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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Nov 10, 2008
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January, 1110 AD; London, Kingdom of England

The road has been long and weary but at last you see your goal in sight, not far in the distance the lights and towers of London sit. A thick fog seems to cover everything as you make your way closer to the gates of what some say will one day be the greatest city in the world. All you can do is wonder what the city and this world of darkness has in store for you.
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eleven years ago, Anabelle MacLoyd had left from that city down the road to fight in a war she wasn't sure she believed in anymore. So much had happened, and everyone she had once known and loved was dead, or long departed.

After spending a few years in the over grown ruins of her old village, she had finally decided to emerge, to explore and see how the world had changed. If it really had at all. Sword at her hip, hidden by the cloak she wore over the worn breeches and tunic, Anabelle moved towards London. She didn't know what she would find, or even what she was looking for.

She looked towards the horizon, gauging to see if she would have to stop for the day or not.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Clip clop. Clip clop. Clip clop.

The horse plodded on at an even pace, as it had done for the entirety of the trip. Its rider had not shifted her position very often, maintaining a proud, upright posture during the ride. She was cloaked in a black hood and cape, under which she wore the finest traveling dress she had available, made for her by the Romanian servants of her master during the course of her eleven year stay in this foreign land. She did not possess much material wealth, nor did she have access to her sire's ghouls or herd, but that much was the point of this exercise. She had learned much in her short time as a Cainite, and had been granted release - no longer a fledgling , she was responsible for herself. It was time for her to make her mark on this place and London was a city on the rise - the perfect place to make an entrance into the politics of the night.

Yet with all journies, it would begin with a single step - and as it so happened, this first step would be to find shelter at an inn to save herself from the hated breaking of the dawn. Vezina gazed at the gates to the city, her dark eyes half covered by her cowl, her face draped in shadow. Unlife would not be easy on her own, but she was determined to achieve the same success that her sire, Gyulu had done. Perhaps she would do even better than he?
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

There still seems to be plenty of night left as you approach the open gates of the city. A single guard stands watch as you approach, though you have no doubt that more would quickly arrive if a problem should arise. You have little idea to go for shelter in a city as large as this, though the sounds of music drift down the fog-shrouded streets. Suggesting not only the chance of a meal but information as to the goings on of the city.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina followed the sounds of music to an inn not far from the city gate. She preferred a well-built structure, something that would perhaps offer rooms on the bottom floor, or even cellar rooms if possible, though she doubted it would be. Picking a tavern with a sign of a mounted noble in bright red clothing upon a white steed, Vezina led her own horse to the stables where a young sleepy looking lad got up and took the reigns from her after receiving a pence for his troubles. She was certain to take her traveling pack, which included spare jars of her precious earth tucked away within. Vezina then stepped through the doorway, willing her skin to take on the blush of life as she walked into the tavern's main hall, not wanting her undead palor to attract undue attention amongst the kine. She was hungry after all this riding, and would require sustenance soon in addition to shelter. She held her head high and walked straight to the innkeeper.

"I shall require a room," she told the man, keeping her conversation short and to the point, even as she scanned the surroundings for a likely meal.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The inn certainly appears to cater to a higher class of people judging from the accoutrements of the main room. A pair of well-dressed men sit conversing by the fireplace quietly. A couple of serving girls tend to them as well as the other customer, an older gentleman of obvious wealth who sits alone eating. The well-dressed innkeeper smiles timidly as Vezina walks up and states she would like a room. The innkeeper seems to examine her a bit too closely as he furtively looks her over from his downcast eyes.

"Of course, milady. You are traveling alone or shall you require space enough for another?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"I am traveling alone, good sir," Vezina replied simply, noting the way the innkeeper looked at her. She knew this sort well. "Though I prefer a comfortable bed, something with room enough for me to stretch out in, and I do not like to be woken up by the sunlight in the morning so perhaps a room with heavy curtains, or no window at all if you have such a room available. And I will insist on a lock - your rooms do have locks do they not?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

A few more guests arrive a couple from the looks of it, very young and expensively dressed. The innkeeper bows and quickly answers, a bit too quickly for Vezina's taste. Ringing a small bell another servant quickly arrives to show her to a room.

"Of course, we actually do have a few rooms with no windows. Though the beds are a bit smaller in those. The other rooms all have heavy curtains and locks, the safety of our clientele is very important to us after all. Would you prefer the larger bed or a room without a window?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina made a show of sighing, "Better make it a room without a window. It's been a long ride and I will need the better sleep. Still, a lock with a latch would be appreciated. I do not wish to be disturbed."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Moving into the city of London proper, Anabelle looked about her surroundings. She had never spent much time here, and felt a bit lost now that she was in a city once more. It had been a long time, and memories of distant deserts fleeted back through her mind.

Following the road she entered the first inn she found, a well built structure sporting a sign of a mounted nobleman. The sign was even coloured richly, leading Anabelle to believe the establishment pulled in a decent amount of coin.

With a shrug she stepped inside, and immediately felt out of place amongst the youthful and apparently wealthy patrons. Their attire put her own worn and tattered garments to shame, but she pushed the thoughts from her mind as she stepped up to the counter, beside a well dressed woman in black hood and cape. Taking a sniff of the air around this stranger, Anabelle frowned. This one was kindred, and it had been just as long since she'd seen one of her own kind, especially not one from her own clan.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina's heightened senses from the gift of her Auspex told her that the stranger next to her did not breath, nor did their heart beat. When she glanced at the woman in ragged clothing, she noted the pale hue of her aura - simply confirming her as another Cainite. The first she had met from outside of her Master, Tarbus or Scorylo - and certainly the first outside of her own Clan. She wondered what this one's intent might be, for the stranger sniffed at her and gave minute signs of recognition in her aura.

As the innkeeper went to grab the key to her room, the Tzimisce turned and gave a slight nod to the Cainite - dressed in rags though she was, as one of the kindred, she was above the rest of the rabble in this room.

"Well met," she said simply, her Carpathian accent coming through in her low English.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle cocked an eyebrow, seeming to search for words. She really hadn't spoken in a year. Perhaps longer.

"Saol fada chugat" she said with a slight bow of her head.

"It has been... some time," she then continued, her thick Scottish highland accent showing through in each of her words. Her eyes slid across the room carefully, catching all the merchants and pretend nobles with some wealth stare at her.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Several of the more wealthy patrons do seem to stare at Anabelle as she stands there in her ragged cloak. They soon go back to their conversations, eating, and drinking however.

The innkeeper soon returns with Vezina's key and tells her if she needs anything to simply ask him or any of the staff. Turning to Anabelle he seems a bit surprised by her appearance as he asks if she seeks a room as well.

Vezina notes that he doesn't seem nearly as interested in this other Cainite as he had been with her.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"It would be appreciated. What's your price?" Anabelle said, turning her attention to the inn keeper for a moment, but still facing this other Cainite, while ignoring the room of rich Kine. They weren't much worth her time anymore.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Your sentiments are shared," Vezina replied, her eyes then rolling toward the innkeeper as she accepted her key.

Just out of curiosity, Vezina took a deeper look at the innkeeper's aura, wanting to know if he showed any signs of intense colors that would mean she would have to look out for him. Men might prey on women who wandered the nights alone, especially if they seemed like they might have wealth on them.

When she was done inspecting the proprietor, she allowed him to conduct his transaction with the Cainite - one with a highland accent, before she took up conversation with the kindred again.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

After a few seconds the innkeeper's aura begins to undulate between purple and black though of a normal shade.

"We have a few rooms of lower price above the stables, if you would prefer. They have the same amenities as the others, the location is a bit less desirable to our usual guests however."

The innkeeper says in response to Anabelle his voice seeming to ooze with a disgust at her appearance. Noticing Vezina stare in his direction he seems a little nervous as he asks if there is something further the lady wishes.

Purple is an excited or aggressive color, while black is a hateful color. The shade indicates he's a normal human.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina came out of her aura reading trance and shook her head. "No that will be all I require."

She turned back to the other Cainite, smiled, and said, "When you finish with your arrangements, we should talk."

Slipping her key into the folds of her cloak, Vezina walked across the room to a dimly lit corner table that was open and settled herself and her traveling pack down. The idea of speaking to a Cainite outside of her own clan was intriguing, and it wouldn't hurt to get her bearings amongst the Kindred society of London by sharing a discussion with one of them on her first night in the city.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Those accommodations will be fine," Anabelle told the innkeeper slowly, sliding the necessary coin across the counter and retrieving the key. She didn't really care how he looked at her, she got what she needed.

Turning from the innkeeper she followed the other Kindred across the room and sat across the table from her, nestling into the corner so she could watch the majority of the room, adjusting the hang of her sword to sit comfortably.

"What did you want to discuss?" Anabelle asked of her companion.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"You are the first of our kind that I have met in this city. I thought it proper to introduce myself and perhaps share a tale before I excused myself to feed - if this is to your liking of course."

Manners and etiquette had been one of the first things Gyulu had emphasized as being one of his childer, to distill the trappings of good breeding from the coarse baseness of her mortal life. Unlike many of those who entered the clan, she had not been of a royal line, bred for the role of ruling the night from birth. Gyulu's philosophy had diverted strongly, perhaps even arrogantly, from the rest of the clan in this regard and for that rebellion of ethos, Vezina would be ever thankful, and ever on her guard to disguise the lowliness of her birth.

"My name is Vezina," she continued. "I have come to make this city my abode for the foreseeable future. If you are from here, it would be pleasant to have a local Cainite to tutor me in the the acknowledged domains, and if you are a traveler like me, then at the least we share a common bond in these early nights."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle raised an eyebrow beneath the hood of her cloak before glancing around the room.

"I'm a traveler. Don't know much about this place, been too long since I was here last, and even then... well I didn't stay long back then either," Anabelle said leaning forward, resting her arms on the table. The way she held herself was far from noble. More like any common man on the street.

"Name's Anabelle. As for home... dunno. Place stinks. I can smell the shit in the streets," she continued.
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