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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina chose to go back to sitting with Pallas.

"Better that the creature remain on somewhat neutral ground than in Donegal's hands. It's loyalty to its master seemed nigh fanatical when I first encountered it. Breaking him will require more than just words. The key may be within this journal however. If not, then perhaps the whereabouts of this Abetorius' abode. If I cannot kill the thing, then I must make certain that it is no longer a threat to myself or the Gangrel. Athelwulf may agree with us on that end."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"My name is Anabelle. I am a Gangrel, you can think of me as a friend. Do you like being called the scourge? Or would you prefer having an actual name, not simply a title?" Anabelle said as she glanced around the room. No one was paying her much attention it seemed, and the only one amongst all those present this evening that she trusted, had left.

Perhaps Lysandra would know, she was the only other one Anabelle might consider trusting, but she couldn't be sure.

She turned back to the woman before her, consciously not referring to her by her title. She wanted to get on her good side; two outsiders could find common ground, could they not?
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas nods as she hands of her parchment of notes and the diary to Vezina simply saying. "Donegal would likely do a good job in educating the creature of our ways. I was more afraid he might instill a sense of freedom or rebelliousness in the creature. It could prove quite useful as a slave, perhaps after a healthy application of domination."

She smiles ever so slightly as Vezina mentions killing Abetorius before whispering. "These servants might be of use and this blood magic might be of use but I see little reason for the Tremere to live. Just remember to do it as quietly as possible, you are the best woman for the job after all."

Her manic glee fades and she thinks for a moment before saying. "Oh not a Caitiff then. I'm supposed to kill them whenever I find them though I can't remember why."

She looks up with a half smile half sorrowful look and says. "I suppose it is kind of funny sounding but everyone kept calling me that so I just assumed it was my name. What sounds like a good name to you Anabelle?"

As they are speaking Lysandra returns from locking the Gargoyle down and after speaking with Rodger she returns to her usual role as his bodyguard.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Muirne. Do you like that? I think it's pretty, just like you," Anabelle said with a soft smile, she almost wanted to reach out and stroke the woman's cheek, but held her hand in check. That manic glee had vanished from her expression not a few seconds before.

She noted Lysandra's movements, debated internally about going over to her, but instead tried to get her attention with subtle movements and gestures. She had not drawn much attention yet, the less she could the better.

She still hadn't decided if this was going to get her killed or not. Perhaps it would be worth it. She was still a soldier, a warrior. In her mind, this was something she could fight for.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina thought about what Pallas had said. What made Vezina the right woman for the job? She was expendable, for one. And she was also a scapegoat to put the blame on should Abetorius' sudden disappearance occur and be to the disliking of the court. Vezina had a strong desire to see vengeance done upon these Tremere, but should she be so eager to throw herself upon the front lines? Perhaps she must, for the older Cainites were not going to be inclined to do anything, while Pallas seemed the sort to sit back and manipulate events into her favor.

"The gargoyle must be brought to heel. If it knows nothing but an unlife of servitude, it may simply prefer to become loyal to a kinder master. To be free though - it is too dangerous. As for its master - yes, there can be no place for them in this world."

Vezina turned to the translated notes and scoured over them, looking for any hints that could betray the habits or location of this Tremere.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza gave Genevieve a bit of a look but smiled. "Sometimes planning is useful if the alternative is to wind up dead my dear. Perhaps you are right though. They are just kine after all, albeit regal ones. I do not think it will be overly difficult to manipulate them. We can save the intricacies for the court. The trick will be finding her and getting her alone. For some reason the castle Bayard is sounding more appealing to me."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Muirne, I...I kind of like that." The scourge says as a brief look of relieved happiness crosses her face before quickly fading back to her typical sadness. She looks like she simply wants to run away for a second though she just remains standing beside Anabelle.

Lysandra's sharp eye catches the furtive attempt to draw her attention and though her eyes never leave Rodger she makes her way over casually. "What can I do for you, Anabelle?"

Pallas simply nods as Vezina turns to the notes and begins to pore over them. Most of the notes seem to be a simple history of the usurpers: war amongst the mages, the transformation with her clan's blood, it mentions the war between her clan and the Ventrue of the Black Cross, it even mentions war breaking out between the Tremere and her clan. Though the latter seems to have begun after Gyulu had left his lands for England.

The most interesting portion seems to be the encoded page that Pallas had mentioned. The letters don't seem to make any sense with a cursory examination though she notices that some of the letters seem to be reversed as though a mirror image. These Tremere had encoded their code to make it more difficult to break. So she was dealing with an intelligent enemy even if she was loath to admit it.

Genevieve simply continues to smile as she says. "I always find it best to act when others hesitate. Sometimes it's all the edge you need, who knows if things go well I might get you to come over to my way of thinking. So Castle Bayard it is. I hope she is a woman of virtue it's best when you get to corrupt the virtuous ones."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina could feel the answers were there between her fingers, if only she knew the key to deciphering this code. These mages were intelligent, true, and that made it all the more necessary that they should be stamped out with unrelenting force.

"Perhaps the truth can be divined through some spell or incantation that only their initiates are schooled in," she said to Pallas.

Distant memories churned and rushed upon the shores of Vezina's conscious thought. Powers of the blood, demonstrated by the skilled hand of her master and sire. Had not Gyulu spoke of the awesome powers of Auspex? If only Vezina could have mastered that discipline more, she might be able to touch the spirit of Abetorius' journal, to glimpse an image of her foe, and perhaps the whereabouts of his abode, beyond the room at the inn. Such a haven was not safe for him. Hunters beside herself had been watching it, and had faced the final death when they got too close. Abetorius must have relocated. But to where?

Why had she not thought to ask this of her sire before, when she brought it too him. Had she not handed him the journal? He must not have thought it worth his effort to inspect it closer.

"Perhaps an elder Cainite that has cultivated the gift of second sight would be able to discern more from the original journal itself," Vezina mused. "Isleena would only frustrate our efforts, but perhaps Ulric, the Malkavian, could aid our search?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Lysandra, do you know if anything been done to this woman?" she asked quietly, keeping her eyes direct, not shifting around the room. She refused to use the title 'Scourge' right now, but Lysandra would not know the newly given name.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas shrugs as though unsure, saying. "He is somewhat skilled in the use of auspex, though there are others who are better. He uses a different method to come to his alchemical breakthroughs, as do most of the clan of the moon. I leave the choice up to you and now I must depart for a while I am afraid. I have a few favors to discuss with a certain former primogen, who's presence I believe you would object to."

Muirne seems confused by the question though she doesn't say anything other than to look around the room at the other Cainites gathered in the hall, though she does smile when she looks back at Anabelle. Lysandra shakes her head as though not entirely sure what Anabelle means. "I don't know of anything being done to her, though I'm not entirely sure what you mean.?"
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"She can't remember her name. I heard mention of some powers that can alter, or even take memories. Do you know anything about this?" Anabelle pressed, quietly, but she managed to turn a friendly smile towards Muirne. She was thinking that maybe getting someone else's attention was a bad idea.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza smiled at Genevieve as they made their way out. "Yes that does sound fun. Personally, I am attracted by the high standing... no kine is immune to my desires." The Lasombra seemed to ponder for a moment, getting a mischievous gleam in her kiwi eyes. "Perhaps if I find her suitably tasteful, I may even ghoul her... heh..."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Do as you must," Vezina said, letting the Ventrue leave to go talk to Jourdain.

For her own part, the Tzimisce sought out Rodger, wherever he might have gone to. She wanted to ask if she might be allowed to speak to the creature once its stake had been removed and it had been secured.

If there was a chance it had been created from Tzimisce blood, perhaps she might communicate better with it on some level. She had not been impressed with the Scourge's work, but perhaps her own inquiry could give some clue - some insight that would let her uncover the dwelling of Abetorius.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Lysandra nods as though she understands what Anabelle means and after lowering her voice says. "Anyone who knows enough about dominate could theoretically do that, yes. Especially the Lasombra and the Ventrue. I have no clue why someone would do it to...her though."

She tilts her head to the scourge as though she doesn't want to upset the woman more than anything. "If her memory was messed with that is and it's not just her being a Malkavian."

"Eww, ghouls. Kind of a waste of good blood don't you think, still they do have their uses I suppose. It just seems so pointless to waste your blood on anything but yourself." Genevieve says as they gather their cloaks and prepare to leave.

Vezina finds Rodger still speaking with Aethelwulf in hushed tones though Vezina clearly hears Aethelwulf asking about his poisoning. They both notice Vezina walk up and nod their heads politely as Rodger asks. "Is their something I might help you, Lady Vezina?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"First, I would like to introduce myself to the Warmaster. I am Vezina, of Clan Tzimisce. I have heard tell of your poisoning. It is my hope that the perpetrator will be brought to justice soon."

She turned to Rodger. "My reason for approaching you concerns the gargoyle prisoner. I am unconvinced that the Scourge has done what is necessary to gain information from it. I would like to question it myself. With you or someone else to supervise if necessary. I've made no secret that I view the creature as a danger, but that doesn't mean that I do not respect the court's decision. Perhaps I am mistaken - but it will be for the gargoyle itself to prove me wrong. In the meanwhile, it knows where its master hides, and we need that information."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle slowly nods, and turns with as friendly a smile she could muster to Muirne. It struck her that she hadn't smiled so much in over a decade, and were she still alive it might make her face sore.

"Muirne dear. Do you remember which clan you were from?" she asked. She didn't know why she wanted to help this woman. She just... did.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Aethelwulf nods in greeting, saying. "It is a pleasure, Lady Vezina. I have never known any of your clan though you certainly make an excellent first impression."

Rodger nods after he has heard her request and says. "Of course. I can have Lysandra show you to the dungeons. I don't think I will need to supervise, since it would be rather foolish of you to kill the creature. You certainly don't strike me as being foolish."

Lysandra perks up as though someone has spoken to her and says. "I have a task to take care of for Sir Rodger. If I can help further just let me know, Anabelle."

Muirne seems to think for a moment before saying. "Malkavian, or at least that's what everyone has always said was my clan. I never have remembered my embrace so I guess I can't really be sure. Do you really think someone might have done something to me?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle swore silently to herself. Perhaps the craze of the Malkavians has simply been taken advantage of. Or perhaps she had only been convinced she was.

"Maybe dear. I don't know. I just want you to know, if you need anything, find me alright. Fight Anabelle," she said, and gently reached out, running her leather covered fingers through the woman's hair and cooing softly.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza shrugs as she pulls up the immaculate black hood over her deep blue dress. "I just think it may be useful to have a royal ghoul... and also kind of amusing if you think about it." The Lasombra's kiwi eyes gleamed as they made their way out the door. "The real reason for the hunt is just for the thrill however. That reminds me, I am curious Genevieve, do you specialize in any of our clan's disciplines? I focus training on honing Obtenebration, personally. However, Domination could be useful on this journey, and potence always has its place of course, though I have seldom needed it in my unlife."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Muirne seems a little surprised by the touch of Anabelle's leather covered fingers but she doesn't run away. A small smile crosses her face and she asks.

"Well if you're done here we could leave together. I don't really need any help with what I have planned but I wouldn't mind company. There's been some trouble with an autarkis down by the docks. I haven't been able to find them yet but I will."

Pulling her own crimson hood over her face, Genevieve smiles as they head for their mounts. "Obtenebration is a favorite of most of the clan though I much prefer domination. It seems to fit my personality more I suppose, same with potence. I much prefer to just take what I want when I want it."

After a few seconds Lysandra makes her way over to Vezina and bows her head slightly. "Please follow me, Lady Vezina. The creature is being held in the mausoleum under the mansion."

A short trip down some stairs opposite the library leads to some old, mildewed, and stony passageways. At the end of which they find a heavily barred door under the watch of four of Rodger's servants. As she unlocks and opens the door she says.

"He's in here. It's pretty secure though the creature is rather strong so he's also chained. Hopefully it will be enough."
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