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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina smirked. "Oh. I see."

So that was Jourdain's outlook was it? Ashamed of being a Cainite? Such an opinion boggled her mind. Humans were beneath them - operating on a different level of understanding. A shepherd can show concern for his sheep, but must never think of himself as one.

"Then perhaps you do take my view."

She turned to the Toreador. "Lady Isleena. Now that you see it, do you feel this wretched creature should stand among us? It's opinion of us is surely quite low at this point, thanks to the Scourge. It has no concept of our traditions, nor a sire that is likewise schooled in our ways. Would you volunteer to take it under your wing? Would any of us? Should it be seen by mortal eyes, its very visage breaches our laws."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As the Scourge looked about the room, glancing at all the other kindred, Anabelle looked into her eyes. She caught the look of sorrow, and wondered to its cause. She ignored the debate starting to form around her, and let her eyes settle on this woman shoved into the dark recesses of the court, and pitied her.

The Gangrel didn't move, but she did not hide her open stare either.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza sighed. She found this conversation very tiring, especially considering her strong urge to use her potent strength on something and sink her fangs into its flesh just a few short minutes ago. The whole situation plus Vezina's naive rejection of her offer made Eliza cranky.

"Oh really? Is it really necessary to criticize our fine scourge? She is just doing what she has been asked to do and appears quite good at it I might add. As to the matter of its "visage" and our laws, tell me Lady Vezina, since when does it break our laws to resemble something different from human? Are we to cast out the Nosferatu as well? The Cappadocian? These are well-respected clans steeped in the traditions of our elders. And for what? Merely because they do not resemble humans? That is where your logic may lead us if we are not careful! Appearance does not break our laws. Failure to respect the masquerade is what breaks our laws. Who is to say that this creature could not learn to hide its visage the same way we all do? For that matter, who is to say these Tremere would not be willing to submit to our laws if given the chance. Are we to persecute them for breaking traditions no one has ever informed them of? You are asking much of us with little evidence, suggesting a blood war when this could just be a simple miscommunication."
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Isleena smiles, hiding her contempt for the creature quite well from all but Vezina, as she answers blissfully. "I hate to admit it but I agree with my newest colleague, Eliza. If we are to ban this creature, wretched as it may be, on appearance alone we must ban not only the honored Cappadocian clan but also the Gangrel and the Nosferatu."

Pallas who has been following the debate closely stands after Isleena has spoken and calmly speaks her words almost entrancing as she does so. "Perhaps some compromise might be reached between our two camps. I feel that both sides are quite correct in their ideals of what should be done about these Tremere and their servants. However we simply cannot do both. I propose that we allow this creature a probationary period under the tutelage of a respected member of our society. In the mean time these usurpers amongst the Tremere will be found by a concerted effort of High Lord Mithras domain. Does anyone object to such a proposal?"

The woman catches Anabelle's stare and looks down at the floor quickly before slowly moving her head back up to catch her stare. Her eyes clearly held a strange sadness in them, though behind it Anabelle could sense the deadly beast caged up within. Not unlike any of the other kindred she supposed though her natural color was certainly different from that of the others. Anabelle could provide some color to her cheeks but nothing quite like this woman could.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Once again, you miss my point entirely while displaying your own ineptitude by putting words in my mouth," Vezina said. This Lasombra was worse than her brother.

"Let me remind you that I have faced this creature - so too have Annabelle and Jocelyn. You know nothing beyond what you see here, a paralyzed thing delirious with pain and therefore unable to give us any practical information. That its visage is a breach of our masquerade is not at question, but unlike the Nosferatu or the more death-like Cappadocians, this creature has not yet displayed the ability to think for itself. So far it is known to only follow its current orders, a slave to its master, who has willingly set it loose upon the streets of our city.

"The traditions are there for a reason, and are not to be taken lightly. Ignorance of them is not an excuse."

Vezina turned to Pallas. "I will agree with your motion. Spare this creature for now, and find its master."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza ignored Vezina and her unseemly visage, a smile creeping at the corner of her lips as she wondered if this Tzimisce herself might indeed be cast out for breaking such an "ugly visage" rule.

Instead she turned to Pallas after first glancing in Isleena's direction. "If the Lady of the Rose Clan and the other esteemed elders are in agreement, then I suppose it is an acceptable compromise."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"She struggles," Anabelle said quietly, mostly to herself as she continued to watch the Scourge, even gently offering a wave. "Her humanity is thin now isn't it? The beast having half her mind and driving her to butchery," Anabelle turned to Jourdain as she said this.

"The courts will not help her either will they. She is too useful like this. Am I right?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas remains passive as Isleena and Donegal quickly agree to the compromise and therefore settle the matter. Most of the other Cainite's seem to have grown bored with the discussion though they perk up after hearing the compromise. Aethelwulf remains in his seat unmoving as he continues to look over the creature and Rodger quickly steps forward to address the chamber once more.

"Excellent we have reached an agreement and the only thing let to decide now I who will take charge of the Gargoyle. I would gladly keep an eye on the creature and try to teach it our ways if no one objects."

The room is quickly plunged back into debate as Donegal expresses his concern with the creature staying with Rodger. Causing the room to almost groan with boredom.

Jourdain turned to look at Anabelle as she asked about the scourge and nodded his head. "Yes, her humanity is very thin. It didn't used to be, she was embraced around the same time as myself. She was always a loner and time is not kind to those of us who can't find a way to stave off degeneration, especially to those who were already mad in the first place."

He looks at her again before saying. "The best thing for her would be to put her out of her misery but as you said she is too useful to the court the way she is."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Aye. Such is the way o' any court," Anabelle said and shook her head in disgust. She perked her ears to listen to the debates for a moment, but grew bored after only a few words.

"No friends. No companions. Miserable."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza kept a watchful eye on the proceedings but didn't make further comments for the moment, deciding not to overstep her welcome as the newest primogen. It seemed that she'd proven herself to at least be worthy of note, and that was good enough for her for now.

Instead, she turned to Genevieve as the rest of the room bickered, speaking quietly to avoid attracting attention.

"Tell me, what are you thinking Genevieve?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The main arguments as to who should take charge of the Gargoyle seem to be between Pallas, Donegal, and Rodger. Most everyone else is bored with the court and are drifting to their own conversations once more. Aethelwulf continues to just observe, while Isleena focuses her attention on Eliza once more.

"The more things change the more they stay the same. It gets more difficult to trust the older you get though it's not impossible. One could always try to befriend her and restore a bit of her humanity. Stave off wightdom for a bit longer." Jourdain says reassuringly as he ignores the argument between the primogen.

"I think we should celebrate your being named primogen. Unless you want to try and form some new alliances with someone else that is." Genevieve says with a devilish smile.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Wightdom? Forgive me but I'm really clueless as to what that is. Let's not forget I spent the majority of my unlife living in a burned out husk of a village," Anabelle said to Jourdain, though looking towards the Scourge, she didn't think it was too horrible an idea.

Eliza and Genevieve were together once more, Vezina off to the side, and Jocelyn hidden somewhere. Her coterie did not want much to do with her, meaning she had that much fewer friends once more in London. She was not a fan of politics, but she knew now that she could not be utterly blind to them.

The unseen dagger kills as easily as a mace.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"A wight is what you become when you've fallen to the final frenzy. Nothing more than an uncontrollably rabid beast that needs to be put down for the sake of everyone, mortal and immortal." Jourdain answers in response to her query before adding.

"If it helps any, I won't be stabbing you in the back unless you stab me first. Even then I would probably stab you from the front, since I owe you enough to at least be up front about it."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza smiled crookedly at Genevieve, "Celebrating sounds like a grand idea. Perhaps we might slip away from this place then," The Lasombra said with a glance around the room. Her kiwi eyes fell on Isleena for a moment before turning away. That woman was always staring! Perhaps she had succumb to the fugue!

"Truth be told, I have been planning a bit of a spontaneous but fun scheme. I hear the queen consort of this land is rather comely, and I think it would be rather delightful to hunt her."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina was mostly silent when it came to the discussion between the primogen, but unlike the others of the court, she was hardly bored with the conversation. Anything involving the gargoyle and by extension, the Tremere concerned her.

She would prefer Pallas to take control of the Gargoyle, if such were prudent, but she had no reason to distrust the other two contenders at this point. What mattered would be that the gargoyle was secured, and that the possibility of Vezina having access to interrogate the creature would exist.

"It may be fairer to let more than one of us hold the creature. Its tutelage, if indeed we intend to let it live, should be well-rounded and not disposed to any one particular point of view," she said.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle laid a hand carefully on Jourdain's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "The same with m'self. I hope it never comes to tha'," she said before letting her hand fall and starting to make her way towards the woman known as the Scourge.

"But 'n this world, who can tell who really wields the knives in the dark," she finished, crossing the distance the pale blonde woman, keeping out of everyone else's way.

"So, wha's yer name lass?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Aethelwulf actually speaks up as soon as Vezina has spoken her mind on the subject of the Gargoyle. "I think that would be best as well. Besides it's not as if we can just let it free to roam as it pleases right away. If it's here at the court we can all have access to the creature should there be need."

Rodger is of course pleased at this idea, though Pallas and Donegal show some reluctance before agreeing as well. Rodger immediately orders Lysandra to take the creature to the dungeon for the time being. Telling her to make sure it is guarded and secured before removing the stake.

"Mmm, that sounds devilishly fun. Maybe your brother is right about me being a bad influence on you. Someone should remove that stick of his some day, he'll never get what he wants if he doesn't learn to just take it." Genevieve says as she stands.

Jourdain simply nods before looking around the room as though looking for someone before he makes his way from the main hall.

The scourge simply keeps sitting on the ground after Rodger's servants have taken the body away, though she keeps a close eye on Anabelle especially when she starts to walk towards her. She seems surprised by the question and takes a few seconds before standing and saying. "What do you mean, I'm the scourge. Nobody's ever called me anything else?"

She doesn't seem hostile, just perhaps a bit confused about the question, as though she genuinely believes her names is the scourge.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Surely ye have a name o' yer own. Everyone may call ye the Scourge, but what is yer real name?" Anabelle said in as pleasant a tone she could muster as she got down onto her knees to look at the woman face to face.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza giggled a little as they made their way out of the main hall. "I do not know if that is a good idea. It may cause permanent damage for him on the way out, haha. I wonder if we should concoct some intricate plan to infiltrate the castle or if we should just do it. Do you know anything about the humans' castle in this area?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"That is my name, isn't it? I don't really remember, but then I really don't remember a lot of things." The scourge seems genuinely confused about what her name might be. It strikes Anabelle as odd but then she remembers Jourdain mentioning something about changing memories with one of their many powers. She wondered if perhaps this girl had something like that done to her, but who could she ask for help about such a thing. Jourdain had just left and she wasn't entirely sure of who could do it or who to trust.

The woman smiles a bit as she stands up and looks at Anabelle asking. "What's your name? I don't remember you." The manic glee appears in her eyes for a second as she asks. "Are you a Caitiff?"

"Intricate plans, you sound like your stick in the mud brother. I say we just do it and then maybe we can worry about the consequences. If there are any and we don't think up something better to do instead. It'll be fun trust me." Genevieve says with devilish smile.

"Which castle do you want to know about. There's the Tower to the east and castle Bayard to the west. I'm not sure which one she might stay in much less if they are home."

Everyone else has returned to their previous conversations among their personal cliques. Though a few of the kindred leave at the same time Jourdain does. Rodger goes to speak with Aethelwulf and Pallas returns to her former seat, where she separates the translation and the diary from her own papers.
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