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Here, you can introduce your characters. The rules are unchanged from the interest thread, but here they are again.

All of your characters are adults.
Furries can have ears mentioned, but nothing else associated with furry. (Like your muzzle, or your tail.)
Your character has to have a different story than the original you are basing off of.

Other than that, any character from any media is fine.
Re: Characters

Character: Mystique Sonya

Description: Mystique is a ninja from the far edges of the world. In fact, few have charted her island and it is completely forgotten in any standardized maps. She has an athletic beach physique, despite her pale body. She wears a hat, which is artificial, but acts sentient as it is controlled with her mind. It is her line of defense, as the hat has ribbons made of an unknown texture. She also has an ability to use her tongue for various situations. An Allusion to a certain endangered dragon horse.

Combat: She would mostly use her hat for defense, her fighting ability for offense, and her tongue in desperate situations.

Weakness: Really grating sounds, like Platinum Metallic Noise, could make her hat temporarily unusable.
Re: Characters

Name: Sindri Myr
Gender: Male
Age: 20 (biological age)/30 (actual age)
Race: Human

Physical Description: Sindri is a rather slim person of average height. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He prefers to wear black clothes, usually opting for casual wear that doesn't make his stand out too much. He also wears glasses - his eyesight isn't perfect.

Backstory: Sindri was, in his previous life, a powerful sorcerer and the right hand of lord Bale, one of the leaders of the Alpha Legion, a powerful legion of Chaos Space Marines. He died during a campaign on planet Tartarus, where he sought to harness the power of an artifact called Maledictum and ascend into daemonhood. Altough he succeeded, he was killed by Gabriel Angelos, captain of the Blood Ravens, a legion of Space Marines loyal to the Emperor of Mankind. The demon imprisoned in the Maledictum escaped, however, and took Sindri's soul with him.

In the warp, a dimension shaped entirely by thoughts of living beings, souls were often used as a form of resource or currency, and some were worth more than others. Sindri's soul was bought out by Tzeentch, the Chaos God of change. Altough stripped of all power, Myr was still useful, and the Lord of Sorcery intended to capitalize on that.

Sindri's soul was wiped blank and the former sorcerer was reincarnated as a normal human on a backwater planet somewhere in the Imperium or Man. Out of a sense of irony, perhaps, Tzeentch made sure that his servant had the same name in his second life. Myr was raised like a normal person and to be honest, he remained completely normal for 17 years. Then, he started to hear voices in his head.

One of the greatest dangers a human can face is staying near a psyker. They draw their power from the Warp, a twisted and cruel world filled with unspeakable horrors. Minds that pulse with power are like beacons to daemons and warpspawn, and raw psychic energy can be just as dangerous and unpredictable as those creatures. Sindri's psychic talents were dormant for most of his life and no one really bothered to perform thorough checks in his colony. The guardsmen stationed there were far from being a model example of the Imperium's soldiers. Lacking the proper training to control his talents, Myr was an easy target for a Lord of Change, greater daemon of Tzeentch. The creature was imprisoned in a place under the barracks of the Guard, but as time passed, the seal grew weaker. The young psyker was easy to recruit - the influence of the Warp has a lasting effect on all beings.

Sindri eagerly listened to the daemon's speech, learning the ways of chaos. The daemon saw potential in his young servant and taught him how to use his talents. In exchange, Sindri was supposed to release the being from it's prison. Altough thanks to the daemon's influence a few hidden chaos cults started to emerge, they were divided and their leaders incompetent. Sindri joined one of the cults and eventually took over, gaining the loyalty of some cultists and disposing of the rest. Then he united the remaining cults under his command, hiding behind the back of a "council" formed by a few figures well-known among the cultists.

He also began the infiltration of the local regiment of guardsmen, eventually succeeding in forming a circle of cultists among them. The corrupt officers were more interested in milking the colony for all it was worth, making the lives of it's inhabitants harder. They had no idea how much they did to support Sindri's plans. It took him three years to develop a net of cultist that gave him access to every important facility in the colony - and fool everyone into thinking that he wasn't directly responsible. The "council of leadership" proved to be useful, and eager to do as they were told in exchange for small, carefully chosen bits of forbidden knowledge that Sindri learned from the Lord of Change.

With a sizeable force under his command and a bunch of fools who appeared to be in control, Sindri could pull off his plan. He used cultists of Khorne to destabilize the colony first, drawing the guardsmen in and provoking a battle. Myr was aware that his subordinates were horribly outmatched. He also knew that the resulting bloodbath would draw the attention of daemons of Khorne, and carefully prepared rituals to open portals at key facilities. When the blood started to flow, Bloodletters of Khorne began to pop in, and the violence quickly escalated. This, of course, forced most of the Imperial forces into the city, letting Sindri and his followers seize the military base and cut the guard off. While the traitor guardsmen and cultist fought against the loyalists, the "council" prepared a ritual to release the daemon. They were aware of it's existence, Myr had to reveal the source of his information at one point. They weren't aware of Myr's plans.

Sindri was originally supposed to perform the ritual with the leaders, but he delayed his arrival, hoping they'd start without him to hog all the glory. He counted on their empty pride, and he got what he wanted. The "council" performed the ritual in the daemon's sanctuary, unaware of the fact that they've merely marked themselves as sacrifices. In the meantime, Sindri and his most loyal servants performed another ritual outside, feeding the souls of the "council" to the daemon and breaking it's seal. With the Lord of Change's help, Sindri opened a portal into the warp and rallied daemons against the guard, winning the battle and securing the colony. This was merely the beginning.

The whole incident was nothing more than the first test for young Myr, a test made by Tzeentch himself. Pleased with the result, the Chaos God called Sindri into the Warp, gifted him with the powers of a sorcerer and used him as a lesser champion for ten years. Due to the effects the Warp had on time and space, the young man didn't age at all. Eventually, when Tzeentch ensured that his new servant was ready, he gave him a very vague instruction (which, depending on the interpretation, could mean anything), new clothes and a weapon, then sent Sindri into a new location. All in order to complete another step in the Chaos God's master plan.

Powers: Sindri is a Chaos Sorcerer - a psyker who was granted access to powers of the Warp by Tzeentch. He can sense things that other humans can't and has an array of psychic powers like telepathy (one way only, unless the other person is a telepath as well) and telekinesis (limited to objects no bigger and heavier than a large dog - lifting bigger things can cause serious complications). Myr posesses some knowledge of rituals and daemons, even if using some of them is way beyond his abilities. He can also convert his mental might into energy and summon demonic forces to his aid. This grants him several powers.

Bolt - a simple blast of psychic energy that manifests as lightning. Fast, cheap and reliable, but not very strong against opponents with proper protection.

Warpfire - blood-red flames used only by those who have access to daemonic power. Due to their supernatural nature, there is little they aren't useful against, but using them is a bit harder than simply shooting a psi-bolt. On top of that, like normal flames, they usually need some time to consume their targets completely. Useless against any demons who can control flames.

Shockwave - another power common among psykers, the caster gathers energy, then releases it in one blast, throwing everyone around him away. It takes longer to prepare than normal attacks and requires much more effort. A slightly harder version of the attack releases energy in one direction instead of all around the user. Depending on the amount of energy used, the power of this attack may change.

Doombolt - a spell used only by chaos sorcerers, Doombolt is a volley of projectiles instead of a single shot. The user focuses both psychic and warp energy, then chooses a target (or targets) and unleashes a barrage of energy blasts that seek out their victims. Stronger than bolts or warpfire, but more taxing as well. Good for tempering a ticked off lesser daemon.

Warptime - an interesting ability that slightly alters the flow of time in a small area around the sorcerer. As a result, he can move and strike with great precision, considering that his perception of time changes. On the other hand, this ability is useful only for allowing the user to fight in melee at 100% of his capabilities, and requires constant focus. Using other abilities disrupts it temporarily, which can create dangerous openings.

Chains of Torment - proof that the immaterial can affect the material. The sorcerer manifests chains from any surface that ensnare his victim. If he struggles, the chains will deploy barbs and spikes to harm the creature they're holding down. This ability, while painful, is non-lethal.

Marks - not a power per se. Sindri can brand a creature or object with various marks of Chaos Gods to invoke various effects, positive or negative. However, those who are marked will certainly be corrupted by the ruinous powers of the Warp. This can also be a good or bad thing.

Warp - short range teleportation. Unreliable and difficult to pull off, mainly because of Sindri's lack of practice.

Weapon: Sindri wields a force blade, an interesting variation of a power sword. Instead of using technology to create an energy field around the blade, the sword is powered by Myr's own psychic might, and can be used to channel some of his attacks (like shockwaves or warpfire). Sindri usually stores it in a fixed location at the edge of the warp, summoning it when necessary.

Weakness: Psykers may affect the Warp, but Warp affects them as well. As a result, Sindri, who is still very young for a sorcerer, has to be very careful in order to avoid ending up with his brain in his shoes, or worse. Spontaneous daemonic manifestation can be very unpleasant. Myr needs to maintain an iron grip on his consciousness while utilizing his powers, and even with that, certain amounts of damage are unavoidable. Chaos can corrupt in subtle ways as well, and when channeling the powers of the Warp, Sindri can cause certain effects in people (and not only that) by his mere presence. Those who fight against demonic forces will immediately recognize him as an enemy as well. On top of that, many of the rituals he can perform require sacrifices.

Personality: Level-headed and calm, Sindri rarely loses his temper. He may appear rather aloof and distant, and usually doesn't socialize with others any more than necessary. While intelligent, he is a bit naive with his ideals and has troubles understanding certain (usually positive) emotions. He usually keeps a poker face, never showing any strong emotion. He likes to sometimes push people's buttons and see what happens to amuse himself. Appreciates irony and sarcasm, has a bit dark sense of humor. His voice is rather deep, but he speaks calmly even when irritated. Altough he has no qualms about using others as pawns, he finds it hard to sacrifice or decieve those who gained his sympathy. A bit inexperienced with his abilities, Sindri's still groping to find their limits.
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Re: Characters

Okay, I give up. I'm actually going to go with this dood. I'm not sure whether he can fit into what ever Lila's got planned, but if not just take away his scarf and throw him. If he's okay, this should be quite fun. =)

Gender: Prinny (?)
Age: Unknown
Race: Prinny (Pitiful Demon)

Physical Description: A bizzare and vaguely penguin-like monster, standing at just over three foot tall. Blue across the back, arms, shoulders and head, and white at the front and down the belly to the stump that sprout it's peg like legs. Beady eyes sit behind a fairly large lightly pointed yellow beak. Two disproportionately small bat wings rest and occasionally flutter pointlessly on it's back. It carries a brown leather waist bag at it's front, and wears a long red scarf round what would pass for it's neck.



Backstory: People who have led a worthless life, such a thieves or murderers, or have committed a mortal sin such as suicide, have their souls sewn into the body of a prinny upon their death. Due to the unstable soul, prinnies will explode when they hit something with great force, such as when thrown. After being reborn, the newly created prinny will serve as a soldier, slave, or servant in the Netherworld or Celestia. The prinny remains in servitude until it has earned reincarnation by redemption through good deeds or earning enough money to pay for reincarnation.

Powers: ... Guts! And a surprising resilience and aptitude for shrugging off abuse. This particular Prinny possesses an item of great value to prinny kind. The Hero Scarf! This scarf marks out a prinny for greatness (far more commonly a swift death) in the field of adventure! The bearer of this scarf is the apointed champion of a noble cause other prinnies can only dream of. More importantly, it protects the wearer from spontaneously exploding upon harsh impacts, a very desirable attribute in an item if you are such a creature that happens to do that kind of thing.

Weapon: Two large knives and a small assortment of bombs and other miscellaneous items stowed in their belt pouch.

Weaknesses: Incompetence, a natural tendency to explode if thrown, a lack of any real strengths, utterly expendable.

Personality: Pitiful, yet upbeat.
Re: Characters

Goddess of the Sun, and Mother to us all


The land of Nippon contains legends of a pure white wolf, a messenger of the gods come to protect and inspire the people of the land. The most prominent is that of Shiranui, companion to the great Nagi who defeated and sealed away the dread demon king Orochi. But not all tales are happy, and in that fateful battle Shiranui was injured before Nagi could deliver the final blow. The gods' messenger was taken and cared for by the people she protected, but their care was for naught. Their guardian now deceased, the people wept and exalted the kind beast, a shrine erected where the beast was buried, a perfect likeness made of blessed stones that continued to watch over the land. The altar itself was adorned with the items the great wolf held, a mirror said to banish any evil that caught its own reflection as well as a rosary said to contain the divine powers of a devout monk. Even the mighty Nagi payed his respects by embedding his blessed blade the Tsukuyomi into the shrine itself. With their protector nearly deified the Legend of Shiranui remained strong for hundreds of years, well into the age of iron and man until reason discounted all legends as mere myth. Now it is no more than a tale old people tell their young to inspire awe and courage in untainted hearts.

But not all legends are false, and some hide an even greater truth. The Shrine of Shiranui does indeed exist, and to this day the wolf atop the altar continues to stare towards the horizon, each day greeting the rising sun as if it were an old friend. Those that care for it swear the wolf's snout moves slightly from season to season, always pointing toward the nearby mountains and always welcoming the dawn. And in truth it did. Had the truth been known the caretakers would understand. This shrine, this altar that acts as a tombstone for the great Shiranui is in truth the resting place of the great goddess Amaterasu. The power of the sun, the power of life itself had descended from the Heavens and taken a mortal yet sublimely divine form in that of the noble wolf. It was her will that fought to save the land of Nippon from certain death at the hands of Orochi, and it was her life that was sacrificed so that the people she loved would survive. Though the body may die and decay, a god's power can still remain. The existence of the sun is proof that Amaterasu still watches over humanity to this day, and buried within the very foundation of the shrine itself her body rests and recovers, the goddess waiting for the day her intervention may be needed once more.

It is said that Amaterasu was a lover of art, and her own brushstrokes could conjure feats of immense power. Creation and destruction, time and space, it was said she had the power to reign over all. But her defeat has since scattered her powers, her techniques lost to the Heavens themselves. Only a scant few remain, but divine powers are not something that can be destroyed. She need only search to regain what she has lost.

Rejuvenation - The technique considered the base for all others, Amaterasu's brush can restore the decayed and destroyed to pristine condition with but a few strokes.

Slash - With a strong stoke that boasts of pure power Amaterasu can deliver a fatal attack with nothing more than the paint she uses.

Bloom - The power of life itself, the gentle brush of Amaterasu can restore life into the most withered of plants. It is said she can create an entire forest from a barren landscape thought only a couple well placed strokes.

Divine Retribution - It is said that Amaterasu's mirror holds the power to vanquish dark forces. Whatever evil catches its own reflection is suddenly revealed the true foul nature of its deeds, and this truth burns that dark body and soul. Because of this she can use it as an actual weapon that can cut through evil as well as any sword.

Devout Beads - A rosary said to be used by monks that prayed to the gods every day, the monks' spiritual powers have been infused into each bead. A mere touch can banish demonic power, and those solemn prayers can keep the rosary intact even if all the beads have been scattered in the wind. Amaterasu has used these as a rather effective whip and as arrows that she can fire into her foes.

Tsukuyomii - A gift bestowed to Nagi during his heated battle with Orochi, this blade was born once the moon god Tsukuyomi blessed Nagi's own sword with divine power. The sword was used to sever the eight vile heads of the demon beast, and once Orochi was sealed the blade was left to forever guard Amaterasu's grave. Having been able to pierce the invincible hide of Orochi the blade is known to be able to cut through anything.

Amaterasu may be a god, but even gods can prove to be quite mortal. Since her revival she has learned that the legends of the past are seen as nothing more than stories. The faith of her people lost her only source of strength lay in the sun that circles the world. When the sun sets her powers greatly diminish, what little she can perform merely assistance from her brother Tsukuyomi. When her powers do finally wane she becomes nothing more than a mortal woman. A mortal woman of impeccable beauty, but a mortal woman nonetheless. She is quite susceptible to a mortal's weakness when she becomes a human, and she can even be forced into that form when overwhelmed by attacks.

While Amaterasu's strength as a wolf is quite formidable the strain it puts on her powers can be severe in an age of little to no faith. As such she has found the ability to replenish her powers quite quickly when she shifts her form to that of a human. She has since been known to spend most of her time as such so that when needed she can fight at full strength. Unfortunately her ability to adjust to human life has been a bit lacking. Her greatest flaw lies in her speech. She can understand humans just fine, and she knows how to respond, but by some cruel twist of fate she has found herself incapable of human speech. Whenever she opens her mouth she can only speak as if she were a dog. As such she is in dire need of a translator who can understand her heart above all else and can relay her true thoughts to the humans who address her.
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Re: Characters

Name: Raven
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Human

Physical Description: a frivolous and shady-looking man that wears a long purple coat with light, blue-green eyes and unkempt grayish-brown hair tied up in a ponytail. He also sports a stubble and bags under his eyes, giving off a weary, weathered look.When his hair is down, it falls into long, uneven bangs that cover most of his left eye.


Backstory: Raven was born as Damuron Atomais to a family of nobles, thirty-five years ago. After proving to be a disappointment to his father, he joined the Imperial Knights, where he was noted to have been an idealistic knight and a born leader, and an avid supporter of the Commandant's ideals at the time.Ten years ago, he fought in the Great War alongside the other Imperial Knights. Near the end of the War, Damuron was injured in battle and a close friend died attempting to protect him, though her efforts went to waste as he died shortly thereafter during the battle. However, the Commandant saw it fit to give his life back to him, and he awoke to find that his heart replaced with a gem known as a Hermes Blastia.

Artes: Thanks to his blastia heart Raven has a near limitless amount of power to use all the known Artes, which included Attack skills, healing skill and even a number of wind based magic spells as will as a very short time stop spell.

Overlimit: A short burst of power causing Raven's attacks and spells to do more damage as well as cause spell casing to have a shorter time.

Mystic Artes : Raven's most powerful attacks that require him to be in overlimit.
Blast Heart: Raven will unleash a tower of energy, when it stops, a large ball of energy appears at his chest and explodes. After executing the mystic arte, Raven will clutch his chest as if he has strained his heart, emphasizing the fact that he uses his own life force to perform the arte.

Crisis Rain:Raven flips forward to his target, slashing at them with the flowed bow and dagger which is followed up with launching himself air ward. Once in the air he unfolds the bow and flips fo look down at his target and fire down four explosive shots at them.

Weapon: A foldable bow which when folded takes the form of a sword. Also uses a dagger for up close if the bow in unfolded.

Weaknesses: While raven dose seem to have a near limitless amount of power this is untrue. Every Arte, every spell uses a tiny amount of his own life force. While not deadly in small bursts, long and drawing out battles sure only to bring him close to dead...again. Also after the use of the most powerful attacks (the Mystic Artes) Raven is left open to just about any type of attack due to the feeling of almost lifelessness.

Personality: Raven is a slightly odd individual, easily recognized by his lazy, slang-ridden speech and overly friendly, nonchalant demeanor. He's talkative, and is prone to teasing and melodramatic complaining, which easily grates on the nerves of others. This sometimes subjects him to brutal reprimanding. He's also kind, hardly ever showing anger to anyone but his enemies, and he serves to try and maintain a lighthearted atmosphere in the group when things get tense. He does, however, display occasional perverted behavior, cracking jokes with innuendo and lightly flirting with the females of the group, as well as with several women they may come across on their journey. The behavior is usually not taken well by his peers. Oddly enough he avoids seriously involving himself with women and will gently turn them down if ever any interest beyond a casual attraction seems to be directed at him. He also complains about various things, his age being the most prominent, as he frequently claims that he is too old to be doing the things he does despite him not actually being very old.
Re: Characters

Name: Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 (Military title, name and Spartan number)
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Race: Human (cybernetically enhanced)

Physical Description: Not many people know what John looks like underneath his Mjolnir armour; the armour’s shell is composed of a multilayer alloy of remarkable strength. The suit contains a gel-filled layer underneath a thick black armoured bodysuit. The gel layer regulates temperature and can reactively change its density. The inner skin suit is made of a moisture-absorbing synthetic material linked to the suits onboard computer system, which not only regulates the temperature of the suit but also runs all of the suits other functions. The battle armour is also equipped with a regenerative shield that protects the armour from damage for a short amount of time though after its energy has depleted it takes a few hours to recharge fully.

The suit also possesses other features that enhance its wearer's abilities. It has numerous clips, belts, and magnetic holsters for the attachment of additional weapons and ammunition; an advanced Heads-Up-Display(HUD) linked to sensors in the gloves detects the type of weapon and devices held, and to project shield strength, ammunition count, a targeting reticule, waypoints, a radio uplink for communication, health monitoring and restoration system, regenerative food materials and other helpful data.

John himself, despite his augmented body appears to look like any other ‘average joe’ in the military. That has been taking steroids since he popped out of the womb. His brown hair is cut into a buzz cut, more for convenience than being a preferred style while his choice of clothing is a pair of regulation camo pants and a white tank top. Though he generally keeps a set of clothes stored in a compartment in his armour and only wears underwear whilst operating the suit. As expected with years of wearing his battle suit John’s skin has become pale from the lack of light.

Backstory: From as far back as John can remember he was in military training for reasons unknown to him. Only when he reached his teens was he told that he was to become the greatest soldier the human military had known, to combat a threat that saw humanity as an affront to their Gods. Accepting this fate because he had nowhere else to go John underwent augmentation that almost ended in his death several times.

After five years of extensive muscle, bone and nervous system augmentation John had, despite the odds against him, successfully completed the augmentation process on the road to super soldier-dom. His next training was to learn how to operate and perform in the prototype Mjolnir battle suit. It took a several months but John soon mastered the use of his Mjolnir armour, and was soon drafted into the war against the Covenant.

For much of the war John had turned the tide around on the Covenant; long gone was defeat for the humans as John gradually pushed humanities enemy further away from Earth. Though that was to change in one fateful battle.

Despite the Covenants inability in previous battles to even harm John they had somehow managed to overcharge his suits computer, effectively shutting down its power so he could no longer operate it. For a week John was locked in his armour and that was all it took for the Covenant to reclaim the ground John had pushed them out of. When the armour had finally repaired itself the Covenant were nearing Earth, and in a desperate attempt to save his home world John had stolen a Covenant war ship and jumped via slipspace to reach the Sol system. Though John was too late as the Covenant had reached Earth and begun to slaughter her people. Enraged, he flew his commandeered ship into the Covenant’s main fortress ship, High Charity. And while it didn’t outright destroy it the damage was significant enough to blow its main reactor, sending the ship into a slow descent into Earth’s atmosphere. Before his ship crashed however John had abandoned it in a Banshee and flew down to Earth, shooting down any craft that got in his way. Throughout the fight John shot and killed any Covenant that he saw, wiping out thousands of the aliens as he flew about the planet. Pumped up on rage and adrenaline, as well as a healthy dose of stimulants from the suit John had managed to fly for a full three days, wiping out many of the Covenant forces on Earth, even taking out several of their larger fighter craft ‘Spirits’ with the help of marines and ODST that had captured their own Banshee’s. Though as they tackled, and eventually destroyed one of the Covenants main battle ships John was caught in the explosion. As the explosion settled down the marines couldn’t see any sign of John and presumed he was vaporised in the explosion.

The war for Earth was eventually won, largely thanks to John’s efforts, and the Covenant was seemingly wiped out. In honour of John’s efforts and sacrifice for humanity a memorial was built for him as well as a military school named after him.

Powers: As mentioned John wears his Mjolnir battle suit that, amongst other things, enhances is already superhuman strength, speed and endurance as well as houses much of his equipment. The suit itself protects John from damage using its regenerating shield though it’s mainly used to protect him from small bursts of damage. If it sustains damage over a period of over three minutes or receives damage equal to what he would sustain during those three minutes then it overloads and short circuits and requires roughly three hours to recharge to full power, during which time the armour is under the risk of being damaged or even destroyed. The armour doesn’t protect John 100%, the multilayered armour only protects his most vital areas, if he’s shot or cut repeatedly in his unarmoured areas then he can and will sustain damage to his body. Even then the armoured sections can only take so much damage before becoming useless. The suit is also unequipped to protect against electromagnetic pulses, rendering the suit as well as John useless until it can be rebooted.

Weapons: John carries several firearms with limited ammunition as well as an energy sword and limited grenades.
M7 SMG – Two of these are strapped to John’s upper legs and are the weapons that he carries the most ammo for. Individually they do less damage than other automatic firearms, though combined they become a gore-splattering death machine at the cost of accuracy.

M6F Handgun – A single pistol is holstered on the right side of John’s hip, and while it’s a single shot firearm it is his most accurate. It also comes with a 2x scope, allowing him to be more efficient in medium-long range combat.

Needler – John acquired this weapon when he stole the Covenant ship when he headed back to Earth. It fires pink needle-like ammunition that detonates and kills its target after several embed into the target. John has only a limited amount of ammo for this firearm.

Energy Sword – Like with the Needler John acquired this melee weapon when he stole the ship. The energy sword consists of a curved hilt housing an energy storage and generation device, along with the blade projector that when activated, shapes and contains a blade of superheated plasma, stabilized within two small magnetic field generators built into the handle of the weapon to help form the oval shaped, ionized blades that the weapon is recognized for. The Energy sword is a devastating weapon, killing almost anything with one attack and being able to cut through most materials with ease due to the heat of the blade. However it only has a limited charge before the plasma depletes and the sword becomes useless.

Grenades – John carries several fragmentation grenades with him for use against enemies that are crowded close together, as well as room clearance.

Outside of his suit John is still a formidable opponent, even if his defence is considerably weakened. His strength, speed and endurance greatly outmatch any other ‘normal’ human to the point that single punches can lead to fatal injuries. He can run much farther and faster than other humans as well as take much more damage, though that only applies to blocking out pain, he can still be taken down with weapons easily.

Weaknesses: While all his equipment may make him sound like the ‘perfect, undefeatable warrior’ John is far from it. His armour may protect him from damage as well as toxins and radiation but it can still be taken out with enough force as well as being disabled by EMP, rendering both the suit and John useless in a fight. And if enough trauma is delivered to the suit at once that too can short circuit it, though only for about ten minutes maximum. John himself is only human, and if caught out of the suit he can be easily killed just like any other human.

Personality: A military man through and through, John is normally calm and collected, keeping his emotions in check even in the heat of battle. While he wouldn’t be considered a ‘social’ person he won’t shy away from conversation if confronted and he won’t hesitate to ask questions if they are needed to be asked. He is also a natural leader, often taking charge of any situation no matter how chaotic things seem though he comes off as pessimistic.

((Character has already been approved))