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Character Database

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The Information Contained herein is what is currently on file for each character currently, be they Player Characters or NPC's. Until specifically mentioned that your character has gained access to reading a file, they will be unaware of the majority of the contents.

This thread is created with the sole purpose of making it easier to find a character via each post, and I ask that no one other than myself posts in this thread to avoid it becoming too cluttered.

Characters will be initially listed in the order of Player Characters, followed by NPC's and finally my own character. They will be listed in their join date order, and any new additions will henceforth be listed in the order they are discovered. Each post will list if the character is a PC, or NPC.

Player Character

Name: Przemyslaw Ptak
Age: 21
Height: 1,80 m
Weight: 65 kg
Place of Birth: Poland
Species: Abnormal - Ghoul

Known Biological Facts: A particularly unusual species, ghouls in their original form are small, spider-like creatures that are a minor threat. However, they possess the ability to invade the body of any animal or human, merging with them completely and turning them into powerful beings. They seem to avoid other abnormals for unknown reasons. They usually ambush their victims while they're asleep and attack the spine, merging with the nervous system before spreading further. Ghouls gain the ability to regenerate, which allows them to overcome the natural limiter that makes living beings use only a small part of their full power - they can survive using 100% of their muscle power all the time, become very agile and durable, and generally heal much faster -
they can also recover from damage that would leave anyone else crippled, altough it takes more time. They can regenerate internal organs only to a limited degree - damaging their vitals badly enough is fatal, just like with normal creatures. Of course, they do take more damage than normal creatures before going down. Ghouls also possess enhanced senses and sharp instincts, a limited ability to alter their physical structure and adapt, as well as voracious appetites - they're ultimate predators. Unfortunately, transformed animals become horribly aggressive. Humans, on the other hand, have a chance of surviving the process without losing reason or intelligence, but may become dangerous when hungry or provoked. For some reason, they
have an intense fear of Yeti, which seems to be genetic. While all ghouls can mate with normal members of their species, only female ghouls can lay eggs from which new parasites can hatch. Male ghouls can't impregnate other creatures. Due to the fact that they were often tracked down and killed, ghouls usually live only in places that are not inhabited by humans.

Powers: Przemek is a rather typical ghoul, except a lot more sane - he still has much of his humanity left, even if he tends to be a seething ball of rage on a really bad day. Physically, he can compete with the best among sportsmen without breaking a sweat and should be considered superhuman - due to the fact that he poses a big danger should he throw a tantrum, he was forced to take mandatory anger managment classes and therapy. He can quickly recover from minor and major injuries, regenerate lost limbs, and survive things that would kill a human. He can also see in the dark - all of his senses are superior to those of a human being, including senses like smell or even balance. His teeth have been replaced by a set of durable, sharp fangs that suit a
predator. Furthermore, Przemek occasionally displayed the ability to turn his fingers into sharp claws that are capable of cutting and tearing flesh. Mentally, he is very similiar to a human - certain differences exist because his instincts force him to view himself as a predator (and occasionally, act like one), so he even has trouble remembering that he was a human not long ago. Altough he learned to restrain himself and coexist peacefully, he still has a rather "unfriendly" temper, anti-social tendencies and seems to enjoy using violent force a lot. When in extreme danger or suffering from intense hunger, Przemek may temporarily abandon all restraints, though he doesn't lose his reason. He requires much more food than regular humans and spends a lot of his time eating, displaying a habit of feeding even when full. In fact, he can eat constantly, unless he's asleep. Like all ghouls, he is afraid of Yeti - especially the Big Guy. So far, any attempts to get an explanation out of him were met with failure.

Background History: Przemek was an ordinary human who had no contact with abnormals prior to the incident that turned him into one. During a trip to Germany, he went to explore the mountains near (Data Expunged) and found himself in the middle of a fight between a female ghoul (wolf) who was defending a lone egg, and a group of Sanctuary agents sent to capture it. The creature did not survive the confrontation, but managed to severely injure the young man. In this condition, he could not escape the hatchling and was transformed. Secured by the agents, he was transported to (Classified). Initially he displayed little interest in cooperating - after a few months, his attitude began to change. Right now, he seems content to work for the Sanctuary,
usually by lending his physical strenght when necessary. Currently resides at Calgary Sanctuary.

Miscilaneous Facts: Przemek is a skilled gamer. While he doesn't trust new people easily, playing a couple of online matches with him is a good way of breaking the ice. Another way is feeding him - anything that contains a lot of meat is a good choice. Salads, on the other hand... He also likes board games, card games, puzzles and literature. Fan of Transformers and heavy metal. Occasionally attempted to get over his fear of Yeti. Does not react well whenever someone inquires about the results. Recently began to display signs of mild depression.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Zaleia Meheaven
Age: 20
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 150 lbs
Place of birth: United States
Race: Abnormal - Race unknown

Known Biological facts: little can be said to be known about her as she has remained on the run and has very little encounters with anyone. She has not stayed in a single place to deal with any one person for longer then a week.

Powers: Zaleia possess the ability to control electricity and shift her body into a form of electrical current. Her ability to control electricity allows her a great deal of control and flexibility of it as she can draw energy from any man-made device that is powered, contains, or generates an electrical charge. She can also draw electricity from the enviroment around her given enough potential for a charge exists such as storm clouds brewing above she can draw the powerful electrical charge down to where she wishes it in effect calling a lightning strike from above. Her ability to shift her body into that of an electric charge allows her access to travel through any electircal network granting her a great deal of speed and mobility as electrical wires are extremely
common in almost everything now-a-days. Her body is able to store a great deal of electrical charge as well giving her access to whatever she has built up within her as a form of self-defense even when electrical systems or generators are not available.

Background: Since her teen years she has been a loner of sorts and has no known ties to any group of family or organization. Sightings of her have popped up periodically and are usually accompanied by some sort of electrical disturbance always temporary in nature. She does her best to remain off anyones radar so to speak and simply wanders all throughout the U.S. doing as she pleases.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Sarah Miranda Quintex
Age: 23
Height: 5 feet 3 inches
Weight: 137 Pounds
Place of Birth: Malton, Great Britian
Species: Abnormal- Scientificly Augmented Humanoid with Necrosatis TendenciesKnown Biological Facts: Sarah's bioligically hasn't changed much from her 15th year. Scrawny and usually with untidy hair, Sarah's true biologic wonders don't manifest until she recieves fatal trauma. Upon such a event, a marginal time after (Anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours) Sarah's body and motabilism will start again, though her bodily functions beyond needs for movement and brain function will continue to be unresponsive, including the heart. For the most bluntest term she's a walking dead with the ability to think and act. Another oddity is when she enters the necrotic state, she always has the same injuries covering her form, more then likely the results of the first time she was killed.

Powers: Adapt firearms wielder specilizing in akimbo pistol use and 'handcannons', but with basic understanding of shotguns, rifles, and other large-caliber weapons. Quick scientific mind, able to work out complex problems on the fly and avid at multitasking and analysis. During her necrotic status, enhanced agility and strength from the dampening of pain receptors and added flexability from the aftereffects of rigour mortis. Has been known to augment herself with various forms of serums, from Revivifycation Syringes to return her to human to strange transformation serums.

Light Background History: At the tail end of the Malton Incident, which featured the entire town quarintined and the civilians inside to live and survive the hordes of zombified civilians, Sarah was picked up with other survivors and then carted off for 'testing'. It's now believed the blonde is being held in a containment facility as the true extent of her mutations are examined and discovered, no matter the cost to thier subject.

Miscilaneous Facts: Seems to try to keep a worn carpet bag on her at all times, which seems filled with more items them one may believe possible, including a plush of a Shoyru, her ammo supplies, and other small keepsakes and items. Prefers to be alone, and is usually antisocial. Always tries to keep her trenchcoat from getting into more damage then it's allready sorry state.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Maximus 'Max' Smith
Age: 15
Height: 152cm
Weight: 46kg
Place of Birth: Great Britain (Cardiff)
Race: Half Osmosian

Known Biological Facts: Osmosians are able to absorb, hold, redirect and discharge various types energy through their bodies mostly electricity and lightning. It is apparently ill-advisable for them to absorb raw energy, such as electricity, for Osmosians that have done that as it can effect their physical and mental state. Osmosians and half-Osmosian are also able to absorb the mass and properties of physical materials and grow an armor-like outer skin as durable as the material used to make it and by extention proportionately increase the Osmosian's strength and durability to even higher levels. While absorbing the matter, the Osmosian can also momentarily merge with the actual matter and alter its form. Also, by temporaily absorbing extra matter, the Osmosian can increase its density to shapeshift its limbs into various forms. When Osmosians absorb the energy from other life
forms, they gain that life form's powers. However, they are only able to use only 1/10 of the original creature's powers and abilities.

Powers: Being only half Osmosian Max can only absorb the mass and properties of physical materials as well as all the abilities that come with it. Constantly being on the run has also made him become a proficient sprinter as well as being fairly good at parkour, often using the materials around him to aid in his parkour.

Background: Max's powers didn't manifest until his thirteenth year, and for several days he couldn't control it, his body automatically absorbing any physical material he came into contact with. This naturally freaked Max out, and unfortunately it happened in the middle of one of his classes. In a state of panic Max lashed out as the children screamed and ran, dealing fatal injuries to more than half the class. Terrified, Max fled the school and went into hiding for several days, though Max accidentally killed those who stumbled upon him. It was about four days after his powers manifested that Max started to gain control of them, though by this time the police were looking for him both because his mother reported him missing and because of the deaths at school and around Cardiff. Deciding it would be best to leave for good Max contacted his mother one final time, telling her what had happened and his plans, though not letting her know where he was going. Not that he knew himself. Since then Max has been on the run all over Britain, avoiding the police and even the military when they've been called in, trying and failing to limit the number of causulties. Max's current location is unknown though he was last spotted entering Scotland.

Misc. Notes: Max is unaware whether it was from his mother or father that he got his powers or even if they're unrelated to his parents. It is however his mother that Max has gained his powers from.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Alec Morgan
Age: 21
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 170 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Argyll and Bute, Scotland
Species: Abnormal

Powers: Alec is capable of manipulating Photons, allowing him to control heat and light.

Light Background History: Alec’s family moved to England shortly after his birth, mostly due to his father’s work. His powers kept quiet for a good few years, until his 7th year in school when he was backed into a corner by a group of bullies, and their ringleader’s clothes suddenly caught fire. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, and Alec wasn’t connected to the incident as anything more than a witness. The group accosted him again on his way home, but a sudden flash left them blinded and gave him the chance he needed to slip away. It was not until years later when Alec’s friend jokingly suggested he ‘try to set the teacher on fire by staring at her’ that Alec became aware of his powers. In secret, he began experimenting and learning to control them. He
went on to study Physics in higher education, to give himself a greater insight into what he was capable of doing.

Miscellaneous Facts: Alec is fond of meat, and proud of his Scottish heritage despite having lived in England practically all his life. His name is sometimes misspelled or mispronounced as ‘Alex’, something which annoys him to no end.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Abigail ‘Abby’ Blake
Age: 17
Height: 6 feet 2 inches.
Weight: 165 Pounds.
Place of Birth: New York
Species: Abnormal – Uratha (Werewolf)

Known Biological Facts: As an uratha, Abby’s natural weakness is Silver. Merely touching it does nothing, however wounds caused or touched by silver will aggravate and cause excruciating pain. Abby regenerates wounds faster than normal, though again, silver wounds will take much longer.

Powers: Abby has 5 forms:

Hishu – “Human”
In Hishu form, Abby is a normal human, both in appearance and biology.

Dalu – “Near-Human”
Although still roughly human in appearance, in Dalu form Abby gains about 4-6 inches and 25-50 pounds. Her body hair, nails, teeth and facial features grow and sharpen, and her strength and senses are slightly enhanced.

Gauru – “Wolf-Man”
The Gauru form resembles the stereotypical ‘Werewolf’. Abby takes on the appearance of a large, muscled bipedal wolf, gaining about a foot in height and 100 pounds in weight (relative to Hishu). Although she retains control of herself, in this form Abby becomes consumed by rage and noticeably feral, and will not hesitate to attack an ally if they get in her way. Ordinarily, Abby can only sustain this form for a limited time. When near death however, she will lose control of herself and assume this form, attacking anything near her in a blind rage.

Urshul – “Near-Wolf”
Similar to the Urhan form, but bigger, faster and stronger. The Urshul form resembles a large wolf, about 3-5 feet in height and 6-8 feet in length. Abby’s senses are also greatly improved.

Urhan – “Wolf”
The Urhan form is that of a regular, mundane wolf. Although the smallest of the forms, in Urhan Abby’s senses are at their peak,
and she is fast and agile. This is Abby’s preferred form (besides Hishu), as it feels the most natural to her.

Light Background History: Abby’s mother died soon after she was born. She suspects her mother was an uratha, but hasn’t yet found a relative to ask. A natural athlete, she excelled in every sport she tried. Only on the field, track or court, with her blood pumping and a victory to aim for, did she feel alive and happy. Her first use of her powers came during a marathon, where she was alone on a stretch of track. She had twisted her ankle but kept going, determined to finish. Semi-delirious, she shifted into Urshul form and finished the race, terrifying the other runners. A pack of uratha from a tribe called the Blood Talons heard the
reports and tracked her down. Abby knew the Blood Talons were the right tribe for her, but the pack that picked her up left something to be desired. They doubled as a street gang, ruling their urban neighbourhood like medieval kings. Abby instinctively understood (and agreed with) their roles in the pack, and knew she didn’t fit. She parted ways with them, and left in hopes of finding a pack that will work out

Miscellaneous Facts: Abby is quite attractive in an athletic way. She is a natural competitor, determined to be the best at whatever she tries. While she’s content to come in second place, it should only be because someone else’s best was better. As a Blood Talon, her motto is “Offer No Surrender You Would Not Accept.”
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Mik'ti'kalik
Age: 24
Height: 6'8" normally, about 8'10" standing straight up
Weight: 375 lbs
Place of Birth: Washington State Redwood Forest.
Species: Abnormal, species name Draconis Deciduous, or 'Tree Dragon'. Name species has for itself unpronounceable.

Known Biological Facts: Large size with a sinuous neck and gangly arms, massive strength, and sharp blades all over it's body complete this abnormal's fearsome appearance. Oddly enough, not only is this species non-agressive, but also herbivourous. It feeds on tree bark, using the blades to climb and navigate in it's near-vertical wooden environment. It is covered with dark green and brown scales in a pattern resembling tree bark, and a small, hard beak resembling that of a parrot at the end of it's long jaw, used for tearing bark into more manageable pieces. The species has evolved a remarkable ability to heal superficial damage, likely as a result of problems caused by mating with as many sharp points as they have. Much deeper than their tough scales and hide, however, and damage is as permanant as on a human.

Mentally, the species is sentient, though not particularly intelligent. Differences in vocal cords prevent them from speaking English, but they do have their own language, a bizarre series of clicks, chirps, rumblings, and whistles. With practice, they cam imitate a few select words, but for the most part they communicate with other abnormals with gestures and the occasional writing.

Powers: apart from it's prodiguous natural weaponry and ability to rapidly heal superficial damage, this species of abnormal posesses no supernatural 'powers'.

Background: Mik'ti'kalik is one of the few Tree Dragons remaining. The small colony in Washington she hails from is one of only three remaining in the world, and numbers less than fifty. It is under Sanctuary protection, and a few volunteer to travel and live at a sanctuary to both act as ambassador and help out in the subdual of any particularly violent abnormals that need to be captured. Mik'ti'kalik is one of these. Her and her mate used to reside in the Seattle Sanctuary, but some spat between them grew to a fight that nearly killed the pair
of them. Mik'ti'kalik was moved to the Calgary sanctuary for both their protection. Neither of the pair has spoken on what passed between them.

Miscellanious: Chances are Mik'ti'kalik usually hangs out in the lower levels of the sanctuary, out of the public eye. When she is needed for a mission, she hops in the back of either a perv van (no back windows), or a crate in a truck, and stays there until she reaches where she's needed, also away from the public eye.
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Edith Heathers (Real name unknown)
Age: 86
Height: 4'11
Weight: 30 kg
Place of Birth: Sky City 7
Race: Abnormal/Elf

Known Biological Fact:
Purely from the physical appearance wise, elves are no different than those from lore, they tend to be relatively smaller frame than humans, weighing considerably less and occasionally being a little shorter, but otherwise generally remaining approximately the same height as those of their human counterparts.

The developing and aging of the elf is slower than those of the human, mostly in the physical sense. An average elf develops physically at about a fifth or even a sixth of a human, while mentally the average elf develops at about half the rate, although some have shown much slower or faster development.

Elves claim to have the ability to see and converse with the spirits in nature, allowing them to draw power from said spirits in order to power their arcane techniques. This has been questioned however and it is wondered whether or not the arcane is in itself a violation nature itself and whether or not the spirits in question exist or even have a choice in being used for the arcane...

Manipulation of the properties of nature via spirits, generally the stronger the presence of spirits the stronger the arcane technique. Arcane techniques tend to be fairly weak when used by a single elf, especially one as young as Edith. Outside of using amplifying tech, the most she can do is throw a small ball of fire the size of a golfball at someone, or redirect a small gust of air to try to stop an attacker's advance.

Inside her AEW-16S Armor unit however, a walker type armor that stands at about 10 feet tall and is a fusion of elf technology and human technology, her spells are amplified into it's single barrel arcane amplifier chamber, which lets her fire bullet-like projectiles, as well as projecting different spirits into the blade-like weapon on the walker's other arm. The problem with the unit still remains the fact that it's use has a very heavy toll on it's user, especially since the armor itself has no internal power source nor battery, and requires the user to constantly manipulate the arcane in order to pilot the unit.

Edith is a 5th generation military soldier serving in the 88th Elven Mechanized Armor Force, the branch of the Elven military that deals supposedly with the forward attack and invasion of the elves. However, since the isolation of the elves, the EMAF has been mostly for the sake of scouting, diplomatic meetings, and the research of human and other technologies.

A bright young girl with plenty of future ahead of her, she was able to master the piloting of the AEW units at the early age of 40, being able to power the unit for a sustained flight and combat of thirty minutes. Although her time has not improved too much in the last years of her life, as simply being able to powered the units wasn't good enough, one had to be able to sustain the weapons as well as being able to dodge and aim accurately, as well as maintaining stealth as discovery was something the elves had chosen not to deal with.

At the age of 85, she was sent on the Third Expedition, as the elders, especially the one of her city, considered one of the 'fringe' cities, has finally agreed to once again, try to slowly try to enter the human's land. She was sent to what was reported as the Sanctuary, a place where the more unusual humans seem to gather, and where hopefully the elven empire could hopefully start, whether it be diplomatically or otherwise...
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Natasha Zelnick
Age: 28
Weight: 130 lbs.
Height: 5'6
Place of birth: Los Angeles
Race: Human

Known Biological fact: Natasha is completely human, but by pushing herself she has stamina and marksmanship on par with a member of a trained military unit.

Powers: None, however Natasha is unsettlingly comfortable around any kind of firearm.

Background: *page from Natasha's LAPD file* "She's one of the best cops I've ever had in the field. She seems to be all about her job, none of her partners have ever noticed any kind of social life but her psyche reports always come back completely clean. And the woman can run, Stevens reported that she chased a suspect for 12 blocks, when he finally caught up it looked like the suspect has simply fallen over when his legs gave out and Zelnick wasn't even breathing hard. I've told her that she needs to be promoted to SWAT or hell, the FBI or CIA. There have been a few incidents though, she once refused to chase a perp
into the city park at night after he bit someone on the face on the grounds that "That's where he would turn on her". While patroling around the park later she discharged her weapon at a stray dog that fled blaming it on her nerves, however Stevens heard her muttering something about silver. She wasn't always like this though, she seemed like a normal beat cop until the "Los Lobos" incident, most cops I know would have broken from something like that, Zelnick hardly seems fazed, hell she seems better than ever. So even with her "quirks" I'm requesting that a few more commendations be added to her records, if theres anymore room left for them." *an addenendum points out that Officer Zelnick no longer is required to participate in the yearly PT and marksman exams*
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Re: Character Database

Player Character

Name: Shey Renfield
Age: 21
Weight: 175 lbs.
Height: 6'2"
Place of birth: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States of America
Race: D'anjayni
Known Biological fact: D'anjayni are beings who are almost indistinguishable or completely identical to the average human being.

They are unremarkable in physical appearance, possessing no feature, blemish, birthmark or anything that would make them stand out in crowd.

Powers: D'anjayni are magical beings who have the uncanny ability to make any person/ sometimes even a group of people completely forget their encounter, they are also nearly undetectable making near impossible for anyone to keep a beat on them unless they will it.
Re: Character Database


Name: Miranda Nevrosh
Age: 22.
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172 Pounds.
Species: Medusa.

Known Biological Facts: Miranda is a typical medusa in the fact her hair is composed of living snakes, and she's blind in her human eyes. However, even for a Medusa, she is strikingly attractive, to the point where on several occasions humans who have found out what she really was have still been romantically interested in her. However she has never actually gotten involved with any of them, for reasons no one fully understands. It isn't because she hates humans, or because she considers that beneath her, she just simply hasn't found the right type of being to become romantically involved with. Miranda's snakes are
a garden green in color, which likely adds to the exotic appeal she has.

Powers: Medusae are capable of extremely accurate sensings. Their sense of 'radar' so to speak is so highly advanced, they may as well be able to see with their human eyes. They can discern features of a person that a blind person would never be able to determine by mere touch alone. They also appear to be capable of sensing anything or anyone within a mile of them, though it's not certain exactly how much normally they pay attention to this sense when regarding humans. The Snakes on a Medusa's head are capable of injecting a paralytic poison that will render all but vampires immobile for a short period of time. This makes them very good at defending themselves against attackers up close, and for bringing back dangerous abnormals that would otherwise be too dangerous to attempt bringing in.

Light Background History: Miranda was actually born at the Calgary Sanctuary, however her mother who was gravely injured at the time of her birth did not survive. Her father helped to raise her along with the Sanctuary team, and was a major part of her life up until he was killed two months ago by Cabal soldiers. Miranda has vowed to avenge his death, no matter how long it takes.

Miscilaneous Facts: Miranda secretly has feelings for Chris, though given his seeming interest in Ashley she has kept this hidden. She also has begun to realize that she has a slight interest in both Kate Freelander, and Clara Griffin, though as of yet she has not done anything to explore those interests. She keeps mostly to herself unless she needs to communicate with her team mates, leading many to believe she's anti-social. In actuality, she's a very social being, she's just shy and afraid of saying something wrong, either offending someone, or elsewise ruining the moment. However, she is an excellent agent of the network, and has permanent residence at the Calgary Sanctuary.
Re: Character Database


Name: Sally
Age: Unknown
Height: Roughly 5'9"
Weight: Est 287 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Bermuda Triangle Area.
Species: Mermaid.

Known Biological Facts: Sally is a female mermaid, part of an extremely rare, and endangered species of abnormal. Like all mermaids, she is an extremely intelligent being, and very peaceful. In fact, the entire species simply refuses to engage in any kind of combative posture, and since they only feed on algae and the like, they don't even kill for food. They are perhaps the most peaceful race of abnormal on the planet, and this may be a large reason as to why their numbers have shrunk to be near extinction levels. In an interesting twist, it has been confirmed that mermaids can mate with both mermaid, and human alike. However other abnormal species appear to be incompatible in the mating cycle.

Powers: Sally, like all of her species is completely aquatic. In the water, they are unmatched by anything natural in speed and agility. Only human boats can actually match them or truly pose a threat to them, which unfortunately is a large reason they are endangered. Many ships harm them without ever realizing it, a fact not lost to those trying to protect the species. It is also of note that the species is very highly telepathic, capable of actually speaking to members of their own race anywhere across the globe at any time, and even communicating with sentient abnormal species over distances of seven hundred miles. They also appear to be highly sensitive to the disturbances caused in the natural progression of life when abnormals they don't know already get within a hundred miles of them. Because of their highly advanced minds, they are completely immune to any known kind of mind altering techniques. Another, somewhat intriguing ability they have is to be able to project images into the minds of any creature within a seventy five mile radius, provided they have actually met their intended target at least once before and brushed their mind in introduction.

Light Background History: Sally came to this Sanctuary ten years ago after she was rescued on an expidition to the Cayman Islands. Something had happened to the mermaids there that had led to them vanishing without a trace, and Sally was the sole survivor of the event, likely because she had broken off from her kind to investigate a human swimming, out of curiosity. Scared half out of her mind, when the Sanctuary first found her, she was nearly unresponsive. Finally, she emerged from her shell, and when she was offered a place to stay far away from the location, she eagerly agreed. Since then, she has used her mental powers to help the Sanctuary on numerous occasions.

Miscilaneous Facts: Sally loves to swim inside her large tank, which is complete with a surface level for her to surface when she chooses to. She absolutely loves it when anyone enters her tank to swim with her, and even more so when they do in the nude. She has taken a liking to several of the males in the Sanctuary, even once trying to mate with Will, an amusing incident that his friends have never let him live down. It appears that Sally shows affection and trust by kissing people on the lips, so if you ever swim with her and she does this, do not be terribly alarmed, she is only showing her trust in you in the only way she knows how to.
Re: Character Database


Declan Anderson:
Age: 40
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190
Place of Birth: Norfolk, England.
Species: Human.

Known Biological Facts: Declan is the head of house of the UK Sanctuary, and has been there since he was 31. He has short, just starting to turn grey hair, and is actually a far more intimidating presence than his bio stats would suggest. He hasn't lost any of his strength, and he's a decent martial artist as well.

Powers: Declan is completely human, however he's been highly trained in the needed techniques a member of the Sanctuary Network needs in order to survive and be successful.

Light Background History: It's unsure of how or why Declan became involved with the Sanctuary Network, though many suspect is has to do with the fact he's always been curious about these creatures. Whatever the case, Declan refuses to talk about his past, and when he became the boss of the UK Sanctuary, he used his position, and friendship with Helen Magnus to have most of his file sealed away. Perhaps he is afraid of his past, or it embarasses him.

Miscilaneous Facts: Declan enjoys his job immensely, and is a factual person. He will go with what is before him, sometimes coming across as unwilling to listen to anything that doesn't fir the facts as he see's them in front of him. In actuality, he's a very reasonable man, and even though he doesn't show it most of the time, anything suggested that differs from what he see's in facts is considered in careful detail before he makes any decision. This is most likely why he has been so successful as a head of house.
Re: Character Database


Name: Kate Freelander
Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145
Place of Birth: Mumbai, India
Species: Human.

Known Biological Facts: Kate is a strikingly attractive woman of Indian descent, with brown eyes and shoulder length jet black hair. A willful, and often stubborn girl, she's never bought into the role that women can't match men with anything they want to, and never bought into the whole "settling down" bit. However, events in the last year have forced her to realize that there is more to life than just looking out for herself, and she's become quite an impressive agent of the Sanctuary Network. Currently she resides in Calgary, but works as more of an outside person for Helen Magnus than an actual true member.

Powers: Kate has no supernatural powers, however she seems to have a natural affinity for tracking abnormals, and bringing them back in one piece, often times in the cases of a sentient one, with them agreeing to.

Light Background History: Very little is known about Kate other than when she was young her father was killed in a mob hit. Her mother is still alive, along with her brother, though she has nearly no contact with them. It's uncertain as to how she became a member of the Sanctuary Network, or what she did before then. It was never included in her entry information details, possibly on purpose.

Miscilaneous Facts: Kate is the kind of girl who has never really considered the possibility of starting a relationship with anyone, perhaps in fear of being rejected due to her sometimes abrasive nature, or perhaps in fear of losing someone because she's not a 'typical' girl.
Re: Character Database


Name: Will Zimmerman

Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois.
Species: Human.

Known Biological Facts: Will seems to be a bit shorter than he actually is due to his more slender frame. However, he is actually quite strong, and works out twice a week in an effort to keep up with the daily demands on his body, given he's one of the retrievers for the Sanctuary. He has short brown hair, and sometimes is seen to wear glasses, though usually only for reading.

Powers: Will technically doesn't have any super powers, although there are some who compare his mental intellect and problem solving abilities to Dr. James Watson's.

Light Background History: Will discovered the Sanctuary by complete accident, working several murder cases that were actually abnormal incidents. The first one that he worked on he would later find out was the case involving Christopher Andrew's slaughter of the then unknown Cabal soldiers. Later he was involved in a homicide investigation carried out by a rather chilling abnormal, which was something of a parasitic creature attached to a young boy. When it sensed fear, it would attack fearing that other's fear was a sign of aggression, and intent to harm it or the boy. In self defense, it would lash out and
attack anyone who showed fear of it. Will met with Helen Magnus, who offered him a new job where he could understand these creatures, and help to protect them, and stop other such bizzare cases from ever reaching the public eye. After experiencing first hand the capabilities these wonderous beings were capable of, he made up his mind to start a new life, and has been working for Helen Magnus since 2008.

Miscilaneous Facts: Will was once forcibly altered using genetic therapy to turn him into an abnormal previously never seen before. He was later returned to his human state, and as such, nothing was ever truly learned of the type of abnormal he became, and nothing like it has ever been seen again, leading us to believe that it was a random mutation brought on by genetic manipulation.
Re: Character Database


Name: Henry Foss
Age: 35
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 185
Place of Birth: Lincoln, Nebraska
Species: Class 9 Werewolf.

Known Biological Facts: Henry doesn't appear to be physically intimidating in human form, however when he changes into his
werewolf form, he is truly a terrifying sight. Henry is extremely gifted when it comes to electronics and science, and is considered to be the best technician the Sanctuary Network has to offer. This is an opinion that no one bothers arguing, as no one has ever shown the ability to adjust on the fly or repair/set up tech anywhere near as fast as Henry can.

Powers: Henry is capable of transforming into an extremely powerful werewolf. Very strong and extremely tough to kill, in full form Henry is literally capable of trashing a tank with very little effort. He's always afraid of turning on his friends, and as such tries hard not to use this gift, even at one time considering the possibility of undergoing a surgery that would have made him completely human. Ultimately, he decided to embrace his power, and try to learn to control it, however thus far he feels he has not mastered control, and uses it very sparingly.

Light Background History: Henry grew up as a normal human, graduating Harvard at the top of his electronics classes with ease. A chance encounter twelve years ago with the big guy led to him meeting Helen Magnus. When he discovered the level of technology the people at the Sanctuary used, and realized he might one day see his own abnormal nature begin to surface, he took the idea of working with these people and maintaining their systems as a personal challenge. There are some who believe that due to his improvements of the systems and his creations for defenses, that the Calgary Sanctuary is the most heavily fortified, and well run the entire network has. They are probably right.

Miscilaneous Facts: None.
Re: Character Database


Name: Chrimvokpatlendoshk Valtrenmborshkenite (The Big Guy)
Age: 101
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 270 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Unknown, he refuses to divulge this information.
Species: Yeti.

Known Biological Facts: Being a Yeti, the big guy is covered in fur, and has extremely sharp teeth. The big guy is actually the basis for most of the "bigfoot" sightings. Yeti skin is extremely tough, so tough in fact that normal bullets are incapable of piercing their skins.

Powers: Yeti such as the big guy are much stronger than humans. They also have an extremely advanced sense of smell, capable of actually determining if a person is lying just based off the strength of their fear scent. They are also extremely tough to injure, and when they are injured, they heal unnaturally fast.

Light Background History: The big guy has been a part of the Sanctuary ever since Helen Magnus saved his life back in 1951.
He had shown up at the doors of a church in Chicago, Illinois, half dead from having been beaten badly by a massive mob group who feared what he was. His encounter with a priest there known as Father Thomas led to him eventually meeting Helen Magnus, and this in turn eventually led to him arriving in Calgary. Helen Magnus healed his wounds, taking the time to nurse him back to health, even though he at the time was certain she would fear him just like everyone else. When she didn't, and offered him the chance to stay under her protection, even to lend a hand in helping other abnormals who were hunted much like he had been, he realized what she stood for, and immediately swore to stand by her side, and help for as long as he continued to live.
He considers Helen Magnus to be much like a sister to him due to this, and has vowed to sacrifice his own life at any time if it means her survival. By virtue, he considers all members of the Sanctuary Teams under her guidance to be a family to him, and would willingly lay his life on the line for any of them.

Miscilaneous Facts: The Big Guy strangely enough has a major liking for Sci-Fi, which he hides from most everyone he doesn't know very well.
Re: Character Database


Name: Nikola Tesla
Age: 154
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Est 160 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Smiljan, Austrian Empire (Modern day Croatia)
Species: Abnormal (Sanguine Vampirus)

Known Biological Facts: Nikola appears to be a rather unintimidating person, widely considered by most who first meet him to be a rather uninteresting specimen of a man, and no threat. This however is FAR from the truth, as behind the 'mask' lies an extremely powerful, and deadly creature. His hair is short cropped and brown in color, and his teeth are unnaturally white when viewed.

Powers: Nikola has been transformed into a half vampire, who can extend claws capable of rending even the strongest of steel armors. His strength surpasses that of any human, while he is a little bit faster on foot. However, his seemingly 'patented' ability lies in his strange ability to manipulate electrical currents with seeming ease. A typical example of this would be for Nikola to snap off a large power cable that is still active, then placing one hand within it and channeling the current through his body, and out of his other arm towards his enemies. He has always been seen to use this power after transforming into his vampiric state, leading this file's creator to believe he must be in vampiric form to conduct this feat.

Light Background History: After Nikola became a vampire, he set about learning everything he could of the race, eventually stumbling upon the long dead race's archivial records. He hid this from his friends, and began researching. Sometime fifty years or so ago, he concluded that the race was 'wrongly killed off' and should never have died to begin with. He has made it a personal mission to do whatever he can in an attempt to revive the race, feeling he is the heir to their great libraries of knowledge and power, almost to the point of a god complex. Several times he has tried tactics to revive them, and most failed miserablly.
However, a year ago Nikola made a break-through, managing to create a simplistic zombie version of his kind. This drew the ire of the Cabal, who attempted to track him down and kill him. Around this time, he attempted to draw John Druitt, and later Helen Magnus into his web of insanity, looking for their help in his project, and their approval. When John refused his offer, Nikola flew into a rage and tortured him, inadvertently shocking him back into his right mind, and turning him 'good' again. Later on Helen Magnus also refused his offer, even trying to vainly kill his creations, and him. In the end, John came to her rescue, teleporting behind Nikola and thrusting his fist into Nikola's chest, ripping out his heart. It is believed that Nikola has been killed
due to this, and officially that is what is listed.

Miscilaneous Facts: At the present time, Nikola Tesla is believe to have been killed by John Druitt. However there are some who are not so certain of his demise.
Re: Character Database


Name: James Watson:
Age: 153
Height: 6'1"
Weight: Est 176 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland.
Species: Abnormal.

Known Biological Facts: Dr. James Watson is a tall, old man who's mind is still as sharp as it was over a century ago. Physically he seems frail and fragile, and in fact he would be even more so without the full body suit he wears which keeps his body in a state of semi-permanent youth and regeneration. While he's not a fighter physically, his mental sharpness more than makes up for his lack of physicality.

Powers: Dr. Watson's mind and intellect have been greatly enhanced far beyond that of any human. Dr. Watson did not garner the ability to stop aging, and thus created a device similar to a power suit that stops his aging and keeps him in somewhat good condition. However, because this suit is a bit rigid and is a full body suit, he is unable to really fight effectively with his body, as his mobility is still somewhat limited. The power source for this device is unknown, however it seems he maintains it pretty well. Watson instead uses his mind for all manner of thought, and can even use it to defeat some opponents by psychology.

Light Background History: Watson was once extremely close friends with John Druitt before the other man was discovered to be Jack the Ripper ... nearly forty years after Watson had given up on solving the case. As such, Watson has a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth when dealing with John, as he's never forgiven him, despite his recent change of mind state, for lying to him and playing him for a fool. Watson is extremely proud of his powers of deduction, and even more so of his ability to mentally "see" things with his mind that others would fail to see, including visually reconstructing a place perfectly in his mind. Watson is fluent in all forms of Latin, and there has never been a riddle presented to him that he hasn't solved. Only once has he ever been
stumped in solving a mystery, that being the Ripper cases.

Miscilaneous Facts: Watson refuses to speak about his current relationship or thoughs regarding John Druitt. Anything else however he is more than willing to talk about.
Re: Character Database


Name: Clara Griffin:
Age: 22
Height: 5'6"
Weight: Est 130 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Boise, Idaho.
Species: Abnormal.

Known Biological Facts: Clara is a very mischievious girl who's only just begun to realize the full potential of her powers. She's something of a practical jokester, and has developed a bit of a crush on Will Zimmerman. She's been known to show up as he's ready for bed and spy on him as he dresses, even once actually daring to grope him after he exited his shower. However she's too strong willed to admit just yet she likes him, and always seems to avoid the subject. Rumor has it however she might be a little bi-curious.

Powers: Clara possesses the ability to become invisible due to her highly photo-sensitive skin. She's only just now beginning to completely master her gift.

Light Background History: Clara lived a normal life until about the time she was 16. One night while coming home, she was attacked by several men looking to rape any woman they could get their hands on. Young Clara was jumped by them, her clothes stripped and the men preparing to have their way with her when her fear suddenly triggered her natural invisibility. Unsure of what was happening, both men hesitated long enough that she was able to escape, not realizing she was invisible until after she had gotten home, and realized she couldn't see herself in her mirror. The shock of this snapped her out of her
invisibility, and ever since then Clara has done her best to develop her power. Six months ago she was caught trying to steal items from a store using her power, ironically by Dr. Magnus, who had become aware of her existence after Nigel Griffin's death. How exactly Helen caught her while she was invisible is something both women refuse to discuss, and it was never included in the files.

Miscilaneous Facts: Clara is the type of girl you can hang out with and have a fun time with, provided you don't try to make any sexual advances upon her. She's curious about the act, but still has an innate fear of being hurt when someone else initiates flirting, or flirts back. She also doesn't seem to be as shy as she once was about being nude around members of the Sanctuary Network, as being nude is required to completely become invisible.
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