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Character Dossiers

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
Reputation score
*Unfortunately, I am not accepting more characters at this time. I love this game and my players, but I'm a busy girl. I might accept more people later if I feel like I can handle it... or if you rock my socks with a character idea. Fair warning though, it's not easy to rock my socks.*

In this game, you will start out as a mortal. In order to try to simulate how things would work in reality, you won't know which clan will embrace you until it happens. Basically, this means I will be choosing it for you. Mortals can't be choosey. In order for me to make a well informed decision for your character, I need to know a lot about his or her personality. In order to help with that, I've included a short personality survey along with the usual biography and physical appearance sections. Please feel free to be as specific as possible with your answers!




Physical Appearance:

Attributes: Please rank Social, Physical, and Mental

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
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Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Sarah White

Age: 23

Background: A college girl that's something of a loner, Sarah still does not know what she wants to do in life. She's interested in a lot of things, but can never muster much motivation for long. She dismissed the high profile, high paying career tracks early and settled for an English degree, though so far has been working dead-end service jobs despite finishing her schooling over two years ago.

Though alone as of late, Sarah does have a natural way with people, always having a smile when a customer comes to the counter. In another world she would make an excellent nurse, or maybe even a stage actress, if given the proper encouragement. Right now, Sarah instead finds her time off being spent reading, and maybe occasionally going for a long walk in the park.

Physical Appearance: Blonde hair, typically in a pony tail. About 5'4" and curvy without appearing either skinny or wide. Blue eyes. (Will find pic later)

Attributes: Mental, Social, Physical

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?

At home reading/watching TV, if not working. Occasionally may go out with friends, but rare.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?

Most likely to be working, though if she has the day off and the weather is nice maybe strolling in the park.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?

People don't spread rumors about Sarah, she's just too nice. On the off chance it did happen, she would probably be shocked and appalled, though probably wouldn't do anything about it other than refute the claims.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?

Run, if possible. If not, Sarah would try and fight however she could. Would carry pepper spray over a knife.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?

Fast food, movie theaters, typical summer job stuff. Notably not really moved out of these entry level jobs yet.

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.

Plain top, light weight and probably a bright color, though really any color is good. Typically wears jeans. Overall not too picky, can enjoy a good dress up, but also prefers practical stuff for day to day living.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

Enjoys slow music, something good to relax to, maybe while reading. Sometimes enjoys classical music.

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?

Walking, or taking the bus if it's too cold or crappy weather. Sarah doesn't like to head too far away from home if she can help it, primarily because transport becomes a hassle.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.

Not really, though Sarah does have a curiosity towards the fantasy genre, and thinks it would be fun if stuff like that was actually true.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

Straight, though potentially bi-curious.

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.

Really just not Nosferatu (probably everyone's going to say that...)
Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Corinne Li

Age: 22

Background: Theater Major at UPenn

Physical Appearance: Youthful, slim, Chinese ethnicity

Attributes: Social (1st), Physical (2nd), Mental (3rd)

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?

If there's a student run show, I'll probably be on stage. I also try to get involved with as many local productions as I can in city-run theaters. Mostly as an extra right now, but every bit of experience is a good thing. Eventually I'll move to New York and try to get my big break in off Broadway plays. When I'm not at the theater though, I'll go out with a clique of my close friends. I like to experience new things and places - the better to draw upon later for my acting career, right? Clubbing is fun. Trance clubs are fun, but one of my friends has started taking me to this one goth club, an I confess, I like to break loose and dress like that. Yeah, yeah, I know, total poseur -- ivy school by day, punk girl by night. Hah!

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?

If I'm done with classes, I'll probably be working my shift in the Lion Dance restaurant, where I'm a part time waitress to help with some spending money. Yeah, the parents help with tuition, but they were not thrilled that I went into drama, so I have to take care of my own finances. I guess they wanted me to be an accountant like my brother, but I can't compete with him. Oldest male child is always the favorite. *grumble*

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?

Ignore them. People who know me, who really understand me, know I'm a cool person. Maybe one of those other girls feel they need to be cock teases to the drama professors to get ahead, but I know I have the looks and talent to be the next leading lady. I'll just charm the important people and I'll let my winning personality prove that those rumors couldn't be true.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?

Yeah, wish I could say I know kung fu, but unfortunately real life doesn't work like that. Run. Make noise and run. And if he catches me, I guess, stomp on his feet or knee his crotch? Never happened to me yet and I hope it never will.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?

Working at the restaurant. Yeah, not the most glamorous thing, but I know Cantonese and my Mandarin is passable, so I'm qualified to work there. Also, since it's a cash only place, I get paid under the table which means I don't have to pay tax on it. I tend to spend it all on clothes, shoes, and beauty products.

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.

Too many to choose from! I don't want to sound conceited, but I think I look good, and I like any outfit that shows me off. Looks are important in theater. And it's important to have fashion sense. But if I were to be honest, I like how I look in black, and sometimes, going goth a bit is really fun. I feel so empowered when I'm dressing up in black lipstick and heavy eyeshadow. Like I'm a completely different person!

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

My music tastes are a bit all over the place and go with my mood. I couldn't choose a favorite. I listen to trance, house, rap, hip hop, rock, metal, folk, country rock, oldies, modern top 40, showtunes... When I want to dance at a club, I want something with a good bass, when I want to read through a script, something calm and mystical is nice.

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?

I have a bicycle. Though I've been known to hoof it from time to time. If it's a really long distance, I'll take a bus. Maybe a taxi sometimes if I can split a fair.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.

Well... yeah. I mean, I know it sounds stupid, but my parents are first generation immigrants, originally from Hong Kong. Very traditional. And they've instilled in me a sort of Buddhist respect for spirits and things. Ancestor spirits, Chinese folklore, and yeah, ghosts as well. I'm pretty sure those exist and that you shouldn't mess with them. All my white friends would just laugh at me though. Hmm? Vampires? You mean like Dracula with the cape? Haha... uh, no. That's different. Clearly those don't exist.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

Oh god. Well, look, I like boys okay. But I guess you could say I'm open to things. Some of the things we drama students do at the wrap parties... there was this one time my freshman year when an outgoing senior girl kissed me right in front of the whole female cast of my first collegiate play. It was supposed to be in jest, but wow. I don't know. Umm... okay, boys! Yeah. Boys definitely, but if it were the right girl. Ugh. Next question!

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.

Preferably in the Camarilla. Not a Nosferatu.
Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Marisa Menendez, AKA "Rayo de Luna Misteriosa", the Mysterious Moonbeam. Probably hasn't actually come up with that name yet, but is totally fucking going to.

Age: 24

Background: Marisa grew up with five brothers in the suburbs, and is the second youngest of the lot. She's a tomboy, and all of her brothers loved wrestling, so consequently, she watched a fucking shitload of it when she was a little girl, and loves it too. She also enjoys hot cocoa.
She played with her brothers a lot - and rough housed a lot, too. Playing with them, she quickly learned that, even if she wasn't as strong as her older brothers, if she psyched them out by shouting and roaring like they did in kung fu movies, and pretending to be TOUGH AS FUCK, she could sometimes spook them into going on the defensive, and then she would win more! Uh, or something. Good times.

Her favorites were the luchadores! They did somersaults and backflips all over the place - off of the ropes, the turnbuckle (that's the corner thing), even just standing around in the ring, like fucking ninjas, and like almost all of 'em did at least one version of where they spun around the other wrestler and then slammed 'em! So badass.

When she went into High School, she joined the wrestling team. Expecting to learn how to powerbomb and/or chokeslam people, she instead learned the intricacies of the ground game. She's kinda pissed that she missed going to the the state championship her freshman year because she was on academic probation, so she asked one of her nerdy classmates to help her out with tutoring and stuff. They're fucking tight, now, even if she's off working towards that Masters in [prestigious local university] now, and she's... well.

Ever since graduation, Marisa's been working part-time, devoting most of her time to training. She lives with her second-oldest brother in his apartment in the city - most of her cash she blows on them supplements and stuff, but she helps with what bills/chores/othershit that she can. If nothing else, she makes some sick-ass quesadillas. She plays the local wrestling scene, but, well... she's not a guy, and the women's league doesn't exactly draw the same crowd as the men's does. On top of that, she's not exactly famous, yet, either... and there was that one time she punched that event-hoster-guy in the face, after she learned that he hired her to be the hot chick that held up the round-number card between rounds and not an actual wrestler... that had probably been a bad idea. She'd gotten so psyched that she was finally gonna wrassle - paid to have her costume rush-finished and everything!

I forget if I mentioned anywhere, but yon brother's already through with college and has since gotten a stable jerb; and, her vision is a tiiiny bit blurry, because of late night face-directly-against-the-TV-screen wrasslefests. Also Super Nintendo. Man, Donkey Kong was the shit. She consequently has some glasses. Shh it's a sekrit.

Physical Appearance: She's 'bout 5' 5" and is delicious and chocolate-colored, with very defined musculature. Her hair is black and cut short, hanging roundabout the top of her neck, though her bangs are longer and hang down in front of her eyes. Speaking of, those are black, too. :V
In costume! Tooootally not a Dead or Alive character at all.
Uhh, doesn't include aforementioned musculature, also. Sad times.

Attributes: Social Secondary, Physical Primary, and Mental Tertiary

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?
At home, watching the Friday Night Smackdown on Scifi ('Syfy' is a stupid name change and she refuses to call it that). She is probably chugging a protein shake or nomming some other various form of delicious protein or something, also. Someday, she'll be a bad enough dude to drink blenderized raw meat and eggs like Bruce Lee... some day. In the future. Like, fucking way in the future.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?
At the gym, sweating it up. First comes the warm-up stretch, then few miles on the treadmill - always gotta have that cardio. Then, weights, to get them muscles harder, more toned, and - most importantly - stronger, switching muscle groups after each set to prevent muscle fatigue. She'll finish with moar cardio and then stretch it out, before jumping into an ice bath to soothe the burn. Afterwards, she'll hurry to meet her coach and practice her skills.
spoilers: I, personally, have never been to a gym in my life. <_>

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?
She goes and tells that motherfucker off, and admit they're just being a cunt! And if they don't, challenges them to a fight! (at the ring, because the cops don't bother you there.) She mocks them viciously if they refuse.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?
Sucker punch that motherfucker! Then sleeperhold.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?
She got lucky and landed a job at . She smelled like cheesesteak ALL SUMMER and it was FUCKING AWESOME

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.
Her wrasslin' outfit is her favorite! And pictured! But, regarding errday wear...
A green shirt - she's a fan of him - with some denim daisy-dukes and a pair of sneakers. Also, a black, old WWF hoodie that's she's had practically forever.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.
Hulk Hogan is clearly a wizzard. How the fuck else could he
(she doesn't really think about it, and rational SCIENCE! says that the supernatural is bullshit, so, not really >.>)

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).
The fairer sex and... uhh... whatever you call men are equally tasty. Also, in her post-pubescent years, she came to appreciate the aspect of wrestling involving sweaty, beefy men groping and pinning each other and all that.

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
While I totally don't object to becoming a hideous Nosferatu, it would sooorta disrupt the HIGH-FLYING, CROWD-AND-GLORY CRAVING LUCHADORA character I wish to play, what with being unable to appear in public, and all.

I'm also reeeally bad at being a badguy, so uh, yeah, maybe them there dickass Sabbat clans are a bad idea. Though, a non-asshole being embraced by those guys could possibly turn out hilarious.

>Write a character with lots of brothers she is on good terms with >Only realize afterwards the game is set in Philadelphia

Also, I apologize in advance for how badly I am going to derp in this thing, and for how I have no idea how practically everything about this character actually works. Wrasslin', working out and fitness, girls, all foreign to me! <_>

...Or uh, for not actually playing a lot of the time, because ohgodskoolishard.

Also, a brief lookover of Lucha Libre! From the TOTALLY legit DoA wiki.

As a personal note, I have to remember about this guy.
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Re: Character Dossiers

Not sure if finished, but here yah go!

Name: Daniel Siegbert

Age: 28

Background: Daniel currently works as the Systems Administrator of a local bank, having graduated from PennU for electrical and computer engineering. His parents were German but moved to the US a few years before he was born. His mother passed away when he was 11 due to illness, and his father fell ill and died when he was 24, leaving him with a modest sum of inheritance and no family this side of the Atlantic. His family was plagued by health problems, a genetic tendency towards cancer, diabetes, porphyria, and dementia that had run in his family for generations combined with the deaths of his parents caused him to start worrying more about his health, and he started working out to get into better shape in after college.

This eventually led him to a gym, where he met a girl named Ashley, whom he eventually started dating. The relationship lasted solidly for five years before infidelity (on her part) drove them apart, and he hasn't attempted to start anything else up since. He had taken up some yoga and minor martial arts classes in the interim, however, and found that he was surprisingly limber after a bit of practice, and his reflexes were excellent. His social life isn't particularly active, knowing most of his contacts from high school, college, and work, though he does have a few good friends that he sees regularly. Generally, Daniel prefers to keep to himself, and as such he often opts to read a lot, frequenting a bookstore named Macbeth's located only a few blocks from his apartment, to which he walks every Saturday in order to pick up a new book or two.

Physical Appearance: White male, tall, fairly well muscled due to physical activity in an effort to remain healthy. Dark hair, blue eyes, fair but not pale skin.

Please rank Social, Physical, and Mental
Mental - Physical - Social (from greatest to smallest)

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?
-At home reading, at a bar, or at a close friend's house.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?
-Working, or going home to read and/or plan for the night's activities depending on the time.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?
-Not be bothered generally. Words don't tend to bother him overly much, whether directed at his face or at his reputation.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?
-Take the mugger's weapon and do horrible things to them with it. If they were unarmed, then just beat them up.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?
-Retail work at video and office stores.

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.
-Daniel tends to prefer darker clothes, but generally dresses in a white dress shirt for work and black dress pants. At home he tends to switch to t-shirts, also dark and occasionally depicting the logos of his favorite bands.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)
Daniel is a fan of heavier rock and old-school metal, and lately he's been on a kick for Iron Maiden, particularly and !

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?
-He has a car of his own, a 1996 Ford Explorer that he has almost managed to have fully paid off by now.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.
-Being a frequent reader of sci-fi and fantasy, he knows about it. But does he believe? No. Not even a little.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).
-Straight, though he hasn't had much time or energy for romance after his first (and last) relationship ended so poorly.

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
-I would like to not be Sabbat, if possible, but if I do end up being Sabbat I'd like to not be Tzimisce in particular. Trust me when I say that you don't want to give me those abilities in an even slightly freeform setting, or I'll use them to do horrible horrible things. I would also prefer not to be Ravnos or Giovanni, as I know little about the former and find the latter too derp to play seriously.
Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Kelly MacMurphy

Age: 32

Background: Kelly was born to a poor working-class family in Philadelphia. He avoided getting involved in the gangs by going to school and helping his dad, Stephen, with roofing work in the summers. Unfortunately Stephen hadn't avoided the same trouble in his youth and worked as an enforcer for the local mob in his spare time. One night he simply never came home and Kelly had to drop out of school to help support his mom, Maggie, and his two little brothers. Sean went on to college and works in Chicago as an architect. While Brian lives in Atlantic City where he and his band are still hoping for their big break.

Kelly never got out of the roofing business, though he has worked other odd jobs to supplement his income. Any of his extra income gladly goes to taking care of his little girl, Maeve. He still gets along alright with her mother, Jenna, though they aren't married and don't live together. Kelly could be better off but he refuses to get involved with the mob after what happened to his father. He would probably be a cop if he had ever graduated but it's too late for that now and just keeps trying to live as best he can.

Physical Appearance: 6'6", 266 lbs. Muscular though not body-builder muscular. Fiery red hair, worn short and spiked and a full mutton chop beard and mustache. Light grey eyes and pale complexion, as in he's already paler than most vampires. http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=698&pictureid=11349

Attributes: physical-primary, social-secondary, mental-tertiary.

Personality Survey:

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?
Down at the local pub, getting shit-faced with the lads.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?
Just finishing an early shift at the slaughterhouse and getting set to head to his main job as a roofer assuming they have a job at the time.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?
Find the pimple-faced punk and bicycle kick him in the face in front of all his friends. Then start clubbing his head and chest with my forearm till he starts crying like a little bitch.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?
As above. Unless it's a friend in which case he only gets bicycle kicked and then gets helped up and taken to a bar where we get shit-faced with the lads.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?
He first got started in roofing work by helping his dad out in the summer months and has been working steady at the job since dropping out of school.

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.
T-shirts and jeans but will throw on a denim or flannel work shirt in the cold.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)
Mostly 80's music, preferably hard rock. If he had to choose a favorite it would probably be Bon Jovi or Autograph .

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?
He usually walks because who can afford a car much less pay for everything that goes with it.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.
He's not above uttering an earnest prayer to the Virgin Mary or looking for a four-leaf clover and the like. He sure as shit doesn't believe in vampires, ghosts, magic, and the like though.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
No, Tremere or Malkavian. I'm open to being Sabbat, though I would rather be one of the Antribu clans if you do decide to go that route.
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Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Alexandra "Ali" Brook

Age: 23

Background: Having just recently graduated college with a diploma in Marketing, Ali was looking for any kind of work she could get her hands on in Philly. Her only family is a sister in New York who wants her to return home, but Ali hasn't been able to since her parents passed away five years before.

Having just quit at a local bar, she's between jobs, with no real friends in the city. She gets what cash she can from the illegal cage matches she partakes in. She gets by with strong booze and sweaty sex in one night stands. Just another lost soul.

Physical Appearance:

Attributes: Social, Physical, Mental

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?
At one of the nightclubs dotted across the city. Dancing, drinking, and if she's lucky, fucking.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?
At a coffee shop, shipping at a latte and looking over the classifieds, or reading a book.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?
Confront them. Her father taught her long ago how to fight, and the cage matches she joins for cash have certainly given her real world experience.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?
Fight back and flirt. Just her nature to flirt, but she packs a nasty left hook.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?
She used to bartend, but she quit when they started cutting her hours and the management staff started harassing her

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.
See the image above

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)
While she loves the heavy beats in night clubs, on her own she likes to listen to something to help calm herself:

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?
Walking, taxi, and public transit, though she has her license

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.
Yes she does. She swears she once saw a ghost in her old home back in New York.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.
Nosferatu, and Malkavian
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Re: Character Dossiers

My lovely character for whenever Amp feels like GMing her.

Name: Rena Vance

Age: 20


Rena is a communications major at Temple University, studying to be a radio talk show host or DJ. She's got her own late night radio show from 12-3am on the campus radio show where she takes calls from her loyal callers and plays whatever tunes she feels like playing if there's not much activity on the lines. She is a radio show host and college student, in that order. If she could drop out and start her own successful show, she would!

Physical Appearance:


Attributes: Please rank Social, Physical, and Mental

Social, Mental, Physical

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character?

Working as the DJ for the late night campus radio station, taking calls from all the weirdos still awake and playing all kinds of tunes for her listeners. If she has the night off, then she'd probably be in her dorm room rocking out and dancing like no one's business or maybe having a DnD session with friends.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character?

Trying not to fall asleep in class if she managed to not sleep in.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do?

Stew... stew! Then make passive aggressive comments on her radio station, so that her callers will say nice things about her and make her feel better.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do?

Fight dirty! Kick the shin, knee the groin, pull nipples, scratch eyes, whatever gets them to go away!

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they?

She has worked at an inde. bookstore and at the campus coffee shop but is hoping for a radio internship!

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit.

Pretty much anything with a rock or punk t-shirt. She also loves to wear cargo pants or jeans with shiny studded belts that go nicely with her amazing posterior.

7. What is your character's favorite song? (feel free to provide me a youtube link!)

Huge Guns N' Roses fan! Her top 3 favs are: , , and

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city?

Doesn't often leave campus, but if she did, she'd take the bus, subway, or taxi in that order.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain.

Rena is a huge vampire fangirl. She likes to write stories, roleplay with friends, and watch movies or read stories. She thinks it would be awesome if vampires existed, but sadly they do not...

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? (mostly so I can give you juicy victims to feed on).

LESBIAN (but unfortunately no success yet :( )

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans.

Nosferatu, Assamite, Gangrel
Re: Character Dossiers

Name: Ian Rosselini.

Age: 33.

Background: Ian was born to Malcolm and Lillian Dunsirn, a pair of affluent bankers ghouled to the Giovanni clan. When his parents died under mysterious circumstances it was arranged by the family that he be adopted by his parents cousins, Stefano and Carla Rosselini who were also ghouls. A bright child he was sent to the best private schools though he associated little with anyone outside of his large extended family. As caring and kind as his family seemed throughout his childhood, Ian always had the feeling that there was something strange about them and his parents death. Instead of dwelling on such morbid thoughts during his youth he instead persevered in those things that most interested him, studying the past. An interest that was encouraged by his aunt Bianca Giovanni, a well-known private historian, who was one of his most frequent visitors.

Eventually Ian entered Temple University and bent his attention towards the goal of a master's degree in anthropology and aiding his aunt in her work. His unusual upbringing and memories of his parents horrifying death made him particularly fascinated with death and funerary customs of older civilizations and people. A few years before he finished his degree he suffered a nervous breakdown, though he soon recovered with the aid of his family and joined the army before finishing his schooling. His service was spent with JPaC (Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command) where his studies served him well in finding, recovering, and analyzing remains from the countries past wars. Having recently given up his commission at the rank of captain he seems a brand new man ready to finish his degree and become an important member of the family.

Physical Appearance: Ian is a tall but thin man, roughly 6'6" and 180 pounds, his thin frame hints at his low fortitude though he is quite strong. His brown arrogant eyes look out over an aquiline nose with a bit of contempt for most people he meets. His unsmiling face is covered with a thin loosely groomed beard which has begun to turn prematurely grey as has his thick brown hair. He would probably be considered above average in appearance by most people who have met him. He typically dresses in clothes that are equally suited to a working at a dig site, studying at the library, or attending an important dinner with his family. Wherever he is you can be sure he will present a neat and cultured appearance.

Attributes: Mental, social, physical.

Personality Survey

1. It is a Friday night. Where are we most likely to find your character? Ian is most likely already at the weekly family gathering held at either his aunt's or parents mansion. Most likely conversing with his favorite aunt or one of his many cousins. After dinner he will usually spend the night in one of the guest rooms if it is available or take a taxi home to go to bed.

2. It is a Monday afternoon. Where are we most likely to find your character? Aside from being deeply immersed in his studies at the university he is most likely to be found heading up a dig site located near West Fairmount Park. An unmarked cemetery was found during some construction work and he is leading other students in analyzing and cataloging the site.

3. Your character learns someone is spreading nasty rumors about them. What do they do? Ignore them unless they are members of his family in which case he would confront them and clear up any misconceptions they may have about him. Possibly arranging some humiliating revenge at a later date when they least expect it.

4. If your character had to defend themselves from a mugger, what would they do? After silently cursing the useless police of the city he would try to point out better ways that the mugger could find money. If he is unable to convince the fool of the folly of his ways he would take careful not of the person's appearance and pass the information on to one of his more violent cousins.

5. Has your character ever had a summer job? What were they? He has helped his aunt with research on occasion though he hardly considered it a job. The rest of his youth was spent in pursuit of studies as he had little want for money.

6. Describe your character's favorite outfit. Brown wool sweater of the highest quality paired with a pair of grey silk trousers and brown oxfords with a high shine.

7. What is your character's favorite song? Ian listens to anything but his favorite songs are harp versions of and .

8. How does your character usually get from place to place in the city? Ian does own his own car though he will often make use of taxis and rails when he wishes to study something or read the newspaper.

9. Does your character believe in the supernatural? Explain. Not really, though as an agnostic raised in a family of Catholics who practice an archaic form of ancestor worship he is rather open to the idea of supernatural creatures existing. He is also highly interested in such tales from ancient peoples through his work.

10. What is the sexual orientation of your character? Straight, though bi-curious might be the better term.

11. If there are any clans you absolutely, positively do NOT want to be embraced by, list them here. Please limit your list to no more than three clans. I have no objections to any of the clans, though I am obviously hoping for one.
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