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Character Posting Thread


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Okay, put your character posts here. Please use the fillable character sheet PDF that's in the dropbox, if you can. EDIT: Stand-by, experiencing technical difficulties on that...

Here's a link to said dropbox, containing a bunch of 3.5 SW stuff, including what's being used for this:

Template: (for now)

Character Name:


Vitality Points:
Wound Points:

Reputation Points:
Force Points:
Dark Side Points:


Base Attack Bonus:
Size Modifier:
Melee Attack Bonus:
Ranged Attack Bonus:

Racial Abilities:

Class Abilities:





And an example, since I'm going to have a PC in this:

Character Name: Nikarn
Class: Jedi Consular 1
Species: Miraluka
Age: 18
Height: 2m
Weight: 85kg
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: N/A
Skin: Slightly pale
Size: Medium

STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 18 (+4)
INT: 20 (+5)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 13 (+1)

Vitality Points: 12
Wound Points: 18
Defense: 15
Speed: 10m
Initiative: +4

Reputation Points: +1
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +3
Willpower: +5

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Size Modifier: +0
Melee Attack Bonus: +1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2

Racial Abilities: (Stat Mods: -2 Dex, +2 Int)
Quick Reaction: +2 Initiative
Force Sight: May see without eyes at no penalty, free action at no cost
Bonus Feats: Force Sensitive, Sense (at first level in a Force-using class)

Class Abilities:
Deflect (defense +1)

Read/Write Basic
Speak Basic
Read/Write Miralukese
Speak Miralukese
Understand Binary
Understand Shyriiwook
Speak Jawa Trade Language
Speak Ryl

Skills: 11/level
Computer Use 4
Craft (lightsaber) 4
Diplomacy 4
Heal Another 4
Knowledge (Biology) 4
Knowledge (Medicine) 4
Move Object 4
Pilot 4
See Force 4
Sense Motive 4
Treat Injury 4

Force Sensitive
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Simple)
Weapon Group Proficiency (Blaster Pistol)
Sense (from species)
Starship Operation (Small Transport)

Lightsaber (Green)
Jedi Robes
Utility Belt
Medical Kit
Tool Kit
Credit Chip

Personality and Background Details:
Nikarn has a strong tendency towards relying on observation and thinking things through when dealing with situations. Although quiet, he can prove to be somewhat diplomatic when he does talk. Due to the characteristic physical trait of his kind, he wears a blindfold over his vestigial eye sockets. In addition, he tends to keep the hood of his robes up. Due to both his Jedi training, and the medical training he has, Nikarn has a strong tendency towards not jumping straight to violence. However, he is willing to, and capable of, defending himself and others as the need arises.

Early in his Jedi training, Nikarn was found to possess a talent for using the Force to heal injuries. This talent has been encouraged by the Order and his Master. Recently, he has been paired with another Padawan, a Codru-Ji named Adaavi, in an effort to test both potential Jedi in their abilities to work as part of a team.
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Re: Character Posting Thread

Okay, uh, pdf's not working quite right, yet. I'll look at the coding, if I can get to it, but until then, probably better to just use the block above.
Re: Character Posting Thread

Managed to hook use of a comp. is acceptable for a character sheet?
Re: Character Posting Thread

Totally Not Tiny Tina
Character Name: Nizzal'shak (Nizzal first name, 'shak family name)
Class: Scoundrel 1
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 16
Height: 1.6m (5' 2")
Weight: 50 kg (110 lb)
Headtentacles: Mid-back length
Eyes: Purple, yo
Skin: Also purple, yo. 3rd Street represent.
Size: Medium

STR: 13
DEX: 15
CON: 8
INT: 18
WIS: 11
CHA: 17

Vitality Points: 5
Wound Points: 8
Defense: 14
Speed: 10 m
Initiative: +2

Reputation Points: +0
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: 0
Reflex: 4
Willpower: 0

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Size Modifier: +0
Melee Attack Bonus: +1
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2

Racial Abilities:
+2 Cha, -2 Wis ; Medium ; +1 Fortitude
Low-light vision - x2 sight range as humans in low light. Has color.

Class Abilities:
HD d6 ; Skill 8
Illicit Barter: +5 Diplomacy when buying/selling illegal swag

Languages: Basic (RW/S); Ryl (RW/S); Lekku (S); Huttese (RW/S); Bothese (RW/S)

Skills:				8+4x4	[Class+Int]	* for can't use untrained
							& Armor Check Penalty applies
Total	Name				Class?	Rank	Bonuses
+4	Appraise (Int)			S	
+5	*Astrogate (Int)		S	1
+2	Balance (Dex)			S	
+7	Bluff (Cha)			S	4
+1	&Climb (Str)				
+8	Computer Use (Int)		S	4	
	Craft () (Int)			S	
+10	*Demolitions (Int)		S	4	+2 Cautious
+3	Diplomacy (Cha)					+5 IF dealing in illicit swag
+10	*Disable Device (Int)		S	4	+2 Cautious
+7	Disguise (Cha)			S	4
+3	Entertain (Cha)				
+5	&Escape Artist (Dex)		S	2	
+5	Forgery (Int)			S	1	
+0	Gamble (Wis)			S		
+4	Gather Info (Cha)		S	1	
- 	*Handle Animal (Cha)				
+4	&Hide (Dex)			S	2	
+3	Intimidate (Cha)			
+1	&Jump (Str)					
+5	*Knowledge (Architecture) (Int)	S	1	
+7	*Knowledge (Chemistry) (Int)	S	3	
+6	*Knowledge (Engineering) (Int)	S	2
+5	*Knowledge (Physics) (Int)	S	1	
+5	*Knowledge (Politics) (Int)	S	1	
+7	*Knowledge (Technology) (Int)	S	3
+0	Listen (Wis)			S	
+4	&Move Silently (Dex)		S	2
+4	*Pilot (Dex)			S	2	
+1	*Profession (Slicer) (Wis)	S	1
---	*Read/Write Lang (--)		
 -	*Repair (Int)				
+2	Ride (Dex)				
+4	Search (Int)			S	
+0	Sense Motive (Wis)				
+5	&*Sleight of Hand (Dex)		S	3
---	*Speak Lang				
+1	Spot (Wis)			S	1
+0	Survival (Wis)				
+1	Swim (Str)				
+0	Treat Injury (Wis)			
+3	&*Tumble (Dex)			S	1

Cautious - +2 Demolitions, Disable Device

515 Credits

Weapons:	Dmg	Crit	Rng Inc	Stun DC	Type	Size	Mul/Aut	Grp	Cost	Wgt	Notes
Unarmed		1d3				Blunt						Lek-fu
Blaster Pistol	3d6	20	10m	DC 15	Energy	Small	M		500	1 kg
Knife		1d4	20	2m	-	Pierce	Small		Simp	25	1 kg
Spaceball Bat	1d6	20	2m	-	Blunt	Med		Simp	15	1.5 kg	[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hekqzcveud4]Spinners brand[/url].  It'll leave you breathless!  (It's a club.)

Armor:		DR	Max Dex	ArCheckPenalty	Spd (10m)			Cost	Wgt	Notes
Clothes			-	-		10m				Cheap	Don't make her look fat

Otherstuff:									Cost	Wgt	Notes
Commlink		-	-	-	-	-	-	-	200	.1 kg	Cellphone in stick form; range 50 km
2x Power Pack		 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	25	.1 kg	Space batteries for your space guns
Fusion Lantern		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	25	2 kg	Light, heat, 10m radius
Medpac			-	-	-	-	-	-	-	100	1 kg	Heals 1d2 Wounds when used; can't have one used more than once every day
Glow Rod		 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	10	1 kg	Beam o' light, 10m
Energy Cell		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	10	-
Total Weight: 7.7 kg

Light/Med/Heavy Load = 25/50/75 kg
Lift = 150 kg; Push/drag = 375 kg

Background and stuff:
Nizzal was a student from a well-off family on Coruscant, who'd managed to skip a couple years of one's usual schooling and enter a prominent Academy by virtue of her gigantic brain. She always had a keen interest in science, computers, and all that stuff, and was already a wiz with her datapad at, like, five years old. She also enjoyed making things that exploded! She mixed some up with her dad a few years later for a science project. It was pretty intense, especially when it burned through the floor of their apartment.

During her first semester of Academy, she spent a lot of her free time holed up in her dorm, reading all kinds of technical books she borrowed from the place's library, which she found interesting - early in her second, though, she happened upon someone preaching at the university about how Corporations suck and FUCK THA MAN and whatnot, and she was intrigued. She spoke with him later, and (long story short) ended up being caught up in a decidedly non-peaceful anti-corporate group, where she primarily worked as a slicer and occasional bomb-maker. Down with the Ivory Towers, and shit.

About a week or so after that semester had ended, she and the group ended up blowing up the machines in some corp factory quite sky-high. She took a step back, and decided that the life of a violent revolutionary wasn't quite for her, and fled the planet, forced to dump her slicing datapad along the way. She remained more or less faceless, thankfully, during her stint with them, but, yeah. Got wwwwaaayyy the fuck outta there, and never really told her parents about any of it.

Kids, man.

Also, besides computers and bombs, she reeally liked cosplaying at CorusCon. Won 3rd best the last year she went, when she went as Mission Vao!

Shit. Made a BOMBS AND HACKING CHARA and am consequently not very good at the traditional theefing skills. ...Should I be worried that I rolled THAT young, also? Because uh. You know.

Also, so we're in what time period, again? KotOR period?
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Re: Character Posting Thread

Character Name: Arali'vena
Class: Scoundrel
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 24
Height: 6'
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Lekku, down to her rear but the last foot of the right one is prosthetic
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Also Blue
Size: Medium

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4189830/ 13, 10, 13, 13,15, and a 9
re-rolled the 9

a 15 after dropping the lowest numbah

STR: 10 (0)
DEX: 15 (2)
CON: 13 (1)
INT: 15 (2)
WIS: 13 -2 racial 11 (0)
CHA: 13 +2 racial 15 (2)

Vitality Points: 7
Wound Points: 13
Speed: 10
Initiative: 2

Reputation Points: 0
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: 2
Reflex: 4
Willpower: 0

Base Attack Bonus: 0
Size Modifier: 0
Melee Attack Bonus: 0
Ranged Attack Bonus: 2 (3 if I'm using my pistol)

Copied from Blarg, love you, sorreh so brainded.
Racial Abilities:
Low-light vision - x2 sight range as humans in low light. Has color.

Class Abilities:
Illicit Barter: +5 Diplomacy when buying/selling illegal swag

Ryl, Basic, Lekku, Huttese, Binary

Total	Name				Class?	Rank	Bonuses
+6	Appraise (Int)			S	4
+	*Astrogate (Int)		S	
+	Balance (Dex)			S	
+5	Bluff (Cha)			S	3
+	&Climb (Str)				
+	Computer Use (Int)		S		
	Craft () (Int)			S	
+	*Demolitions (Int)		S		
+4	Diplomacy (Cha)				2	+5 IF dealing in illicit swag
+6	*Disable Device (Int)		S	4	
+	Disguise (Cha)			S	
+	Entertain (Cha)				
+	&Escape Artist (Dex)		S		
+	Forgery (Int)			S		
+2	Gamble (Wis)			S	2	
+	Gather Info (Cha)		S		
- 	*Handle Animal (Cha)				
+6	&Hide (Dex)			S	4	
+	Intimidate (Cha)			
+	&Jump (Str)					
+	*Knowledge (Architecture) (Int)	S		
+	*Knowledge (Chemistry) (Int)	S		
+	*Knowledge (Engineering) (Int)	S	
+	*Knowledge (Physics) (Int)	S		
+	*Knowledge (Politics) (Int)	S		
+	*Knowledge (Technology) (Int)	S	
+4	Listen (Wis)			S	4
+6	&Move Silently (Dex)		S	4
+4	*Pilot (Dex)			S	2	
+	*Profession (Slicer) (Wis)	S	
-	*Read/Write Lang (--)		
 -	*Repair (Int)				
+	Ride (Dex)				
+6	Search (Int)			S	4
+3	Sense Motive (Wis)			3	
+	&*Sleight of Hand (Dex)		S	
-	*Speak Lang				
+4	Spot (Wis)			S	4
+	Survival (Wis)				
+	Swim (Str)				
+	Treat Injury (Wis)			
+	&*Tumble (Dex)			S

Feats: Weapon Focus Pistol

Weapons:	Dmg	Crit	Rng Inc	Stun DC	Type	Size	Mul/Aut	Grp	Cost	Wgt	Notes
Unarmed		1d3				Blunt						Lek-fu
Heavy Blaster Pistol	3d8	20	8m	DC 18	Energy	Small	M	750	1 kg
Vibrodagger		2d4	20	2m	-	Pierce	Small	Simp	200	1 kg
Spaceball Bat	1d6	20	2m	-	Blunt	Med		Simp	15	1.5 kg

Armor:		DR	Max Dex	ArCheckPenalty	Spd (10m)			Cost	Wgt	Notes
Clothes			-	-		10m				Cheap	Sleek and trim white one piece suit

Otherstuff:									Cost	Wgt	Notes
Commlink		-	-	-	-	-	-	-	200	.1 kg	Cellphone in stick form; range 50 km
2x Power Pack		 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	25	.1 kg	Space batteries for your space guns
Fusion Lantern		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	25	2 kg	Light, heat, 10m radius
Medpac			-	-	-	-	-	-	-	100	1 kg	Heals 1d2 Wounds when used; can't have one used more than once every day
Glow Rod		 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	 -	10	1 kg	Beam o' light, 10m
Credstick		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	100	-       My wallet, yo
all-temperature cloak		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	100	-       +2 bonus to resisting inclement weather   
Toolkit		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	-	750	  -     +2 to disable device, or repairing security systems
Blastech repair kit		  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	  -	125	-       adds +2 to repairing, and makes sure you have the tools around to upgrade when you can
Monies: 1d6x500
rolled a 5
so... 100creds left
special thanks to Blarg for his posting which helped a great deal and let me be lazy


this is what she was for a friend's Jedi game. Just thought I'd share
Born on the brightlands side of Ryloth to a dying councilmember she was passed off into the hands of a slave trader who marked all his "livestock" by cutting off a bit of their right Lekku, or the "tchin" side.

While in service to a new councilman with unsavory tastes at the age of 5 she was discovered by a Twi'lek Jedi master by the name of Nawar Aven and taken to the planet of Dantooine for training.

After she because a Jedi Knight she was determined to not let her talents go to waste. She was a graceful and talented dancer, and as a spy always takes positions that will put her in a slave's position. For people will always let their guards down around slaves.

Using her unique position she has spent most of her adult life rescuing little girls from people she refers to as "Tchin Traders" so that none will ever have to suffer the fate of her friends back on Ryloth.
This one is going to be the one I use for this game >.>
Born on the brightlands side of Ryloth to a dying councilmember she was passed off into the hands of a slave trader who marked all his "livestock" by cutting off a foot of their right Lekku, or the "tchin" side. Most such marked didn't make it due to the trauma and brain damage caused by the removal.

She served in the hands of various owners as a spy, sent to seduce opponents and either poison them or report their movements back to her master. During her little... visits she stole small valuable things until she had hoarded enough to buy her freedom. Her master was reluctant to let her go, but he was amused by her audacity and ended up hiring her... to do pretty much the same thing she had been doing all along.

After a few years of this, the man died and she was free to pursue her own interests. For a year or two she traveled around amassing money to buy girls from "Tchin traders" and to give those girls some money to start a new life.
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Re: Character Posting Thread

K'Resh, the Gen'dai Soldier (Probably branching off into Mando Super Commando or Bounty Hunter, undecided as of now)

Character Name:K'Resh
Age: 250
Height: 2.5m
Weight: 159 kg.
Hair: none
Eyes: dull yellow
Skin: deep purple
Size: Large

STR: 14
DEX: 15
CON: 16 (+4)= 20
INT: 13
WIS: 14(-2)= 12
CHA: 13(-2)=11

(Link: )

Vitality Points: 15
Wound Points: 20
Speed: 14 m
Initiative: +2

Reputation Points: 0
Force Points: 0
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Willpower: +1

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Size Modifier: -1 defense, -4 Hide, +4 Grapple
Melee Attack Bonus: +2
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2

Racial Abilities:

Gendai Surge: Once per day, if a Gendai reaches negative HP he begins to heal 5 hit points per round, until he is either killed, or reaches one-half of his normal total.

Mental instability: in aging effects, gendai remove any wisdom gain, replacing it with a -1 to wisdom each age category.

Regeneration: gen'dai can regrow lost body parts-including significant portions of it's physical structure, and entire limbs- in 1d10 minutes.

Resilient physiology: . provide a (tentatively 20%) chance to negate Critical Hits; i.e., do the damage to Vitality Points instead of directly to Wound Points.

Hibernation: the gen'dai may enter a state similar to a jedi healing trance, but the state lasts indefinitely, and the gen'dai requires no food, drink, or air until the hibernation ends. this does not allow it to survive in a vacuum. Hibernation will grant the ability to use the Heal Self Force skill untrained and without Force Sensitive

Class Abilities: Starting Feats (WGP: Blaster Pistols, WGP: Blaster Rifles, WGP: Heavy Weapons, WGP: Simple Weapons, WGP: Vibro Weapons, Armor Proficiency: Light)

Languages: Gen'Dai and Basic

Skills: [(4+1)x4=20] Craft (armor)+2 , Intimidate +3, Knowledge (underworld)+3, Profession (hunter)+2, Bluff+1, Gather Information+1, Listen+1, Spot+1, Survival+1.

Feats:WGP: Blaster Pistols
WGP: Blaster Rifles
WGP: Heavy Weapons
WGP: Simple Weapons
WGP: Vibro Weapons
Armor Proficiency: Light
Armor Proficiency: Medium

Gear: 2500 credits ( )

Combat Jumpsuit, 1500 credits
Blaster Carbine 900 Credits 3d8 damage, 19-20 crit, 20m, DC 15 Stun Fort, Energy, Medium
Credit Chip 100 credits

Background and Description:
K'Resh stands tall and towering at 8' tall, and is an imposing mountain of muscle at 350 lbs. His skin is a deep dark royal purple, with dull amber yellow eyes, his mouth is full of razor sharp teeth that could probably bite theough metal, he has two large wing like wars which droop towards his jaw, and a jagged scar goin down obe eye. He wears a midnight black body suit, and cloak, black boots and gloves and slanted demonic looking helmet. As a Gen'dai he is a towering being composed of nothing but tightly wound and coiled muscle. Theres not a single bone in his body, and is superhumanly strong and resilient. Coupled with his insane ability to regenerate and heal himself he is a walking breathing nightmare to any criminal foolish enough to cross him. Sort of disintigration, being shucked into the vaccum of space or other such extreme measure he is nearly impossible to exterminate. His hieght, stature, and muscle mass alone already make him plenty intimidating, but his no bull crap attitude, relentless determination, and complete absence of mercy in his hunting make him a true terror. Mercy is only doled if the reward is significant enough for a live capture. Otherwise, he prefers to return his prey in a body bag, or in pieces rather thens bonds or carbonite. When dealing with business, K'Resh is completely professional. Depending on the task and target he can charge anywhere from 500 to 50,000 credits plus. He despises babysitting, escorting, delivery or other 'menial' tasks he feels are unworthy of hos time and energy, an would prefer to be hunting a target. And if not given a choice but to do them will usually ask for credits up front. All of his money goes to keeping stocked on power cells for his blaster, maintaining his armor and things needed to keep him in shape and on top. Free time is usually spent in target practice, physical training, gladitorial tournaments or the occasional drink and game of pazzak. When youre one of, if not the only thing who can survive a thermal detonator; you know youll almost always be in fairly high demand... http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=348&pictureid=12697
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Re: Character Posting Thread

I rolled one set of ability scores and used it for the both of them. Same with starting credits.
Ability Rolls: . (Just a note, they'll say they're put into abilities, but I moved them around as needed. Only used the roll stats option for convenience.)
Credits: .

Deemak. Current active character
Character Name: Deemak
Class: Scrounger(Fringer1)
Species: Jawa
Age: 21
Height: 0.9m (3'11")
Weight: 45kg (99lb)
Hair: Secret!
Eyes: Glowey!
Skin: Secret!
Size: Small

STR: 9 (13-4 from race) (-1)
DEX: 16 (14+2 from race) (+3)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 17 (+3)
WIS: 11 (+0)
CHA: 10 (12-2 from race) (+0)

Vitality Points: 10
Wound Points: 14
Defense: 17=10+3dex+1size+3class
Speed: 6
Initiative: +3

Reputation Points: +0
Force Points: 1
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: +4=+2class+2con (+2 vs weather effects)
Reflex: +4=+1class+3dex
Willpower: +0

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Size Modifier: +1
Melee Attack Bonus: +0=0base+1size-1str
Ranged Attack Bonus: +4=0base+1size+3dex

Racial Abilities:
Darkvision (20m)
+2 Survival

Class Abilities:
Bonus Class Skill (Repair)

Jawa (Speak and Read/Write)
Jawa Trade Language (Speak)
Basic (Understand and Read/Write)
Binary (Understand)

Skills: 9/level (x4 at 1st level)
Climb: +3=4 ranks-1str
Craft(Electronic Devices): +7=4ranks+3int
Craft(Droids): +7=4 ranks+3int
Craft(Tools): +7=4 ranks+3int
Hide: +11=4 ranks+3dex+4size
Repair: +12=4 ranks+3int+3skill emphasis+2tool kit
Search: +7=4 ranks+3int
Spot: +4=4 ranks
Survival: +6=4 ranks+2racial

Weapon Group Proficiency(Primitive) (Starting)
Weapon Group Proficiency(Simple) (Starting)
Skill Emphasis (Repair) (1st level)

Tool kit (1kg)
Jawa robes (As an All-Temperature cloak) (1.5kg)
MultiNode Commlink (Arms and Equipment Guide pg.86) (0.1kg)
VoiceBox (Arms and Equipment Guide pg.88) (0.5kg)
(Just a reminder for the phrases coded into it: "Yes", "No", "Greetings", "When?", "Where?", "How much?", "Please take me to someone with authority", "I understand", "I need medical attention", "I mean no harm", "I'm sorry" and "I don't speak Basic".)

Brief Background:
Deemak was a frequent sight at the junkyards around Tatooine's larger settlements, moreso than most Jawas at any rate. Deemak is fairly typical, as far as Jawas go, interested in technology, excitable, and not too concerned with ownership. He had a particular knack for fixing things he found, however, and making new things from the scrap he found that gave him a position of some respectability among his tribe (which means he had his own bed in the sandcrawler). Not expecting, nor particularly desiring, to see the larger galaxy beyond the sun-baked dustball of his homeworld, Deemak nevertheless found his way off-planet. After spotting an particularly interesting looking piece of junk being loaded onto a freighter, Deemak followed it in. Before he could get off with his prize, however, the ship took off, making Deemak an unexpected stowaway, even to himself.

Clara: Not using, but keeping here for possible later use.
Character Name: Clara (Surname Undecided)
Class: Noble 1
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 1.6m (5'2")
Weight: 69kg (152lb)
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Green
Skin: Fair skinned
Size: Medium

STR: 11 (+0)
DEX: 13 (+1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 17 (+3)

Vitality Points: 7
Wound Points: 12
Defense: 13=10+2class+1dex
Speed: 10
Initiative: +1

Reputation Points: +1
Force Points: 2
Dark Side Points: 0

Fortitude: +1=0base+1con
Reflex: +2=1base+1dex
Willpower: +4=2base+2wis

Base Attack Bonus: +0
Size Modifier: +0
Melee Attack Bonus: +0
Ranged Attack Bonus: +1

Racial Abilities:
Extra Skill Stuff
Extra Feat

Class Abilities:
Bonus Class Skill (Bluff)
Favour +1

Basic (Read/Write, Speak)
(two more)

Skills: 9/level (x4 at 1st level)
Bluff: +7=4 ranks+3cha
Computer Use: +6=4 ranks+2int
Diplomacy: +7=4 ranks+3cha
Disguise: +7=4 ranks+3cha
(CC)Gather Information: +5=2 ranks+3cha
Knowledge (Politics): +6=4 ranks+2int
Knowledge (History): +6=4 ranks+2int
Knowledge (Jedi Lore): +6=4 ranks+2int
Sense Motive: +6=4 ranks+2wis

Empathy: +6=4 ranks+2wis

Force-Sensitive (1st Level)
Heroic Surge (Human Bonus)

Gear: 1000 credits

Brief Background:
With Alderaan in the midst of a civil war of ascention, political alliances among the noble houses are, in some cases literally worth dying for. Clara is the ninth in her house's succession line, so while unlikely to inherit the title, her ties are still valuable in the social arena. Especially as a scion of House Panteer, the previous ruling family of Alderaan, had requested her hand in marriage in order to secure an alliance between their respective houses. The Panteer in question, however, was infamous for his cruelty, and Clara found the idea of being married off like a nerf at the market to be rather demeaning. One night she disguised herself and booked a ship off planet, wanting to make her own life.
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