looking up into the eyes of Anubis, Glenn let out a small laugh. "If a hug is a proposal around here I'm afraid to ask what a kiss would be..." He gave in comment trying to make light of this misunderstanding and where it had led. With Anubis so close and overpowering, the man found himself fighting off the urge to return the hug he was receiving. Her relaxing warmth practically imploring him to get lost within it. As it was he was rather close to losing, with his fingers gracing dangerously close to the royal mamono's thighs. With only the sense of a certain sea bishop nearby being an outside temper to embracing her along with his willpower. As he drifting further in his thoughts something occurred to the man. "You know... I realize I don't even know your name. Or Sphinx's for that matter. I don't think I missed them before...?" He questioned himself with a bit of doubt, unable to recall if it ever came up. He was pretty sure he didn't know it since he only ever recalled referring to them as something else.
Glenn would find his gaze returned with authority. Inside of Anubis' eyes, he saw a timeless wisdom. The kind of expression that held boundless years of experience and looking at one another. For however nervous he was, he's soon realize he was gazing at a woman who's gazed at countless other faces. Including the bodies wrapped in bandage carrying her. Each mummy a person, each person with a face, someone whom she knew and spoke to. The words and actions to follow their meeting of eyes leading them to serving Anubis even in death. With their bodies touching, her eyes adjusted, just one flick of motion, when he asked what a kiss would mean. Anubis leaned in close, her lip close to his ear as she whispered. Her breath was warm, yet comforting. As if the desert winds were blowing in his ear not as a wave of heat to warn trespassers, but as a heat meant to tire and relax. "Don't be afraid to ask for a kiss. I'm not so conceited that I wouldn't be aware of the gap in customs. Though, I don't mind if the others believe otherwise..." Anubis let out a low, sensual chuckle. Such that the vibrations of her voice could be felt through his own via their touching bodies.

"My name is as you know it. I am Anubis. But, my Sphinx's name, since you asked so, is Aziza. Though only I call her by that name. She is known to all as Sphinx. Best call her such except in private terms to avoid confusion." She advised him. Then, one of her paws drifted down, her keen sight seemingly picking up on his latent desire to return the hug as he found his arm forced into doing so. Coming forth and touching on that sweet spot between her thigh and her rump. His index and middle fingers were pushed out by the rising hill of her posterior. Her skin felt tough yet still pliable, harder to grope unlike most women he's had the pleasure of touching as of late. "A kiss would mean that you share a great passion for the other party. It's often shared between family members, and carries a different meaning depending on who you kiss. Kisses often occur before hugs, but don't worry about being out of order." She said with amusement. "Groping someone is also normally only done between lovers in their private space. I just felt like driving my point home, I'm sure you understand. Feel free to touch me as much as you'd like. I won't act a fool, and you seem to want to anyway. I'm interested in you, Glenn, so feel free to allow your hands to get used to my shape." Anubis offered, meanwhile Glenn's fears remained somehow unrealized. Anubis glanced, and as her eyes looked, his instincts became interested in what she was looking at. In the reflection of her eyes, or the corner of his vision, Aurine was turned away, choosing to ignore the sight and contain her anger.

With a smirk, she pushed up against him, showing that she would not be the one to end the embrace. Her other arm pushed his other hand forth. Limply if he so chose not to grope, his hands would still be touching her thighs and rounded, brown cheeks. She seemed keen on her point of him indulging himself. But a firm yank would set himself free. His peers were drawing different reactions. Biggs and Wedge were back in the ship, unaware and ready to go. Shiva was smirking at him knowingly. And Sona was giving excited looks of arousal and would provide a thumbs up if glanced at. Meanwhile the Sphinx was pursing her lips in an upset manner.
"Is that so?" Glenn responded briefly upon learning of the two mamono's names. One of the few safe things the man could accomplish given his current condition as he continued to be held in the grasp of Anubis, her body pressed firmly to his own. Feeling hotter now after her whispers into his ear and the pleasant sensation it had provided. Which was soon followed by the undeniable feeling of her firm skin as her paws guided his hands to lay upon her more fully. If his urge before then to return her embrace was troublesome it had rapidly become dangerous. His own body rousing with the close contact they shared, stirring betraying thoughts within him. Though even with the threat of Aurine losing it, his resistance to those thoughts were eroding more and more. And the seemingly positive reactions of Shiva and Sona weren't helping to fortify it.

A further closing of the distance between them broke it even further. His fingers traveling slightly for a moment before digging it just the same. The smirking gaze from Anubis becoming too much for the man as he glanced away. 'When are you going to invite happiness into your life? Aren't you tired? Wouldn't it be easier to just... give... in...?' He shut his eyes at the outwardly thoughts in discomfort but action betrayed him further. A hand of his smoothing up and tracing Anubis' lower back. And when his sight returned to Anubis whatever was left of his resistance melted off his features. "Ahh... screw it..." He whispered quietly with a small smile, before pulling her into a tight embrace. Closing his eyes at the enjoyable feeling of the hug they shared.

Eventually he would have to pull away, at least out of the deeper part of the hug. And when he did, glancing towards the others; the afflicted Aurine and pouty Sphinx mainly, something occurred to him. "Anubis... you're a holder of fate's power aren't you? I don't suppose you know how to nullify the corruption they cause to people who wield them?" He inquired, glancing towards Aurine right after and directing his hand towards her. Perhaps the royal mamono would know something from her ancient knowledge that could help the sea bishop. "She hasn't had the best of time since getting one. And if you could help her then I suppose... leaving wouldn't really be necessary anymore..."
Anubis closed one eye into a wink when she was embraced by Glenn. From where she held his hands, he felt his fingers dig into her plush rounded flesh of her posterior. A bottom that truly was used to sitting down based on how soft and plush it was. Though, when he did pull away, Anubis let out this most soft, faint noise... That sounded somewhat like disappointment that he didn't go further. "I am." She replied, confirming she held one of the shards as well. "Many throw various words around, and I suppose corruption is one of them. But, the shards, keep in mind, are from a God's soul. They're not grand fabrications, they're literally part of a god's being. So more than just raw power, you've inherited someone's soul into your own. And it has changed the world around you. Though, as I understand it..." She glanced at Sphinx. "You wanted the soul inside of your own body? That process is complicated and requires a great amount of skill and concentration. Both of which I possess. I wish I could convince you to give that shard to me, but I can tell by the glimmer in your eyes that I will get nowhere... But nullify is actually a good word for it. As there is no 'cure' for the soul other than absorption or oblivion. Whatever it's effects are, I can weave something up to take care of the issues." She said, indicating a paw at both Glenna and Aurine.

Aurine cast a confused gaze at her. "What? Why did you indicate Glenn as well?" She asked. "I took the shard out of him completely, I made sure I did." She indicated.

Anubis shrugged, laughing. "The soul is an adaptive thing. And within him, it has resided for a long time, changing and altering his life. Most who are subject to the shard's whims don't even realize the changes themselves. It happens, and then they exist. Glenn here, has already been changed. Just as you have. And the solution is to revoke that change. The same way it happened in the first place. I will alter your souls, however you would like. I can make you happier, or more naive if you desire your innocence back. I can remove bad memories, and otherwise reshape your soul as you desire me to." She declared, before pushing forward a little bit, her nipples outright digging into his skin as if making a demand as the soft flesh of her breast squished around the point of contact. Not overwhelming, Anubis did still have a more modest chest than his companions. "But such a feat is far from easy. Glenn... That crow will do as she likes, but I can do whatever you'd like me to. All that I ask is for another favor... First, is that you forgive my pet of her foolish transgression on the terms that she will never repeat them on my honor. Second..." Glenn could see her try to resist the urge, but couldn't help but see a bit of her tongue stick out from her lips. "These terms are just between us." She declared, before leaning in and whispering in such a way that he didn't even hear her voice, yet somehow his mind did, and translated it as words.

"Become my man. I won't interfere with your ambitions or lead you astray. You have my word. What I ask... Is that your life remains open to me. You will never turn me down as I enter into your home, you will never refuse me into your bed, and you will become immortally bound to me, such that we will always know where each other are. Become mine, and I will solve all of your problems this very day. Such will be the Royal Wife's duty, to relieve her man of his woes."

Aurine was stepping forth, looking agitated, before Anubis' eyes began to glow like the sun. All Aurine let out was a panicked "Hey!" before Glenn felt what seemed to be a whisk of wind from all around him. He was too overcome by the glow of her eyes that provided perhaps a needless reminder that she was near a form of deity to notice that his surroundings had changed. The air was cool, but not uncomfortably so. The sun's light shined, but didn't heat or burn his skin. They stood on a flat plane of sand, which flowed around them without disturbing the hairs on his skin. As far as he could tell, this was an unknown place without any of the others nearby. "I just wanted your answer privately." Anubis said with a smile. Her presence in this place felt large and grand, more so beyond just her height over his. He felt magic threads dig into his arms, making them move on their own. His hand over her bottom slowly brushed deeper, slipping under her clothes until he could just barely feel the tip of his middle finger touch her rear entry. His other hand was reaching up, lifting the cloth veil over her chest upwards to reveal her large breasts and pink nipples upon brown flesh. It's unclear when, but they had grown to match Aurine and Sona's sizes, perhaps a bit bigger even so. "Hope you don't mind... I gathered enough to know you prefer them larger." She declared. Then, she grinned, as he felt the threads release once his hand had fully groped one of her breasts. Able to move once more. "I don't mind waiting for your answer. Perhaps you will think more clearly after addressing your lust?" She inquired, her right pawed hand moving to grapple at his lower clothing. He could feel them being undone. If he did nothing, Anubis seemed like she'd press until they were doing the deed.