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Character Sheets


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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So. Now that the new subforum is up, here comes the character sheets. I expect quite a few characters to blow me away. Do your best!

All characters start out with 2 ability points to put into any tree they see fit. Warriors also receive a single weapon specialization point to allow them their chosen weapon.

Character Name:
General Description:
Weapon description/picture (If possible):
Abilities: (Update regularly as you acquire new abilities from your master.)

With that, let the character creation COMMENCE!
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Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Leena Kilaiya
Age: 19
General Description: Shoulder length flaired firey red hair, Clear blue eyes a sky blue sleeveless tuinc and flowing cloudy white desert pants.
Class: Elementalist
Weapon: Staff/Magic Halberd
Weapon description: a plain wooden stick unsuitable for combat, using Leenas own essence channeling it down the wood, increases the durability and creates a Magical blade similar to a
Biography/History: The Empress of the Western Sands... The Crimson Pheonix... These were the Titles bestowed upon her ancestor... And a difficult shadow to crawl out from under...

Especially when compared to the fabled "Village consuming fireballs" of lore Leena had yet to produce a fireball larger than what could be used to light a campfire...

Leena found other elements easier to manipulate, Air and Ion... And wondered if a different path was to be walked... She found herself a gifted staff wielder, without any formalised training... Leena must have inherited these melee combat skills from her ancestor...

Abilities: Air Manipulation, Lightning Strike
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Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Claire "Dead Hand" Driftwood
Age: 21
General Description:
Class: Gunslinger
Weapon: Claire stands about 5'9" with dark brown hari thaat goes down to her back, has dark chestnut brown eyes, she has curvacious figure with large DD breasts, she wears a large wide brimmed hat, a red bandanna, brown cow spotted top, cow spotted boots, plain brown chaps, a belt and orange and brown two toned leggings.
Weapon description/picture (If possible):

Biography/History: (Not yet applicable)
Abilities:Quick Draw, Hand Load Runs
Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Alys Ironhand
Age: 25
General Description: Alys is about 5'10'' tall with platinum hair cut short and green eyes that often flash with anger. Her most notable feature is that she walks with a limp yet does so with a surprising gracefulness. Her body is quite muscular and she wears a light leather armor that is designed for minimal restriction of movement rather than maximum protection, yet has been reinforced around the wounded leg. She has a leather cowl on her head, and though her only weaponry is a rather worn looking short-spear accompanied by a dagger on her belt, to anyone looking at her it's clear that she is a soldier or perhaps an ex-soldier because of the limp.
Class: Entropist
Weapon: Staff
Weapon description/picture (If possible): To a first look, her weapon looks like a well-worn short spear made from some dark wood and the shaft hardened to almost steel-like strength. Only a closer inspection reveals that the shaft is covered in almost-invisible runes indicating some less than apparent properties...
Biography/History:When she was a child, Alys wanted to be a warrior. Her father had been one. Her grandfather had been one. Her grandfather's father and grandfather had been warriors. Even her mother had been one, until she had her first and only child and decided to settle down. So while she still played with other girls when she didn't have chores, her mother trained her whenever she had time, from her early childhood. Even her father would give when ever he was at home and later when he retired to become a farmer when Alys was 12 he would give her even more lessons. Then, soon after she had turned sixteen, one day after a storm, when she was hunting alone as her habit was, a tree fell on her. It was to the amazement of all when she had managed to stop the bleeding and limp to the village for the local healer to treat her injuries. While most of her injuries were minor and healed quickly, she was told that she would walk with a limp for the rest of her life for her left leg would never fully heal. It was then that she realized she would never be a warrior. For a short time she just went through days in a haze, wishing she were dead. Soon determination returned to her and she went on to search for a mage to teach her; she would be a warrior, even if not quite like she had thought. In a city not far from her home village, she did find one; a woman entropist named Maria, who was also a quite successful trader. She was somewhat amused by Alys's story and decided to take her as an apprentice. While apprentices were usually younger, Alys could perform extra duties, which suited Maria just fine. On top of the normal apprentice duties she would also supervise Maria's guards for her house and caravans, which she never had trusted very much. For eight years Alys served her mistress, until her apprenticeship was over. Maria offered to make her a partner, but she declined saying that she still wanted to be a warrior, but she would come back later. And thus she was left on her on, seeking adventure.
Dominate 1
Curse of Weakness 1

Uh...I didn't exactly mean to make it this long...
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Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Jonathan "Grave" Schneiden
Age: 22
General Description: About 1,8 m high, Jonathan is a short-haired blonde with perpetually messy hair, blonde hair and a nigh-perpetual expression of sarcasm and boredom on his face, which reflects his not-quite-normal personality - simply put, he's a bit of a screwball. His body is slim, and he wears black clothes, usually trousers, shirt and a jacket, plus leather boots.
Class: Spiritualist
Weapon: Staff/Scythe
Weapon description: At first glance, this staff seems to be a regular piece of dark wood. Closer inspection reveals a number of runes designed to protect the weapon and enhance it. In Grave's hands, it turns into a deadly weapon - by channeling his own power into it, he can will a dark blade into existence, transforming the staff into a combat scythe. It differs from regular farm scythes in several aspects - the blade is angled slightly upwards and sharpened on both sides, and the edge does not tilt towards the sides, which allows the wielder to cut properly. Generally, it's wielded like a halberd, altough it tends to have a slightly bigger psychological impact on unprepared foes.
Biography/History: Jonathan was born to a normal family, but he never intended to follow in his parent's footsteps. He always wanted to become a mage, and his penchant for philosophy and spiritualism pushed him towards the struggle between light and darkness. Altough he was never too social, he did make some friends during studies, including another soon-to-be mage: Alexander Krafft. The two of them eagerly pursued their ambitions, and dreamed of mastering light magic in order to achieve their dreams of becoming protectors. However, one day a rouge mage had attacked their master, and Krafft was killed in the crossfire. This had a deep impact on Schneiden, who viewed Alexander as his brother. Falling into a depression, Jonathan stopped his studies in order to rethink his view on world, magic, and reasses his personal philosophy. The young idealist seeked new inspiration after his dream began to shatter, and slowly turned from protection to punishment, reasoning that dark powers and Hell existed to deliver retribution upon sinners. He studied dark magic, and after finishing his apprenticeship set off on a journey. Under the alias "Grave" he began to hunt down hardened criminals, seeking to deliver them to justice - or taking matter in his hands, if necessary.
Shadow Bolt 1
Spirit Sense 1
Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Anggrath Skarbrand
Age: 32
General Description: About 6'5". Large and well built. Brown eyes, grey-brown hair. Crew cut with a little facial stubble. Wears an armour vest and kilt (leather over chainmail over leather) over a simple cloth shirt and shorts, leather greaves and leather bracers.
Class: Warrior
Weapon: Greataxe
Weapon description/picture:
Anggrath wields a long handled, double headed axe.
Biography/History: As far as Anggrath is concerned, it doesn't matter who comes out on top in a battle - new ones will inevitably start, and sooner or later they'll lose. It doesn't matter who comes out on the bottom either, since someone has to and the consequences will be negative whoever it is. But either way, someone has to win - and that's where he comes in. Anggrath might fight on your side, but he's not fighting for you or your cause, or because he dislikes the opponents. He'll fight on your side this time, but he pledges loyalty to no one - next time you might find yourself against him. Anggrath has worked as a mercenary (though he'd never call himself one) for years, travelling all over and fighting for various factions until he's ready to move on. He doesn't fight for anyone in particular - he fights because that's just what he does. Anggrath is not what you might call 'battle-crazed' - he's not an especially violent or angry person*, nor is he obsessed with fighting. He's just good at it. And the way he sees it, you do what you're good at to make your way in the world. Anggrath's one unspoken rule however, is that he will never fight for himself (except in self defence). For someone else's sake, or for someone else's team, but never for his own.
*Outside of battle, at least. But there's nothing like a victory, and he's been known to get lost in the frenzy when there's one to aim for...
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization 1
Berserk 1
Boulder 1
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Re: Character Sheets

Character Name: Nikodemius
Age: 32
General Description: A plain-looking man with dark hair and a lean, muscular build. One who doesn't stand out in a crowd. That rare ability among assassins has helped him greatly in his work over the years. Where others display more and more flare as they gain prestige and experience, he'd kept his head down, avoiding public spectacle whenever possible. So far, that had made him practically invisible.

Class: Warrior

Weapon: The Dagger of the Vrykul, and a plain short sword.

Weapon description: The dagger of the Vrykul is a legendary item, said to possess the power of the Void, a dark all-consuming negative force. It allows the wielder to steal the life essence of those he slays with it, prolonging his life and healing his wounds. What's more, if the wielder slays a disciple of the void with it, and performs a certain ritual, that person will rise form the dead moments later, encased in black armor, as a Vrykul, and undead creature that consumes the souls of others to maintain its wretched existence. Fortunately, Nicko has no idea what it is that he carries, other than that it is clearly a weapon meant more for ritual than battle, and that it seems to make him feel stronger whenever he makes the finishing blow with it.

Biography/History: Nikodemius has been in the assassination business for the better part of two decades. Though, due to his preferred modus-operandi of never being seen or heard, he rarely gets credit for his work. So far, he's had no problem with that, so long as he gets paid. His reputation hasn't spread very far, as he's yet to kill anyone truly important, but on one occasion, he was hired to kill a collector of ancient artifacts. Along the way into that particular mans bedchamber, he'd found an odd dagger sitting in a glass case in the corner of his collection. For reasons he couldn't explain, Nicko had taken the dagger, and killed its previous owner with it.

Over the next two years, his style had remained largely the same, killing his targets silently and without public notice. Strangely, despite the passing of his thirtieth year, he hadn't yet begun to feel the slowness of age creeping up on him as so many others of his chosen profession did. The few who knew Niko noticed this as well, but he never offered any comment on it. Of late, he'd rarely spoken, save when dealing with prospective customers, which some noted as strange, even for him.

As to how he'd come to be an assassin in the city of Dall, well, no one really knew that. At least, no one other than Niko himself, and he certainly wasn't telling anyone.

Abilities: Shadowmeld 1, Dual Weapon Specialization 1, Backstab 1
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