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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I... I don't know," Claire said, reaching out and gently prodding Renee just to ensure that the other kindred was real. She slowly closed her eyes then opened them again.

"Something... in the blood?" she asked, starting to shamble away from her meal, towards the forest.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch snarls as his claws come in. There is a bit of pain, but nothing major. "There we go," he grumbles as he reaches out - and slices one claw across Jameson's throat, creating something that looks like a knife wound if you don't look too closely.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Now that the body is sufficiently disguised Eve and Fletch manage to get the body far enough out in the river with the stone attached that it sinks. After watching it sink out of sight they start heading back for the car. Fletch can feel that he's now getting hungry just as Eve had been earlier.

Renee giggles as Claire prods at her, and as Claire heads for the trees near the parking lot she goes over to check out the dealer. Coming back a few minutes later to rejoin Claire in the trees as she puts something in her jacket pocket.

"Well I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is not only will the dealer be just fine but he's also donated us some money. The bad news is you're going to be high as a kite on the heroin in his system till you use his blood up."

Ronny shrugs his shoulders at Rain's question, as he thinks well I guess that might explain why she's not telling the truth.

"Don't really know myself, other than it's supposed to be somewhere on the east side of town. I'm kind of new myself, and haven't actually run into any of the Anarch's myself. Sorry."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well... shit then," Claire muttered, still stumbling into the trees. As soon as her feet touched the soil of the woodline her eyes snapped around, as if sensing danger. Her gaze flicked all around, alert. She smirked as she started to move further into the forest.

((Yeah... never done any drugs, so I'm trying to RP outta nothin but wikipedia.))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

He is rewarded with applause for his efforts, at the very least. She'll take a seat on a nearby bench, encouraging him to do the same.

"Oh, that'll be easy. We just keep Claire and Eve away from each other and Leo away from everyone else and we should be fine." She grins. "And, well, let's just hope more trouble doesn't come knocking, at least until we have figured out how we can play well together."

She'll sit with him until he's ready to start the lesson up again, just content to watch the drops fall and the patterns in the water running off of the roof to splatter on the ground below.

((Yeah, yeah, I know. Famous last words...))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Oooh." Eve looks fascinated at the damage he'd done and then sighs. "Hey Fletch? I'm sorry I picked the wrong bastard to bring out. But..." she rubbed her arms, a leftover human gesture of nerves, "thank you. For helping me."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch snorts and waves her off, the claws retracted into his fingers for now. "Oh, you didn't really need me. You got rid of that guy just fine, and anybody can probably look shoulder reductions up on youcast or something." He stops for a moment and listens. "Say, it's really quiet around here, isn't it?" With all the Jameson business going on, he didn't really notice it, but now... He shakes his head. "Probably nothing. It's night and it rains after all."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Not with getting him off of me. With helping me get rid of his... body. And after I killed him. After I stopped being so hungry and angry."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Don't know anything about heroin myself, my description so far is off what the book says about it. So just do your best.))

As Fletch listens he realizes the odd silence is because of a lack of nature sounds, no birds or animals seem to be in the area. Suddenly the strange silence is broken by the sounds of a late-night jogger coming towards them from further down the trail.

Renee follows after Claire and stops her before she goes to far into the trees she's heading for. In her current state Claire isn't really sure but it seems as if Renee is afraid of going into the trees.

"Shh, do you hear that sound. There's someone in there."

Raven comes over and sits close to Izzy on the bench, looking as if he wants to blush after the applause.

"Yeah, easy as pie. If only one of the others would step up as a leader for the group, like Ronny or Fletch. I would think one of those two would be best at it, if you know what I mean."

Rain shrugs with a smile on her face.

"Oh well, maybe you at least know of a place I can hold up for the night without getting in trouble. I would be really grateful if you could help me."
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire lets out a snort that was supposed to be a laugh, then frowns.

"I can't breathe," she mutters quietly to herself, falling to her knees, panic rising in her stomach. She clutches at her throat, not moving from where Renee had grabbed her.

"I can't breathe," she said again, almost ready to scream now.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"They do seem to have the demeanor for it, don't they? Though, I'll be honest, Ronny seems more apt to do it than Fletch. Not to say he couldn't, but...I don't know. Fletch doesn't seem as..." She frowns, searching for the word. "He seems more like he would prefer to follow orders than give them. Or, like, he's not the type that wants to be in charge. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Can't have too many chiefs and not enough Indians." She's quiet for a moment, then narrows her eyes and whaps him lightly on the arm. "And what about me? You mentioned Ronny and Fletch. That mean you don't think I'd make a good leader?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch snarls quietly, unable to concentrate on Eve's words, and motions to the bushes. "I don't like this at all," he whispers. "Get into hiding." He himself presses against a tree and tries to sink into the shadows.

(If possible, Fletch uses Cloak of Shadows)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve looked around in a panic and dove into the backseat of her bug, laying on the seat and keeping as still as kindredly possible.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Hahaha, as still as kindredly possible. I like it.))

Fletch holds perfectly still in the shadows of a tree, watching for the jogger to come along. As he waits his prey comes into view, a middle-aged man in a jogging suit comes along at a decent pace. Oblivious to his surroundings he stops his jog to catch his breath a little, not far from Fletch's hiding place. Apparently not noticing the unnerving silence in this area of the park.

Renee starts backing away yanking Claire along the ground with her as well as she can, with a frightened look on her face.

"Don't be silly, you're dead you haven't been able to breath for a few weeks now. Come on, I've got a really bad feeling about whoever or whatever is in there. C-can you see anything in there because I can't."

Raven jumps a little as Izzy smacks him lightly on the arm, but he quickly stutters out a response.

"N-no I didn't mean you couldn't do it, I j-just don't want you to put yourself into that kind of a position. I d-don't want you to get hurt or in trouble because of something one of the others does."

Ronny stops and a smile creeps onto his face as well before he answers. All the while thinking to himself why not it is just a backup haven after all, and I might just get something useful out of it.

"Sure, I know a place where you could hide out for the night. Though I'm curious to know exactly how grateful would you be if I let you stay there?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch regards the jogger out of his hiding place. He seems normal enough, some middle-aged schmoe out for a jog. And Fletch could really use a bite. The claws made him feel hungry for some reason... If only it wasn't so fucking silent. He just wants to scream to fill the air with something - anything. Oh well, maybe he can get a yelp out of this guy.

His mind made up, Fletch pushes himself off the tree and pounces at the jogger in one move.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Dead? Fuck... wait...," Claire says, frowning, being dragged across the ground, eyes once again flicking all over, looking for something in the woods before she looks up at Renee, and suddenly digs her feet into the ground and pulls away from the other kindred.

"You are not going to take me back to that hospital. I won't let you," Claire snarled angrily... though somehow clearly.

Then her eyes lost focus again and she slowly began to shuffle after Renee.

"I want ice cream."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Oh bollocks! Someone give Sin +rep for the ice cream comment. It won't let me.))

She looks at Raven through narrowed eyes for a moment, and then a smile quirks at her lips. "I was only teasing. Personally, I don't know that I'd want to be in charge either, but sometimes someone's got to step up and poke the group in their collective asses." She shrugs. "We'll see. We all kind of sort of got thrown together by virtue of having the same birthday, but we are sort of a dysfunctional Brady Bunch as Eve put it. Guess we'll have to see what motivates the others into working together when we have to." She's thoughtful a moment. "Think he'd do that? The Prince? Blame the leader for the failure of the troops? He seemed pretty quick to let Claire take the fall for her own actions, but then, we did sort of make it clear that she was acting on her own. Might not be the case next time."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((I can't right now either, someone else will have to do it.))

The jogger looks up as if he hears something as Fletch leaps from his hiding place. Unfortunately for the jogger Fletch's fangs are buried in his neck before he can even scream. As the man's delicious blood flows down Fletch's throat, the jogger can do nothing accept gasp for air as he is overcome by the ecstasy of the kiss.

Renee looks incredibly confused at Claire's request, though she still keeps looking back to the forest obviously getting more frightened by whatever is in there. Suddenly the dealer, who has apparently recovered by now, comes walking over to the pair.

"Hey which one of you, bitches thought it would be cool to steal my money. You don't want to be messing with me, I need that money."

Raven relaxes a little after he realizes she was just playing with him, and shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll probably end up having to deal with our differences somewhat. The younger ones tend to sort of group together even if they don't get along perfectly. Yes, the Prince probably would take it out on the leader, at least publicly. Just watch at Elysium the first time one person in a clan fucks up royally, the whole clan can get punished for it. It's just the way of politics in general."

Rain frowns a little at Ronny's response, but answers back with a somewhat sincere smile.

"Gahh, tell you what I hate negotiating. So I'll owe you a minor boon, for a single night's rest. You just have to promise me you won't tell anyone about it, it would simply ruin my reputation if they found out I was giving away boons so easily."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Easier said than done, but if you can actually use the differences to your advantage, then you might actually be able to get something accomplished." As he talks about Elysium, she frowns. "Well, let's hope not, actually. That's one lesson I'll take your word on rather than needing to see it first hand. Particularly since it means there's a royal fuck-up in the works." She chuckles. "But, all for one, one for all, huh?" She mimes a toast, then glances out past the edges of the gazeebo. "Wish the rain would let up just a little. I don't relish the thought of getting soaked on the way back to the car and then being damp before heading to bed." She blows a raspberry.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve peeks up over the window of the car, and looks around, making sure that if someone else shows up she can distract them. Somehow.