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Chapter One: 2012


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Mont St Michel

The sun beats down on Northern France, and in particular, on the island dedicated to St Michael, off the coast of Normandy. Of the island's inhabitants, 40 were doing the smart thing, and using their noon hours for lunch, or a nap in the day's heat. One of them wasn't.

Inside the church which dominates the island, a single figure kneels in the first pew, head bowed, red hair fallen across her face. Mademoiselle Léontine, the locals said, came to pray every day at this time. With the old bridge destroyed, and the new bridge still being built, the darkened, cool building was free from the plague of tourists, so the redhead could settle whatever scores she held with the Almighty in peace.
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

Jamal grunts as he sags a little on his feet, breathing heavily once the man drops his baton. He smiles broadly at the man's words, but stops and takes a step back when he crouches.

"Oh shi-!" Jamal barely manages to stumble out of the way of the man's fist, tripping over his own feet as he does. He sits there, arms on his knees, as he glares at the man.

"What da hell, mon!? Why ya be doin' dis? I nevah done nottin' to nobody! Cahn't ya jus' go away an' leave me be?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Grantham spoke, then man reached into his suit and drew out the white device he had used earlier "This device can detect people with powers. It uses a special crystal to do it. We need you to change it to not only detect them, but also neutralize their powers." he says, holding the device out for Grantham "Think you can do it?"

Elsewhere, as the man walked casually down the street, a man in a gray suit and black sunglasses turns as he passes him by, his right hand, which was clenched in a fist, beginning to glow as he reached his left hand to his earpiece "We got one." he says calmly and in a low voice, hopefully not loud enough for the man to hear him.


The man smiles as he looks back out the window, making sure no one was following "A side-effect of my power. I can generate pure energy from my eyes and project it in any number of ways." he says, replacing his glasses "You must have a power. The device never lies." he says, pulling out the oval device and looking at it closely, the glow from before appearing, this time much brighter than before.

Mont St Michel

As the woman prays, she might pick up on a few footsteps, a strange woman clad in black robes moving down the center aisle, then kneeling in the pew opposite Léontine and begins praying. If Léontine were to examine her closely, she might see a strange tattoo on her face that seemed to move as she prayed. She seemed to be muttering about saving the world, if Léontine listened well enough.

Montego Bay

The man flies past Jamal, reaching both of his hands down to the ground to slow himself mid-flight, before coming to a rest and standing, rubbing his hands to remove the dirt. "Because people with powers like us are dangerous. My orders are to bring you in. Whether you like it or not." he says, dropping down for another lunge, but holding his position until Jamal had responded, planning to catch him off guard with another attack while he spoke.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

If the man had heard the other one, he gave no outward indication of it. He did however turn the corner into an alley way, ducking out of sight for a few moments.

If he turned the corner, he'd discover there was nobody there, however a sudden female scream pierced the alley way, coming from a nearby door at the end of the alley.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


As the man in the black coat rounded the corner, the man in the grey suit gave chase, reaching his right hand into his suit as he heard the scream, rushing towards the door, and pulling from within his suit a large silver pistol, what seemed to be a .45, but with a longer barrel than the average gun, and small vents atop the end of the barrel. As he held the gun up near his face, he slammed into the door with his left shoulder to force it open, pointing the pistol straight ahead as he entered the door.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Grantham looked at the device for a moment, and while he tried to hide his sudden curiosity his eyebrows did rise up just a fraction.

"This is a lot you're asking me to do. How am I to know that you're not going to just use it on me once I've modified it?" Grantham asks, mock concern in his voice. Then he let out a dry laugh. "Of course, the same could be said for your trust in me. How are you to know that I wont just alter it so it'll backfire on the user? Hell, I could just wait until night and kill you all." Again Grantham let out another laugh.

"Here, let me see that for a moment." Grantham stretched his ungloved hand out to recieve the device.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

What the man saw was an utter bloodbath.

Several people were already dead, a few with bullet holes ridden all through them. When she spotted the newest person, she whipped around, a gun in her hand poised to fire even as he registered the fact she bore the markings of the Japanese Mafia ....

And then suddenly the man he'd been chasing stepped out from nowhere, apparently having somehow gotten behind her, and with one swift motion withdrew a switchblade, got behind her and slit her throat surgeon style, dropping her to the floor before she could kill him.

After staring at the other man for a moment, he spoke with perfect english, though his accent said he wasn't from around here.

"Your welcome young man. Now, mind explaining why your following me and just what the hell your doing messing with a black ops mission?"

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Saya sighs and folds her arms as she glances wistfully out the window, "I guess if you put it that way..." She returns her gaze to the man, "I guess I'm interested, after all, now that you found me, I doubt getting away would be so easy..." She quickly finishes her candy bar, chewing it thoughtfully, "Can I at least finish tonight's shift or is that asking too much?"


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Mont St Michel

As the woman prays, she might pick up on a few footsteps, a strange woman clad in black robes moving down the center aisle, then kneeling in the pew opposite Léontine and begins praying. If Léontine were to examine her closely, she might see a strange tattoo on her face that seemed to move as she prayed. She seemed to be muttering about saving the world, if Léontine listened well enough.
On an island of so few residents, strangers stood out. For example, every native knew to stay out of the church between twelve and two. The woman's presence alone suggested something wasn't right.

Nonetheless, Léontine remains where she is, for now.. listening. And, of course, listening. After a few minutes, green eyes slip open, and she risks a glance at the newcomer, drinking in all the detail there was to be had before closing her eyes once more. Another pause, and the redhead shakes her head. A tourist, or another born-again Christian. Equally loathsome.

With a toss of crimson tresses, the Frenchwoman stands abruptly, and draws her dark green coat closer to her slender form. A distasteful nod for her.. fellow worshipper, and she turns to pace down the aisle towards the church's double doors.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra looks doubtful.

"Even if I do have a 'power' of some kind, I wouldn't know the first thing about using it. I don't even know what it is. If you could show me this power of yours, I might be a little more convinced."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Victor closed on his apartment, he would notice a few black sedans parked along the road and seemingly random intervals, all identical to the others. On occasion, he might just catch a glimpse of a man in a suit disappearing into the alleyways.
Shit. Victor turned down the closest alleyway he could find, trying to find a sufficiently secluded spot. But it seemed that every alley he turned down, every back street he looked at as he passed had a suited, shaded man looking down the end. He turned around to exit the way he came, but saw another suited man there. He'd been surrounded.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man smiled as he leaned towards the counter and rested his right hand on said counter "Or, how's about I call my friends in here?" We can do this the hard way or the easy way." he says, looking over his sunglasses as he tilts his head down.

Kalien glared at the man as she said "You do that and I call the police on you. Don't even dare try to threaten me stranger. I will spray your eyes with peppar spray and then claw your eyes out!" As she glared at the taller man, a tight frown line on her face as she hit a red button underneath the counter, signalling to the police station that walmart was being robbed.
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

Jamal carefully weighed his options. There was only one man, though he had some sort of crazy leaping ability. The man had said he works for people, that he had orders to apprehend him. That meant there were probably more of them. Which meant even if Jamal did manage to evade this one, there would be more coming for him; he'd have to live as a fugitive for the rest of his life. He wasn't sure what the organization the man represented wanted with him, and he definitely wasn't sure if he could trust them, or even that the man was telling the truth about there being others. Damnit. Fucking...damnit. Jamal dropped his head in defeat.

"Look, mon. I...I got some tings I be needin' ta take care of 'fore I come witchya. I can probly take care of dem ovah dah phone, which I keep in mah pocket." He gets up and slowly reaches into his pocket. "Well, mon, ya best start leadin' da way, 'fore I be changin' mah mind."

Well, worst comes to worst, I should be able to escape from wherever this guy's taking me. Hopefully. Jamal sighed inwardly. These were going to be some awkward phone calls.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Neal steps inside, he closes the door behind him, his right hand exiting his pocket empty as he walks into the living room, sitting gently into the armchair and leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he looks over at Kiri "I am sad to say that I was lying. No one hired me to find you. I was ordered to find you and see how far along you were." he says calmly, his right hand reaching up to adjust his glasses. "You may not know it yet. But you're something special. You have a gift. Some say it's a curse. Others call it a miracle. More still call it a gift from god. But you have a power unlike anything any human could ask for." he says, his voice strangely calm as he looks at Kiri. "Have you ever felt like you had something that made you different, or special?" he asks, his words giving off the sense that he wasn't here to do anything but talk.

Kiri shifts uneasily in her seat as the man speaks to explain his visit, not sure what to make of his claims. This was far too weird a conversation to be taking place in her normally solitary flat out of the blue. "Special? Me? I don't have any sort of power. What are..." She says a little nervously, hesitating as she stares away from Neal in thought. 'Wait, could he be talking about... but how would he know? Just who...' she thinks to herself, then looking up directly at Neal again. "Ordered by who?" she asks suddenly and more directly than before.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man nodded curtly as he handed the device to Grantham. "We wouldn't betray you, for the simple fact that you'd probably have a doomsday device on hand to kill us all." the man says, then breaks into a hearty laugh.

The man with the pistol keeps his firearm trained on the man "You're one of them, aren't you? You have some kind of power." he says, his grip on his pistol tightening. "Black op? How little you know of such things." he says, his thumb reaching up and pulling back the hammer on his gun as beads of sweat slowly roll down his right cheek.


"Of course. We'll make sure your job is taken care of while you're away. We'll be waiting out in the sedan." the man says, then walks out of the gas station, walking to the small black car and opening one of the rear doors, then sitting inside, the car pulling away from the pump after the driver finished filling the tank and then parking to the side of the station.

Mont St Michel

As Léontine listened, she would find that she couldn't hear what she was actually listening for, and as she stood and began walking, the woman in the robes stood and gasped. "I knew I would find you, Léontine. Nothing can hide that aura from me." she says loud enough for the red-haired woman to hear. Would Léontine turn around, she would see the woman's face clearly as she lowered her hood, the strange black lines on her face shifting and moving as if possessed.


The man nods, sifting around in his pockets for a piece of paper, then holds it out in front of him and focuses his gaze on the center. Seconds later, thin red beams shoot from the man's eyes and begin to slowly ignite the paper, stopping before they could burn through and affect the seat in front of him.


The men began to close around Victor, Tasers in hand as they approached. One raised his and fired it at Victor, intending to incapacitate him.


The man sighs, his left hand reaching up and running through his hair as he stands perfectly calm, waiting for the police to arrive. When they do, he reaches into his coat with his right hand and draws out what looks like a wallet. When he flips it open, he shows it to the officers that were aiming guns at him. "FBI. Stand down, officers." he states calmly as he shows Kalien the badge, a slight smirk spreading over his face as he does so. What Kalien would see would be a perfectly legitimate FBI badge and ID. "Now, I'd appreciate it if you came with me, miss. You wouldn't want me to call for the rest of my team, would you?"

Montego Bay

The man slowly rises from his crouch, his legs slowly shaping back to normal as he does so. "Very well. Just make sure no one really knows where you are going or why." the man says, dusting off his hawaiian shirt and sighing. "You're the first one to survive that without broken ribs. You've got some serious luck."


Neal takes a deep breath and sighs "I half-expected you to get up and run from 'I lied to you'. I am glad you understand why I'm here. But the important thing is, if your power has manifested yet." he says, his right hand once again entering his pocket, then drawing out a white oval-shaped device, pointing what looked like a small eye at Kiri as the entire device began to emit a faint purple glow. "This device uses a special crystal we found that glows when near people with powers. It means that you must have some kind of power. Any strange occurrences that have happened to you lately? Anything that seems out of the ordinary?" he asks, his voice maintaining that calm and caring tone through the whole conversation.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Grantham turns the device over in his hand for a moment, and appearing as if he's found something he pulls his gloved hand out of his pocket. Gripped in the hand is a small screwdriver, and turning the device over again Grantham begins unscrewing each screw. After several minutes Grantham had pryed the device open and examined each of the pieces, and after checking it over for a few moments he put it back together again and handed it back.

"Doesn't look like it would take too much to modify for it to do what you want it to do, all depends on if you've got the right equipment available. It's going to take something more than your basic tech to pull off making something that'll block or even erase the powers of other people." Grantham says matter of factly to the man, a grin stretching across his face as if the difficulty of this project pleases him.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra's eyes widen.

"Alright. So I guess you're serious about all this. But you still haven't answered me properly. What does this all have to do with you? And why am I in danger? You said it was because other people know I have a power. You and whoever you're working for seem to know it. Does that mean I'm in danger from you?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Neal takes a deep breath and sighs "I half-expected you to get up and run from 'I lied to you'. I am glad you understand why I'm here. But the important thing is, if your power has manifested yet." he says, his right hand once again entering his pocket, then drawing out a white oval-shaped device, pointing what looked like a small eye at Kiri as the entire device began to emit a faint purple glow. "This device uses a special crystal we found that glows when near people with powers. It means that you must have some kind of power. Any strange occurrences that have happened to you lately? Anything that seems out of the ordinary?" he asks, his voice maintaining that calm and caring tone through the whole conversation.
'Run? Where would I run to? You know where I live...' Kiriane ponders to herself, watching Neal and the glowing object uncertainly. "Ehm, well I wouldn't really say that I understand why your here quite yet. Would you answer my question first please? Ordered by who? If your not a private investigator, then who are you working for, and how am I involved?" She replies in an as matter of fact way as she can manage, though accidentally hurrying and fumbling her speech just a little as her nervousness shows through.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

He smiled slightly.

"Actually your half right. Perhaps I do have a power, but I WAS sent here to kill these men on a mission of sorts. I will not reveal to you whom however. Now, tell me, what the hell do you want young man, and speak quickly before I lose my patience and simply leave you here for the rest of the gang to find."
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

"How would I let dem know where I am goin'? *I* don' even know where I am goin'. I'll jus' tell mah momma an' mah bohss dat I'm goin' to England wit' de mos' beautiful woman, an' dat I'll be back in a month or two."

He wasn't comfortable lying to his boss, and he was extremely not okay with lying to his mom, but what choice did Jamal have? His mom would be fine with it, and his boss would be egging him on, so it shouldn't be that difficult.

He starts dialing his boss' number, then pauses at the man's remark about "luck".

"'Luck', mon? If I had luck, I'd still be a deejay an' still be surfin' an' hangin' wit' mah frien's, an' bein' dere to watch out for mah mom, an' livin' a normal life. I'd say dat bein' kidnapped qualifies as very much not luck." He resumes dialing, not waiting for a response.