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Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Rohn quickly spotted some activity between the gates and the camp, resolving into the drow from earlier in the morning sprinting towards the now open gate, harassed by a few orc archers, but nothing was actually chasing him. He made it out of their range after a few near misses, catching up just as Rohn and the guard were dragging Deagon through the gates. "What's he doing outside the fort?" He asked, looking the unconscious man up and down as he was carried.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"Got a little over-zealous fighting the orcs and decided to bring his sword to them. Did a fair job of putting some down, though." She actually seems a little wary, given the way they parted earlier, not to mention he was being shot at and she remembered her promise to the (apparently) acting lady-in-charge.

Feeling a throb shoot through her arm, her hand shakes and Deagon's bottom half drops even lower. Grunting, she does her best to heft him up again. "Mind taking a leg? The sooner we put him down, the better."
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

From his groggy state, Deagan lifted his head, looking drowsy, and almost lost. He looks slowly from the man helping to bring him along, and back to Rohn, squinting his eyes a little at her, blinking a few times to try and help clear his vision before barely recognizing the beauty. And when he did, a small, goofy grin appeared on his face, "I lost... Count..." he said in a quiet whisper to Rohn, before licking his dry, cracked lips, and swallowing some of the blood in his mouth, before his smile turned into a frown, and his head hung limply. "Stay with me... won't you...?" he requested of Rohn, his arm showing a little strength when his hand gave her a small squeeze, although it did tremble a little, along with his whole body, shaking from the pain in his body.

A part of him wanted to explain why he wanted Rohn's company, but, as groggy as he was, the words eluded him. And the reason soon followed, until he began to question why himself. Perhaps the company of a handsome woman? Or perhaps he was afraid to wake alone? To open his eyes after a long rest, to find himself in isolation asides from the many other wounded, who likely wouldn't be in much of a talkative mood. And worse yet, what if she refused? Deagan couldn't think of a reason why she would, he was almost certain the woman at least had a little of a fancy for him, but the fear still existed in his mind. And something Deagan did realize in his state, was that he had developed a respect for the woman, like a sort of friendship. And not to mention, he had developed a fancy for the warrior woman himself...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Ako'orzyne shrugs and helps her with a leg. "Stupid of him, we have walls for a reason." He says with a smirk, as if he thought himself funny. He quieted down once Deagon moved however, raising an eyebrow during the little scene. "Sounds like you've got an admirer." He comments with a dry chuckle.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

((I apologize for the following wall o' text. I got inspired.))

Rohn seems surprised to hear Deagan speaking, but she also seems immensely relieved to be doing so, even if it is briefly. She seems ready to reply with "Guess that means I win," as a tease to his losing count but it's lost as she hears his request. Of course, she has her own reasons for heading to the infirmary, but he doesn't need to be worried about that. He may at least have the relief of seeing her nod and a quiet "I will," before she grits her teeth and focuses on getting him there.

The drow might catch her shooting a look in his direction as he calls Deagan her admirer, maybe scowling, maybe just that the thought hadn't struck her that way. Then her eyes narrow a little. "I seem to recall seeing you jogging up from outside as well." She gives him a rather pointed look and then concentrates on getting Deagan through the doors.

The infirmary itself was a crowded, busy place. Most were here due to the volleys from the catapults and some, like her, due to arrows that had managed to find their mark. A quick look around told her that a lucky few would be walking out of here on their own accord but from the moaning and wailing of the others, the night might be something of a test for them.

Finding an open bed, they get him settled for the moment, the conscripted soldier barely sticking around to hear Rohn's "Thank you" before he heads back out. Whether the drow stays or not is up to him, and despite her earlier words, she does give him a quiet "And thanks to you, too."

Glancing around, those that were tending to the wounded seemed fairly busy, but she did manage to catch the eye of one of the healers. In the meantime, the least she could do would be make him comfortable while he waited. Leaning down close, she reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Gonna get you out of that armor so they can have a look at you. I won't let anything happen to it in the meantime, all right?" Given his...former status...she didn't want him upset at finding his things gone or having them taken from him. And thankfully, her time assisting other mercenaries gave her some knowledge in getting people into and out of metal armor with little difficulty. Of course, Deagan lying down made things somewhat difficult, but once the healer joined them, things became a little easier.

Leaving the woman to her task of assessing the wounded paladin, Rohn glanced around, finding an unoccupied stool to drag over beside his bed. As she set it down, she hissed out a curse, turning her hand over to see the blood that had trickled its way down her arm. Reaching inside her armor to get at the cloth, she brought out a patch that looked wet with fresh blood, something that didn't go unnoticed by the healer either. Calling over another woman to help, the two insisted that she have her shoulder looked at then and there. Putting the other woman back on Deagan, she submitted to the other tugging her out of her leather, scrunching up her face each time her shoulder was jostled. Underneath, her shirt was sticky with both old and new blood and the healer soon divested her of that, too, so as to get a look at the wound proper. Crossing her other arm over her chest in a simple bit of modesty, she let the other hang at her side while she was cleaned and stitched, given a bit of wrapping, and told to not stress the wound as much as she was able.

Aye, you tell the orcs no more fighting until I'm patched up. Good luck with that. She giggled at that thought, accepting a fresh shirt, courtesy of her healer. Once she'd gotten into that with minimal effort, she leaned back against the wall, her attention now able to be fixed solely on the warrior lying beside her.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The medic, after taking most of his armor off, leaving him in naught but his shirt and pants, she stopped moment at the size of what lay underneath the armor. Looking at Deagan's build helped explain a great deal how he could carry so much weight around, his full body armor, and his oversized weapon, without seeming to bother him too much, or hinder his movements.

"He's a big one..." the woman said mostly to herself, before starting her search for what ailed him, eventually lifting up his shirt, and revealing a massive bruise covering the majority of the front of his body. The woman gasped at such a sight, drawing one of her hands back in repulsion, "It's a miracle he's still alive! Something this powerful should have crushed his bones." she announced. And to her announcement, Deagan rustled a little from where he lay, which surprised her further, "... He's conscious to? This has to be the work of a miracle!"

The woman continued her work, however, and the most she seemed to do was examine him, rather than heal him. She shook her head on several occasions when she tried to draw conclusions, until she finally shrugged, unable to find out what she could do, "Most of his injuries are internal..." she said, glancing at Rohn to indicate that she was no longer speaking to herself, but to the woman who seemed to legitimately care for the paladin's welfare.

And on the next note, she turned about, and snapped her fingers at one of the assistants about, "Ice! Wrapped in a cloth! Ask one of the mages if we're out!" she ordered, and the sheepish looking man who she caught quickly nodded, giving the blue, bruised belly of Deagan a second glance, before running off, and coming back with a large bundle of cloth, which was very cold to the touch.

The woman took the bundle, and dismissed the man, telling him to assist someone else who very likely needed him, before taking a length of relatively soft wood, placing it in his mouth, binding his wrists to the wooden sides of the bed, and finally placing the bundle on Deagan's stomach. And once she did, trying to use the bundled ice to help stop the blood flow to all the broken veins, and stop the swelling, Deagan gave a violent, painful reaction, the binds she had placed on his wrists a moment ago holding him down, and preventing him from flailing wildly in a fury, sounds of him crushing the wood in his mouth with his jaw heard among both the medic, and Rohn, likely meaning that without the wood, he would have broken his teeth.

And now that he was wide awake again, Deagan growled from behind the wood in his mouth, quickly turning to spit it out before speaking, panting as he does so, "I... Was perfectly fine... Without the bloody freezing cold thing on me..." he complained to her.

The woman simply twisted her lips a little, while standing in a way that suggested she was getting ready to move on to another patient, "Just keep the 'bloody' thing on," she said in mocking of his (mix of Irish/English) accent, "and by tomorrow, you should be able to move around again, but nothing more than that." she told him, before looking to Rohn, and giving her a nod, the gesture alone speaking, 'he's going to be fine', while the words that followed only confirmed it, "Your reckless friend will pull through, he's simply in a bit of pain-"

She was interrupted by Deagan, "A BIT?" he shouted in question of her wording, before he groaned in pain, which helped to silence him again. And to which, the woman simply continued as if he never said anything.

"-and he'll be fine this morn, so long as he doesn't make any sudden movements, else he'll tear the veins again." she told Rohn. And with a final bow of her head, she said, "I must tend to the others, please take care of yourself..." she glanced at Deagan, "... And him." before turning about, and walking off towards the cry of a wounded victim...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Rohn listens to the woman's explanation, doing her best to pay attention because, well, this type of information would likely be useful later on, though hopefully not needed. She doesn't seem to like the notion of him being bound down, but seems willing to keep herself quiet and trust the healer. At Deagan's reaction, though, she starts, picking herself up off of the stool to move closer to the side of the bed. Seeing him thrashing doesn't seem to set well with her either but between Deagan and the healer, she keeps her tongue. At the woman's instructions, she nods, glancing to the man beside them.

Once the other woman walks away, Rohn sinks down to floor beside the cot, making herself a little more level with Deagan. "Promise to follow her orders?" she asks. "I'll undo you if you do." She thinks about what the woman said about him keeping still. "Unless you toss in your sleep," she frowns. "Might help keep that in place." He can tell she's uncertain, getting the feeling he probably doesn't want to be tied up but not wanting him to hurt himself further. She does reach up slightly, though, and gives his hand a squeeze.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Deagan spends some time panting, trying to put the fact that the freezing cold bundle of cloth on ice was on a massive bruise out of his mind, before he felt Rohn gripping his hand. His eyes went down to look at his wrist as her hand took hold of it, 'Bloody hell, that's one hell of a grip...' he noted, before his eyes shifted over to look at Rohn herself, looking at her for a moment, somehow finally forgetting about the pain as he looked back at her, before he let his head fall back, looking straight up at the ceiling, with naught to look at other than the dancing fire from the lit candles hanging from the chandelier above.

He made several nods in agreement with Rohn's request, "Yeah-yeah... Just get these bloody things off-a me already... I've a real nasty itch on my nose, and it's driving me bonkers." he told her, giving his bonds another tug, while sometimes scrunching up his face, showing his irritation over the itch.

Then, he looked over to Rohn with a sly smile, "Unless you want to be a dear and scratch it for me?" he said humorously with a sarcastic tone, chuckling a little bit afterwards, laughing at his own, small joke.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

((Wow, that's quite the post there, seems I have a bit of catching up to do.))

Ako'orzyne chuckles when Rohn makes her poiint. "Yes I was, but you don't see me in any danger of dirtying my intestines on the ground, do you? Only got three kills myself, maybe four, if that catapult only counts as one anyways."

He drops his portion of Deagon unceremoniously on the cot, then takes a step back and leans on a nearby column as the medic looks him over. He gives a grudging nod as he spots the size of the man's bruise, likely unnoticed. He stays out of the way, but doesn't lift a finger to help the medic when needed.

"Maybe it's better to keep the fool bound." He says sardonically, just loud enough for the pair to hear. "The medic said he shouldn't be moving around, yes? We can't have him jumping off any more walls, hmm? Besides, the ice doesn't work if it isn't on him." He finishes with one of his dry laughs, the scar pulling at the side of his face making his smirk even more prominant.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Deagan growled from where he lay, the Drow becoming more of a pain in the arse than the bruise on his belly, before he shouted, "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE! Can't stand to go without giving me a kiss first?" he said sarcastically, still maintaining his humor despite the pain he felt from yelling so loud. But, after a moment, he let out a sigh, getting quite tired of the man who had little point to his life, other than to antagonize Deagan. "I'm being serious," Deagan said, going into an odd tone of voice, which reflected the pain he was in, as well as his annoyance with the Drow, "if you don't bugger off, I'll throw you off of the bleedin' wall, and as an added joke, tell that bitch of a royal you were drinking on the job, and I had to uphold the law, by ending your pathetic life. Do you understand that? Or do you have another comment to give me? I'm dieing to hear it."

And before the Drow could respond, the medic returned with a scolding look to the antagonistic Drow. She positioned herself between Deagan and the man, hands on her hips, having her own reasons for joining Deagan's irritation of the man, as she still had a lot of work to do, and a bored Drow with too little to do other than disturb her patients was something she was not about to tolerate. "Stop causing a fuss in MY Infirmary-!" she ordered him, "-Or I'll call the guard, and have you punished for distracting us from our duties."

"Leave." she ordered him, "Now."

"Don't forget to give me that kiss!" Deagan shouted to him.

And to that, the woman turned her fury on him, "Silence! Or I'll replace the ice with hot coals!" she threatened him.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The drow raised an eyebrow at the paired outburst, a slight chuckle forming in his throat that soon grew to a full-out fit of laughter. Still laughing, he made an exaggerated bow, then blew Deagon a kiss and walked out without another word, winking conspiratorially at Rohn as he turned to leave.

Once outside, Ako'orzyne let his laughter settle, taking a small knife from his sleeve and beginning to pick underneath his nails with the point as he did a round of the fort grounds, determining the damage it had taken while he was out in the enemy encampment.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The catapult remark does earn the drow a look that seems to read "That was you?" but she doesn't remark on it, labored as she is with carrying Deagan.

Given that the two men have decided to get into a screaming match--all right, a slightly one-sided one, as Deagan's the only one screaming, though the drow wasn't helping--Rohn doesn't say anything at the moment, especially given that the healer steps in. And this is a woman Rohn does not want to get in the way of. At the drow's parting wink, Rohn just frowns a little, the expression more...perturbed, if one had to put a feeling behind it, than angry at him.

"I'll keep him calm," she finally voices, drawing the woman's attention to her, the look slightly scathing, but she chalks it up to the remnants of her yelling and being under stress. "You've got more important duties than foolish men. I'll watch this one."

The woman lets out a bit of a snort and walks away, there being a good bit of truth in the archer's words. Rohn lets out a sigh and looks up at Deagan. "You getting upset like that and shouting is not going to help your bruised insides. Now do you promise to keep that ice on you?" He can feel her picking at the ties near his one wrist, given that, well that's near where she's sitting. She stops, though, letting out a very quiet chuckle. "Funny that you should taunt the drow with a kiss. My mother always said that if your nose itches," she grins at him, "it means you're going to kiss a fool."
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Deagan gave his own mock kiss to the Drow, pursing his lips, and making false kissing sounds over and over in great exaggeration. And as he walked away, Deagan spoke only just loudly enough for him to hear, and not loudly enough for the stern medic to make due on her threat, "Don't even have the balls to give me a real kiss? You bitch!" he said before the Drow disappeared, his own laugh joining the Drow's, before Rohn arrived to force him to behave, and his insides hurt again, causing him to groan, "Damn, that hurts..." he complained. "Gotta stop doin' that..."

Deagan looks to her, his hand twisting a little as she picks at the bonds, subconsciously wanting freedom, listening silently, until she makes a joke, a clever joke at that. Grinning widely, and nodding his head as he chuckles with amusement. And after a moment, his chuckling died down, and he licked his lips in thought, before looking over to Rohn with a sly grin, "I wonder... Does your nose feel itchy?" he asked of her, hidden meaning shining in his eyes, accompanied by his side-grin he usually gives when he's feeling confident, knowing full well Rohn would know exactly what he was asking...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The girl opens her mouth for a moment, then closes it, a crooked smile coming to her lips. "Methinks I might need to keep you tied up," she murmurs, a touch of humor in her tone. "Especially if you're seeking kisses so readily elsewhere." She puts her attention back on his bonds, working on the one closest to where she sits, though her gaze slides sideway to watch him. The knot isn't complicated, just tight, since it is designed to keep him from moving too much, so she does manage to eventually work his left wrist loose.

Of course, given his joking and the drow's tease from earlier, the thought that he might truly want to does play about in her mind. Handsome? Her gaze trailed up his chest to his face as she pushed herself to her feet. Aye, even ragged as he is. Cocksure as she was and perhaps a shy bit crazier. Maybe she wasn't the only one with an admirer.

Padding around to the other side of the bed, she eases down to the floor and begins working on loosening the other tie. At one point, she reaches up and, though it might look like an unconscious gesture, he can catch her scratching her nose, a faint smile playing on her lips when she does so, the expression only broadening as he feels the other tie come loose. "There you go," she says quietly. "I fear it's a bit dusty in here, isn't it?" She grins, pushing herself back to sit beside him, more leaning against the side of the cot, her one arm propped on the mat so he only needs to turn his head if he wishes to see her.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

No one seemed to be paying much attention to Deagan and Rohne. Guards stepped out of the leaving Drow's path as they brought in their comrades for quick healing. Groans of pain filled the infirmary, whose stone floors were sticky with blood, fresh and old. Servants had no time to come in to clean as the healers moved between the various cots, trying their damndest to save lives.

"You two, over here," a surgeon called from behind a cot that had been curtained off, and two soldiers moved to him. Pushing aside the curtains they lifted a man from his cot, blood smeared across his bare chest. The stab wounds from an Orc blade had been sewed shut, but it hadn't been enough. The soldiers took his body outside to burn with the others.

The surgeon sighed, and dipped his hand in a bowl of once clean water turned scarlet, and wiped his hands as clean as he could on a bloodied rag. Entering another curtained cot area, the medics lifted a body from one of the cots. The limp form was that of Lady Alysha, the arrow still protruding from her chest. Her image was cut off by the curtains drawing closed.

Outside, a man wearing the short cape of a captain approached Lady Sharyn.

"My lady. With the Lady Alysha wounded, you are the highest ranking Celthor noble or officer in the castle. My name is Captain Luca," he said, throwing up a salute in lieu of greeting.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

All the while Rohn looks at him, he looks back at her with a sly grin. All the while, curious as to what she was thinking about. He laughes a little at her teasing, but doesn't say anything back. Keeping his left wrist still as she works on untying it, he doesn't hesitate too much, once it's released, to quickly relieve himself of the itch, reaching his hand up, and rubbing along the bridge of his nose, "Oh, Bloody Mary, that feels better..." he thought with relief.

And as Rohn sits on the other side, undoing his other bind, he keeps watching her with interest, as well as noting what she looked like without the armor on. A large, embarrassed, albeit perverted grin formed on his face as his thoughts about Rohn wearing less and less continued. He reached up with his hand, going to fake scratching his nose again in an effort to try and hide his wide grin. But, when he looked back to her, he noticed Rohn was scratching her own nose as well, accompanied by a faint smile. "I'm feeling lucky." He thought to himself.

And once his other hand was released, he brought both wrists up, and began massaging them, trying to get rid of the slight chafing feeling that developed from the binds on his skin. His eyes focus on his hands and wrists as she gets closer to him, propping her arm on the cot, and leaning towards him. He feels his face warm as his pulse quickens. And as he let his hands down, turning to look at the pretty woman sitting beside him, his right hand gently falls over her arm placed on the cot as he looks at her dark eyes, and at the reflections of the candles lit showing within them. "I think you got all the dust off your nose..." he said slyly, while trying to prop himself up, and keep the bag on him at the same time. For the moment, not giving a damn how much it hurt to do so. To him, a kiss from a lovely lady was more important.

He leans in towards her as well, her pretty lips just a single, agonizing inch away from his own. "Just lean in a little more, my lovely..." he thinks to himself, almost hoping Rohn would telepathically hear his plea, and grant the fool his kiss. Not saying another word, Deagan thinks only of Rohn, staring directly into her eyes, waiting, and wanting for her just to lean in a little more...
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

He'd had his chance to see her in the direction that his thoughts were going, but given that he'd been shouting at the healer, he'd missed the chance then. She looks a little curvier without the armor binding her in place, but certainly not buxom.

She watches him massage his wrists, shifting a little as she feels his hand brush at her arm, though not uncomfortably so. As he moves, though, she turns and he does find her leaning closer to him, though not, perhaps for what he wants. Her hand presses to his shoulder, urging him back down to the bed with a soft, insistent "Deagan."

Of course, if he complies, that means she follows him as he leans back, now stretched over him some, albeit crookedly. "Is it worth killing yourself over?" she asks quietly. As she leans down further, he finds her lips pressing to his, the gesture at first a little firm, then growing tender as she learns the feel of his lips against hers. The fact that he was willing to risk hurting himself further just for this putting something more behind the gesture, wanting to make it worth the pain.

As she draws back, she bows her head a little, giving him a smile as her eyes find his. "This place is full of fools, it seems," she murmurs, mirth playing over her features.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Outside, a man wearing the short cape of a captain approached Lady Sharyn.

"My lady. With the Lady Alysha wounded, you are the highest ranking Celthor noble or officer in the castle. My name is Captain Luca," he said, throwing up a salute in lieu of greeting.

Lady Sharyn regards the man with a cold look, albeit a bit less cold than the others. She salutes back hesitantly and returns her eyes to the orc encampments. Directly after Deagan has been retrieved, she has ordered to close the doors again and to barricade them.
"Captain, have I heard correctly that one of our drow guests was out there during the battle and sabotaged their equipment?" A jerk of her chin emphasizes the "their" quite nicely. "I want to speak to him."
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

As Deagan watches Rohn lean in, he braces himself, ready for their lips to meet, before he felt her insisting hand on his shoulder, easing him down. And a dread wave of loss overcomes him. Not even before he was eased down back into a laying position, did he begin scolding himself, thinking he tried too soon, or simply didn't use the right words.

And as she hovers over him, whispering to him, he recognized her tone. His heart skipped a beat with surprise at the realization of what she was really up to. And was even surprised more when she so firmly gave him her kiss. And, returning the kiss with a passion, his right arm instinctively went around her side, holding her as he kissed her, loving every moment their lips spent together.

And when she pulled away, Deagan had no regrets. He was happy this siege occurred, he was happy he got hurt, and he was overjoyed to have met Rohn. A smile of his own appeared on his face, and immediately he said to her, without wasting another breath after their lips parted, "It is worth it." he told her, with no doubt in the words to be found. And sharing her gaze, his hand massaged her back a little, loving the added thrill of simply being able to touch her. "I could get lost in your eyes, you know..." he whispered back to her.
Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Luca nodded simply and moved off towards the infirmary where he had last seen the drow the acting commander wanted to see. He found Ako'orzyne just as he was leaving the wooden door leading to the infirmary in the keep.
"Hey...sir..." Luca said, not entirely sure what to address the mysterious vistor by.

Meanwhile inside the surgeon continued at his blood work, Lady Alysha's armour carried out whilst he pulled the arrow from her flesh and began to sew it shut.
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