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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Int next round

BG 4

Irriana -8/48 -6 parry reduction, Fight threw the Pain, Ravage
Henry 3/25
BG4 25/25

Irie deals 22 damage after armor
Henry deals 3 damage after armor
Bg 4 deals 7 damage after armor

Irie eyes aglow, tattoo's steaming with power turned to face her foe's Henry tried to strike first his nicked blade glancing off Iire's blocking balde more out of reflex than desire from the Slayer. "You will know PAIN!" Almost faster than the rogue could see Irie struck her weapon easily shredding armor and flesh of the poor ruffian. An arch of blood splattered against a far building as Henry stumbled back and fell to the ground. "H-Henry!" The other bandit seemed to panic a bit before he got angry and struck Irie solidly which only made her grin savagely.

Rikke paused a moment watching the scene unfold at the horror unfolding when she noticed that Henry was still breathing. Severely injured yes but not dead. Had Irie pulled her strike or was the damn fool just lucky. Still could she take that chance? Either way needed to be free and renewed her struggles to be free.
Rikke looked on in equal horror as the duo now faced something truly surreal... Yet in the rogues eyes, she could see just how much strain Iries body was going through! The tatoos seemingly invoking their dark magic to keep the body animating and far beyond it's limits! Yet a moment later quickly the dark magic revealed its effectiveness as a blink suddenly a massive splatter of blood covered the aged walls as the poor bastard seemed to be almost cleaved in two in just a single blow?! A blow that no longer bore the mercy of slicing at stamina and draining the spirit, but rather rended flesh and blood!

"No! You idiot!" Rikke called out to the man still attempting to fight "Your friend's alive! Run!" as suddenly the girl who was aimed to be the object of the groups lusts, whether she agreed to or not, was actually trying to help the bunch! Though truthfully just as much, the rogue had to make sure Irie would not make a terrible mistake! This wasn't her... The girl winced angrily and looked to her trapped foot only a brief moments focus later to kick the man with all her might to get him to shift enough only for her to yank her leg free! At this point she had to stop Irie before she butchered these idiots... or before the dark energies tore her apart!
Int next round

BG 4

Irriana -14 unconscious
BG 1 unconscious
BG 2 Unconscious
BG3 3/25 shock
BG4 25/25

Rikke parries and uses show of skill
Iria's attack is parried no damage delt. She passes out
Bg 4 strikes dealing 6 damage after armor

Quick as the wind Rikke was up scooping up Henry's fallen blade. Her desperation carring into the fray just as massive strike reached its apex over Irie's head surly she would cut him in twain. The ruffian with fear lashed out with an attack that Irie didn't even bother to block. Suddenly the blade came rushing down its shadow casting its doom on the man's face only to have another blade intercept the likely lethal blow. For a moment Irie was stunned at the blade work she could barely see as her blade went flying threw the air impacting between the legs of one of the fallen ruffian's cracking the cobble. Rikke looked up at Irie's eyes seeing a sparkle of recognition before they clouded over and the woman fell succumbing to her wounds. The ruffina for his part held his club up at Rikke but it was shaking badly.
The kick had worked! Rikke quickly slipped her foot out and smiled, before hearing the remaining idiot cry out in desperation as he was attempting to avenge his friend to the bitter end! "Tsk..." the rogue winced as the sparkle of Henrys blade caught her, quickly spurring the heroine to dash from her low-start and sweep up the blade! All the while Irie seemed to have locked onto the remaining attacker, before letting loose a massive attack keen to utterly see the violent oppressor ended in a crimson mist!

*CLANG!!* "H-Heavy..." Rikke looked upon Irie in a strained manner, as Henrys blade seemed just about near its shatter point from the massive parried and locked attack! "S-Sorry I took so long." the heroine smiled to the heavily breathing girl, the dark mist still enmating from the tatoos... Yet just as Irie in her blinded fury may have even considered a follow up, the rogue suddenly snapped the locked blades to disarm the Slayed, before she stepped in up close right to the girl discarding her own blade and giving Irie a gentle hug?! Both embracing the girl and not allowing the wild swings to continue "Hey.. Hey... It's me. It's alright, Irie. It's Rikke." she'd beam the girl a smile, keeping the hug up to until finally the rune glow ceased and Irie seemed to collapse to her wounds! The heroine gently guiding the girl to the ground.

"Phew..." Rikke smiled contently, only to stand up and note the final man still standing ready to fight? "What are you doing?! Do you want him to die?!" the rogue quickly struck through the tension more keenly than any blade... with a rightful scolding "Geez... There's a medic nearby. Let's get these two to her, she should be able to save them." the girl explained leaning forward subtly and looking at the man angrily. Indeed it was just him, no boss to act up to, nor any of his 'buddies' to back him or for him to fit in with!

Still if the rogues reason didn't quite reach her, the beauty would sigh and look over Henrys blade... it was crude, but should do the trick "Or do you still want to go?"

[Rikke uses Blade Dance if need be!
The man looked to his friend and ran over to him dropping his club. "We'll get you for this both of you!" Picking up his friend the ruffian ran off leaving the three unconscious ones to what ever fate may occur to them. Rikke fore her part scooped up Irie and made a mad dash back to Adel.. Well as mad a dash as could carrying the much larger woman. Seeing Rikke burst in Adel said nothing and simple pointed to a long table that was surprisingly clear from the last time she saw it. Of course with as much racket the fight had brought no doubt Adel was ready.

Spry for an old woman she coopted Rikke to help with treatment giving her a small vial of bluish liquid. While she took a staff off the wall. Muttering to herself the woman chanted while it glowed. Seemingly the Mist returned to the tattoo's forming a serpent like figure that hissed at the staff. Still with Adel concentrating the creature seemed to back off and evaporate. As it did so Rikke saw some of the wounds close up. "Gods it fights me." Grunting Adel set the staff down resting on it. "Now child make her drink the liquid." Having to open the girls mouth Rikke poured it in, this caused Irie to struggle a bit but only from choking a bit on the potion. With it mostly down the rest of the serious wounds sealed up. "Quick hun while she is out use this on the rest of the wounds and bandage them.. Im just so exhausted right now."
"W-wait there's..." yet it seemed the rogues compassion did not quite reach the man... Geez... Well as bad as the cut looked, the wound was unlikely to be fatal. While Irie on the other hand was in a far less secure position! The accursed runes seemingly making sure its host warrior would beat its foes, even at the price of its bearers life! A price the rogue had to leave unpaid! "Come on... let's get you to Adel." the beauty gently picked up her friend and rushed right back to the woman, she had all but bid farewell... Seemed the return visit would come far earlier than either had forseen!

"Doctor!" Rikke called out as she entered the shop with a light shove of her shoulder, her ally in hands-- Yet Adels response seemed all, but surprise as with movements and actions clearly refined and reinforced with age-old experience it took very little time for the elderly woman, mostly finish the treatment.. and spurn the dark forces clinging at Iries fate "What... was that?" Rikke turned to Adel with genuine curiousity, clearly referring to the strange 'snake' she had seen. All the while as Adel explained, the beauty did exactly as the medic asked! Yet seeing the absolutely visible recovery of Irianas beaten up body, the heroine soon enough could sigh with utter relief "Thank you, Adel... Truly. If there's anything you'll ever need..." Rikke turned to the woman with nothing short of sparkling eyes of gratitude... indeed from the stange magic to sheer beating Irie took, the chance encounter with the medic seemed nothing short of a Goddess blessing!
Adel sat in her chair look far more old and tired then when they had first met. Her frail from heaved with exertion and a bit of hard breath before she spoke. "An ancient evil, a price paid for power." She looked at Irie a sad expression on her face. "Willing or unwilling it will have its due eventually." The woman sat a while longer before getting to her feet and replacing the worn staff on the wall. "Now then young one let her rest, get yourself cleaned up too. Adel pointed to a small wash basin. I am going to lay down for a bit. Im not as strong as I used to be. Fighting evil spirits is best left to the young." She smiled and retreated up her stairs leaving the rogue with Irie in the main area.

It would be about an hour before her friend awoke with a start almost falling off the table. "RIKKE!... oh your alright... thank the gods." The girl would sit up and look her friend over. "What in the hells are you wearing?"
Rikke could only give the woman a kind nod as she departed "Ofcourse." yet even when her figure had all but disappeared, Adels words lingered longer than her presence... 'An ancient evil... will have its due eventually.' the rogues eyes moving to the intricate and numerous tatoos throughout Iries body, as the words echoed at the back of her mind. For a fleeting moment back there, Rikke had all but seen exactly what sort of force and danger her friend had been contenting with... The memory quickly sending a mix of fright and sadness throughout the beautys body, as indeed contending with something dark within themselves... wasn't all too foreign for the rogue as well... "Rest well." the beauty stroked a hand over Iries, before heading off to change the water and wash herself up lightly as well.

"H-hey! Easy!" Rikke called out with a laugh, as indeed seemed Irie hardly knew subtelty when it came to waking up! Be it with a speedy move of the nearby chair or direct catch, soon enough the rogue found herself sighing with relief at the averted 'disaster'! "Well~ Can't say I imagined our rendezvous to quite like that." the beauty rubbed the back of her neck smiling brightly--- All the while indicentally adding a subtle shift and weave to her rather prominently featured cups in the white shirt! A sight all the more supreme due to the rogues lightly lingering effect from 'that' words effects and the subtle traces of the basins waters sparkling on them "Eh?" Rikke blinked as she looked over her outfit and then looked right back to Irie "C-clothes?" seemed that last bonk may have been a tad more hearty than expected! As clearly in the rogues eyes there was utterly nothing wrong with her attire!
Rikke caught her friend easily enough which turned into a fierce hug as the woman held her tight. Only then did they separate with Irie give Rikke a thought about her clothing. She let it slide at that though a worried look to seemed to linger a moment. "I'm glad we did run into each other even if the situation was a bit extreme. I have my girls tracking a beast that has been terrorizing the area. In fact I was heading back here to get some fresh supplies for the hideout." Irie sat a moment and looked around before focusing back on Rikke. "Oh Emma told me you are in great danger. She has felt something stirring in this area. She thinks another one is waking. I tired to get more out of her but she said you would know what she was talking about. Oh she also said she wasn't sure if it was good or bad." She paused a moment waiting for the rogues response. "Also the oldman sent a you this." Irie pulled out a small package she had kept on her side in a long pouch. "He said you might need this soon. Though he didn't tell me what it was." Rikke took the package and felt a very familar weight in her hand. "He said it was a gift from the wind if that makes any sense." Opening the package Rikke's eye lit up at the sparkly and seen of beauty. Though the blade was still covered the shine of the pommel and the familiar curves of the hilt hit home to the rogue. Her sword was shethed in a black scabbard with an emblazoned Warg head in profile. It even caught Irie's eye. "That is a nice weapon... even I can feel its power from here. Thats a mighty gift for sure!"
Rikke gave Irie an enthusiastic nod, as the mention of the beast confirmed the beautys first suspicions "Mhm~ You girls weren't too subtle about it..." she'd snicker playfully, yet before she could even ask what they've made of the beast, what it even was... her raven haired ally added a message from Emma? A warning of great danger and of another beasts awakening that the rogue would know about? This certainly spurred a puzzled blink from the rogue, yet it took just a moments thought for her eyes to subtly widen at the deduction of exactly what Emma may have meant!

Even if Rikke had almost written off the events in the underground as ancient history... what if this history was about to make itself known? The ghostly history that still lingered there... what if it was a warning? Or perhaps a grace to understand the upcoming potential threat? Still it would be a seeming shift in the air that brought the rogue back to the present, as Irie seemed to take some sort of long item wrapped in dark silk? "Hum? A gift from the Old man?" yet just as the girl was given it the weight of it seemed to nothing short of ring throughout her body in absolute familiarity, her heart skipping a beat as this long form... this feel... All of it!

Even the wind itself seemed to grow stronger for just a moment in a order to flick the fine silks upwards and unveil what they hid! The fine scabbard of the Black Wargs and more importantly the familiar hilt and pommel of a certain silver blade "Beauty!" Rikke called out her body nothing short of tingling as she'd snap to standing! Only to waste little time to grip her familiar form and draw her blade in full! It felt... like all too long ago that the girl used it... Yet at the same time, it felt nothing short like a reunion with an old friend or even a part of her!

"Hyaa~ Ha! Hum!" Just to test it, the girl let loose her signature three slash attack, a few more acrobatic and expert movements, before finally sheathing it back from sight! "Phaaa~" the girl sighed contently as even if she hadn't fought properly in a while, seemed all that she needed was to feel the familiar sensation of her blade in-hand to quickly be caught up to relative form once again "It's my old blade.... Can't believe the old man managed to get it." she'd smile brightly, before turning to Irie "Seems I certainly owe him thanks."
It was then that Rikke noticed that Irie had gone tense her breath quick and short, her body trembling slightly. The girls accursed tattoo's seemed to writh a bit, only then to calm when the blade was sheathed. Even her breath slowed. "D-Damn.. never felt anything like that before." She smiled at Rikke calming herself. "Still me and the girls have got the beast thing handled. We have discovered where its lair is. Looks like it forcibly took over a wolf's den.. if the bones scattered about are any indication." She got up and began to gather her things up explaining what it looked like to Rikke. Apparently it seemed like a mostly humanoid dog. It had dark fur and smelled faintly of sulfur and rot. It was wiry and strong but its seemed slower than it should be, and the fur did have streaks of grey. She thought perhapse that it was old and what ever dark magic fuels its transformation was the only thing keeping it alive.
Rikke certainly beared a bright smile as she handled her weapon--- Yet couldn't help note, exactly how Irie seemed to react to it? Or had it been echoes from her injuries? Whatever the case may be, the girl didn't seem to want to speak of it, nor would the rogue push the matter at the moment. After all, their following topic certainly carried quite some weight to it! "Interesting... It sounds like something that escape from the old University building I explored." as indeed it was the rogues turn to share a bit of information on matters! She wasn't just lounging around and su--- dealing with Jericho traps! She was doing her own investigation as well!

"Turns out, our lovely enemies had been dabbling in alchemy and all the sciences related to it. This.. thing, sounds a lot like one of its escaped creatures." Rikke shared, yet seemed to pause as if having not finished her thought at that moment... that lingering pause soon enough clarified, as she'd add "But... That place was ancient. If it was from there, then it would've gotten out decades ago." the girl furrowed her brow "Either someone may have let it out... or maybe the Jerichos aren't limited to just the university." the girl shared her thoughts, further elaborating that the chances of such a active lab being in the University were slim, as such a beast escaping would've surely cause some major damage to the staff or the building itself! "Meaning wherever it came from, had to have been beyond the University walls... IF it is just one of the newest tests. Be careful." Rikke gave Irie a nod, before sitting down and further explaining her own predicament.

"As for me, if you get a chance tell the others and Emilia that I've made contact with the Underground Jerichos within the walls and started to unveil their faces one by one... I'll need a few more days atleast and once I know where they gather, I'll need everyone ready for an assault. We strike quick, swift and silently." Rikke gave Irie a nod sharing her plan "With any hope, we'll cut off these Jerichos without them spreading the warning and maybe find another thread to others." the way the girl presented the plan seemed simple and straightforward.... Yet this time around, the devil in the details was more akin to a monstrous massive minotaur beast!
Irie thought a moment, before speaking up. "Well from what the girls gathered about the beast, is that is a rather new arrival around town. However some of the older folk like Adel told us that something similar happened about fifteen years ago. I wonder if it is the same creature." She shrugged after a moment and let it go. "So how many more days till you are ready to act? I think it will take a least two more for the girls and I to wrap up the creature thing, and the next courier I will send out is today. So if you need anything now is the time. Though it might take about a week to get here." The news was less than stellar as the next meeting was in a few days. Though it could buy her some time to work more on her plan.
15 years ago? So that was potentially the time the University old building was burnt down? Had the fire rotted it so badly in such a short frame of time? It did sort of fit... Yet if that was the case, where DID this new creature come from? "Hum? Oh..." Rikke paused in thought "There's a big event coming in two days. I might need your help then, any chance we could arrange a meeting? The event would happen nearing midnight." she'd give Irie a nod and hoped for a yes! Even if she had some contacts in Class like Morgan, it was best not to involve someone so outside of these events! Yet... The rogue still needed a far more clear plan of action how she'd tackle that day!

Making the two days up to it, vital in working out the final few details of how everything would go down "I might need your girls help with an assault or some guard duty, but I can only tell you more when I've a better understanding of how this meeting will go." as indeed at the very least Rikke knew Mr. Steel was going and that he was a member, his robes haphazardly throw around in his home with the frail lock. At the same time, every night prior the rogue even in her fuzzy state remembered someone would come 'pick her up'. Either way it seemed she'd need a careful watch who and when Steel interacts with, Cheryl could likely be of great aid in the effort to boot! "But with Beauty in-hand think I'll be a-okay no matter what."

Rikke turned to Irie and gave the girl a gentle hug "Don't worry, I won't let you all down... Jerichos gonna go down." she'd give Irie a happy wink as indeed would the duo agree on how they could meet-up in two days time, seemed it was about time for the girl to go back to her mission inside the University walls! Now with a cleaner uniform in hand!.. A uniform that could perfectly hide Beauty as she'd carry it in!
Irie nodded "It shouldn't be a problem Ill tell the girls to await your word. After all we know where the beast is and your mission is priority." Good seemed Irie was in. Now all Rikke needed was a way to contact her when she had a more solid details. "I guess Ill have the girls move camp to the woods outside of the campus. We will lay low, come find us when your ready. Im going to wait here for a bit for Adel to rest up make sure none of those fools decide to pay her a visit." Well that was set at least for now. All that was left was for Rikke to pick up Cheryl's order and make her way back to campus.

Leaving the house/shop she had no trouble spotting the dust up of her fight with the thugs. Thankfully all seemed to have either taken off or gotten help. No doubt they where licking their wounds at the bar or their hideout. She of course still had a few hours to do any shopping or the like before she was due back. Though it seemed she had done enough adventuring for one day. The next issue would be getting Beauty into the campus. She doubt they would search her bags but she would still have to hide it. Sadly her current attire would be of no help in that regard.
With that the deal was struck, as after a final exchange of wishes of good fortune, Rikke returned back to the alleys and more specifically the place where her own conflict had taken place! The rogue couldn't help, but pause at the numerous hints of the struggle and quickly remembered not just Iries own peril, but her own more clearly! Something happened to her here, something that turned the trivial fight and escape into an absolute threat of her--- The beauty gulped nervously with a subtle rush throughout her body. One way or another Irie certainly saved her from a certain questionable fate.... Yet how did this need for saving even come up? Did these bastards use a spell? Some sort of item?.. No it was something else, as if their very words triggered some sort of trap... Words?

Rikke barely felt the silver necklace heat as it was tested, all the while making sure to keep its secret out of the girls mind no matter how much she tried to recall what activated the curse back then! Infact the more the rogue seemed to prod the more, the familiar weakening and exciting tingles seemed to threaten her with a wash of warmth through her body.... N-now was not the time to think of these things!

Right! Refocusing herself Rikke turned to Beauty still wrapped in the dark silks, as to conceal the weapon for now... Yet the girl absolutely already had a plan how to smuggle the blade inside! Afterall, incidentally Cheryl gave her the perfect excuse to bring in a relatively large amount of fine clothes - she'd hide beauty beneath the new uniform she had ordered! As indeed with such a plan, the girl wasted little time to rush back to the tailor she ordered the outfit from and pick it up! As only with it in hand and beauty snuggle hidden between the fine fabrics could she finally make her return.
Her plan went off with out a hitch. The fine cloths where more than enough to hide her treasure. The way back was rather peaceful in fact she was joined by several other girls who had the same day away as she did. Though they were far more in character for the academy than she. Letting them slip a bit further ahead as to not cause Cheryl an undo distress from being seen in her ..... current state. Thankfully it seemed her overzealous maid was one step ahead this time, or maybe she was just anxious for her fabric as she stood waiting near the entrance for Rikke. After a brife moment of utter shock at her appearance and all too telling sigh her maid on duty quickly took her threw the servant passages and popped her right in the room and promptly dumped her into a bath... this time it was not hot. "You're LATE!" she huffed before dumping her dirty cloths into a hamper for later while the rogue shivered in the cool tub. "No complaining now. Had you been on time it would have been hot." Cheryl began to scrub her gently despite the ire in her voice. "One of the teachers has been looking for you all day. "I told him you had a pass for the day out but he has been hanging around all over. Causing me no end of stress!" She sighed as she began to put scented oils in Rikke's hair. "Thankfully he was called away for another student. I swear mistress you have all the worse luck. Why would the advanced course department head want to talk to you. Your grades a terrible." The bath was simple and fast but much to her surprise the towel's were nice and heated.
Absolutely everything worked to a T! With the clothes providing ample covers to Beauty and all the creeps, cretins or otherwise bastards seemingly sent into hiding from the earlier conflict, returning back to the University proved as simple as can be! In fact, as it turned out the rogue wasn't the only girl who had left camp today, as the few figures dressed in clearly expertly tailored, meticulously fitted girls walked towards the main entrance... Yet even if these girls went to the same University, they and the rogue couldn't possibly be further from one another! From the snide comments about the city about the noses that seemed just about keen to leave tracks in the sky up above!

Rikke rolled her eyes, as indeed perhaps she'd just wait around or slip through another--- Yet just at those thoughts suddenly the beauty felt nothing short of an impossing aura surround her, a chill rushing through her body as a shadow loomed up behind her--- A presence that couldn't be ignored! "There you are!" as indeed only then the beauty turned around and saw Cheryl standing there in utter disbelief, the maids eyes seemingly darting from the excessive cleavage to the short shorts, as well as the beautys utterly wild hair from the scuffle in the alley "G-Got the good?" Rikke gulped as she'd offer the cloth, only to indeed in a seeming momentary flash to be taken away and in what felt like mere moments be plopped right into a cool bath!

Though Rikkes heart did skip a beat a few times as Cheryl certainly loosely flung around the packed clothes, yet the maid cares for them not to unfold kept Beauty safe all the way until they had indeed reached the safety of the room! "A-Aye! Got a little pre-occupied." the girl confessed with a sheepish smile, yet just before she could tell Cheryl that she had indeed made contact with the friends she had mentioned a few times, a curious search seemed to have taken place? "Head of the Advanced Courses?" Rikke blinked in genuine surprise, as she barely really knew the man... perhaps through passing them a few times or the like? "Did they say what they wanted?" truthfully the beautys heart certainly had skipped a beat, as the first thought as of Mr. Steel looking for her... after her incident near the house, yet thankfully seemed her machinations were still safe and unknown!
"He wouldn't tell me stating it was none of my business! The nerve! Your Mistresses business is your business as they say!" Wrapped in a warm towel she was lead to her best and plopped down on her belly while Cheryl rolled up her sleeves and began to need her aching muscles." Geez Rikke what did you do today beat up the whole town? Your whole back is in knots" At that she felt Cheryl press her elbow right into a tight spot releasing all the tension in her spine that the rogue had no idea was even there. It sent a shiver down that caused her toes to flex open and a slight gasp to leave her mouth. This was followed by a load audible chain of pops that initial hurt but felt so much better afterward.

A moment later she felt some warm oil pool in the small of her back as Cheryl began to massage her skin lightly. "Oh Mistress... I never knew you were into such taboo things". Rikke felt the girls fingers trace the counturs of her tramp stamp that Jessica had given her so long ago. "I guess you have always been a wild girl." Her hand didn't linger long as she began to rub and massage her back lettering Rikke relax. "So how did you dary go Mistress?"
After the cool shower, the warm towel felt as if the rogue could just... stay there, forever and ever! Wrapped in that delightful warm coziness... As indeed the beauty had the comfiest of smiles on her face, though the treats would hardly end there! "Mmmm~" the beauty nothing short of purred as Cheryl revealed her newest fruit of her training - a massage! "Mmm? Oh.. Would you believe a big dumb idiot sort of ended up toppling onto me and I got stuck for a while?" she'd giggle playfully, as indeed as strange as it sounded... it was the truth!

One after the other the sharp winces were followed by a most delightful relaxation and warmth, spurring cute subtly yelps followed by delighted sighs from the rogue, as indeed during the quite wonderous surprise the duo continued to talk on matters that seemed Cheryl only now noticed! "Hum~? Whatcha mean?" Rikke raise an eyebrow, only to feel Cheryls finger brush over the gift Jessica had given her! "Oh~ That's actually a gift... from a succubus... and a dear friend." the beauty revealed, yet certainly didn't let the 'Wild girl' comment slip by "Well... I just might dabble in such matters, just a little." she'd wink to Cheryl slyly--- and for a moment considered mentioning her findings of Mr. Steel, yet between the hedge maze event and what she found in his office... was this truly something Cheryl should know, lets she draw attention from the group? No, perhaps not yet.

"Well besides the big dumb idiot, a few remarks... I did manage to meet up with my friends. In fact, they've given me a small present." Rikke slyly looked back to Cheryl "It's carefully wrapped in the clothes. You can take a peek, if you promise to keep it a secret." she'd wink to Cheryl, as the maid could check a little later "Though~ Speaking of the wild and sensual, how about you? Ever stepped into the more unknwon waters?" the girl looked to her, yet didn't turn enough to interrupt the massage efforts.