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Chibi's crappy art thread

Re: Chibi's crappy art thread

Actually the 80's were great, just so long as I don't have to tight roll my jeans anymore and look like a complete dork.
Re: Chibi's crappy art thread


Re: Chibi's crappy art thread

Now that I think about it, the bunny part of the Bunnytaur is particularly well done, Chibi can I make a request *shiny puppy dog eyes*, a plain sketch of a regular bunny-wabbit? With the body done so well, I would love to see you draw a full plain one,
But only a request, feel free to ignore me and pretend this post never happened :3.

But still, I think you would draw a nice bunny, especially if you could get the facial features, whiskers and such right, abit tough for somebody I would think, but worth a shot?
Re: Chibi's crappy art thread

You over-estimate my abilities.

But I'll give it a shot.
Re: Chibi's crappy art thread

You over-estimate my abilities.

But I'll give it a shot.
Did you change your mind on giving it a shot, or is it on the backburner, tossed project?
Will I never see that cute bunny? D=
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