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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I'm not stupid Eve. Jack said to do it," Claire said sharply. As she pumped her shotgun she caught the ejected shell, not wanting to true police to find it, even though her own weapons were unregistered.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve shook her head a little like a dog shaking off water. "Sorry. That was..." she stopped, swallowed, and shook her head again. "Did he explain?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"She saw too much. Its protecting the masquerade. Last thing we need is for her story to get into the rags and the wrong people coming to our little corner of the world," Claire said, wiping a bit of blood off her jacket, and licking her fingers clean.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve nodded. "Right. You're right of course. Glad we got our names cleared first." Eve shoved the experience into the back of her mind to be sorted out later. "I should probably see what Jack wanted."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The girl fell dead to the ground as the echo of the shotgun reverberated through the trees. A thankful smile still shows across what's left of her face as it lays in the grass. Jack has moved off to the campsite leaving Claire and Eve to take care of the now dead girl. Immediately after Claire explains why she had to kill the girl she hears an earsplitting scream in her head. She's not sure but she could swear it was Renee who she heard scream. Meanwhile Eve starts to wander over to the camp site to see what jack wanted.

Fletch manages to avert the Tremere's gaze long enough to strike with his taloned hand. His clawed hand pierces straight through the chest of the Tremere right where his heart should be, just as River's shots go off. Her first two shots fly wide as she tries to avoid hitting Fletch but the last one does manage to catch the Tremere in the shoulder. The cat gets to it's feet and hisses again though it stays near the edge of the roof out of the corner of River's eye. Unfortunately for Fletch his plan doesn't work as he thought it should, the Tremere doesn't go limp instead Fletch feels his head forcibly lifted to meet the gaze of the other vampire.

"I suggest you flee now that you've served your purpose."

Izzy and Lucky make it too the edge of the forested area and again looking out carefully, Izzy can tell they've at least made it to the right area of the city. Mostly rundown apartment buildings with the occasional lit windows amongst them. Very few businesses in the area and those that can be seen are locked up tight and dark. Despite the nice night she can't see any people around. Lucky's eyes light up a little as he stops looking over his shoulder and looks at the neighborhood before excitedly exclaiming.

"Yay we're close, I remember that gas station on the the corner. I remember that kindred guy I followedm stopped there earlier for something, before going to where ever that was that I met you. My home is only a block from there."

Strangely the excitement on his face seems short lived as he suddenly gets a look of sadness on his face again.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch releases a blood-curling scream as a spurt of blood from Jimmy's neck stump hits him in the face. Fletch doesn't know where the apparition came from, all he knows is that he has to GET AWAY. The big man turns around, roughly pulling his claw out of the Tremere's chest, and runs, back towards the garage.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Relaxing a little now that Lucky declares that he's in familiar territory, Izzy still keeps her hand on the strap of her bag and still keeps alert. The last thing the two of them needed was someone randomly walking out of their house on a trash run or to get to their car and spotting Lucky. Wouldn't that just be the way after their near miss back in the lot?

"Something wrong?" she asks, noticing the other vampire's fallen expression.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Bah. Now you just go running along, don't let me stop you." River says to the cat, lining up and taking a few more shots at Flights.

((Celerity, three more shots))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire grasps at her temple as she hears the scream in her mind, and fights the urge to crack her own skull open. With a grunt she pushes through the pain and begins to move over to the other corpses. Best to see what Jack did with the other bodies before moving the woman's.

Still, the scream troubled her... why did she hear Renee...
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve and Claire make their way over to the campsite to see what Jack had wanted of Eve and to see what was being done with the other bodies. As they neared the campsite they could see Jack looking over the site and speaking to the officer as he took notes down in his notebook.

Jack waves them over as they arrive and pointing says to both of them. "I know you both looked the scene over before but before I start covering things up I thought you may want to take another look. Especially you Eve you're senses are a lot better than the rest of ours are. You never know you may find something that might help you in finding out who's out to frame you."

Whatever the scream in Claire's head had been it had stopped as soon as it started. Taking a quick look at the sight she doesn't notice anything new but she can see that the girls take on things seems to match up perfectly with the scene.

River's first 2 shots slam into the Tremere as he stands with a smug smile as Fletch runs away from him, the third shot flying off somewhere to the right. The Tremere's smile quickly fades as the 2 bullets slam into him and with a salute towards the roof he suddenly takes off in flight again. Flying over the top of the fence he moves as quickly as possible into the foliage of a large tree where River again loses sight of him. The cat seems to take the hint and jumps down to the ground at River's urging.

Fletch meanwhile runs away as fast as his legs can carry him from the sight of Jimmy's neckless body. He's just about made it past the edge of the garage when the cat lands in front of him causing Bubba to take off barking after it. Bubba tries to run straight through Fletch as the cat takes off away from him knocking Fletch over onto Bubba as he tries to get by.

Vincent's Lancer comes flying around the corner from a block away just as the cat reaches the other side of the street from Fletch's garage. The car takes less than a minute to reach the garage from the far corner and comes to a screeching halt right in front of Fletch and Bubba as they try to get back to their feet. Vincent quickly jumps out with his pistol gone and looks around with an angry glare at both Fletch and River as if to ask what was so important that he was needed.

The streets seem pretty lifeless though Lucky nods his head as if to say he remembers the plan they had used back in the parking lot. Then his shoulders slump a little as if in response to Izzy's question before he finally answers with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Oh not really, I just feel like I normally do. I'm not really all that good at anything like the other kindred are and it always seems to get me into trouble just like tonight. Then someone like you has to help me and I can't even do anything good enough to pay them back. I'm useless is all. Still we should get going so the Russian guy doesn't find us."

Before Izzy can even respond Vincent's silver Mitsubishi goes flying past them down the street. If he noticed them he doesn't seem to care as he must be in a hurry to get where ever it is he's going to. Lucky doesn't seem to recognize the car though he does duck back behind Izzy when it goes flying by.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Hey, you don't get better if you don't try, right?" Granted, trying and screwing up, like Lucky did tonight, could have detrimental effects and quite possibly get him hunted by Vincent, but, again, if he just sat around doing nothing, he'd likely be worse off. "I guess the trick is to know your limitations and make certain you only push those boundaries somewhat, so you don't wind up causing trouble for yourself while you're learning to get better." She had a feeling she was babbling a little bit, but it seemed to make sense in her head. She only hoped it did the same for the Nosferatu.

Especially as Lucky jumps behind her, Izzy lets out a bit of a squeak at the sight of the familiar car barreling down the road. She actually turns to watch it go, wondering where the Scourge is going in such a hurry. "Hey, Lucky? How much further to your place?" She tries to mentally map where she saw Vincent going with what might be Kindred related in that direction. Or, for that matter, where he might have been coming from.

((I'm not expecting her to know exactly where he's headed, but if she'd know Fletch's place wasn't that far off, it might get her interested. Or, at the moment, she's now worried that Vincent was where they were headed and made to leave in a hurry.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Fucker!" River calls after him as he flew away, taking a shot as he dipped around the trees. (For effect, don't worry bout that one.)

Vincent pulls up and she jumps down from the roof, rolling as she lands and dusting herself off after. "Bastard went that way." She started, thumbing towards where flights had left. "Showed up with an anarch an a bunch of kine, who we quickly scared off with threats of mundane violence. Flights said he knew you though, and had a bone to pick. Flew up over the garage and attacked Fletch in the back, while some cat-like thing watched from the roof. We started winning, so they both ran off. Ring any bells yet?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"OOMPH!" Fletch stops the fall with his hands and is thoroughly shaken out of his halluzinations. Realizing what the asshole did, he bares his teeth in a growl as he gets back up and brushes off the dirt, overhearing River's explanation. "Figured I'd stick a claw in his heart, keep him quiet until you come back over. Didn't work out though. He made me run and took off over the fence."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve's face was troubled as the face of Heidrich swam before her memory. Her gut feelings told her that this was who the girl had been talking about, but she gave Jack a nod and opened her senses back up and tried to heighten them slowly so she didn't overwhelm herself again.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire looked over at Eve, watching her. She had looked over the camp but didn't see anything new... so she simply stood and watched Eve. Waiting, to see if her companion for the night came up with anything new.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve manages to heighten her senses without being overwhelmed this time. Focusing on her sense of sight she can easily pick out even tiny blades of grass at the campsite. It takes her a few moments to really piece together anything out of what she sees, but then she sees what looks like a piece of paper stuck between two branches of a small sapling near the campsite.

Vincent nods his head at River's explanation though he doesn't immediately say anything as he seems to be staring intensely at everything, them included. After a few seconds of looking at the immediate area he moves off toward the fenced in junkyard area while still looking through the area intensely. Bubba untangles himself and runs over to where the cat jumped down where he sniffs around and growls.

Lucky points toward where his home is and it certainly doesn't seem like Vincent was neither driving that way nor coming from that direction. She does seem to remember being near here when she dropped Fletch off the other night but that was near an all night market that was a few blocks over.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Which he mentioned being not all that far from his place. Might be worth looking into, though at the moment, her priority is getting Lucky back where he needs to be. After that, she might head over Fletch's way to let him know about more of his neighbors, if he doesn't already, or to see if a certain car isn't parked outside the junkyard. If nothing else, she can see how Bubba and Fletch are getting along. She doesn't mention anything about the Tremere to Lucky, not wanting to worry him. Main thing is getting him home. Then she could worry about playing Nancy Drew again.

((Pretty much the plan unless something causes a change in that. Get Lucky home safe, then head over to Fletch's.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River let Vincent go about his business, instead finding a conveinient place to sit and lean against a wall as she watched him go about examining things. "May find more on the roof as well, that's where the cat-thing was the entire time." She points out nonchalantly.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch grumbles and slumps down the wall next to River. "Well great," he sneers. "If I'd known that Vincent would be THAT much trouble, I shoulda gotten more than a minor boon out of it. How am I supposed to know that my shop is in the middle of Anarch territory?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve tilts her head and points toward the tree before jogging over and pulling the paper out. Before she reads it, however, she can be heard muttering "It's to early for detective work. I need a drink. I wish I could still drink." then she opened the slip to see what it said.