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Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"He didn't seem to be angry, more like he was confused or worried about something. The other petitioners can be very confusing in their ways though so it's hard to say."

Is all Aubrey says as they ride through the dark empty streets of the city. It doesn't take them long to get to the bridge and after traversing it's length they find themselves at the gatehouse where she hid with the others earlier. Aubrey looks around a little before he whispers.

"Is this where you said you saw the hell hound earlier? Do you think it might still be around?"

Well you didn't miss much, other than him being a malkavian. So nothing to worry about I guess.

A small gasp is the only sound that escapes from Bethany's lips as Eliza's fangs break the soft skin on her throat. She doesn't even make a sound as Genevieve joins in the fun, only managing a slight whimper as she is overtaken by the feeling. Time slows down as the delicious blood flows down Eliza's throat and she is only vaguely aware of Genevieve feeding so close to her.

I hope not, killing is bad. As such you won't get much blood with two of you feeding, 2 BP's is all. Hence the second woman. Feel free to describe the feeding more yourself, not really feeling it tonight.

"The city itself is rather crowded, an enterprising Cainite such as yourself might be able to wrest a small portion for their own. So long as they give my lord his due of course. I would suggest looking to the nearby villages and cities if you really want to make your mark. Westminster is almost exclusively Ventrue territory but Southwark and Kingsgate are ripe for the picking. If you can take control that is, they can both be relatively dangerous ares to our kind it seems. Kingsgate is by far the more dangerous of the two however, though why is a mystery as those who investigate don't come back."

Rodger says before continuing.

"Southwark would probably be your best choice. Though I assure you others know this too, which is why it is dangerous. Mithras might even back up someones claim to domain there if they were to clear some of the undesirable elements out. He would also look favorably on anyone who could shed light on some of our recent problems involving his agents."
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Jocelyn nodded. "I hope not..." She said quietly. "Do you think it is?" She added as an afterthought, looking around warily before her gaze fell on the gatehouse again. "We could hide in there, it worked last time..."

I highly doubt that was all i missed by not reading. All I missed about him, maybe... :p
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina took in this information with a nod.

"Naturally, I would always give the Lord Mithras what he is due. His favour of backing any claim I would make is worth its weight in gold, as the mortals say. So Kingsgate with a unknown terror that destroys whomever would dare investigate, and Southwark with all the competition. That at least is a start.

"As for his current problems with his agents, I've already taken a mild interest in those happenings. A ruler is a servant to their realm's needs, and if indeed removing the undesirables and clearing up this mystery is what is required, you may consider me at the Lord Mithras' service - and the realm's as well."

Vezina stood up slowly and made a respectful curtsy. "M'lord Chamberlain, it has been a pleasure and an honour. I thank you for your aid in my acknowledgement, and should I have further concerns, I shall come to you for your wisdom. I assure you, this is not an indifferent attempt at flattery. Your library speaks for itself. I very much hope to have my own, someday, and I think it shall look something like this."

She smiled at him. "By your leave, m'lord."

Again a curtsy, and then if all was well, she would make her exit. Though Kingsgate was certainly a possibility, the knowledge that all investigators disappeared there brought about the thought of lupines, and the incredible danger they would pose to a neonate like her. She would try her luck solving a more pressing mystery, like that of Lord Valerius' disappearance, before venturing out there. Perhaps if she performed well enough and solved some of Southwark's issues, the Lord Mithras would grant her domain, and the prestige that came with that. There was also Sister Pallas and the Ventrue of Westminster to consider. She knew full well that she would never be one of them, always an outsider, but that did not mean that she could not earn their respect. Tzimsce shared the blood of Enoch with them, and were a clan of rulers in their own right. If there were a natural ally of the high clans here, it might well be them, and Pallas in particular. Among the low clans, she would look to the Gangrel, if she could find any. Anabelle seemed a good sort, perhaps it would behoove Vezina to improve that relationship if indeed it was Annabelle's plan to stick around this city for the foreseeable future. She had also enjoyed the company of Ulric, though there was the uncertainty of his Malkavian bloodline. Still, if she could associate with him away from the prying eyes of the other high clans, there could be much insight to be gleaned from him, particularly in the nature of solving this disappearing act. The Malkavians simply knew things, or so Gyulu had taught her. She must consider that.

Vezina looked about the main hall to see if there might be any other Cainites of interest to speak with.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Feeling the sweet blood rushing over her fangs and down her eagerly awaiting throat, Eliza groaned hungrily. Her kiwi eyes lit up like the fierce predator she is, watching Bethany whimper helplessly in the grip of her ivory white teeth. One arm wrapped around the pretty girl just under her breast to secure her while the other wandered to Genevieve, fingers stroking through the cainite's golden curls while she shared in the bloody vampiric feast. Since they couldn't share their own blood, it was one of the most intimate acts a vampire could do as far as Eliza was concerned, or at the very least the most fun.

Eliza slowly sucked the blood from Bethany's neck. Her lips worked on the girl's delicate creamy flesh almost as if pumping her treasured crimson wine from her. She hadn't stalked her in the night, but it didn't lessen the thrill for the predator within Eliza. It was almost like a better feeling, a more refined kind of predatory ritual for a more refined clan and cainite. The world swirled about Eliza, time seeming to slow with only the rush of sweet taste, aromas, and feelings filling Eliza's mind.

When she finally pulled her fangs from Bethany's neck and slowly slid the length of her tongue over the wounds, Eliza felt the drive for blood stirring within her. It was a desire that she'd held dormant for much of her journey so far. Bethany's blood was sweet but short, like a tease that didn't offer a climactic finish. Eliza slid out from under her first prey, the world still seeming to move slowly around her. She stalked toward her next "victim" with a malevolent smirk on her face.

Wasting no time, Eliza pounced atop Hannah, straddling on top of the girl as she sat on the couch. She just sat there triumphantly like a warrior holding a trophy, staring into the girl's eyes for a few seconds. After licking a few stray drops of delicious blood from her lips, Eliza held Hannah's face in her hands gently and kissed her on the lips just long enough to possibly make the girl long for more when she pulled back with a predatory grin. Her arms slipped around Hannah's back, hugging the girl to herself, pressing their bodies together as she dug her fangs into Hannah's soft neck. This time, Eliza was more forceful with her drinking, wanting more nourishment than before. She even drank from the side closest to Genevieve, looking as if she wanted the girl all to herself!
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

"Well it doesn't seem to be around, nothing does." Aubrey says as he listens closely for a few minutes. He urges the horse forward and before long they find themselves at their haven in Southwark.

"We should be safe I think. If we run into something we'll just run back here, where it's safe. I doubt if they would come after us in our haven, though."

True, but nothing really important. It's mostly just an introductory chapter after all.

"Of course, Vezina. My door is usually open should you require something of me." Rodger says as Vezina stands to leave. He goes back to his books and parchments as soon as she turns to leave.

The main room is largely unchanged from the way she left it. All of her companions from earlier in the evening are gone with the exception of Jourdain, who converses with Pallas. Ulric, the handful of gossipy Toreador, and the two duelers in the next room round out the room.

The only conversation of real interest is between Jourdain and Pallas. Though she has already heard all of the theories regarding Valerius and Aethelwulf.

Hannah barely reacts as Eliza straddles her as she is obviously under the spell of Genevieve's domination. She doesn't seem to want the kiss to end but can do little to keep the powerful Lasombra from having her own way. The euphoric feeling of feeding soon returns as Eliza drinks Hannah's lifeblood, the woman helpless in the throes of pleasure.

Genevieve closes the wound on Bethany's throat before simply shoving the mortal from her lap and turning to watch the others with a lascivious grin. She allows Eliza to take her fill of the second girl with much delight and waits till Eliza finally breaks away from the helpless woman. As soon as Eliza has closed the wound she feels her fellow Cainite's hand brush through her hair before pulling her into a kiss. Eliza has little time to react as she feels the last few drops of blood stolen from her own mouth. The two mortals quietly slump back into the luxurious couch passed out from their loos of blood but still alive.

As before knock yourself out. That gives you a grand total of 5 BP to add to your pool.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Regarding Jourdain coolly out of the corner of her eye, Vezina decided that it was time for her to leave. She had received acknowledgement, made good on her introductions to a few notables, and now had to go back and reach the safety of her supplies back at her current inn.

She headed out into the night by the same way she had come, only went instead to the stables, intent on locating one of Jourdain's steeds. He could have it back when next he called on her but for now, she was going to ride back to London. She had the beast saddled and calmed quickly before hopping onto its back and setting off for the city.

She decided that if she had the time, she would prefer to further investigate the Gilded Merchant. There must be some signs of the ghoul that she had allowed to drain her. Other mortals who knew him and what he did at night. She would get a head start on this disappearance business and carve out her own right to domain with boons and recognition.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

After having her fill of her latest victim, Eliza pulled back, drawing her fangs free from the girl's pristine flesh. Eyes glinting hungrily, she slowly dragged her tongue up against the wounds to seal them shut. Blood covering her tongue, trickling slowly from the corner of her lips, Eliza was watching Hannah sleeping on the couch when she felt fingers stroking through her long wintry hair.

Genevieve's sudden pull startled Eliza drawing an unladylike squeak from her lips that got muffled by the kiss. As she returned the kiss, Eliza slid herself on top of Genevieve. Thighs locked around the younger Lasombra woman's hips, Eliza kissed her clanmate, stroking her fingers through her golden curls tightly. Tasting the human blood on Genevieve's tongue and lips was euphoric. Each little lick sent a jolt of pleasure through her mind, making her feel like she was alive again. After pulling back from the kiss, Eliza gazed into her clanmate's eyes, caressing Genevieve's cheek with her palm, fingers stroking lightly. She licked a stray drop of blood from Genevieve's chin then went back to looking into her eyes with a coy smile as she sat atop her.

"And you're worried anyone important will just ignore you? Well you've caught my attention Genevieve..."

Lessee if I'm right here... does that give her 10/15 BP?
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina finds little trouble in taking one of the horses, as the servants of Rodger put up little protest in their state. The horse gladly takes her back to the gate with little trouble from anyone and after dropping the horse in the stable she makes her way back into the inn.

Valerius ghoul is absent as she expected and a few rough looking kindred sit at a table in a back corner. A few servants are busy with the handful of late customers, one of the servants seems to have taken over the duties of the ghoul.

Horse thief, huh. Good thing this isn't a western.

"Mmm, well it's a bit more difficult to get some of them to notice my charms. For some reason so many of them don't feel we should take what is rightfully ours. Perhaps you're just more in line with my thinking is all."

Genevieve whispers as her hands run down Eliza's back in a teasing manner. The seductive grin on her face doesn't change as she adjusts herself a little to plant another kiss on Eliza's cheek.

"I hope that was enough to satisfy one of your needs. At least till we can get to somewhere more private that is."

That's what I have.

Anabelle steps out into the night after saying her farewell to Jourdain. The strange servant says nothing as she leaves the door and stops to decide between exploring on foot or on horseback. At least the cold rain has stopped it seems. Now she just has to decide where to explore in and around her new home.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza quirked an eyebrow and began fixing Genevieve's hair for their next journey. "You might say that.... Hmm.." The older Lasombra looked as though she was about to say something but then glanced around her and went silent. She focused her attention on Genevieve's golden curls, curling her lip in concentration until she was satisfied.

Once satisfied, Eliza stood up, returning to the form of her elegant gait. She pulled out her note with the address of her lodgings and showed it to Genevieve.

"This is where I'll be staying. Recognize the address? That will be our next stop I suppose... I'm just dying to get to know you better dear friend."

As she turned to leave the room, Eliza glanced at the sleeping women on the couch and chuckled to herself haughtily. Silly humans... Eliza thought to herself and left the parlor room with an icy smile.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Pulling her cloak about her to make the blood on her dress unnoticeable, Vezina approached the servant who had taken over the duties for Valerius' ghoul and inquired as to the whereabouts of the innkeeper - why wasn't he at work? Where was he suspected of having gone off to? If they needed an explanation, she informed the servant that the innkeeper and herself had to discuss a private business transaction, and that she would very much like to see him as soon as possible.

When that line of inquiry had come to an end, Vezina sized up the other kindred toughs in the room and tried to make a determination about their mannerisms and whether they might be a threat to her. She had no qualms with any Cainite in this city save perhaps Jourdain, and she hoped that these toughs were not of a mood to go looking for trouble.

More an invitation for the two of them to have another chat at some point when he comes to pick the animal up. Also gives them an opportunity to part ways on equal ground, each having done a discourtesy to the other of mild annoyance.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Genevieve stands and straightens her clothing before taking a quick look at the piece of paper and nodding. Her smile never leaves her face as she turns to lead the way from the room.

"I know the area, I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable. Even better it's close."

The ghouls simply nod their heads respectfully as the pair leaves and heads out into the night. The trip to Eliza's new haven takes very little time at all. The haven isn't incredibly big, only a few rooms, but it is nicely furnished and most importantly secure from sunlight.

The servant smiles and nods his head as Vezina asks about the innkeeper before saying. He doesn't seem to know much of anything saying that he hasn't seen the innkeeper since the previous night. He does indicate that it is unusual for him to be gone like this.

The other Cainites don't seem to pose any immediate threat though they are keeping a close eye on Vezina. Judging from their dress and mannerisms she would guess that they are soldiers, most likely Aethulwulf's.

True, not like I was going to hold a lynching over a horse anyways. Even if Jourdain is a complete jack ass.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Eliza unlocked the door to her new haven, politely letting Genevieve go in before her. When she got inside, Eliza nodded to herself approvingly. Not too small that she'd be cramped yet not so big that she wouldn't know what to do with the space. Adria definitely knew how to pick what she'd need.

The Lasombra woman pulled off her cloak, placing it on a wooden hangar. "Ah it looks nice and cozy. Feel free to stay for a while if you like."

After hanging up her cloak, Eliza smoothed her long, flowing red dress and sat down on a sofa leisurely, smiling cooly at her clanmate.

"Finally. It's nice to have some privacy so we can talk candidly. I find it ... unfortunate that there are so few of our clan here in London. Yet at the same time, it's a quite enticing opening for an opportunistic woman like myself that I found lacking in my old home. I'm wondering. What are you hoping to achieve here in London Genevieve?"
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Vezina regarded the servant she was questioning, using her powers of Auspex to read his aura, detecting any signs of hidden agendas or deceit when he told her that he knew nothing of the innkeeper's whereabouts. She asked the servant where the innkeeper resided when not working - perhaps a private residence elsewhere in town.

She gave the soldiers an extended look, neither threatening nor concerned with their attention. Just enough to let them know that yes, she saw them watching her and no, she wasn't feeling the need to hide from them.

The Tzimisce wanted to find this innkeeper. Depending on what the servant said about where the man's residence was, she would seek it out, deciding to make a go of investigating the matter personally before the one trail she had a lead on went completely cold.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Genevieve simply tosses her cloak off to the side before sliding onto the same couch as Eliza. She takes a quick look around the room before nodding and saying.

"A little small for my tastes but your sire has excellent tastes I must say. My goals, hmm?

Mostly to revel in the many experiences my new unlife grants me. Of course I need to have the means to get whatever it is I want but that is the ultimate goal. The night is mine so I will take everything I can get and then some, of course I don't mind sharing on occasion."

Feel free to expand on your haven however you wish. It's really a part of your character so I only gave you the basics.

The servant shows no hint of malice or deceit in his manners or his aura as Vezina questions him. At her question about where the innkeeper resides he gets a little nervous but instead of lying he simply says he shouldn't talk of such things. A tinge of fear passes through his aura as Vezina watches him during this part.

The soldiers seem perfectly content with just watching Vezina as they sit at the table. They seem to be looking for someone specific as they closely examine everyone who enters the inn. They are probably just more interested in her because like them she is a Cainite.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

When the man clammed up in fear about the innkeeper's residence, it caught her attention and she immediately closed the distance between the servant and herself, locking her eyes intently upon the man.

"I must know where he resides. Tell me what you know."

She was not in the mood to dance around mortal fears, and the use of her command would not upset the traditions. She must know where to investigate next and this mortal knew something, or at least thought he knew something. That alone was enough for the Tzimisce to follow up on.

Using Dominate level 1 to issue a command to the servant.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle pulled her ragged traveling cloak tighter around her form, more for comfort than to protect against any chill that no longer bothered her. Carefully striding out into the forests around the city, she kept low, quiet.

She let the smells of wet soil wash over her, looking for any homes of outlying farmers, peasants, or anything decidedly less human. She wanted to know the area, know the trees and meadows as well as the others knew the grime of the city streets.

If things went well, she could be useful out here, if not, then she could make an easy slip back into the night and back upwards to Scotland to leave it all behind once more. The thought was tempting to just do that now anyway, but she was curious to see how things played out, and being near others once more was... refreshing.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The servant looks up as Vezina moves closer catching her eyes at the perfect moment. He nods at her words and quickly answers her question, a hint of fear still in his voice.

"The innkeeper keeps a room here at the inn, though I've never seen him stay there. I saw him take one of the guests in there but they never came out. he knows I saw him but he would kill me if he knew I told anyone about it."

Most of the lands closer to London are recently harvested fields with their small huts and the hardworking families within. Following a stream that flows out of the moors to the north of the city she finds herself in a wooded glade with a small cave at it's center.

The cave was definitely occupied but by what she was unsure as the creature or creatures were out. Likely hunting for their food not unlike herself.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

Anabelle crouched in the glade, quietly approaching the cave. The darkness began to grow brighter to her now glowing eyes as she peered into the shadows of the rock, trying to spot what kind of den she had happened upon. Lupine, animal, or simply humans vying to stay away from the shackles of the city's dungeons.

Her nostrils flared as she sniffed at the air, her fingertips softly feeling the grass and soil beneath her, searching for any clues that would present themselves.
Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

The main room of Eliza's haven glowed faintly from the light of a silver candelabra purposefully placed atop an ebony table on the far corner of the room just across from a high hanging torch. The fire from the candles, though abhorrent to kindred, allowed the shadows to dance along the walls even during the dead of night and of course, also allowed Eliza to see. The only window in the room was also in the middle of the wall between the two flames. The top was rounded like that of the romans, allowing a view of the full moon. At the moment however, the shutters were squeezed tightly shut.

The walls, ceiling, and floor were all of gray limestone to prevent risk of fires and also just because Eliza's Sicilian influence preferred stone. Both were intricately decorated, the floor with throw rugs and a variety of lush furniture. The sofa that Eliza and Genevieve sat on was as far as possible from the burning candles across the room, nestled against the opposite corner of the rectangular shaped stone room. The cushions were covered in red crushed velvet with arm rests of carved ebony wood. There were also some various artifacts strewn about on the ebony tables. One of the most interesting was a small marble statue of an armored Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, sitting on the table next to the sofa. Right next to that sat a coiled hissing serpent of onyx stone.

Most extravagant of all was what stood at the center of the wall adjacent to the sofa, shadows dancing along it. The center piece was an impressively large portrait of Eliza herself encased in a gilded gold frame. Not to be outdone, another portrait, only slightly smaller and framed in spiraling black wood, was a portrait of the raven haired Adria de Valletta, Eliza's sire as if she was watching over the two kindred as they sat on the sofa. Though ostentatious and vainglorious, it was not uncommon to find such things in the abode of a Lasombra, the clan of shadow and no reflection.

While they lounged on the soft sofa in her abode, Eliza smiled at Genevieve.

"And you should have it if I have anything to say about it darling. Why not after all. Those are certainly worthy goals.

Myself, I am a bit more interested in power, the most delicate resource of all in my opinion. In my former life, I was a duchess. I'd like to restore that sort of power to myself in the kindred world, even more power actually as we are the greatest of all beings. That starts by strengthening our clan here in London, my current mission from my sire. In the future, well who knows what it may mean."

Eliza's kiwi eyes glinted to life and she had a wide grin on her face at the thought of infinite power. After a moment, her smile got a little more friendly and she touched Genevieve's hand. "Which reminds me, I have to confess I'd never heard your sire's name when Jourdain mentioned it to me. I'm sure he's very well regarded of course. I don't mean to offend - I'm just curious is all. I've spent more time than I care to remember in my Grandsire's abbey, and there were definitely more than a few old kindred there if you take my meaning. I was curious about your Grandsire. Maybe I met him or her at the abbey?"

~Portrait of Eliza~
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Re: Chapter 1: The Road Not Taken

As the darkness of the cave melted before Anabelle's eyes she sees the cave is quite large once you get past the entrance. The ground near the cave contains a number of bear prints and the soft sound of breathing reaches her ears from the cave. The breathing is slight as would be expected for this time of year and the bear probably poses little threat.

The cave looks like it might make a perfect haven if it weren't for the current occupant. It's not far from the city and the rest Anabelle's kind but still far enough away that it seems as if she's in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps it's current occupant could even be of some use at keeping away unwanted visitors.

Genevieve seems to flit between looking at the paintings on the wall and Eliza herself almost as if she were judging the artists work. She nods thoughtfully as Eliza explains what she most seeks.

"You remind me of Gratiano in many ways. He also has shall we say a lust for for power, though he doesn't seem to have the patience of you or your brother. Still he wouldn't have been chosen by the Lord of Shadows if he wasn't worthy.

I doubt if you would have ever seen my sire in the south, you may have seen him at the court of Prince Narses perhaps. I myself have never been even that far south, I hail from Luzern. Still he is not widely known amongst our clan despite his lineage. I'm sure one day he will be nearly as famous as even Lord Montano though and of course I will be by his side.

Your portrait is lovely as is the other, your sire I assume. Still I think the artist could have done a better job of capturing your beauty."
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