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Character Creation Rules

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King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
There are eight slots for players, two of which are still open. If you want to join, I am looking for a sexergy powered character, and a blood feeding powered character for the last two slots. Plant these out accordingly.


Current Players:
Pheonix Alugere: Sen Valiere
GargantuaBlarg: Alice Lanetharias and Daz Lanax
T-A-B: Triacca Silvers
IndrickBoreale: Bellisera Arvus
TheWeirdOne: Siehydra and Teeu
Quartz: Elyna Fairfields


Your homeland calls to you. It's time to get your magic and medieval on.

This is a Fantasy PbP RPG involving magical powers, spiralling madness, epic monsters, romance (or just consensual sex) and horrible delicious rape.

It was called the pinnacle of civilization. It was also called the jewel of corruption. Founded in the backwaters of a since forgotten realm was the Great Kingdom of Mirafar, ruled by a great and immortal Lich King. Under his nearly nine centuries old rule, Mirafar became the most prosperous and renown Kingdom in all the realms, a centre of trade, vice, safety and military might.

Then came [post=147430]The Black Moon[/post] to ruin it all. Now nearly a century later, you have returned to you homeland, on the tails of an army sent to siege the Spawn of The Black Moon holed up within your fallen capital.

The first set of stats are attributes. There's eight of them divided into four groups.

Physical, Mental, Social and Magical.

The first three groups are dealt with first.
  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: Strength determines how physically strong and tough you are.
  • Agility: Agility is a combination of precision and speed.
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: Intuition is a combination of empathic and physical perception.
  • Logic: Logic is a combination of scientific know-how and logical intelligence.
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: Charisma is one's ability to convince and ingratiate.
  • Willpower: Willpower is a combination of determination and domination.

When creating your character, all Physical, Mental and Social attributes start at 1. Prioritize these three attributes groups. Assign 5 points between one group, 3 points between another, and increase an attribute int the remaining group by 1. Then assign 2 points to any of the six attributes. Non magical attributes can be no higher than 5 for a starting character.

  • Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: The stat that signifies that your character is awesome. Fate itself bends to your will.
  • Potency: A measure of your character's innate magical potential. Potency gives you more Power Points, and increases the maximum points you can have in your non magical attributes.

You character's Edge score starts at 3, while Potency begins at 1. Your current potency allows you to have a maximum of 5 in your non magical attributes.

The vast majority of the world is composed of people that are just not awesome. Sure, they can train and learn, effectively building up their meta stats to reflect that, even the King's Elite Soldiers are not awesome enough to compare to what the Player Characters represent. The Heroes. Normal people don't have an Edge score, nor Potency.

No one may ever know if what you did was good or bad, but you did it well.

FrankTrollman said:
A key portion of the die roll for any test is the skill. It represents specific training that helps a character perform a task. And because of that, it can lead to a far amount of confusion among some people, because linguistically we refer both to people who are very good at something and also people who are good at a wide variety of things as being “skilled.” In aWoD, skills are basically confined to the former interpretation. Jacks of All Trades are represented game mechanically by people who have relatively high Attributes and low skills. People with high skills are specialists by definition.

Physical Skills
Physical skills involve doing stuff with your body. Since everyone has a body, the defaulting penalty for using physical skills untrained is zero. Without specialized training you can always still make a raw attribute test. A very strong person can grapple fairly effectively on that basis alone, an intuitive person can easily notice things, and so on and so forth. The defaulting penalty for Physical Skills is thus zero.

  • Specializations:Climb, Jump, Run, Swim, Throwing

  • Specializations: by Weapon, by Monster, Grappling

  • Specializations: Concealing Goods, Legerdemain, Lock-picking, Security Systems

  • Specializations: By sense, Investigation, Noticing sneaking

  • Specializations: Hiding, Innocuity, Shadowing, Sneaking


  • Specializations: Tracking (Hunting), Gathering (Looting), Shelter, by Environment.

Social Skills
Regular socialization is performed with Backgrounds, rather than social skills. If you want to ingratiate yourself with others, track down the word on the street, or otherwise perform social legwork, you probably want to use a background like High Society or Mercenaries. Social skills apply a -1 dicepool penalty when defaulting.

Animal Ken
  • Specializations: Domestic Animals, Training, Wild Animals, Riding

  • Specializations: Business, Government, Logistics, Law

  • Specializations:

  • Expression is the art of entertaining and changing peoples' minds through art. Lots of people think that this can only be accomplished by making movies about gay cowboys eating pudding, but the truth is that any art that provokes the audience to even acknowledge it is on some level influencing the audience.
    Specializations: Writing, Dance, Music, Oratory

  • Intimidation is the art of using fear to get other people to believe or do things desired of them. Intimidation can be explicit (“If you don't do X, I will stab you. In the face.”) or implied (“Did you hear that the feds caught Ted for his tax non-payment? He's going to be doing time.”) and the threats can be to the target's person, finances, or reputation. And some of the best Intimidation is actually phrased in a manner that implies that some third party will do some thing to the target and the Intimidating character is willing to help the target.
    Specializations: Interrogation, Fear Mongering, Skulduggery, Blackmail

  • Persuasion is the art of manipulating people in such a manner that it isn't immediately obvious that is what you're doing. People who are skilled at Persuasion are essentially good at lying, although many of them get offended if you call it that. They may prefer the term acting or sales.
    Specializations: Acting, Insinuation, Fast Talk

  • Tactics is the skill that governs leadership in both the military and corporate sense of the term. This skill is needed if you're going to hire red shirts.
    Specializations: Inspiration, Maneuvers, Naval, Siege

Technical Skills

Technical skills apply the -1 penalty for defaulting if a character doesn't have an appropriate specialization. That is, a character may have Artisan (Painting), but they will still have to default when welding. A character who becomes trained in any Technical skill (1 point) gains a specialization for free.

  • The Artisan skill is used when you want to produce a physical object of some level of workmanship – whether you’re going for aesthetic quality or simple utility.

    There are a few more specializations in Artisan than in most Technical skills, in no small part because there are many materials that involve wildly different skills. It is recommended that these specializations are taken as applying to Artisan uses that are “close enough” – so a calligrapher might use the Painting specialization since in both cases they’re applying pigments to surfaces
    Specializations:By Medium (Painting, Sculpture, Metalwork, Carpentry, etc.)

  • The skill used to make the magical itmes. It is also the skill of impractical, impromptu engineering.
    Specializations: Solids, Fluids, Gears, and Ropes

  • Medicine is the art of treating injury and illness to promote good health. I foresee much use of this skill in the future.
    Specializations: Veterinary, First Aid, Long Term Care, Psychiatric

  • Operations is the skill of making machines and systems go. One part mechanical engineering and one part heavy machinery operation. This is distinct from making machines, which is generally artisan. You make an Operations test when there is not a 1:1 correspondence between your muscle movement and the action of the machine. So it's Operations to pilot a boat, firing a catapult or walk a mech around.
    Specializations: Piloting, Siege Weapons, Repair

  • Knowing things is important, but the fact is that your brain probably can't hold all the information you might possibly want to have available – and doesn't always keep the things you do know readily accessible. When you need information that you don't actually have in your head, you can use the Research skill to go look it up.

    Researching things overall is fairly uniform, but there are particular methods of looking things up that might not be obvious to people who don't use that system in particular. Specialization in Archives indicates an ability to look up information in data logs, newspaper histories, and other chronological information stores. The Library specialization involves looking up information in stores classified by content, and Crystal Gazing covers sifting through The Cosmic Awareness.
    Specializations: Archives, Library, Crystal Gazing, Interrogation.

  • Sabotage is the art of breaking stuff in a manner which will be most effective.
    Specializations: Explosives, Disabling Stuff, Structural Weaknesses, Traps

A specialization is a subset of a skill that a character is especially proficient in. When they make tests using the skill in a manner that is relevant to their interests, they gain 2 extra dice in their dice pool. Technical skills are an inherently specialized field, so in addition to getting 2 extra dice within a character's specialties, Technical Skill dice pools are penalized by 1 die if they are being used outside a relevant specialization.

The sample specializations are by no means comprehensive, and players can work out with me to find or create specializations that are right for them. A character might have their Animal Ken specialized in dragons, covering the training, breeding, and calming of wild and domestic dragons.

All a character's Skills start at zero. The player then prioritizes their Physical, Social, and Technical skills, distributing 11 points to one set, 16 points to the next set, and 21 points to the last set. Then they get 6 points they can place anywhere they want. An individual skill cannot be higher than 6 on character creation. The character then chooses three skill specializations. Remember that they also gain a specialization for each Technical skill they have trained.

There are a many types or resources. Some are physical objects, and others are favours owed by people. Resources are ranked based on how much power they provide.

You have a troop of non-awesome humans trained to fight for you. The first rank is like a couple of thugs with pointy sticks, while the second rank is a couple trained soldiers. Six ranks nets you a small army.

People that perform domestic tasks. They keep you clean, keep you fed and keep you entertained. The first rank is just one maid, three ranks gets you a harem of maids or an Alfred-esque butler you can trust to take care of your Batcave. Six ranks nets you enough servants to staff a palace.

Your are connected to significant people, and can rely on support from far off friends. Maybe you have some very loyal friends and family, or a mentor that smiles when his student succeeds, or perhaps an organization owes you favours. This resource provides a person or more that can supply you with resources or advice in a timely manner. Calling upon allies takes a few days (if they haven't relocated near Mirafar), and this resource can be reduced or lost of this help isn't reciprocated.

Bestest Friend
You are not the only awesome person here. This is a three rank resource that lets you write up another character. This character follows the same rules as you, but doesn't get any points to put in resources, or take an obligation (since they are obliged to your character.)

You have financial clout. This may not be actual money, just really nice things. Having nice things garners respect. The first rank warps your character in fine clothing, while higher ranks allows you to affect the world's economy (or what passes for it.) or change your gear.

Magical Artifact
A magical artifact is a great item of power. There are many forms of magic items - hats, shirts, belts, jewelry, weapons, shields, toys, furniture - but they all share the common feature of being awesome items. Not "Wow!" awesome, more like "MY EYES!!!! I"M NOT WORTHY!!!" awesome. Everything about a magical artifact is awesome, even when it isn't doing anything. A magical artifact hat, no matter how goofy looking, looks awesome on you. When you sheath your magical artifact sword, you can almost feel the scabbard shiver in orgasmic pleasure. When you pluck a magical artifact harp's string, it sounds like a choir of tiny angels. When you polish your magical artifact helmet, you're reflection gives you a thumbs up. When you hang a magical artifact painting on the wall, everything on the other side of the wall just looks more awesome, even if it's painting of a red squiggle (though, it would be the most awesome red squiggle ever!).

So there's a few of common features of Magical Artifacts that they all share:
  • A magical artifact has a name. And it isn't something lame like +3 longsword of frostburst and of ghosttouch. Said sword would be called something like Ghostwinter, and there wouldn't be a +4 or +5 version.
  • A magical artifact bathes everything in its presence with awesome, making it easily identifiable to anyone, even if its purpose or function is unknown.
  • A magical artifact has a purpose beyond whatever it would be as a common item. A magical artifact sword isn't just an awesome sword. He who wields Excalibur is King of the Britons, while The Bolt of Zeus is a javelin a certain deity gives to a champion to exact justice upon the wicked. Or maybe it's Cupid's Harp, a musical instrument to be played by an Archangel to woo a Demon Lady.
  • A magical artifact is very difficult to destroy. It took convoluted conditions to create, and so convoluted conditions are needed to destroy it. Most often, a magical artifact's method of destruction is unknown, so most unusable artifacts get buried in tombs.
    But what this means for players is that they never have to worry about their magical artifact getting destroyed. A magical artifact axe never needs to be sharpened, though you may want to wipe those blood smears off of it before it awesomely attracts flies.

If you so choose this resource at character creation, you must decide the magical artifact's name, why your character has it, and what kind of purpose this artifact was created for. You don't get to choose what kind of magical powers the artifact has, but I guarantee, the more ranks you have with this resource, the better the artifact you'll have.
Also, your artifact can't declare that the wielder (your character) is the King of Mirafar.

You have a creature to sit on as it carries you around.
  1. Just a Giant Boar
  2. War-Boar, Giant Spider or domestic Raptor
  3. A Venomous Spider, War-Raptor or domestic Harpy Dragon
  4. A unicorn, a domestic Bearded or Horned Dragon, or a Harpy Dragon trained for War.
  5. Horned or Bearded Dragon trained for war, or a domestic Gryphon
  6. Gryphon trained for war.

Choice one resource to have 3 ranks, one to have 2 ranks, and another with only 1 rank.

Last Extra Point
There's one last point your character has to allocate. This point is either one level of a corruption, or an increase Potency or Edge.

Despite being exalted and free of what essential amounts to being a slave to the kingdoms, you character still has other metaphorical shackles. Choose one of the following:
  • Addiction: Your character has a bad habit they can't shake. They may like certain substance too much, or doing a self destructive activity (like gambling away all their money).
  • Debt: Your character has a very-substantial negative net worth. This may not actually be a debt that can be payed off. Some entities demand regular tithes for whatever boon they grant.
  • Enemies: Your character pissed off a group of not nice people. They will send ninjas to stab you in your sleep, or maybe just some hooligans to mess up you pad. The point is there's group of people than want to bring harm to your character, even though there's an interdimensional war going on.
  • Arch-nemesis: Similar to Enemies, but focused into another exalted. This person hates your character's guts with a passion. He's probably mentally disturbed and suicidal, the only thing keeping him alive is the dream of your ruin.
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Re: Character Creation Rules

Shades of Humanity

The World is very old. Humans always existed, but when the four corrupting magics started bleeding in, the entities they spawned started collecting humans as slaves and breeding toys. Humans are wonderful sources of various life energies, but they also opposed to oppression and really don't like being forced to have sex with demons and trees and bees. (Well, most of them.) Eventually humans figured out how to combat the various corrupters, but not before entire tribes were affected at the genetic level. And this is were the various sub-species of humans come from.

Make no mistake, these are all human. They just have a few weird cosmetic and cultural afflictions. If somebody wants to play as one, they just do, and it gives them a package of some perks and flaws, as well as minor cosmetic change.

These humans are descendant from tribes that remained uncorrupted. As the ages have past, some have adopted a superiority complex in regards to the corrupted races. They run the gamut of humans on earth, in terms of looks, but culturally behave like Canadians, minus the hockey and back bacon.

Until the discovery of Iron, demons ran amok, and fucked any human that stood around long enough. Now the demons are very careful, since unrestrained rapists get stabbed by shards of iron.
Goblins: Slightly shorter than a Pure-blood, with big floppy ears and a bit more hair, skin colouration ranging from tan to orange. Sometimes their ears grow very long and stand up, like a rabbit's. Regardless, they are compact human; full features, smaller size.
Goblins have a quirk when it comes to material wealth: if you are not carrying it, you don't own it. Goblins carry everything they own, and their most precious items never leave their grasp. It's not unheard of to see older goblins with a huge backpack filled with trinkets and tools.
Ogres: An opposite to goblins, ogres are larger than normal humans, are nearly hairless, and usually have beige coloured skin, and pointed front teeth. Some are green, others are blue, and still some have a dark red colour. They also have a pair of short horns growing out of their forehead.
Ogre have the unearned reputation of being cannibals. They may have something to do with the fact that they bite and tear flesh in brawls.
Ogres love showing off how strong they are. They are very proud of their accomplishments. They are also kinda vain, and take good care of their bodies.

Until the discovery of Silver, fey plants trapped human women in pods and used them to incubate their seeds into saplings. The cross breeding created walking, talking plants that liked to have sex with humans. Also, sufficiently corrupted animals could reproduce with humans, resulting in the beast-folk that wander the wilderness to date.
Elves: The most common fey-blooded human. Elves look like lithe humans, with hair colours either being green, or something akin to flowers. Blue, neon-orange, yellow with white roots. If there's a flower, you can bet there's at least one elf with hair the same colour.
Orcs: A human with a slightly green tinge to their skin, an under-bite and tusks, they are considered by most to be savage and violent. This isn't the whole truth. Orcs are still living in a tribal, hunter-gatherer age, despite the rest of humanity's advancements, and this is a very tough life to live. Since they expend a lot of energy living like this, they have to have a very simple and practical social dynamic. Orcs are blunt, brutally honest, and by extension, honourable to a fault.
This gets them really frustrated when they go to another, more civilized society and the locals putter around the bush, speak eloquently and elaborately, or use innuendos.

Yes, even angels were corrupting. Despite their good intentions, the angelic outposts gathered humans and isolated them into bondage, for their own good. The humans their had to do inane tasks to keep themselves busy, and occasionally would be rewarded with a virgin pregnancy (skipping the actual sex). Then some bad dude with Gold spears and arrows came in and killed all the monsters, took their stuff and sold all the humans left as slaves.
Yawl: Yawls are humans with pearl white skin, and absolutely no hair. Their eyes glow noticeably in all but direct sunlight. Yawl females must have sex once a week or will undergo parthenogenesis. They can still have normal children if they have sex with a man, but these will always be of the father's sub-species. Male Yawls are always sterile.
Yawls may seem aloof and wise beyond their years. They are actually rather shy and reserved. They do like to read books, and you'll often find one in a library.
Harpy: Humans descendant from angels that didn't have a compulsive aversion to sex, the main feature that distinguishes them from normal humans is the fact that they have feather covered forearms and thighs. Their legs are also clawed and scaly like a bird's legs. This makes them good at climbing, since those claws provide better grip. Harpies also have much better eyesight during the than Pure-blood humans, a trait some put to use as hunters and day shift guards.
Most harpies are very nimble, share a love of dancing and music. Some harpies join a circus troop, performing either trapeze or acrobatic stunts.

You might think that a person touched by death magic would just out right die. Well, not quite. Necromancy deals with more than just souls, it also deals with bones and disease.
Nazrin: Ye classic Rat Folk. These humans have rounder ears a bit higher up their head, a very thin coat of grey or black fur all over, and a two foot hairless tail. Most rat folk are considered disease ridden outcasts, better suited to living in squalor than opulence. This makes them a bit bitter towards whatever society they live in, but also gives them a bit of humility.
Tomb-tainted: These are very pale humans, sporting white or black hair, and red eyes. They look like they've never seen the sun, and this may be true. Tomb-tainted love dark places. Mines, caves, and, you guessed it, tombs. They only come out if they can't live in their favourite environment. Tomb-tainted don't like sunlight, and actually see very well in the dark, some taking up job as night shift guards. They also have a knack for digging, and some take up undertaking and/or grave robbing. Tomb-tainted scholars are often archaeologists.
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Re: Character Creation Rules

Magical Powers and Corruption
Absolute power is absolutely awesome.

So you've tapped into your soul and distilled it's power. How much is that? And what does it do?

To answer the first question, every character has a Pool of Power filled with Power Points. These Power Points are spent to use special abilities, like magical attacks, or mind control beams, or transformation, the list goes on.

Every character's Pool of Power can hold a maximum number of points equal to twice their Edge score plus three times their Potency. For starting characters that's either 9pp or 12pp. This pool refills every scene.

If you chose a corruption instead of increasing you Potence or Edge your character has another pool of power. Its size varies and how it is replenished
  • Blood: Characters that feed off blood have a pool that can starts at 4 points. They regain 1 power point whenever they deal 1 lethal wound. If they're bitting, they can damage and feed at the same time, or they can use a weapon to attack for many wounds and spend a round per wound dealt drinking up the blood.
  • Sexergy: The pool for sex powered characters starts at 8 points. When your character successfully drain-fucks someone, they take up to ten non-lethal wounds that don't spill over into lethal wounds, and you gain whatever amount of non-lethal wounds you deal in corrupted power points.
  • Dance: Characters that just have to do a short ritual have a pool that starts at 12 points. They don't have to hurt anyone to regain their points, but the ritual is kinda long, and so doing it in a hostile place will get you sneak-attacked.
  • Clocked: Characters that have to wait for a specific time of day to regain all their points have a pool that starts at 16 points.

When your character's corruption level increases, the appropriate pool also increases by 3 points. These pools get a letter notation for us to keep track of what kind of points you have. 'dp' for Demonic power Points, 'np' for Necrotic power Points, 'ap' for Angelic power points, and 'fp' for Fairy power Points.

Now you get to select what kind of powers you have. You get to chose a Universal Power for every point of Edge and Potence your character has now, and a Sorcery if your character is corrupted.

What kind of magical powers are available? Well. Allot, oWoD and nWoD have been around for a long time, and have accumulated lots of options. Some are dumb, and some are overpowered. Instead of listing them all, let me point you to a place to start:
Remember that you need to take two basic powers from a Discipline before you can take advanced powers from that discipline, or a Devotion power. Also, you may not take elder level powers from any discipline.

When you select powers from there, ignore the three corruptions for all the magic, aside from universal. In that game, there's three corruption types, while mine has 4 you can benefit from. If you want a power for oWod, nWoD, or one you make up yourself, we can discuss it.

The Corruption Table
Characters that have selected to benefit from one type of corruption pick one side of a table and pick something from the first 12 possibilities on both tables. Characters that gain corruption from whence they didn't have it before will pick one of the two corruption columns of the type they have acquired, then roll on the table for a random effect. Whenever a new corruption level is achieved, we roll on each table again, and add twice your corruption level to the results to see what new traits you manifest.

Some races come with corruption effects as inherent traits, and do not count as corrupted by default.

Corruption effects come in tiers, which only serve to measure their power.

The Table:
Corruption Effect Descriptions:
Tier 1 Effects
Mostly Cosmetic effects. Some have multiple stages that stack up to grant an actual benefit.

Hair Loss
Your character non longer has hair. Anywhere. Yawl's begin with this trait and must re-roll.

Strange Eyes
Your character's eyes are most unusual. This draws attention from people.

Glowing Eyes
Your character's eye glow noticeably. Yawl's begin with this trait and must re-roll.

Less Digits
Your character's hand have one less finger and feet have one less toe each, either from two fusing, or one just not being there anymore. This does not affect any game mechanics, even the Perform skill when using instrument. It's just a quirk.

Vestigial Horns
This is a multi-stage effect, being acquirable up to tree times.
  1. Your character sprouts one or more tiny bony growths from atop their head. Ogres begin with the first stage of this trait.
  2. Your character's horns get bigger, making hat wearing a challenge.
  3. Your character gains a horn attack.

Pale Complexion
Your character looks like he has never been in the sun, but will also never tan. Tomb-Tainted begin with this trait and must re-roll.

Black or White Hair
Your character's hair changes to Jet Black or Chalk White. Dark haired character's become white, while fare haired character's become black. This effect can be gained repeatedly, alternating between black and white each time.

Your character loses any semblance of having much muscle or fat. This doesn't affect their attributes.

Covered in Slime
Your character produces and is covered in an icky, sticky substance, which soaks clothing. They always look like they just came out of a bath, shiny with slicked wet hair. If she tells you it tastes like marmalade and offers to allow you to lick it up, agree.

Hair Becomes Jelly
Your character's hair becomes a single rubbery, fleshy mass. It may or may not have change colour. The hair still grows and can be trimmed or cut, but it takes Artisan (Sculpturing) to change styles.

Floral Hair Effect
Another multi-stage effect. This one makes' your character's hair take on more and more hair effects.
  1. Your character's hair either becomes green, or takes on the pattern of a flower. Elf characters all begin with this stage.
  2. Your character's hair has vines growing in it.
  3. Those vines have flowering buds that bloom into lovely flowers in the right conditions.
  4. Those flowers now bloom either all day or all night, and a large flower adorns the top of your character's head.

Leafy and Viney Growths
Your character has a few vines and leaves sprouting from their body. Not enough to hide in a plant garden, but enough to make your character look like they spent too much time sleeping in one.
If your character has at least the third stage of the Floral Hair effect, these vines also bud blooming flowers, and have no need to eat if they spend a couple of hours naked in the sun.

Vestigial Tail
Another multi-stage effect, it adds an appendage to your character they lost while evolving.
  1. Your character sprouts a short tail, about two feet in length. It moves in manner that reflects it's bearer's mood.
  2. Your character's tail becomes longer (and fluffier).
  3. The tail is fully functional, granting your character specialization in Athletics (Climb), (Run) or (Swim). If your character ever gains the Tentacles effect, the tail also become prehensile.

Fur Coat
Your character gains a coating of fur, either covering everywhere, or just enough to help with modesty. This effect is optionally a multistage effect, where the second stage and beyond provide a thicker coat and enhance durability in cold environments.

Glowing Halo
Your character's head is always glowing. It's kinda neat, but it brightness it proportional to the amount of ambient light there is, so it won't act as an effective light source.

Skin Becomes a Primary Colour
Your character's skin changes colour to something vibrant, a pure colour as seen on the rainbow.

Tier 2 Effects
These effects provide benefits the first stage they are obtained. The amount of corruption needed to reach these effects has probably already giving your character a master passion, but it should be manageable.

This effect can be gained multiple times, changing your character's sexual abilities in a big way.
  • Any character can gain a longer Prehensile Tongue, which opens a whole host of options in the bedroom.
    Female Characters:
  • Her boobs enlarge a few cup sizes and hips widen a bit, making her voluptuous at the very least.
  • She has Endless Lactation, requiring a thorough milking twice a day to avoid swelling and discomfort.
  • She gains a Futa Cock, gaining the ability to penetrate orifices and cause pregnancies in fertile women.
    Dicked characters have a couple of options
  • This character grows another penis. Two Dicks are better than one, after all.
  • Their dong becomes a bit longer, but most importantly Prehensile. With practice, they can learn to do origami with it!
  • The character now Cums Buckets. A few tissues are no gonna be a enough to clean up these messes, and wet dreams will completely drench bed sheets.

Big Ears
Your character's ears becoming bigger, improving hearing. Effectively this grant the Awareness (Hearing) specialization.

Big Schnoz
Your character's mouth and nose change shape to accommodate the enhanced senses. Effectively this grant the Awareness (Smell) and (Taste) specializations.

Night Vision
Your character gains the ability to see in the darkness without a light source. Tomb-Tainted begin with this ability and must re-roll.

Your character sprout two very thin and sensitive appendages from atop their head. Effectively this grant the Awareness (Smell) and (Touch) specializations.

Venom Sacks
Your character's natural attack inflicts a mild poison. Only one does is available per scene for each acquisition of the effect.

Hawk Eyes or Compound Eyes
Your character's vision becomes very acute. Effectively this grant the Awareness (Sight) specialization.

Vestigial Wings
A multi-stage effect.
  1. Your character now has wings. They make wearing tops and laying on their back uncomfortable.
  2. Your character's wings enlarge, allowing them to glide for a ways based upon their Strength.
  3. Your character gains full on flight, with a speed boost from Agility

Fire Breath
In combat, instead of using a weapon your character can spit fire in a small cone, setting enemies and anything else combustible ablaze. This method of attack can be specialized in with the Combat skill. The character can only do this once per per scene for each acquisition of the effect.

Horn Attack
Growing massive horns atop their head, allowing your character's natural attack to instead use the rules for maces or spears.

Claw Attack
Gaining razor sharp claws on their hands or feet, allowing your character's natural attack to instead use the rules for swords or spears.

Your character sprouts a pair of long prehensile tentacles, allowing your character's natural attack to instead use the rules for whips or maces. If your character has specialization in Grappling, they may also hold an additional creature per acquisition of this effect when grappling.

Egg Laying
If your character is female, she now lays sterile, hard shelled eggs a few times a weak, like a chicken's except trice the size. They make some pretty big omelette's, and some weird people will pay good money for human-laid eggs.
Male characters must re-roll.

Sticky Body
Your character's body can become adhesive at will, gaining specialization in Combat (Grappling) if the didn't have it before.

Glowing Body
Your character glows with a light, bathing the area they are present in with enough light for the unenhanced to see normally where ever you are. The range of your light is proportional to the relevant corruption level.

No Need to Sleep
Your character is immune to fatigue and never needs to loose consciousness to regain their full mental faculties. Whatever they do, they can do it all night long.

Translucent Body
Whatever is on the other side of your character can clearly be seen. Though a bit disturbing, this grants your character specialization in Stealth (Hiding), (Sneaking) and (Shadowing).

Tier 3 Effects
These effect provide potent abilities. Characters with enough corruption to roll this high on the table have at least 13 corruption ranks, and can therefor be considered permanently corrupted. Characters of this level of corruption probably have several Master Passions, and are very psychotic. When a character has accumulated enough corruption to never be able to roll less than a Tier 3 effect, they are more supernatural than human, and take aggravated damage from weapon made of certain materials.

Incorporeal Form
Your character gains the Shadow Body power, and can use inherent power points instead of corruption power points to activate the ability. If they acquired the power before, they may choose another, but only Shadow Body may be activated with the inherent power points.

Extra Arms
Your character gains another pair of arms, just as good as the originals. What you do with them is your business. This effect can be gained repeatedly, granting more arms.

+1 Physical Attribute
Do I really need to explain this? This effect can be gained repeatedly.

Natural Armor
Your character's soak increases by 2, but only when unarmoured. This effect can be gained repeatedly for additional toughness.

Fire Blood
Your character's blood is made of pure energy. Creatures that deal any damage to them must make an agility to avoid being hit by spouts of flame from the wounds they inflicted. Also, anything that tries to regain power points by feeding off your character instead takes damage.

Your character no longer takes non-lethal damage. This means Sexergy powered characters cannot gain power points by having sex with them.

Your character no longer has any flesh on their bones, forever more a skeleton. This means no character can have sex with them or feed off them. If your character is Sexergy powered, pick another trait.

Total Viscosity
Your character's entire body is made of slimy, oozy pudding. They can 'go limp' and slide around like a puddle, flowing through cracks and grates and pipping, but their equipment doesn't follow, and they have to revert back to human shape to effectively use weapons and use their other powers.

Sap Blood
Your character's blood is a thick sappy substance. You never have to worry about bleeding to death, automatically stabilize, and blood drinking creatures can't feed off you.


If your character rolls a 30 or better on the Corruption Table, they can choose any trait they desire from anywhere on the table and gain an additional magical power. Demonic or Celestial characters only need to roll a 29 or better. Happy Birthday.

Gaining Corruption
Characters gain corruption points (not corrupted power points) every time certain creatures hurt them or rape them. They also gain corruption points if they spend corrupted power points, succumb to a Master Passion. Acquiring 1,000 corruption points increases the corruption level, and some places or things do hand out 1k corruption. (extra points carry over)
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Re: Character Creation Rules

Your character can come from all sorts of places, but must be an heir to some part of the Kingdom of Mirafar. You have ancestry that came from there, and you have burning desire to go back to it and make it yours again. That said, there are innumerable origins your characters can have.

To encourage flushed out characters I'll be awarding extra traits or skills based upon your character backgrounds and race. Write a well developed background, and I may give you some stuff, on top of either 4 skill points, or 2 skill points and a trait or specialization.

Here are some examples
That said, there are innumerable origins your characters can have and to encourage flushed out characters I'll be awarding extra traits or skills based upon your character backgrounds. Write a well developed background, and I may give you some stuff, on top of either 4 skill points, or 2 skill points and a trait or specialization. But to get the ball rolling, here's some examples:

War Profiteer
You didn't fight in the war. You made things so that others could fight in the war.
Your character gets a ranks in Artisan and specialization (Metal-woking) and one additional rank in Persuasion.

Veteran Soldier
You fought in the war. It didn't win. Because combat was your bread and butter, you can to pick two Combat specializations in either weapons or monsters, or one of those and specialization in Medicine (First Aid)

Mind Worm Host
You were a zombie slave to the hive mind until the mind worms became teh suckz. You've got a nasty scar were it went in, and some creepy purple veins showing. This makes you a bit more Intimidating, granting you an additional rank. It also grants two more ranks in Perception, and another in Athletics, cause Black Moon likes it's minions perceptive and mobile.

Street Rat
You grew up in the alleys, were every one is a jerk. Your immune to common diseases cause you've had them all already. You gain one rank in Larceny and Survival, as well as specialization in Survival (Gathering).

The Black Moon wanted to move into the neighbourhood. You wouldn't stand for that, so you left. Pick two specializations fro the Survival skill.

Raised by the Wilderness
You were left in the woods as a baby, either your parents killed next to you, or abandoned you for some reason. In either case, wild animals found you, but you were so cute that they adopted you instead of eating you, and you grew up with then. Then you went to this village and reclaimed your birthright as a sentient creature by learning to speak. You get two ranks in survival, and specialization in Animal Ken (Wild Animals).

Experimental Stock
You or your parents were the experimental subjects of some hair brained wizard. This gives you a very unusual trait, something from the physical corruption chart, in addition to whatever skill boosts I can come up with.

Every character gets a dagger or whip, a wooden shield, and a suit of non-armor for free. Happy Birthday.

If your character has skill ranks in Combat or has at least two ranks in the Wealth resource, they may chose another weapon and one suit of light armor, and get a Steel, Kite or Tower shield. If your character has three ranks in wealth and skills ranks in Combat, they may chose another weapon and may trade their suit of light armor for medium armor, and select another shield, even Bone, Crystal, Mithiril or Kappa.

Below is a table of common melee weapons.
Weapon | Damage | Strength req | Size | Special Attribute
Natural Attack (Fist) | 0(N) | 0 | - | You cannot be disarmed of your natural attack.
Dagger | 1 | 1 | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated damage
Longsword | 3 | 2 | M | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of damage
Mace | 2 | 2 | M | 1 in 6 Chance to stun
Spear | 2 | 2 | M | Provides reach, and has 1 in 6 chance to deal aggravated damage
Battle Axe | 3 | 3 | L | 1 in 6 chance to outright kill extras, or a free attack if the attack killed it anyway
Greatsword | 3 | 3 | L | 1 in 6 chance to deal aggravated damage
Bull Whip | 1(N) | 1 | L | 1 in 6 chance to cause Agony
Lance | 2 | 3 | L | Provides reach and outright kills extras when used in a charge

And here is a list of common ranged weapons:
Weapon | Damage | Range (clarification requested: max (min)?) | Strength req | Size | Special Attribute
Throwing Axe | 2 | Short (Near) | 1 | S | 1 in 6 chance to cause aggravated damage.
Bow and Arrow | 2 | Way-Out (Short) | 2 | L | Add agility to damage and 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of damage
Cross Bow | 3 | Way-Out (Short) | 2 | M | Add agility to damage, and 1 in 6 chance to cause aggravated damage.

These lists are far from exhaustive. If you would rather have a different weapon we can discuss it.

Range Categories
Range 	| meters 	| Threshold
Adjacent 	| 0-2m 	| Special
Near 		| 2-5m 	| 1
Short 	| 5-20m 	| 2
Way out 	| 21-100m 	| 3
Extreme 	| 101-1000m| 	4
Remote 	| 1001+ 	| 5

Layers of Protection
Provides no protection from attacks. This category represents clothing.

Camouflage Suite - This is an outfit made to blend into a specific environment.

Fancy Clothes - These clothes are expensive, but also very nice. You are going to have a hard time mingling with nobles if your covered in blood and mud, so a nice dress or elegant robes are essential to making a good impression. Might want to take a bath first, that helps.

Functional - These are the clothes everyone wears when they need to do work. You don't want to ruin your frilly dress picking potatoes, and you don't need to sneak up on dragon poo to clean it up (though you may want to hide from it, anyway.)

Chain Mail Bikini - Provides no effective protection, but it looks so hawt!

Magical Clothes - Attire that simply exude magic. Truth be told, it's mostly your pants. They provide no actual benefit, but a wizard usually conjures a suit as proof of his abilities.

Light Armors:
Provides a basic level of protection from attacks, reducing incoming damage by 2.

Chain Shirt - Tiny rings of metal laced together to protect vital organs. Can be hidden under functional clothing.

Studded Leather - Leather padding covered in metal button. If you take aggravated damage, you reduce the aggravated damage (but not the lethal damage) by 1.

Cord - You are wrapped in knots. You can unravel a section to act as either a whip, or be used as a climbing robe.

Still Suit - Heavy robes that are amazingly cool on the inside. This armor reduces the affects of hot environments significantly.

Winter Clothing - Heavy furs and cloth that keep you warm. This armor reduces the affects of cold environments significantly, like mountains or blizzards.

Medium Armor:
Provides more protection, but at the cost of flexibility. All medium armors reduce damage taken by 4, but also reduces the difficulty to hit your character by 1.

Hide Armor - You wear an animal as a hat. You reek in those animal pants. But you reek like another creature, making you unlocatable by Scent. It's also easier to disguise yourself as that animal.

Breastplate - Your vital organs are covered in a thick metal plate. This armor leaves your limbs free, and doesn't increase the chance to hit you like other medium armors.

Bone Cage Armor - You whole body is encased in the bones of other creatures. It makes you look spooky, and can fool people into thinking you are undead.

Chitin Carapace - Made from the exoskeleton of a giant bug. It's surprisingly light weight, and makes you look like a crazy mantis man. Other giant bugs of the same kind think you are one of them when you wear this.

Dragonscale suit - This impressive shirt, pants and boots are made from the hide of a Bearded Dragon. It provides limited protection from fire, and protection from hot environments. It's also difficult to get in and out of.

Elaborate Gowns - Incredibly expensive, bulky, and protective robes or frilly dress, it's both an impressive feat to afford the outfit, and the team of servants to dress you in it. Since there's so much of material, it's easy to hide things in it, like weapons, tools, important papers, cutlery, another person...

Lobster Mail - Crafted from the exoskeleton of a crustacean. It upgrades you Natural Attack to deal 2 points of lethal damage, and allows you to breathe underwater. It's also buoyant, allowing you to swim without penalty while wearing it.

Scale Mail - Leather padding topped with many overlapping scales of metal. It provides even better protection from ranged attacks and constriction, reducing damage from those sources by an additional 2.

Heavy Armor:
The pinnacle of protective attire, these heavy suits reduce damage by 6, at the cost of decreasing the difficulty to hit your character by 2.

Full Plate - Thick padding under thick plates of metal covering every part of the body. When your character takes aggravated damage, there's a 1 in 6 chance of only taking lethal instead.

Sexy Plate - A woman's suit of steel that still exudes femininity. It's beautiful, erotic and practical without any compromises.

Coral Armor - Made from living coral, it is adorned with spikes, improving your natural attack to deal 2 lethal damage, and have a 1 in 6 chance to poison on a successful attack. You can also breathe underwater with it on.

Sun Plate - Glorious golden armor forged from Hope and filled with Goodness. During the day, it removes 1 lethal wound from it's wearer every hour. It also shines very brightly, repelling zombies. It can only be worn by characters with at least 4 levels of celestial corruption.

Demon Armor - Diabolical hellish armor, it is actually a type of demon. Every time it's wearer kills a creature living, it removes 1 lethal wound from them. It also has naughty tentacles it likes to use to molest it's wearer, or assist them in molesting others. It can only be worn by characters with at least 4 levels of demonic corruption.

Titan Wood Plate - Incredibly tough wooden plates cut from a very rare tree. Makes giant bugs, animals, fey zombies and unintelligent plants friendly towards its wearer. It's also buoyant, allowing your character to swim without penalty while wearing it. It can only be worn by characters with at least 4 levels of fey corruption.

Bone Plate - Thick plates of bone from large creatures held together by enslaved spirits. This armor exudes death, making it a very spooky source of protection. It constantly heals the wearer, removing on lethal wound every hour. It also renders the wearer invisible to all undead. It can only be worn by characters with at least 4 levels of necromantic corruption.

Mechanus Armor - A very large suit of armor plates covering a complex system of gears, wires, and tubing. It occasionally lets out a plume of steam, and whistles loudly, making stealth impossible. It increases it's wearer's strength by 1, and allows them to use the Operation skill in the place of the Combat skill, with benefits from Combat specializations. The suit also fights on after it's wearer loses consciousness (or dies) for the remainder of combat.

Silk Steel Armor - A steel carapace held together by strands of giant cave spider silk, it is very quiet armor, muffling the sounds of movement from the wearer. It also looks really cool, impressing even the most snooty nobles.

Shields reduce the chance to hit you by 1, since it's assumed your character will want to keep it between them and harm. Of course, what kind of shield your character is using makes a difference.

Wooden Shield - Thick planks of wood held together by steel or leather straps, everybody and their grandma has a few of these lying around as they are easy to make and dirt cheap to buy. It's also great when something tries to grab you, as you can let them have the shield instead, at the cost of not having the shield anymore.

Steel Shield. - A solid sheet of metal that provides excellent protection from attacks. It's also a heavy blunt object, allowing you to deal lethal damage with you natural attack, and have a 1 in 6 chance to stun if you specialize in 'Shield Bash'.

Mithril Shield - It's as strong as titanium and as light as titanium. Who are we fooling? This is a great shield. It's also aerodynamic and can be thrown, using identical statistics to the throwing axe, but specializing in the 'Flying Shield' makes the shield fly back to you instead.

Bone Shield - A seemingly random assortment of bones collected into a shield. The shield absorbs necromantic energies, granting a +1 bonus to resisting powers that use necrotic power points.

Crystal Shield - An alchemical marvel: A solid crystal grown into the shape of a shield. It's transparent, and warps what is seen on the other side, granting a +1 bonus to resiting powers that require line of sight.

Kappa Shell - The shell of a large dragon turtle, it is worn on one's back instead of wielded in one's hand.

Kite Shield - A large shield shaped to benefit a steed as much as it's rider, increasing the difficulty to hit a mount by 1.

Tower Shield - A light, mobile wall of wood and steel. The wielder may claim cover from it, instead of attacking, granting effective immunity to ranged attacks.
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Re: Character Creation Rules

Game Mechanics

WoD is based off a dice pool system. There is only one TN and that is 5. Whenever you make a test, a number of d6s are rolled equal to Attribute + Skill (+ 2 for a Specialization), plus any other number of bonuses of penalties. Dice that show up as 5 or 6 (equal to or better then the TN) counts as a hit on the test. Tests have a difficulty threshold, which is the minimum number of hits needed to pass the test. In some instances, extra hits net you a better result. Like when you attack something, extra hits on the test to attack them results in more damage being dealt.

Whenever I present a challenge, I will often tell you the difficulty threshold. You can expect to pass a challenge if a character in question can muster up 3 times the threshold in dice, and I'll allow them to automatically pass if they have 4 times the threshold.

For example, let's say Ted is walking down a lovely forest path when an ornery Platypusbear jumps out of the bushes and howls menacingly. Now the Platypusbear is big beefy mothafuker, and while normally threatening someone is a Charisma + Intimidation check, the Platypusbear instead adds his formidable 7 Strength to his 3 Intimidation. And platypusbears threaten things that enter their territory as an instinct, so they're actually good at it. This Platypusbear get two more dice to roll from his Intimidation specialization in Fear Mongering. That's 12 dice, which can reasonably be expected to pass a threshold of 4, or auto pass a 3. Ted is just a peasant, and so scaring him is a difficulty 2 challenge. Suffice to say the Platypusbear can either take the auto-win and scare Ted enough to crap his pants (1 extra hit) or take a chance and roll to see if he can cause psychological trauma on top of that.

Below is a list of difficulty thresholds and example actions that fall in this category.
  1. Completely Pedestrian. Perfectly hammer a nail.
  2. Professional. Lifting a TV.
  3. Hard. Balance on a wire.
  4. Extreme. Sneak past a pack of wolves.
  5. Crazy Extreme. With one's pinky finger, balance on an open beer bottle.
  6. Super Human. Brain Surgery in ideal conditions.
  7. Beyond Super Human. Find the lost city of Atlantis.
  8. Deistic. Cure one case of leprosy.
  9. Ultra Deistic. Brain surgery, in free fall, at night, during an aerial battle.
  10. OMG! Brain surgery, in free fall, at night, during an aerial battle, with only a paper clip and a 'Tickle Me Elmo' Doll.
  11. Impossible. Cheat death, fake true love, kick Chuck Norris.

Predictable Failure
"We. Are. Going. To. Make it!" "They're not going to make it."
Sometimes your character will accumulate enough penalties that their dice pool shrinks to zero. When this happens, the character is not gonna be able to roll any hits. They can still bumble about and do not awesome things like open doors or tie their boots, but if ever the action requires a single hit, they are going to fail outright unless they are an Exalted that spends a Fate point. Which brings me to my next point.

Edge and Fate
Edge is a very powerful stat. The first thing it does is make it harder to affect your character. Every time I roll a resistance test for your character, I'll add Edge to the dice pool. Edge is also added to the threshold to hit your character.

It also provides your character with a pool of Fate points. There's no need to keep track of your maximum Fate points, because that's equal to your Edge score.
  • A fate point can be spent on a single test to add a number of dice equal to the Edge score. Declare such when you chose the action, not after I post the results of the roll.
  • You can also spend a Fate point to get an extra action in combat. Declare your desire for an extra combat action on your turn, then decide weather to take it, spending the Fate point, at the end of the initiative pass.
  • Finally, a Fate point can be spent to save your character from death in a suitably plausible manner. This can be something like a random soldier stabbing the enemy that's about the perform a finishing move, or maybe it's a collapsing floor that saves your character from being burned alive in the orphanage, or even just luckily finding the antidote on the assassin that just stabbed you with Black Lotus extract. You'll have to negotiate with me what exactly happens, and this will come at a price, as it is intended to be a last ditch option and not something to be relied upon.

Fate points refresh on a schedule, but it doesn't daily. Fate points refresh after important events happen, whether your character succeeded in their quest or not.
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