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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Grappled

Nala grumbled quietly to herself as she stared boredly into her crackling campfire, the flames only staying alive because she kept relighting them every ten minutes when the accursed dampness of the surrounding jungle made them sputter out. Her family had lived much farther to the East, where the air wasn't quite so humid and the trees didn't press in on one another, stunting their growth. Her feet ached since she'd been traveling all day, every day for the past week, and her sparse meal had done little to assuage her hunger.

When she'd been kicked out of her home, she'd gone to Celesis, knowing that it was the city that supposedly welcomed all. Unfortunately, she hadn't counted on her parents using their connections with the Royal Family, and she'd been turned away from those legendarily welcoming stone walls with a refilled pack and a note form her mother telling her that she'd be allowed back once she learned some discipline and proper etiquette. All because she'd been caught on top of a visiting dignitary in one of the cloisters closets. That time, she hadn't even been the one that had made the proposition! He'd spied on her bathing, and when she'd spotted him staring at her from the bushes and confronted him, one thing had led to another..... Regardless, her mother had finally had enough of her antics, and sent her away. She'd mentioned an academy somewhere in the far North that she was supposed to go to, but Nala wasn't entirely sure where it was supposed to be or how to get there, so she'd simply started going West, figuring that she'd find some village to stay in and amuse herself until her mother calmed down and invited her back home.

Her small camp was only about ten feet across, so she hadn't bothered with her tent, which was still stored in her pack which sat a few feat from her. The tiny clearing had been the first she'd found among the dense undergrowth of the Pfithirian Jungle that day, and since night had been coming quickly she'd decided to rest there for a while. Normally, she might not have minded wandering the woods at night, but this place was renowned for its deadly perils, so she had erred on the side of caution just this once. She was sitting on her sleeping mat, which was on the ground since the campsite hadn't offered any good places for her to string her hammock. She was about to try and drift off to sleep as the fire slowly died in front of her again when she thought she heard a noise from behind her in the jungle.

(Perception: And your first check, along with the first official check of DG2 is....... Enemy wins.)

She glanced over the woods, but found nothing amiss. She laid down on her mat, her eyes growing heavy as the light in front of her dimmed, and the sounds of the jungle competed with the crackling of the flame for the most soothing sound.

The only warning she got of what was to come was a quiet slithering among the short grasses that surrounded her camp, barely audible but enough to get her to open one of her eyes. Not spotting anything, Nala is about to continue trying to sleep despite the ever-present dampness when something thick and fibrous suddenly wrapped around her torso, restricting her arms! Nala awoke quickly at that, as whatever it was started trying to wrap itself further around her body.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala had gone to sleep that night thinking bitterly of her mother and her stupid rules and lifestyle. It hadn't been her fault with the dignitary. Or the royal herald. Or the traveling minstrels - except for the lute player, whom had gotten her tipsy and convinced her to try a new experience with the rest of his band. Really, her mother had to allow for Nala to have her dalliances when visitors came to the cloister.

She could understand her mother getting mad when she had taken a liking to her favored priests in training - both her top male and female - and convinced them both to have a threesome with her, which led to the two of them forsaking the priest lifestyle in order to pursue a passionate relationship with each other. But even then, Nala had been doing them a favor. Neither of those students would have been good priests. They had both developed a lust for each other that Nala had immediately picked up on, and repressing that kind of feeling just to live a life by dogmatic priestly rules of celibacy was not only wrong, it was downright dangerous. Nala knew that repressed amorous feelings could twist into less enviable emotions unless they were properly expressed. No, Nala could not be blamed even for that incident, which had been where all the real trouble started. She had done what was right for Nature, and for those two lovebirds. And it had been her first threesome, which was much more pleasant than she'd thought it would be.

Curse her mother and her meddlesome contacts! Nala had always wanted to go to the capital city. So much magical knowledge! And so many peoples with so many different cultures and dispositions! She could have been happy there. But just when she'd finally gotten the opportunity to leave the silly cloister, her mother banned her from going to the one place she wanted to go! Well if her mother thought Nala was going to be humbled by such a cruel blow, the she knew her daughter even less than Nala suspected. If her mother wanted her to go north, then she would go west. There were other lands, lands where her mother did not have contacts, and she would be able to live the life she wanted, free of her mother, free of priests, free of rules and limitations.

Nala frowned and shifted her position on the damp jungle earth. She really was in a pitiful way, wasn't she? Alone in a damp jungle, scorned by her own people, her own blood, all because she chose to freely love? To hell with them all!

A faint noise made her long ears perk up, and her eyes temporarily glowed with that typical night elf magic as she looked about her. The jungle was never truly quiet at night, but she could have sworn... no, it was nothing. She was working herself up again and it had made her mind play a trick on her.

Turning again she let the magic fade slowly from her eyes, and then closed them, slowing her breathing and trying to enjoy the feeling of the earth rather than scorn it. She had chosen to study nature, and reserved her respect for Mother Nature, rather than for her own mother. Her youthful body rose and fell as she curled up next to the warmth of the fire, and fell asleep.

Mm? Was something there? She opened one eye and peered out, but heard and saw nothing. Drooping her eyes low she was suddenly wrapped without warning in the grasp of some unknown assailant. Something thick and fibrous was wrapping around her and threatening to pin her arms to her waist. She needed free movement to cast her spells, she had to get free.

Nala did everything in her power to escape. Scrambling like the fiesty scrapping animal her kin always thought her to be, stubbornly refusing to go easy.

[Escape the grapple]
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold

(From a metagaming standpoint, that isn't so much a good idea. Nala has shite for grappling, and you can still cast in a grapple, your casting roll is just at a penalty.)

Grapple: Enemy wins.

Nalas struggles prove fruitless, as whatever it was wrapped itself further around her, pinning her arms to her body, as well as wrapping around her legs. Strangely, it wraps around each of her legs separately, and then slowly pulls them apart, resulting in the night elf witch being on her side, one of her legs pulled up as far as it could go without hurting her, with something that felt almost like vines wrapping around her body. Tendrils began creeping into her silken clothing, easily reaching into her revealing clothing and threatening to rend her silks apart if she didn't do something.

(That said, you can't do anything in a submission hold except try to escape. Which is going to be... Difficult.)
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

((OOC: Ermm... if I'd understood the mechanics I would've tried blasting the enemy with some blightning. I guess a re-do is out of the question? If not, I guess Nala will just struggle.))

Nala was stunned with how quick whatever was creeping around her had wrapped her tight enough to prevent her from casting. If only she hadn't been half asleep and distracted by her own woes... She probably had a chance to blast the thing away if she'd just been more on her metaphorical toes.

Instead things that appeared to be vines were wrapping themselves around her legs, while more were collapsing her arms into her sides, constricting her and making it difficult to breath. Then she found her left leg being lifted high above her, spreading her flexible, delicate body until her foot was almost above her head. Then the vines began to wrap around her under garments and threatened to pull them apart, ripping them.

"Hey, don't do that! Those are expensive and I don't have an extra set!" She moaned, sensing that she'd already made a serious mistake in letting these vines get such a tight grip on her. She thought deep and hard back to her lessons, trying to remember all the different sapient plants that dwelt in the jungle, hoping that one of her many lessons might provide some key to understanding her attacker.

She breathed in deeply and tried to contort her body and arch her back to strain against the vines, hoping that when she made a sudden move, she might be able to expel all the air inside her lungs and make herself slightly thinner than the cords were prepared for. Brains could succeed over brawn, couldn't they?

[Continue to struggle. Try to recall any information that might help her figure out what's attacking her and if there's any weakness.]
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold

(You get a bonus for the good idea, but it's not enough to be of much help.... And no do-overs. Sorry :/ )

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Tear: Armor is at 0/25 TP.
You rolled a 5. It rolled an 18. :/

Despite her struggles, the plant-like tendrils slithered through her silk clothing and, with a single slow wrenching motion, tore apart her entire outfit. Now left naked except for her panties, which it pulled out of the way despite Nalas continued protests, the night elf witch supposed that she might be in a spot of trouble. Having lived near to the jungle all her life, Nala had heard of these types of vines, and knew that they grabbed vulnerable women and violated them. If she didn't get out of its grasp soon, it was going to use her to spread its seed.

As if to press that point home, the tip of one of the vines began pressing itself against her petals, the tip of it already wet with some strange oily substance. She knew that these creatures burned easily, but with her arms tied, she couldn't cast her spells.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Burned easily... okay, if these vines don't like fire, then I don't have to get free so much as make it move over to the fire pit! Nala thought out her plan to herself as she felt her silks be ripped away from her, exposing the pale violet suppleness of her skin. Her panties were then quickly removed as well, exposing her womanly flower to the open air, with her legs spread to a near split, making penetration nearly unavoidable.

Nala hated the idea of pregnancy. She was not inclined to be a mother, and would rather have her choice in the matter noted. She eyed the fire that she had been sleeping next to. It still burned. Escaping the vines at this point was probably a long shot, but she still had her weight for it to contend with. If she began to buck and inch along towards the fire when it began to have its way with her, she could get close enough to the fire for one sudden roll into the pit, where the burning embers would certainly make the vines burn and panic. The creature couldn't very well impregnate her while it was on fire and threatening to be destroyed. Survival instinct would outweigh the need to procreate, Nala surmised.

And so, rather than concentrate on pure escape, Nala played a more subtle game, pretending to move and buck compliantly with the offending vine, so that it would assume she was going to be a willing hostess for its seed. But each time its thrusts would pound her light frame, she would send her motion towards the fire pit, and when she was very close, she would roll herself with all her might towards the flames and let them consume the vines that were wrapped completely around her body.

The fire would do the rest.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 26/43, PP = 46/64, EP = 41, Status = Grappled, Penetrated

Grapple(Penetration): Unresisting
Nala: 7 + 9 + 19 - 27 = 8 PP.
Damage: 8 damage.
Enemy: 4 + 9 + 27 - 27 = 13 PP.
Grapple(Roll): Nala wins.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 4 = 9 (only 9 for Nala) x 2 = 18 damage.

Finding the night elf unresisting, the vine rubbing her mound presses against her lips, and before she can put her plan into action, part of it slides into her womanhood. The idea of being a host for this things seedlings having not been conductive to her arousal, Nala isn't very wet inside, and the oily substance covering the tip of the vine only lets it go a few inches into her, but the sensation of having the vine writhing within her is enough to bring a gasp form her lips, and a flush to her cheeks. The vine twists around inside her folds, pulling back slightly only to go deeper. For a few seconds, with one leg pulled up and the vine slowly writhing inside of her pussy, Nala can do nothing but lie there and feel it moving around within, getting dangerously close to her more sensitive areas, only stopped by her clenching around it, and the general lack of lubrication.

Then, feeling its grasp weaken, the witch seizes her chance, and with a single massive heave rolls off of her primitive bed toward the dying fire. The vine comes along for the ride, still wriggling around gently inside of her, until she pushes part of herself into the fire. Despite her efforts, she couldn't help but be burned slightly by the flames, but it was worth it, as the vine went wild as soon as the flame touched it. thrashing about, it released her arms to pull itself out of the flames, which had already caused quite a severe burn on it. The plant still held her legs, and part of it was still buried in her mound, which now moved much more violently, even painfully. Still, her arms were free, meaning she had a moment to try and cast a spell, or perform some other action to free herself.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

An opportunity! This is what Nala needed. This groping vine had chosen the wrong camper to fuck tonight! Gritting through her teeth and angered by the burn she had received, the Night Elf witch turned to her darker magics, gathering the black forces of entropy inside her and blasting the vines gripping and violating her with enervating cords of entropy, wracking the creature with debilitating magics that could deliver pain even to creatures that normally would not feel it.

In her mind, she prayed that this would stun the simple plant creature, and give her time to fire another shot at it.

[Cast Wrack at the Vines]
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 17/43, PP = 44/64, EP = 39/41, Status = Grappled, Penetrated

(You just had to get the one enemy type you're not weak against. :p )

Casting: Automatic Success.
Damage: 10.
Resistance: Success.
Enemy is not stunned.
Grapple: Enemy wins. By very little.
Nala: 8 + 2 + 19 - 27 = 2 PP.
Damage: 9 damage.
Enemy: 5 + 5 + 27 - 27 = 10 PP.

Nalas spell causes the plant creature to writhe and twist, but it still pumps away inside of her, giving her very little pleasure, but pushing her toward exhaustion. Her hands were still free to try and cast another spell, but she wasn't sure how much longer she would remain conscious if she didn't get rid of the vines quickly.
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

Nala knew now that she could not afford to take it slow and cautious against this creature. It was too resistant to the pain her lesser entropic powers could unleash. She needed to take a risk and blast this creature into oblivion with as much power as she could reasonably muster.

Grimly, Nala set her teeth and focused on drawing upon the entropic power of black lightning, a bolt of pure dissonance. Nala was a natural evoker, skilled at magnifying her controlled blasts of magic, and even though she would only be drawing from the third tier of the entropic scale with her "blightning," the blast would be equivalent to one from the higher fourth tier. She hoped it would be enough to destroy her foe, for to attempt to draw more power than that would simply not be good odds for her. Grappled, burned, and being penetrated by the nasty thing, she couldn't afford a single slip up this close to the edge of defeat.

Thus, she settled for a slight risk, with hope of just enough reward to bring her a swift victory.

[Cast Blightning, Level 3. Nala is an Evoker and so it will deal damage as if it were a Level 4 spell. (Should wrack have dealt more damage because of this talent?)]
Re: Nala (Blueslime)

HP = 17/43, PP = 44/64, EP = 35/41, Status = Tired, Mildly Aroused

(No, Wrack deals 10 straight damage regardless of the spell level.)

Casting: Success.
Damage: 3 + 5 = 8 x 4 = 32 damage.

Her spell impacted almost directly on top of her, her concentration barely maintained through the numerous distractions. The vine disintegrated as black lightning erupted around them, the tip that had been embedded inside of her womanhood falling out before crumbling to dust. The battle won, she was still exhausted, both form the days travel and her recent battle. Her camp-site was in shambles, though it hadn't exactly been a bastion of order and cleanliness to begin with, and her clothing was badly disheveled from the vines molestations.

(Gain 2 exp and 10 corruption. And now, xivvix can take over.)
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala found herself breathing heavily from a mixture of exhaustion, adrenaline, arousal, and the natural by-product of wielding entropic forces in such close proximity. Still, she was pleased with herself. She had not been soiled with the plant creature's seed. She had achieved her objective, though it cost her some minor pain and indignity.

She did her best to readjust her clothes and repair her undergarments in a manner where she could still wear them. This jungle living just simply would not do for her. She needed to get to the west and find some proper civilization. Some place where she needn't worry about these sorts of plants besetting upon her during the night.

She was of a noble line after all, and she should not have to suffer such indignities. Curse her mother. This incident could be lain at her feet as well. Abandoned to wander the jungles and face off against such beasts? Nothing Nala had done deserved so harsh and uncaring a lesson, especially from one who claimed to be so above such lurid things.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Grabbing what pieces of cloth she could find, Nala managed to throw together the barest of coverings, though it was a stretch to call it clothing. The tiny loincloth she fashioned and thin strip of cloth wrapped around her chest might protect her dignity upon meeting other people, but since leaving Celesis she had yet to see any. Going with her love of nature, she had chosen the less traveled path away from the major city.

Life in the jungle was dangerous, as Nala now knew with certainty, and beyond the walls of Celesis and the other larger cities were only few settlements. She knew the road she had followed would eventually lead to a town, though she had no idea how long before she would happen along it. A smaller path branched off from it, a pair of cart tracks worn into the soft jungle dirt. Her camp was safe for now, but if she had drawn the attention of one strange visitor, there was no doubt Nala would see others the longer she waited. It would be daylight soon.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Determined to make the best of her situation, Nala decided to push onwards, following the cart tracks along the jungle path. She wanted to reach civilization as soon as possible, so that she might find a change of clothes and regain some of her dignity. As it was, she looked like a feral witch-elf.

Though on second thought, she had to smile ruefully at the strange appeal that appearance had over her. Yet, no - as much as Nala exalted in the darker side of nature, she still appreciated the finer things in life. It was the tight rope she walked as a noble of a night elf line - nature and civilization bundled up in one petite package.

Fighting off the fatigue of going without sleep and the exhaustion of her recent struggle, Nala headed down the path. Keeping a wary eye on her surroundings. She would respect the jungle more now - her experience teaching her to avoid being caught off guard at all costs.

(Journey towards signs of a town)
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Recovered
As tired as she was, Nala found that getting back on her feet and doing some traveling helped reinvigorate her. Just the prospect of finding a nice warm bed and some new clothes was enough to return her to high spirits. And with night fading and the sun rising, so too was the jungle wildlife, filling the air with light birdsong and the calls of other small animals. Being surrounded by nature like this reminded her of just why she loved it so. After all, the sweet calls coming out now were just a prelude to the desperate struggle for survival that would ensue, an intricate and delicate dance that had always fascinated her.

Of course, she didn't want to actually be a part of that dance. There were much more enjoyable dancing to be had within the confines of comfortable civilization. With that in mind, Nala picked up her step and hurried down the wheel-worn path, her eyes constantly flicking too and fro, searching for any more unexpected visitors from nature. But it was note to be. She was safe, and her travel down the road quickly led her to a rather large clearing, from which she could find the ever so welcome sounds of sentient habitation.

Unfortunately, what she came across was not quite the metaphorical oasis in the desert she had been hoping for. Rather than a comfy town tucked away in the jungle, Nala's first glimpse of where the tracks led was that of a line of thick tree trunks wedged into the ground and forming a crude but effective wall, their tops sharpened into fierce points. Smoke billowed from a number of areas beyond, and if it hadn't been for the small hill she crested in approaching, she would not have seen their source in the pit beyond. The pit was deep enough for a number of caves to be dug into the ground beneath the jungle, and she could see groups of men walking into them, mining tools slung over their shoulders. A number of well armored guards seemed to be escorting them to the tunnel, rather than watching the walls. Several wooden huts were built above the pit, two of them long and barely deserving of the name hut, with another long but higher quality building next to them. Built on a higher piece of earth is a small but well maintained hut, with a balcony overlooking the pit. From the balcony a figure with a long cloak watched the men below him.

It's obvious, even from a distance, that the encampment before Nala was not an area built for comfort, but for work. On the other hand, it was someplace with buildings she could take refuge in, and hopefully some clean clothes she could replace her shredded bits with. If this wasn't to her liking though, the cart track would be easy enough to follow back to the main road in search of someplace else to rest.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

The night elf lied down on her belly and peeked her head over the crest of the hill, observing the mining operation below her. A quick surmise of the settlement led her to a foul conclusion. The crude walls built to keep people in as much as out, the guards keeping their watch focused on the workers rather than the intimidating jungle outside, the obvious difference in housing - the meanest quarters were surely the workers, with the average ones belonging to the guards, and the finest cottage belonging to the man in charge, the one in the long cloak. There was little hiding this camp for what it truly was: a slaver's mine.

Nala was disgusted with it. Slavery was a crude thing, and this menial labor digging in jungle muck and bedrock for what was likely precious gems of some sort was despicable in her eyes. Still, she was alone and other than a common civilized disfavor for forced servitude, she had no compulsion to put a stop to this mess. This was an issue for the Celesis government to address, if they willed. Nala was tired, but knew that if she sought refuge here, she was likely to be put in chains and didn't relish the thought. The fact that she was of noble blood wouldn't gain her any succor with these men, certainly.

The best course was to avoid this place, follow the path back and try to find a better trail towards civilization.

[Go back along the path and find another way.]
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 41, Status = Fine
Turning her back on the disgusting sight, Nala quickly heads back for the main road. It doesn't take her long to reach it, and she sets off once again along it, hopeful to reach a more civilized piece of civilization. As she walks she begins to listen once more to the sounds of the jungle around her. They are diminished around the road, the animals having learned to avoid the strange line of rocks that the humans walk along, but it is still calming, especially after having discovered the despicable slave mine. It doesn't take long for her to forget the place as she travels along the road, quickly putting both the place and the thought far behind her.

[Perception: Success]

The further Nala walks, the more she begins to notice that the sounds of the jungle are quieting to a strange level. Too strange, she realizes, her encounter with her leafy attacker from last night springing to mind. Once she focuses on it, her elven senses immediately pick up the sound of rustling underbrush, moments before a pair of shapes leap out from the trees further along the path.

Though Nala might have been expecting another attack by the strange vines, she is instead confronted by a pair of humanoid attackers. They are small, only about half as tall as the elven girl, but their green skin easily shows off their muscles. They each sport a tree branch in one of their clawed hands, and the expression on their faces show they aren't too happy with Nala not walking into their ambush. The closet of the two snarls, then waves for the other to join it. From further down the road it lets out a small bark, then growls at the elf. For now they are too far away to threaten Nala, but that will change soon.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughed loud enough for the two would-be ambushers to hear.

"Little fools," she said with scorn in her voice, "Did you think to hit me with those twigs? Is that your grand plan?"

Menace trailed behind her words, dripping like venom from a viper's fangs. She raised her dark staff in front of her. "You've chosen a poor target. No simple traveler am I..."

Nala had the advantage and the initiative now, and that would make all the difference. These highwaymen - perhaps goblins by dint of their skin color, were in for a rude surprise. Gathering her power, Nala employed her superior skills as a conjurer and called upon her knowledge of the highest circle of nature's magic, summoning an earth elemental to her side.

If the mere sight of her summoned elemental did not scare off the attackers, then its stony fists would pulverize them into a fine paste. Should there be even more out there, Nala had other tricks up her metaphorical sleeves. She frowned at the thought, suddenly remembering how nearly naked she was once again. It really didn't serve her well as far as being an intimidating witch elf.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

HP = 43, PP = 64, EP = 33/41, Status = Fine
As Nala gloats, so too do the goblins. As the farther of the small demons comes to join the closer, they each lower their clubs as they look over the elf's exposed body, lascivious grins clear on their face as they consider their luck. Calmly walking toward the elf, they chuckle as they discuss in their own language what Nala assumes is what they want to do with her.

Casting: Automatic Success
Earth Elemental: B=95, M=25, S=50, AV=4

The two creatures only stop when the earth between them and the elf begins to rumble, seconds before the stones that make up the road and the jungle dirt beneath roar to life. Nala's elemental begins to form right in front of the goblins, the two creatures two surprised to do much other than stare. The dirt shifts, forming into the shape of a vaguely humanoid torso and arms, the stones repositioning to give the appearance of armor. The sound of rocks being struck together emanates from the elemental, a rumbling growl that causes the short demons to take a step back in surprise. Their eyes shift back and forth between each other, the elemental, and Nala, their weapons beginning to go slack in their hands.
Re: Nala (Blueslime) GMed by xivvix

Nala smirked and swayed her hips as she walked towards the dumbfounded goblins, coming to stand next to her earth elemental guardian.

"Hmm, going a bit limp-dicked now, are you? Aww. Such a shame. I'll bet you were both chatting about which hole you were going to start with first, weren't you?" Nala brought a finger up to her smiling lips and let her tongue caress and lick it suggestively.

"Mmm... by the way, if either of you turn to run, I'll have my elemental grind your bones to dust. You two are staying here... you've offended me with your simple-minded assumptions, and now you're going to have to find a way to make it up to me before the whim takes me to kill you."

Her eyes, glowing malevolently with magic, gaze back and forth between the two shaken goblins. "Do you imps even understand common tongue? Don't speak! Your voices will likely disgust me. Just nod if you comprehend what I'm telling you..."

Nala had been becoming more and more frustrated with the lack of comfort on this hard journey. These ugly little greenskins would be the first decent amusement she had had in days. She truly did hope they understood her, otherwise she'd have to simply kill them right away, and that wouldn't be nearly as much fun as what she had in mind.