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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Christine Caissa
Age: 25
Level 0 Trait: Magic expertise

Attitude: Curious, deceitful and mischievous.

Extra Notes: Touch the fluffy tail

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Enemies from any bestiary game (like DG, RPG maker, etc?: Y/N (No frequency here, if you choose it, they will be in pretty much when I decide to throw them at you ^_^)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bimbofication: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

The slightly not as dark as it should be forest: Fairies are Pests.
The O god what? Escape from heaven!: Angels can suck my nonexistent dick.
Welcome to our shitty game show: Kitsune... In... SPAAAACE
My other Character is WH40K: Cyberspace shenanigans.
There is no Try. Only Tryhard: /d/ for /tg/ Welcome to fantasy without Magic! It's gonna be a long day. IE you're the only mage around and everyone Hates you for it.
Optional or Blend: Whatever. Blend the above, make up your own.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Humans: 2
Male/Female: 4
Female/Female: 3
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: 1
Birthing: 1
Non Consent Sex: 5
Slavery: 1
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): 4
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): 4
Enemies from any bestiary game (like DG, RPG maker, etc?: Y
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): 0
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): 4
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): 5
Futa option (You start as a futa): -9
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): -9
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): 4
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): 2
Bimbofication: 2
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Variable, up to but not including permanent mutilation.

There is no Try. Only Tryhard: /d/ for /tg/ Welcome to fantasy without Magic! It's gonna be a long day. IE you're the only mage around and everyone Hates you for it.
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Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Due to the difficult nature of this setting, Christine will have no MP Limit, but will have areas where magic has consequences.

Another day, another bright eyed new tester at EGG, another sigh as they were led passed her in the lobby, and another small moment where Christine's eyes met with the portrait of the blonde on the wall. Tuesday.

That portrait. She'd never been told what had happened involving that woman, her name wasn't even listed underneath it anymore, the plaque that had held It removed on her third day as this facility's receptionist... but it had a way of both keeping her company, and haunting her at night. What she did know was that the family of the woman in that portrait had all but paid for this entire facility with it's hospital white walls and polished floors, and that only one room was completely off limits to new testers where a different type of EGG Pod was housed.

It had been in all her hiring paperwork, the first rule about secret pod is we don't talk about secret pod, the second rule about secret pod is if you want to use secret pod you need to fill out all this EXTRA paperwork... and on her second week... she had. She wasn't sure why she'd done it, probably because it scared the other staff there. They wouldn't gossip about it, all she really knew was that it was only available to staff. They wouldn't dare let anyone else in it that wasn't faculty. No amount of release paperwork would change that... and she'd just gotten the email. It was her turn, she was up for testing what was only officially referred to as Pod 19... Again the green eyes on the wall seemed to flash and smile at her...

Maybe this Tuesday wouldn't be so dull after all...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Before, she had been excited. But now as the day had come and the portrait in the lobby was smiling at her, Christine feels a sudden chill on her spine. Angered by the prospect of her nerves suddenly betraying her, she shakes her head, pushing away the feeling of nervousness as she confidently strides to the room with the special pod, not even stopping to see whether there was something physically different about it before she sits down, closing the pod and waiting for the options screen to appear.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Using haste to counteract nervousness and jitters, Christine skipped checking the pod, looking for anything, she just... Dove in and waited for an options screen that never came. What did happen is all the lights in the room died the moment Pod 19's lid hissed closed, and instead of any options screen...

The world around her was suddenly a riot of color and sound. From the still waiting of her pod, to sunlight filtering through a deciduous tree canopy and the feeling of morning dew soaking into her clothing... no clothing. She was naked. Then... What. It wasn't as if Christine awoke from a dream, no, she was instantly, immediately, wide awake, her ears twitching and something stroking slowly along her back, soft and warm... Ok, she had a tail. This was new, it wasn't in her avatar settings, it wasn't listed anywhere in her paperwork for this pod... she hadn't even put IN an avatar! The hell was going on with this pod?!

And where the fuck was she!? She was dumped In the middle of a clearing, naked as they day she was born, covered in patterned blue and brown paint with gigantic pointy ears and a tail that defied any attempt from her to get it to sit still. Patting herself down however, she could tell apart from the new attachments? Her body was nearly identical, same birthmarks under the paint, same hair, though it was just a hint longer, same lean muscle from an obvious active lifestyle, but her musings were cut short by a powerful rumble from her midriff, and a dry throat, drawn to a nearby pond, small, quiet... No information, not items, no help. This wasn't like any game she'd ever played, but she could feel the breeze moving over her flesh and the vaguely sharp yet soft pressure of the grass underneath her. She was hungry, she was thirsty. That was the extent of her knowledge.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Blinking as she appears in some strange forest, she instinctively reaches out to see... nope, no clothing. And a tail and bodypaint? Hesitantly Christine reaches out to her head, finding a pair of fuzzy ears extending from the top of her head. Did that mean she was a kitsune now? Hesitantly she closes her eyes, trying to will herself to assume the form of a fox. After all, kitsune could do that, couldn't they? Or was it that they were foxes who could assume the form of a humanoid? This was feeling more real by the moment, more real than any other time she had been in EGG, perhaps more real, even, than her own reality...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Not to her surprise, her experiment worked, much to her surprise however, shifting her form was the most confusing and gut-wrenching experience she'd ever had... She could feel it, every bone, every joint, every change a jarring moment of raw sensation that took too long to contemplate and was over too quickly to halt or stop leaving her flopped in the grass, legs splayed, tail flat on the ground behind her and the world.... The world was now enormous. And the smells! O gods the smells!

An unbidden sneeze forced itself through her muzzle before the intake of breath afterwards caused stars to explode behind her eyes as she tried to simply understand the assault that was her sensitive nose.

The discomfort passed however and soon enough Christine came back to herself, a 4 legged vixen hiding in the grass, trees towering around her, thick fur covering her, and the gnawing in her stomach only growing worse for the trouble. But she wasn't naked anymore... that was something.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The transformation was most definitely the oddest thing Christine had ever experienced as her body warped and melted like hot wax, but it was over as suddenly as it had begun. Then the smells hit her, and it was like the worst acid trip she had never experienced! Even after the sensation of smelling everything at once had subsided, Christine stops to get her bearings for a moment. This was just... wow. Already she was not sure if she'd want to go back. Then the hunger REALLY started bothering her. On the other hand, she was a fox now, and this was a forest. HER forest, no matter what anyone else would say. Time to find some food. A rabbit would be nice, though even a smaller rodent would do. Getting to her feet after awkwardly trying to stand on two feet by instinct, she starts smelling and listening before picking a likely seeming direction and heading that way, trying to find some prey. She wasn't sure what raw mouse would take like, but she was a fox now, so it couldn't be TOO bad.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The moment she turned her attention to food, her nostrils flared and her tail flattened out behind her. O yes, she knew where food was, she could smell the rabbit den from here, though the exact name of the direction escaped her. Her nose would guide her unerringly to the source of her now wet and hungry maw, though walking on four legs took some getting used to.

The small burrow was underneath a large tree root, and as she approached, she felt the wind at her back and stiffened. She wasn't a hunter, she didn't know better, but immediately her instincts told her she'd made a basic mistake and a large rabbit tore out of the burrow. Sadly for it she wasn't a normal fox and before she even fully realized it, she had flown across the forest ground like a white streak, pouncing on the rabbit and breaking it's back before tearing into her meal.

Hot blood gushed into her mouth from the initial bite, the rodent squealing in terror one last time, before she started eating and it certainly wasn't unpleasant. Notably it was a tad sour, the fear had done that to the meat. If she could sneak up downwind next time, she could take it by surprise... make it all the more tender.

Flesh yielded easily to strong jaws and sharp teeth and soon enough her hunger wasn't as jarring a problem as the rabbit was reduced to bones. There was still thirst to consider, but it wasn't nearly as bad, and she found herself licking the blood from her muzzle. There was more prey to be had here if she wanted it.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

The sheer excitement of spotting the rabbit and pouncing makes Christine almost forget that she couldn't possibly move that quickly. Almost, but not completely. She muses on this while she eats the rabbit. Licking her lips, the kitsune comes to realize that she actually ate an entire rabbit. Wow, I'm not even full. I guess shapeshifting must takes lots of energy. Briefly entertaining the thought of another meal, Christine decides against it, sniffing around for a source of drinkable water instead.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine has discovered predatory instincts! Along with basic passive bonuses, they spare her the trouble of having to learn how to fox. She just knows a good deal. Whether that disturbs her or not is up to you. On top of this, she's not a normal fox, she is both faster, and stronger.

The world around continued to be a slightly unreal blur of colors and scents and sounds as she swiveled her ears a little without thinking, and drew in another deep breath through her nose. She could pick up the water, not because she could smell water, but because of a complete lack of any distinguishable scent. She could smell moss nearby as well, but the largest pool of water nearby was the pond she had left, and a nearby river that she could hear further off to the east now that she could see more of the sun, and her nose was telling her it was still morning, as well as the dew on the grass.

The problem was, that she could smell other things to. Namely freshly turned soil, and oil, fire. People, she could smell other people near the river, while her pond remained largely free of anything, save the scent of smaller predators and a sleeping... Bird... what kind. Owl. Something in her gut told her owl, but she could also, if she tried, pick out what scents made that true, namely that it hadn't left it's perch in hours. The only scent of it was carried on the breeze.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

People! She could smell people! Almost dashing off right away to start all sorts of mischief, Christine barely manages to restrain herself. Sure, she'd like to meet people and besides which, what good was a trickster spirit without peoply to tric, but she was quite sure that dashing to meet them while fox-shaped would be a bad idea. Focusing inwards, the kitsune takes the shape of a foxgirl again before making her way back to the pond and drinking slowly. She was starting to suspect that her shape influenced her thoughts more than she'd like it to, and right now she needed to think clearly.

People being close was good. At the very least, it meant that she could probably find some sort of clothes for herself before too long. Until then, though, she should probably stay out of sight for a bit. Could she disguise herself? No sooner does she think about it than her face melts and flows again, though this time much less drastically. Shit, I really need to get better at controlling this. Well, now she at least looked normal, although still naked. Doing her best to sneak about, Christine starts making her way towards the river.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Trying to disguise herself worked as intended, her extra features fading away swiftly but without any real thought in mind, she only succeeded in looking like herself as a Human, blue and brown bodypaint included.

Sneaking back towards the river, Christine was able to find it without too much trouble, but the people seemed a bit trickier until she almost stumbled right into them, almost stepping out of a thick bramble into the path of what looked to be a carpenter and his men, who were busy constructing a kind of tower. She could see 4 from her hiding spot, and no one had spotted her yet, but she didn't see any women around, nor did she see any kind of settlement. But she could see an established road.

It seemed like they were trying to expand, the humans in this area and she'd simply stumbled on to the farthest point of that growth.

Carmine! Be fuckin Careful would you? That tackle breaks and drops that log and I'll have you hanging from a branch! a large man at the base shouted, marking a 5th man further up what appeared now to be a kind of lookout tower, who was straining with another man. That was 6, to get a large cut log up and into place.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine stops on her tracks behind a bush, content to just watch for a while. Men. That would mean no suitable clothing, probably. Construction workers who spoke English and were building some sort of watch tower, apparently. Also, their leader was NOT likable. But at least there didn't seem to be any dogs nearby.

Of course, that still leaves the question of what to do next. Turning into a fox again, Christine jogs around the tower trying to stay out of sight, trying to smell for signs of other humans.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Deciding perhaps wisely, that this was not the best place to make a nude grand entrance, Christine morphs back, looking for more people, and it's not hard to guess. The scents are all coming off down the road she could see, maybe a half mile along the river, and more... More Men. More Tools, off to her right on the other side of it. The road headed South towards... vague impression of ALOT more people, and the other men were to the east still across the river proper. They were expanding down both sides.

But the road was new, and it was still plagued by underbrush along it's sides and the forest hadn't been cut back yet. She could easily had down along that road without any issues and she knew there wasn't another work crew nearby on her side of the river. Straight shot. At least that's what her nose was telling her.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Not having any better ideas, Christine follows along the road, ready to bolt at the first sign of dogs.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Sadly there were simply limits at this present moment in direction if Christine wanted to find people who were decidedly not male, for clothing purposes. So, following the road, Christine really didn't have any problems making her way towards the village itself, which was comprised of sturdy, well made log cabins, and from what she could smell and see, currently only housing the old, infirm, young, and women, the latter of whom were all busy working.

But her wish was answered, along with her fear. She could smell dogs, but they hadn't yet picked up on her, the wind currently blowing in her favor, and the only 2 dogs she could smell being with a pair of old men who were walking down the center street away from her.

The village itself was sturdily built, maybe 10 houses In all and a huge central building at it's far end where most of the people were gathering, but each houses entrance faced the center street, and the laundry and such was hung in the back, along the outskirts of the village itself, while the rest of the business being handled for the day was done along the road, cooking, cleaning, tanning, and the like. Fletchers were making arrows, it was all very industrious. But Christine's immediate goal was along the back of the homes, she was bound to find SOMETHING that fit her, and she doubted she'd have any problems if she could just avoid the dogs, which were now making a wide circle around the central hall.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine stops just outside the village to observe it for a moment, her ears twitching nervously as she notices the dogs. Focusing on the wind for the moment, she tries to figure out if it would change or not before carefully making her way to the nearest house and starts looking for suitable clothes - preferably ones that would fit her and wouldn't stand out.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Using her nose, and then looking up at the clouds, and the long furrows carved into them by the winds speed and direction, it was unlikely to shift from where it was.

Finding clothing that would fit wasn't hard, but something that wouldn't stand out may be a problem. She doubted any of these people wouldn't notice a missing change of clothing. But it was there. At the first house there were a pair of doe skin breeches that would fit her, and the boots to match, freshly made set aside. The next had several tunics and long shirts that would cover her, and both houses had the belts to go with them.

A child interrupted her however, coming outside and freezing, watching her. A little boy of 6 or 7, who smiled at the fox and walked a little closer.

Pretty... he said quietly.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine freezes when she notices the kid. If it started making noise..."Hello. What's your name?"