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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: Preggers


Vegur - Pragmatic problem solver demon nobleman
Arklia - Part faerie wildcard demon noblewoman
Pol - Bored old demon noblewoman
Trazeil - Reasonable demon slavemistress

Curstag - Captain of the guard demoness
Barabal - Demon sorcerer, naive but ambitious

Esmerala murmured and nodded in agreement following Nala's initial response to her listing of potential allies, but only smiled lightly in the face of her logic. Whether that meant that her placement of her suggestions had had the intent that Nala pointed out or not, she did not bother to say. Her gaze drifted, taking in the offered portion of night elven leg, but lingered only a moment, a moment that let a hint of hunger enter her eyes, but it was quick to pass and her eyes quick to return to Nala's face.

"Ahhh, Barabel is shall we say... Straightforward. He lacks a certain understanding of subtlety, at least in his dealings with others. At times it makes him easy to manipulate, at others it makes him fairly difficult to talk to... And in general it makes him easier to trust than most of my kind, which... Could perhaps be a double edged sword. He is a bad liar, and though ambitious tends to take promises at face value until proven otherwise," she explained with an air of amusement and exasperation to her voice. She settled back onto the desk, planting her hands to her side so that she could lean back while her legs crossed. Naked as she still was following Nala's welcoming orgy, it only partially concealed the parts of the demon's body that might more appropriately be concealed, allowing Nala's eyes to make their own feast of the hellborn noblewoman's impressive rack.

"I would call him risky before poisonous to any efforts at change, to be honest. Big promises are a thing that he is not used to. Those that deal with him do so by leverage, by simple up front payment, or by keeping their promises small and manageable; he deals in good faith, but breaking faith will turn him against you rather irrevocably. Offering big promises could quite well win him over, or it could make him very cautious... Or it could be a trap entirely if the king has caught wind of our conspiracy somehow. The other reason behind his mention is that, if we don't seek to recruit him at all, it might be wise to kill him outright before he can become an issue. I know it's a little bit off message, but it's not like we're expecting this to be entirely bloodless."
"Then we find out what his personal desire is, and if it is possible to provide it to him, then we do so." Nala stated, letting her eyes scan over the demoness' body. She could sense her mortal desire welling up. She could control it easily, but were she to act upon her old emotions, there would be very little resistance.

"I remember well that level of naivete. It is both a blessing and a curse - perhaps if we simply reward it, we will win ourselves a talented sorcerer. But I would prefer to start with one of the others, even so. And of course, it is wise to remove a potential threat, if it cannot be turned to our good use. I have no doubt that there will be casualties - but I would prefer to sow dissent, and let the chaos lead to more chaos, rather than start an all out war - at least at the beginning."

"Let's discuss which of these will be easiest to approach. Where do you think we can best find them? I do not wish to go too close to the Demon King, for he may sense my presence and have ways to confront me. Better to send emissaries who can blend in, like you, and get the targets to come farther afield, where I can speak to them more plainly. Do you have any suggestions for getting close?"

She crooked her finger and beckoned to Esmerala, inviting her to the bed. The demon lord was very pleasant to look at, and touching her while they talked was suddenly appealing. Perhaps the mortal desire was more potent than she had thought.
Nala: Preggers


Vegur - Pragmatic problem solver demon nobleman
Arklia - Part faerie wildcard demon noblewoman
Pol - Bored old demon noblewoman
Trazeil - Reasonable demon slavemistress

Curstag - Captain of the guard demoness
Barabal - Demon sorcerer, naive but ambitious

"Naturally~" Esmerala replied in mirthful agreement. "It's nice when things are simple, isn't it?" The demon shifted as she spoke, moving to splay herself onto her side on the table, one leg crossing over the other as she rested her head on her hand.

"Barabal can wait, I agree... The easiest to isolate outside of the king's notice would likely be Curstag or Vegur. Both spend some time outside of Abaddon, solving... Problems. Trazeil would be the hardest, she rarely leaves the palace. Arklia and Pol, too, don't often depart from their scavenged mansions save to appear in court or visit friends... Or make an appearance at a party. That option miiight be our best opportunity really, even if it would be a bit risky."

Nala's beckoning offer, naturally, wasn't something that the infatuated demoness would be willing to pass up. She shifted gracefully off of the desk, tail swaying slowly as she stalked silently towards the bed. She would lower herself languidly and with almost unnatural grace, straddling Nala and allowing her appealing softness to press down against the elven proto-goddess. With their breasts pancaking together and faces within inches of one another once more, Nala was free to touch Esmerala as she wished, and the demoness for her part let her hands idly plant themselves by Nala's sides only for the tip of her tail to begin slowly drawing across her thigh. The motion started along the top and slowly but surely began to draw ever inwards.

"My knights and I can handle the initial infiltration I think... Perhaps secure a meeting or two with some of our potential options, discover any available opportunities, perhaps drudge up some schedules. We will need a bit of time, but I am sure that even exiled, there are a few contacts that I can call upon. Still... I will have to keep details sparse, at first. The further our web expands, the greater the risk of its discovery... We will have to be very... Very... Careful~"
Nala regarded her demonic counterpart, trying to parse out distracting observations that detracted from the simplistic appeals of Esmerala's smooth skin, her bountiful curves, the sultry nature of her voice, and her scent, which was a pleasant aura of titillation, one which the proto-goddess could, and did improve upon. Nala wanted the very air that was breathed in around her to be laced with beautiful associations that built suggestion, anticipation and titillation.

"It's settled then. A careful and delicate approach, building slowly.~"

Nala settled her hand gently on Esmerala's hip, while parting her legs to allow the demoness' tail to advance. Her fingers traced little whorls across the woman's skin as she grinned up at her. The feel of Esmerala's breasts pressing into hers through the sheer silken fabric of the dress she had constructed for herself was a simple delight that the former night elf allowed to dominate her senses, and to add to the effect she drew in a pleasured breath of air. Her left leg rose to rub against the soft flesh of Esmerala's rear.

"So with that out of the way, there only remains the two of us to discuss, my sweet demoness. Pleasure I will give you, that much is certain, but I think we both know that there are pleasures that exceed that of the flesh. I perceive them now."

Nala's hand moved to caress Esmerala's lips, tracing a circle along their outer edge, tantalizing them, but at the same time changing their qualities. The demon's lips would sense more, the nerve endings alighting in a response that went beyond the purely tactile and delved into far more advanced brain chemistry. A kiss now would be an emotional revelation, a balm over old turmoil. A kiss now would be forgiveness. A kiss now would be self-actualization.

Nala kissed Esmerala full on the lips, tenderly, pouring her godlike ability into sending energy across to the arch succubus, feeding her as a mother might a child, yet at the same time, her grip on the demon drew their bodies close, meaningfully.

"And I can make you perceive them as well. Imagine it, Esmerala. Sex as an act of perfect balance, even for a demon. The raw energies of the universe make it possible, it only remains for the secrets to be worked out and taught to those prepared and willing to serve a greater cause, a vision. My vision. Even as a demon feeds upon raw energy, you can give back. And in giving back, you can free yourself from the chains of your past, not just those that bind you to others, but those that bind you to yourself. Chains of guilt, of self-loathing, of burdens of the heart. The raw power of this act of connection can free you.~ You and your many lovers~"

Nala laughed lightly, and then reached her hand down to between Esmerala's legs, her magic fingers again prepared to work their magic. With the support of invisible force magic, Nala propped herself up, tipping Esmerala gently backwards, until the demoness was now resting her shoulder blades on the mattress, with the goddess sitting up, their crotches close together as Nala willed her own clothing to tear itself away and unravel.

"But there has been something that has dwelt on my mind ever since our last session of lovemaking. Something beyond merely returning the favor of fucking you into a state of silliness.~ I've thought about what our child might be like. Even as a goddess, I honestly couldn't say, and so I am curious indeed."

As she said this, Nala would shapeshift, conjuring forth out of the top of her slit a phallus that rivaled the one previously sported by Esmerala on that day long ago in the river. The intent of what she would be doing with it in the near future was easily read in Nala's eyes as she stared hungrily down at her horned playmate.
Nala: Preggers


Vegur - Pragmatic problem solver demon nobleman
Arklia - Part faerie wildcard demon noblewoman
Pol - Bored old demon noblewoman
Trazeil - Reasonable demon slavemistress

Curstag - Captain of the guard demoness
Barabal - Demon sorcerer, naive but ambitious

With casual ease, Nala could shift the atmosphere of room, altering the energies of a place and allowing it to seem as if it was a natural reaction created by the room's occupants. It was as easy as thinking here in the little pocket dimension she had created, but it was yet another skill that she had discovered which might prove useful in her later misadventures.

Esmerala offered no overt reaction to the aura that Nala filled the room with, but with her Nala could sense that it had been unnecessary. The demoness was in her element, plotting and scheming to overthrow a rival for power, and doing it alongside someone that she could trust completely. Their goals were mutual, their ambitions aligned - in no small part by her own choice on the matter - and Nala finally held the power to rival their greatest dangers.

"Mmmm.... Pleasures.... Yes, it's about time I think~ I want to find out how you taste now!" she murmured when Nala finally changed the subject from their scheming to something more immediately satiating. Her tail began to trail a little further up Nala's leg and deeper around her thigh as the once-elf's legs parted, the spaded tip soft and tickling as much as it pleased. The demon's brow rose following Nala's proclamation of going beyond the flesh took form, however.

Demon or no, Esmerala was still a being of flesh and blood. Her body functioned just as any other living creatures did, despite her ability to shift portions of her biology around. As such, Nala could reach into the flesh to manipulate, her will slipping past skin and muscle and bone to read the ganglia in her demonic paramour's brain as easily as her own... And, in this case, to manipulate them. Her fingers did so first over the demon's lips, sensitizing the nerves there, but those changes traveled up the nerves to alter more advanced chemistry in relation to their contact.

It was obvious that Esmerala was cognizant of what Nala had just done, at least to some extent, but that wouldn't prevent her from allowing the elven goddess to close the distance between them, and when their lips pressed together she gave a pleased moan. Her eyes widened in shock, before even Nala thrust a wave of energy into her, for the emotional cascade that suddenly washed over her. It left her unable to properly respond to the kiss as she might have before, leaving her tongue only flicking on pure instinct to match Nala's and thus allowing Nala to take the lead in the dance between their lingual muscles. Likewise, for a moment the magical essence being poured into her was left momentarily untouched, floating in the nether between them.

Esmerala's shock could only last so long, however, and when she recovered she leaned in further even than Nala had drawn her. She lashed out with her tongue, squirming it against Nala's as her chest pressed and her back arched and relaxed, rubbing chest to chest to glance their sensitive peaks together. And she fed, gorging herself on the offered energies, devouring and claiming the power emanated by Nala for herself. Those energies changed form as she drew upon them, melding fluidly into the "meat" of Esmerala's soul to refill the portions left dark by her use of magic.

When the kiss broke, she reared back just a little bit further than needed and eyed Nala oddly, her thoughts masked even to Nala as she retreated behind a wall. Even her trust was limited, it seemed, when confronted with such overt manipulation. She let the protogoddess say her piece, however, and when Nala explained her ambitions she gave a light laugh and seemed more impressed than offended.

"My my... Already thinking like a god! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, you're nothing if not adaptable. Yes, I think that is bold effort... And one that might help bring in many demonic followers. Especially among the younger generation, those that knew Hell only for a time but still suffered for it." She paused, letting that settle, but Nala wouldn't need to wait or ask for further elaboration; "Not all of us would want their traumas removed so easily, even if it is convenient. What we've been through... Most of it is horrible, yes, but it is that horror that formed us. It is our source of ambition, our motivation... The foundation on which our lives are built. Do you make a palace stronger by removing the foundation, or by repairing it?" She paused again, but not for long, and finally added; "Some of us might go too far and become lost in our chains, of course, and those something like this might help... But it might easily be against their will. For better or worse. "

Ultimately, however, the physical pleasures were to follow, and Esmerala gave a surprised cry as she was turned and pushed backwards until she was lying on her back on the bed, with Nala siting up before her and their legs entangled. "Oh, but I wanted to do that!" the demoness declared mirthfully as Nala's clothing was rent apart, the strands of it vanishing like mist caught in the wind, though the look in her eyes as she swept a gaze over Nala's body was anything but upset. Esmerala's eyes ultimately fell upon Nala's chest with a hungry look, her eyes detailing every curve, and a look into her mind revealed that her demonic ally was going through all manner of fantasies involving things she'd like to do with her breasts and how she could leave Nala howling in pleasure from them alone.

Her focus drifted downwards as Nala plainly alluded to her intentions and summoned the very organ that would make them a reality, and the demoness cheweed her lip and moaned excitedly. "Mmmmm~ So you're looking to knock me up, huh? Mhm...." The demon's tail curled around the violet shaft that Nala had conjured, a mirror of the impressive tool that Esmerala had used to enjoy her so many days prior when they had first met, squeezing it gently while the spaded tip folded over her domed helmet. That sinuous tail began to jerk, smoothly tugging on the elf's rod while the tip of her tail rolled over the head, and pleasure naturally poured into her from the demon's expert stimulation. "Ufufufu, well... I'm not usually the one to be the mommy, but... I think making an exception wouldn't hurt~ Especially for my goddess!"

There was a bit of mirthful derision in her voice as she pronounced Nala's title, but it was clear enough that Esmerala was anything but against the notion. Her gaze drifted from Nala's cock up to her face, her again lightly chewing her lip while her tail continued its smooth motions, though gradually those strokes would aim Nala's shaft downwards, towards where she inevitably intended to use it. "So... Does my goddess wish to start the siring right away? Or.... Shall I work to prepare her for it?" Her teasing tone didn't do much to disguise her hunger; it seemed that turning the demoness on didn't take much at this point. Even so, her gaze flicked up to Nala expectantly, awaiting an answer that the proto goddess could sense she had no immediate preference for.