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Chapter 1

Re: Chapter 1


The cat-girl narrowed her eyes, but purred nontheless as Nadia stroked her spine and tail. "I am a paladin of Isil, goddess of the great jungle cats. The jungle is my home. I will visit your fire if it pleases me, and I will expect rubs like this when I do appear." She held herself proudly, but a smile crept over her face an she continued to purr in the moments of silence that stretched out between them.

The two enjoyed each other's company throughout the evening and into the night, until the hour of midnight came and Kiana was led carefully and without ceremony to the gates.

"Two days," she reminded Nadia. "That is when the tower will rise. I shall gather the tribes who will follow me and hold fast in the jungle's edge near the shore of the Dreamin Sea, on the south bank of the Eldest. We will have watchers posted. If you wish to speak to me, come in person. Only you have given your word. I do not trust your slaving menfolk. Make your plans and see them through. Only be careful when dealing with Lilith's followers. They are difficult to reason with, and they are insidious."

With that final warning, Kiana dropped to all fours and bounded like a jungle cat into the arms of the deep jungle, her head turning only once to look back, her golden eyes shining in the moonlight through the surrounding void.

Nadia was alone again with her thoughts.
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After being left alone Nadia went back to her throne room and sat down thinking to herself, she sat there for hours before calling out something. "Omid, come morning gather our best pathfinders and send them into the deep jungle. I want them to find a place called the hellpits, I want them to carry as many sachels as they can and only approach the pits during the day, very carefully. Once they return I want regular trips sent to the pits to collect the slime that was just used against us. It could be a powerful weapon. Also I want the number of raiding parties reduced, the jungles are being stirred into a frenzy right now, any raids at this point would have a high risk of failing catistrophically." Nadia rubbed her nose a moment, "As a personal question, Omid, I've always wondered....why are you so loyal towards me? Just a simple honest answer will suffice." She looked at her advisor, she had never really intimidated him or shown him special treatment, he was never bold like Halrikk yet he was tenacious in his support and always seemed to go out of his way to be helpful.

It was one of the great riddles she wanted answered before fate inevitably swung one way or another in the near future.
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To her first orders, Omid nodded his head and simply said "It shall be so." But her question to him gave him pause, and his eyes searched upwards as if he had never considered himself answering this question.

Eventually he spoke. "A simple answer, ah, it is difficult for me. I serve you loyally because you have allowed me to do so, and given me no reason to do you a disservice. I was a merchant captain with no great loyalty to anything except profits, and had it not been your ship that had raided mine, I might have been enslaved. You must have had your reasons for letting me become a worker here. And I have done what I could to show my worth in the days since. When you made your bid for leadership - I could hardly support any but the woman who spared me a life in chains."

Her adviser chuckled to himself and patted his large belly thoughtfully. "Besides... I detest any of the alternatives for this place. And I am too soft a man to lead this place for long. Shrewd I may be, but you are as shrewd and made of sterner metal, I wager."
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Saba nods. "You are observant. Each statue has been made by Mistress Khanna, to represent each of her servants that she, in her way, finds worthy. Not all servants are so rewarded, only those who please her and dedicate themselves to her, it may sound demanding, but I have found that there is little not to like about the Mistress, once you come to understand her. Beneath that cold veneer is a strong and proud woman, with a burning passion of her own, kept hidden from all, even at times herself."

As Zakiri leans tightly against him, Saba's arm about her shoulder seems to hug her tighter as well, and Zakiri sees that he is glacing not only into her eyes but occassionally down at her other features as well.

"Anyway," he continued, pulling his eyes away from her with effort, "the Mistress prefers strong men, warriors who know skills of arms and who understand discipline. It is for protection, against the works of other mages here who have their own slaves and forces. Of course, the Mistress enjoys taking us to her bed as well, once she is convinced of our worth. She takes care to treat us with respect, both as servants and as lovers. In this way, she earns our trust and respect, and after serving her for so much time, gladly would I take to battle in her name. And when my statue is complete, I will fear no death in battle. Ah... but perhaps I say too much. Here, we are at the dressing room."

Saba takes Zakiri into a medium sized room connected to a larger hall where men are at work scrubbing and hanging white robes and togas out to dry on many lines of overhanging string.

"That would be the laundry, but in here is where the dry clothes are placed. We have not had a female servant in some time, but there should be some clothes for you and your friend over here."

He led her to a wardrobe covered with dust and tucked into the room's far corner, and opening the doors, he pulled out a white toga. He pressed the cloth up against Zakiri's bare skin and looked at it. It would cover her top and just barely her bottom as well, exposing nearly all of her legs. "Hmm, it would look good on you, though it is a shame to cover you up at all, I think."

The dark-skinned man seemed to stare more intently at her now, and Zakiri sensed that he was holding back something he might be wanting to say. By the way he looked at her, and other hints that she had noticed in their short walk, Zakiri had an idea of what he might want to say to her, or do to her.
Saba's explanation about the statues brought to mind what Jahangir had told the slave girl earlier, and Zakiri found her lust filled mind clearing slightly as she took the information in. She took another look as they pass the multitude of statues in hall after hall, her voice trembling slightly as she asked Saba, "All of these are carved after one of the Mistress' men... slaves?" As they walk, she noticed that just as the statue of Saba was perfectly sculpted in his image, those lining the walls appeared almost ready to draw breath themselves.

"So many statues, but I have not seen nearly so many men. Where are they?" As she asked the question, Zakiri's mind began to fill with thoughts of the hundreds of men that would have modeled for the statues all gathered in a large room somewhere, surrounding her, their white robes slowly hitting the ground as they reach... Clearing her throat as she tried to suppress the unnatural lust struggling to take control of her, Zakiri looked up again at Saba as they continue down the hall. "Did they die in battle against the other mages' slaves?" she asked, looking up at him with a bit of worry in her eyes, "Is that why she has so many?"

Walking through the laundry room, Zakiri stared for a moment at the white robed men scrubbing the clothing. Among her people, such a thing had always been woman's work, and the sight of men doing it was something of an oddity for her. She witnessed another oddity as Saba opened the wardrobe, as the backs of the doors were adorned with full length mirrors. A stunned Zakiri stared at her reflection, something she had not seen much of save for a few times in the gently rippling ponds of the jungle. When Saba pressed the white cloth against her, she jumped, then looked at him with a blush and a grin. She noticed him staring at her, and could see what he might be thinking.

Almost immediately upon realizing Saba's desire, Zakiri felt her own threatening to overwhelm her. 'No!' she thought to herself angrily, barely keeping herself from leaping towards the dark skinned man, 'I am a slave to Khanna, but I will not be one to my lust. Nor to Jahangir's!' Hands shaking, she reached up to take hold of the cloth at her shoulders and spun away from Saba, finally turning to one of the mirrors. She walked forward, looking over how the robe would fit her. Despite her own sudden insistence of conviction, she smiled at the idea of how it would look on her and how the shortness of the skirt would tease anyone looking at her. Behind her, her new tail swished back and forth happily, brushing against Saba's thighs lightly. "I could say the same about you," she said softly in response to Saba's compliment.
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As they passed the halls of statues, Zakiri noticed that there seemed to be many more statues than there were men, and she inquired to Saba about that.

"Many servants have died natural deaths, and some have been posted elsewhere, but there has been no outright warring between the mages of this tower - the Master would not allow it."

Saba looked at the faces of the statues as they walked by them.

"These statues are a way of guaranteeing that no warrior's life has been wasted while waiting for the time to be right. You must understand that Mistress Khanna is long of life, thanks to the magics of this tower, but that does not extend to her servants. We grow past our prime, and when we do, it is tower law that we are sent to the Master for judgment. If our physical form dies, our soul is attuned to our own statue, and a part of us at least is preserved with Mistress Khanna. Better that than to be destroyed utterly, or to be lost to unknown ends.

"Still," he continued, "There are a decent amount of us still here. Some are in the laundry, some are within the dormitories, some are at the kitchens and others tending to duties or studies within the inner halls."

Later on, Zakiri was putting on the short white robes and admiring herself in the mirror, having just won over her own desires to not become a slave to Jahangir's spellcraft. She returned Saba's compliment with one of her own, and the large dark man smiled, the disappointment of being rebuffed fading quickly from his face.

"You are kind to say so, fair Zakiri. Though now I see you dressed, there is also a beauty in how you wear your robes as well."

Saba reached one of his muscular arms past her and picked up a robe made in his size from the wardrobe. Zakiri sniffed his scent from where he stood next to her, and another wave of desire needed to be beaten down. He wrapped some cloth around his waste to cover his sex, but left his upper body exposed, which Zakiri found pleasant. She also enjoyed the way the wrapped cloth hugged his shapely butt.

"Let's go now. I will show you more."

With both of them clothed, Saba led Zakiri back to the inner halls, where more wonders than the mirrors awaited her. He took her to a large room that he called a library. Zakiri had only seen several books before in her life, and so was shocked and unprepared for the sight of so many shelves brimming with volumes. The shelves were high enough in some places that ladders needed to be used to retrieve books from them. There was a well lit lounge in the middle of the library where men in robes sat curled against throw pillows, their eyes intent upon the literature, though several gazed up in pleasant surprise as Zakiri walked by.

After that, Saba took her to the music room, where bizarre musical instruments, many of foreign make for the jungle was not home to quality music, were lined up on stands against the side of the room. The hall was bare except for one man, who played a flute at the far end of the hall. Saba and Zakiri listened to him play for a time, and though Saba did not show any outward signs of approval, the slave girl thought it a most beautiful display.

Saba led her on to the gallery, where she saw men painting and sculpting and constructing. Many fine landscapes and portraits were on display on the alabaster walls. Many were of the sea, and of Khanna, but there were many others artworks displaying places that Zakiri had never seen. Cities and palaces and mountains all of far off places abounded on the walls.

As they made their way to the kitchens, a small crowd of servants had begun to peak around corners to get a glimpse of Zakiri. Word of her awakening must have spread. The first thing Zakiri's altered nose picked up upon entering was the smell of the most glorious food. Though she had filled herself on fruits, it was nothing compared to the savory aromas she now sensed, and her stomach pleaded with her for a small treat. Saba noticed her looks, and quickly convinced a young cook to give her a sampling - which the servant did gladly, for he was transfixed by the elegant and beautiful newcomer and could not refuse her.

After several samplings and a few words with the cooks, Saba led Zakiri back to the outer circle, and brought her to a wide door painted green.

"This is the outer balcony," he said. "When the tower rises, it is a beautiful view of the waves and of the shoreline to the west. We are underwater now however, so all that it shows now is the ocean, it can be frightening to some, but others find it most relaxing to see the fish and other creatures of the waves go by. Would you like to see?"
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Once again smiling at Saba's compliments, Zakiri froze when he reached past her into the wardrobe. Looking in the mirror, she watched his muscular form as he covered himself. She gulped, feeling her knees tremble slightly as she briefly regretted fighting her lust before quickly bending down to pick up another robe to bring back to Baherah. Flustered, she didn't realize that her motion would cause the short skirt of the robe to stop concealing her as it was intended to. It took a moment for her to find a robe that looked big enough for the warrior woman, which she clutched to her chest before standing back up and turning to face Saba.

"Y-yes, I am eager to see more."

Back out in the halls, Zakiri eagerly followed Saba again, though she noticed that she wasn't having the same problem concentrating as she was before. In fact, even though she enjoyed taking peaks at his body, the feel of his warmth next to her, and his scent, her urge to throw herself at him was no longer overwhelming, though it was still there. She briefly wondered if it had something to do with the fact that they were both clothed now, though Saba's tour through the surprising rooms soon absorbed her attention.

"Amazing," she said breathlessly as she looked at the books filling the library. "Mistress Khanna must be wealthy beyond compare to have so many books," she continued, though stopped short when one of the white robed men shushed her from deep within the book he read. Likewise, she stared wide-eyed at the objects on display in the music room and gallery, wondering how simple humans could make music like birds or create windows to other places. Even as she took in the wonders, she didn't fail to notice the glances she was receiving from the many men she passed. The excitement she felt before from walking the halls nude was now something she actively sought, swaying her hips more and more while grinning slyly at the members of the crowd from time to time. Still unused to the changes of her body, she didn't realize that her tail too was swaying, it's position causing the short skirt to ride up once again, revealing a little more than just her legs. When the servant in the kitchen offered her a taste of the succulent food being prepared, she eagerly accepted, moaning more than necessary as the delicious taste filled her mouth.

Saba's description of what lay beyond the doors caused Zakiri's eyes to open wide with wonder. "Underneath the ocean? The mages are remarkable," she said breathlessly, all of her anger and resentment at being made a slave, her fear of the horrors that lay in wait sliding away as she contemplated this fantastical place. "I would very much like to see!" she said, running up to slide an arm around Saba's and look up at him with a smile.
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Saba smiled at her eagerness and curiosity. "Very well," he said and held her close as she clung to his arm. He opened the door and walked her through.

The view was breath-taking. They were standing on what would have been a grand balcony that stretched around the tower and might indeed have offered an amazing view were they above the waves, but instead, though there was clear air out here, a wall of clear aquamarine water stood before them, and curved up into a ceiling above them. Through it, Zakiri could see clearly into the ocean and saw as schools of fish in a myriad of colors swimming to and fro. The mysteries of the ocean seemed to open up before her, and she saw things she knew she would never have dreamed of in her wildest flight of imagination. Eels and fish and sharks and dolphins and whales and jellyfish and so many other things to which she could not put a name.

Saba led her to a bench where they sat gazing out into the water. He put his arm around her and began to point out a few of the more colorful and interesting creatures. After a while he stopped and let her take the sights in, though his fingers seemed to caress her shoulder, rubbing it softly as they watched.
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Wide eyed and silent, Zakiri walked alongside Saba towards the bench, her legs stiff as her mind reeled from the sights of the underwater world. Her eyes followed a school of fish as they glided gracefully through their view, then traced the path of an eel before it disappeared from sight. A bloom of jellyfish rising like flowers on a soft breeze drew a soft gasp from the girl and she leaned into Saba as he softly massaged her shoulder. Still, as lovely as the view was, Zakiri could not forget the things she had been told of this place and what fate awaited Khanna's servants.

"Saba," she said softly, her head resting against his shoulder, "You said the Mistress' statues are for servants who grow old. Why is she making one for you?" She thought for a moment, then added, "You said you would gladly do battle in her name, and would not fear death, but there is no warring between the mages. Who would you do battle with then? Surely there is no tribe that could threaten such powerful beings as the mages. Not even the slavers could stand against beings would could create wonders such as this place."
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Wide eyed and silent, Zakiri walked alongside Saba towards the bench, her legs stiff as her mind reeled from the sights of the underwater world. Her eyes followed a school of fish as they glided gracefully through their view, then traced the path of an eel before it disappeared from sight. A bloom of jellyfish rising like flowers on a soft breeze drew a soft gasp from the girl and she leaned into Saba as he softly massaged her shoulder. Still, as lovely as the view was, Zakiri could not forget the things she had been told of this place and what fate awaited Khanna's servants.

"Saba," she said softly, her head resting against his shoulder, "You said the Mistress' statues are for servants who grow old. Why is she making one for you?" She thought for a moment, then added, "You said you would gladly do battle in her name, and would not fear death, but there is no warring between the mages. Who would you do battle with then? Surely there is no tribe that could threaten such powerful beings as the mages. Not even the slavers could stand against beings would could create wonders such as this place."

There were many seconds of silence before Saba answered.

"The mistress is capturing my image while I am at my peak - unbowed by age, strong and virile. Doubtless I shall live for a long while yet - and many of the older servants you may see here have already had their statues created and are awaiting a time when they shall be called to the stone." He smiled pleasantly down at Zakiri and his strong hand felt good on her shoulder.

"As for battle - there is not much I know, save only that we must be ready for any and all threats. The people of this land hold more power than they know - the mages here can create many wonders, but the ability to destroy has always been easier than the power to create. With my hands I could topple a statue, with your teeth, you could tear out Jahangir's throat. The slavers' chains could bind the Mistress. Yet most destructive of all are the demons of the jungle - exiles from the celestial battle at the Hooks when the world was young - among them are many malevolent spirits who could challenge the might of this tower. Azabuul the great Erosion or Lilith the longing Desire are chief amongst the Mistress' fears - for both these spirits have longed to exert their will on this land, and this tower. This order of mages was founded to protect against their threat but now..."

Saba stops himself and hesitates to speak again, opening his mouth wordlessly before shutting it. Looking at Zakiri with concern he seems to take a different tack. "Now, mages like Jahangir work within our walls, and are even shown favor over mages like Mistress Khanna."
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As the long seconds of silence dragged on after she asked her questions, Zakiri began to wonder if asking them had been a mistake. When Saba answered though, it was as much a relief as it was worrying. The man seemed reluctant to divulge any information, just as he and Khanna had been before, but at the same time, he didn't sound as if he were lying either. What's more, what he did say made Mistress Khanna out to be something of a heroine: being prepared to fight back against the demons of the jungles, of which she had knowledge of, but also the greater evils was something to be cheered for. How could she be working against a woman who sought to counter the threats of the Azabuul and Lilith, devils whom her own people had legends of?

Saba's nervous changing of topics didn't go unnoticed to the slavegirl, though the subject to which he changed made her cringe. The sound of the FleshMaster's name caused Zakiri to shiver and press tighter against Saba's side. "He is a monster. An evil just as terrifying as anything in the jungles." Yet even as she said this, Zakiri couldn't help but feel a tingle travel through her nethers at just the thought of the horrifying man. Another one of the 'gifts' he had left her with. "Isn't there... anything... that could be done to rid the world of his blight?"
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Saba frowned to see the fear and feel the shiver that ran down Zakiri. He rubbed her back as though he were warming her on a cold rainy night, and when she leaned closer to him, he held her gently and protectively.

"I... it is unwise to say such things so openly, even here." He held Zakiri's hand and squeezed it a little. "I have been rebuked by the Mistress for saying much the same. You are young and new. You may be forgiven. But the Master of this Tower favors the slavemaster, and he can listen through the very walls of this place. Also, the Mage of Whispers, another of his favored servants, can move about invisibly and hears much that is hidden. We must be careful not to show our feelings against the Masters and Mistresses whom we disagree with. Many a slave has been plucked from these halls to serve the Master of the Tower, and none who enter his domain at the top of the tower ever return."

Saba brushed Zakiri's hair, his warrior's hand smoothing over the furry tufts of her ears.

"I would not forgive myself if I did not warn and safeguard you against that fate." Saba bowed his head close to hers as he caressed her long blond hair. His scent tingled on Zakiri's nose and her enhanced senses felt his body heat close to her, causing her pores to open and her body to glisten with slight perspiration. Jahangir's alteration was beginning to work again and her prolonged, close proximity to the handsome man was making it difficult to control her desire. She felt that if Saba had pushed his own desire upon her, she might be unable to resist his advance, but though it was obvious he desired her, he made no move to take advantage of her state. He seemed simply to be caressing her in a protective manner intended to calm and reassure her, unaware perhaps that it was barraging her with a longing for more.

Fresh hatred for Jahangir's meddling brewed up inside her. How could she ever master this desire within her? What power on this earth could keep the mage's spell from turning her into a wanton slut? If Mistress Khanna could not do it? Then who or what could?
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Saba's warnings brought an already fearful to a paranoid state. Even though there were no walls to speak of with the magically restrained sea in front of them, her eyes still swept back and forth at his mention of other mages listening to their conversations. It was a disconcerting thought, to say the least, that another person could be spying on them at any time, though it was one that she had been getting used to ever since she had been made a slave. The hand playfully ruffling over her strange new ears, though, served as a distraction, bringing a smile to her face, a giggle to her lips, and a tingle through her body.

As much as she hated Jahangir for how he had altered her, Zakiri could not deny that the feelings rushing through her body were enjoyable. Every one of her senses seemed filled with Saba's presence, and she found herself increasingly reluctant to ignore them. Despite her desire to cleanse herself of the Fleshmaster's taint, she was slowly beginning to enjoy it's effects. There had to be some way for her to control herself, but she just couldn't keep her mind clear to think of one.

"Saba," she said with a sigh, pressing her face against him even more as she breathed in his scent. The hand he held clasped back tightly, while Zakiri's other slid lightly down his chest toward his abdomen. "You're being very nice. Nicer than anyone has been... in a while," she said, referring to her recent capture, though choosing to gloss over it." As her fingers reached the cloth wrapped around his waist, she asked, "Why?" She was no longer trying to fight or hide her attraction and desire for the man, only attempting to keep herself from devolving into a sex-crazed maniac.
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The Jobo warrior gazed intently at Zakiri as she leaned into him, breathing in his scent, and trailing her hand suggestively down his body.

"Fair Zakiri... I do not know that I am such a nice man. More likely I am a stubborn fool, who acts without thinking. But in you, jewel of the Ara, princess among slaves, I feel a desire that I have never before known. Truly, I must be a selfish man, not a kind one, to be so forward with you. Yet I cannot help myself."

Slowly, but firmly he brought Zakiri close to him, so that her soft body pressed against his solid form. His hand clasped hers gently as his other stroked her golden hair, while her head rested on the dark and scarred skin of his muscled chest. In the coolness of the ocean balcony, his body was pleasantly warm and comforting.

"If there is one thing I would show you, it would be that even within this tower, there is still some good, some safety, and some hope."

Pulling back and tilting her head slightly with his free hand so that she might look up at him, Saba leaned his face close to hers, leading in to what Zakiri thought might well be a passionate kiss.
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The two men in the back gave each other knowing grins, and the one who spoke before broadened his smile as he stepped towards the water's edge.

"Yes, we can take you to a town not far from here. It's a well defended place with many strong warriors. You won't have to fear the creatures or wild tribals of this jungle while you're there... but," and here the man sighed with a feigned look to his comrades.

"You see we have just come from this town and it has taken us over half the day just to travel here to hunt. We are willing to bring you back of course, but if we just did that, we would be coming back from our hunting trip without any food. We are not rich men, so perhaps you will compensate us for our time and protection? Mm?"

He held out his hand in her direction, inviting her to come back to the shore. "You do not need to be so shy, you have a body you should be proud of. Sameed here said you looked like a river goddess, did you not, Sameed?"

The man behind him on the left, smiled and nodded. His hands were hooked into his belt, with his small fingers brushing against the hilt of a wicked looking knife. Each man seemed to have a long knife, the length of a machete, and they also carried short bows and quivers slung around their backs. Each man's hair was long and looked unclean and shaggy. They wore black garments that were stained with travel.

"Uhm...... I-I'm afraid th-that I don't have much m-money, but..... I will be glad to do whatever...... I can..... Whatever you w-wish in return. But I do thank you for your kindness. J-just let me get my garments back if y-you don't mind?" Akashka asked deciding to stick with the help less little girl routine, she decided she would wait until the most opportune time to do other wise.
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"Of course," said the leader, smiling while his gaze lingered over her body. "We will give you your garments back, but perhaps, since you have no money you would be willing to entertain us as part of our compensation? We are travel stained, ourselves, and we were just going to come to the river to wash up. Perhaps you could wash us instead? That would certainly be a worthy service, and we'd all be very grateful. Sameed here especially needs to be scrubbed from head to toe."

Here he stopped and sniffed loudly at his companion's shoulder, which received a chuckle from Sameed and his other companion.

"Yes... he's quite in need of your woman's touch, that is for certain. Won't you let us join you then? We won't crowd you, we're happy to take turns. Sameed, why don't you go first?"

To this, the large man stepped forward to the water's edge, but waited for Akashka's reaction first.
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This may be a perfect opportunity to lure these lumbering fools into false security and enthrall them with my magic. Not that I mind a little sex, but these two seem like they would try to enslave me.... if they could.... but never the less, I doubt they would be willing to let me go once they had their fill.... AH! AN EPIPHANY! I could let them take me their camp, perhaps even bound, then when they try to subjugate me, I can enthrall them and possibly get their entire cam/tribe under my control.... that could prove to be most beneficial. She thought to her self before turning to the men with a sly and charming smile on her face, "Oh don't worry boys..... I don't feel liek three's a crowd~~~ Both of you please, feel free to join me in here and enjoy yourselves~~" she said alluringly, casting a small amount of her charm magic onto the travelers as they entered the pool.
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The three (3) men seemed to be in no mood to disagree with her suddenly welcome invitation, and her charm magic looped onto their already lustful desires and lured them in like moths to the flame. They all began to undress, showing off muscular, but not perfect bodies. They were rogues and jungle travelers, and therefore they were indeed dirty and in need of a good scrubbing.

The largest one, Sameed, reached her first. Through her subtle enchantments she could tell that he was the most under her sway. He waded into the water until he was straight in front of her. His legs were submerged up to the middle of his thighs. From what she could see, Akashka knew that he wanted her body in such a way that nothing but brute force would sway him from his desire now, yet because of her alluring and docile attitude, he was prepared to not simply grab her. In fact, as long as she dangled herself out as a willing reward, she might be able to manipulate him quite easily. Smiling crookedly down at her, Sameed drooped a hand into the river to splash some water on himself.

"Will you wash me then?" he asked.

Behind him, the two other men were wading up towards her, the talkative leader in front of the other. Akashka knew that he was the most willful of the group, and therefore the most resistant to her subtle charms.
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Akashka blushed lightly as the larger man, Sameed, waded up to her and asked her to wash him. "Of course...... Sameed." She replied in a sweet sing song voice as she took the soap and began lathering it on her breasts, hands and legs before walking closer to the large man and pressing her generous bosoms up against the man's chest, washing him gently with tits. As she continued rubbing her breasts against his chest, her lithe hands reached around to wash his strong back and marbled ass, massaging the man erotically. After a few moments she would kneel down to his crotch and take her soap covered bosom and begin scrubbing his large cock with it. Slowly grinding his shaft with her tits, brushing her stiff nipples against his sensitive, before picking up speed and force working his large member even harder trying to make him cum. After the large man climaxed shooting out his seed onto her bosoms, she would walk around to the back of him and begin gently scrubbing his back with her breasts, before looking over her shoulder to the other men, saying with sly wink, "C'mon over boys~~ Dont be shy... THeres plenty of me for all of you~"
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Sameed's grin grew as wide as a cheshire cat's, and he took a quick look back at his fellows with an expression of wonder and pride on his face. Quickly his attention reverted back to the enchantress, his gaze following her humongous orbs as she lathered them with her soap and then applied her soft, soapy flesh to his, using her bosom like a wash rag for the unkempt, hulking man.

Her enthusiasm was rewarded swiftly, as Sameed grew as hard as a diamond within seconds of being washed in such a fashion, and when she gave him a tit-fuck, he threw back his head and moaned with delight.

"Ahh... she feels amazing! I think I'm gonna... mmh... hunnhgh!" The first ropey jet shot up to hit Akashka on her neck, the enormous strand of thick cum rested visibly from her throat to her breastbone. It was quickly joined by several others as Sameed finished emptying his load into her cleavage.

"An eager girl... eager to please... we like that," said the leader, as he reached her in the water - the other man coming up to her from the other side. "All those curves, and you certainly know how to use them."

He brought his cock into view, holding it with his hand, pressing, then slapping it against one of her breasts. It wasn't as large as Sameed's but it was just as hard. "Okay," he said. "Now it's our turn to get cleaned... we're very dirty, and you look like just the thing to wipe ourselves off with."

Grinning, the two men pressed against her. The one from behind grabbed her massive breasts with both meaty hands and squeezed aggressively, while his own cock pressed against her round ass. The leader's cock remained right in front of her face.
Re: Chapter 1

Akashka poured all of her charm magic into manipulating the men, starting with the leader in front of her as she slowly took his rock hard cock and wrapped it gently in her hands before slowly taking the head into mouth. She started slowly and gently suckling on the purple head if his member before popping it out and dragging her tongue slowly up and down his shaft. She did this for for a few minutes before going down to his balls and licking and suckling on them for a few moments.*

She then took his cock and placed it gently yet firmly between her generous breasts before massaging it with her globes and finally suckling on the head peeking out. She would continue this for a good time until the man was ready to come. Once he did , she would take her hands and spread open he anus and pussy, sexily wiggling her shapely ass in front the one behind her inciting him, "Well, are you ready? Go a head and *pick which ever hole you like best.~ <3" she said.*