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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch ducks into the alley quickly as he chases after his prey. Apparently the drunk guy wasn't thinking to clearly when he ran as Fletch finds him cornered at a dead-end by a tall chain-link fence. The guy looks up with fear in his eyes as Fletch rounds the corner before he yells out toward Fletch for help.

Driving through the down town area Eve doesn't notice too many choices for a place to feed this late at night. Shark's Pool hall still looks open but she might not fit in with that crowd to well. Xstatic still looked open too and though she might not fit in well there either, she did remember Alexander saying it was a Toreador salon.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Licking excess blood from her lips, Claire decides to head straight to student services in the college. As she walked in she strode purposely towards the desk and knocked gently on the counter.

"Hey, looking for Isabella Frost. She's a student here. I'm her aunt Claire... Claire Winters,"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve parks near the pool hall grumbling about the lack of finesse going into her feeding tonight. She waits for a likely looking target to stumble out of the bar.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch doesn't respond. He doesn't even slow down. He just runs straight at the guy and tries to ram him against the fence and bury his teeth in the man's throat.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

It takes a few minutes for the woman behind the desk to respond to Claire's inquiry as she looks up something on the computer. Finally she looks up and smiles pleasantly while she says.

"I'm afraid that we aren't allowed to just give out information on our students, but if you're willing to wait I can try and call her contact number and see if I can get a hold of her for you?"

No one stumbles out of the pool hall immediately as Eve settles in to wait for some likely prey. However suddenly the door opens and a young woman steps out, most likely one of the employees. She starts heading down the street further downtown as though she's tried after a long night of work.

The man just has enough time to let out a short scream before Fletch's fangs close on his throat. The only sounds that issue forth from his mouth at this point are a soft groan as Fletch takes his sustenance from the man. Bubba slowly backs away as his master feeds as though he's frightened by the sight.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve punches the air in victory and starts to trail the woman waiting until she was sure they were alone before tapping her on the shoulder and saying in a very small and tired voice, "I'm sorry, I'm new to the area and I've gotten a bit lost. I parked my car a little farther ahead." she pointed to a shadowy sort of area and let out an embarrassed laugh, "I figure if no one can see it, no one can steal it. Would you help me find my way to a car garage near here? It belongs to a friend of mine and his cell is off or I'd ask him."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Decent security. Damn. Claire smiled as gently as she could manage, but kept her lips closed to hide her fangs.

"That would be lovely. I'll just wait here," she said softly.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

After feeding for a little bit, Fletch pulls away, closes the wound and grins with bared teeth into the guy's dazed face. He feels a pleasant buzz enveloping his senses. "C'mon buddy," he whispers. "You took a wrong turn. Let's get you back to the road, hm? Heel, boy." Laying his arm around him like a man supporting his drunk friend, the two of them make their way back to the road, where Fletch leans him against a wall.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The woman jumps a little when Eve taps her on the shoulder but relaxes when she sees Eve. She looks as though she's just going to try and explain where Eve should go when they both hear a man scream from further up the street. The scream seems to frighten her a little and she nods her head and follows along with Eve while saying.

"Oh jeez, yes let's get out of here. I don't like the sound of that scream."

Further up the street in the alley the man stares back up at Fletch with his dazed smile. He let's Fletch help him to his feet but the combination of alcohol in his system and the loss of blood makes it very difficult to walk and he has to lean on Fletch heavily as they leave the alley. When Fletch leans him against the wall the guy waves dopily and says.

"Thanksh bud...bud...buddy It'sh a good thing you were able to catch you're dog before he bit me."

While Claire waits the woman behind the desk picks up her phone and dials Izzy's dorm room first. Not getting an answer there she leaves a message and tries the cell phone contact number to see if she can reach Izzy.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Yeah, don't know what got into him. Take it easy for the rest of the night, alright? See you." Not being eager for the drunkard to regain his senses, Fletch whistles for Bubba and heads home. The alcohol inside his blood feels... nice. It's been too long since he's been drunk.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Certainly not expecting her phone to go off, Izzy lets out a little 'eep!' and answers it before it can ring too much, brow furrowing a bit as she answers with a "Hello?" Her look only grows more confused as she listens to the woman on the other end. "My Aunt Claire?" Then the recognition dawns. "Oh. Aunt Claire! God, I completely forgot she was dropping by to see me!" She gives Raven a bit of a look at that one, then makes a frustrated noise into the phone, turning the conversation more gossipy with the other woman. "I had to take my car to the garage to get looked at. Some stupid thing that couldn't wait. Would you be a love and let her know that I'm all the way over at Fletch's Garage across the way. I should be able to be back soon but if she can't wait, we can hook up tomorrow night at the Vat, maybe? Early eve?" She puts that "pretty please with sugar on top" tone into her voice to get the woman to pass on the message. Provided she's convincing enough, she'll hang up and look apologetically at Lucky. "Sorry. Looks like something's come up with one of the mates and we've got to hoof it all the way back to the college. Now that I know where to look for you, though, maybe I'll stop by if we come around to harass Ronny."

Again, provided the Nosferatu is going to be all right, she'll hook her sire's arm and lead him out. "I don't know what's up, but it's obviously important for Claire to come looking for us. Sorry to make you come all this way only to turn around and head back." She'll cast a look at Ronny's car as they start to go. "Hey, maybe we ought to pester him and see if he'll give us a ride," she laughs. Plan looks like, though, that they're going to be walking. Given that things started out before class, it's likely late, but still plenty of time for them to get back before the sun was going to come up. The only thing she's careful about is avoiding that parking lot again. Wouldn't do for the troublemint twins to see her coming back this way and screw up her story.

Once back at the college, she'd steer for the Services building, figuring that if Claire were loitering about the school still, that would likely be where they'd find her.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve ushers the woman a little farther ahead into the shadows and making sure that they were alone she let out a sigh of relief and pulled the woman down into a hug. "Thank you for helping." she said with a smile and then making sure she really was alone alone she took her second drink of the night. You know... if no one can see her.

When she was finished she gave the woman another hug and pushed her gently in the direction she'd been going before and dashed off back to her car to finish the ride to Fletch's.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The woman doesn't even notice as Eve sneaks her quick drink in only continuing on with a confused look on her face as Eve quickly makes her escape. As she's driving away from her meal she happens to catch Fletch as he's walking down the street away from his own prey.

The woman behind the counter has no problem relaying the message from Izzy to Claire.

Lucky seems to understand when Izzy explains that something came up and he waves as they leave him to his lonesomeness in the alley way.

((All right you shouldn't need anything more from me but feel free to continue on as we discussed.))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Pacing back and forth across the small lobby as she waited, Claire snapped her head up as Izzy entered. She let a gentle smile cross her features as she waved pleasantly at the girl.

"Izzy, it's been too long. Come I've got things to tell you," Claire said happily, but as soon as her back was to the secretary behind the desk the smile vanished as if it had never been there. She stepped outside, once more waiting for Izzy to join her.

"Something's happening," Claire started simply as she started to dig around in the pockets of her jacket.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Aunt Claire!" Izzy waits until Claire is close enough and actually gives her an embrace, even bussing her cheek lightly before she turns and starts walking outside with the other woman. "Definitely! I don't think you've met Raven yet. You know, the one I was telling you about..."

She's all chatters and giggles until they get outside and she can lead Claire away from where they're going to be seen by the staffer. Joined by her Sire, she finds them a place where they can talk and not be seen by anyone that might be cutting across campus this late in the evening.

"Obviously. It's not often you come looking for us. What's going on?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Someone breached the masquerade tonight. Damn massacre out at the old fort. Whoever it was was trying to set me and Eve. I honestly don't know who... despite the note. I can understand trying to bring me down, but Eve? It's either someone that has a hate on for Camarilla... or our coterie. Thought it would only be, polite, to stop by and let you know," Claire explained calmly, letting her gaze flick between Izzy and Raven almost lazily.

She rubbed her chin as she though, once more trying to figure out who her enemy was.

"Jack was there, helped clear our names, for the moment, but now we owe him a damn boon,"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Shit," Izzy mutters. "Well, at least you guys are in the clear, even if it costs ya." She hesitates a moment, sounding like she's sucking on a tooth. "If I can lend a hand getting you even more clear, lemme know." She's speaking for herself, though, not both her and Raven. If he was willing to help, fine, but she wouldn't make promises for him. "You said they left a note? Obviously it's someone that thinks they're either clever or their over-confident, one of the two. What did it say?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Quite simply it just said: if we're smart we'll find the villain we seek. Did I mention how much I hate politics and back stabbing?" Claire said angrily, before forcing herself to calm. She would have taken a deep breath but... she'd gotten out of the habit since she didn't need to breathe.

"I don't know if you really should help or get more involved than I just made you. I mostly just figured I should warn you. I don't know if this was something against our coterie for the little attack we made the other night or what. Granted Eve wasn't there... but she was pretty damn vocal supporting it at that... meeting... thing...," Claire said.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy inclines her head. "Then again, so was I." She trails off a bit, looking rather thoughtful and then shaking her head. "If you're smart? Yeah. Someone's taunting the two of you. That's about as good as saying 'neener neener. You can't catch me.' and then blowing a raspberry in your face." And while she's thinking, that's sort of what she does, brumming her lips as she forces out a bit of air. "I appreciate the warning. And I'll keep an ear out. Might not account for much, but you never know what might turn up. Just be careful, okay?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire curls her lips up in an almost predatory grin, risking showing off her fangs.

"Careful. Tell me dear niece, when am I not careful," she said, opening her jacket slightly to show off the pistol grip of one of her shotguns, removed from the rest of the weapon, tucked into a pouch inside her jacket.

"Something is coming, and I have a feeling we'll be at the very apex. Whether we like it or not I think the time for being careful is coming to a close," Claire said, and with a slight nod turned to leave. As she wandered off into the shadows she glanced back briefly.

"You know where to find me," and with that, she was gone.