City (All posts done directly in the city)


(For now everyone will post here until you have a new place to go to. This includes college as well as homes as we won't be doing as much posting here.)

The day seemed uneventful yet that shadow still loomed ominously in the sky. Most of you had tried hinting at it while talking to others in your college but to no avail. It seems you were the only one who knew about it. Hallucination had appealed to you as a cause of this and it was either you or everyone else in the world who was suffering from this. Frankly, the odds for your side didn't seem very good.

The day quickly ended as you were much to preoccupied with your dilemna and upon your journey home (car, walking, biking etc) you happened to find a note in your pocket. Look up into the sky, what do you see? If you see the shadow of our world's imminent doom, you aren't the only one. If you wish to know more, you can come to Centennial Library in one hour.Despite this, you didn't seem to feel that you should tell anyone yet and uneasiness washed over you.

Do you go? (So basically submit your responses. I guess saying "yes" would be fine but it ruins the RPing experience somewhat if you do)
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Felicity's curiosity about the strange thing hanging in the sky quickly overcomes her wariness of someone who would sneak notes into her pocket instead of just talking to her. "Hmm... 'Kay"
She turns on her heel and heads off towards the library.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

(Hmm forgot to put nickname in Bio, updating that)
Divas stared at the strange note in her pocket. Her mental state was at first shock then fear then outrage that someone had put something on her person without knowing. She exclaims "Thi- this person whoever she or he is, is going to pay dearly." She also thought to herself, *after the person explains that giant rectangle in the sky*

Action: She moves toward home to gather some supplies, namely a small combat knife. She also binds her breasts closer to her body so that she appears as an C cup, so she does not be molested on the way there. She then heads toward, after looking at note again because of her fury blinding her eyes for a little, to the "Centennial Library." Because of the binding she is much more easily winded. She is wearing a dark orange, shapeless shirt, with red-orange with stripes of light orange baggy pants to hide her form. (I in real life like the color orange.)
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Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

What the hell? Quetz voices out-loud as she reads the piece of paper. At first, she thought it was some slip of paper that she had written something important on so she would remember later. She often left such notes in her pockets instead of letting herself be distracted during class, but not only was this not in her hand writing, but she couldn't remember ever picking it up. This is probably some whacked out conspiracy theorist giving a rant to make himself feel important and I somehow managed to get handed his basic flier. Still, any explanation would be nice, and I do need to return those books to the library sometime this week. Might as well check it out and hope I haven't missed it. Quetz thinks as she comes to a decision. She had only just got back from school, so all she really needed to do was switch out her textbooks for the library books.

A few minutes later, Quetz walks back out of her apartment and locks the door. Then unlocking her bike from the rack, she casually starts to ride over to the library.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Oh, where did this come from?" Keyla asks no one in particular as she pulls the note out of her pocket. After reading the note she looks around to see if this was some kind of prank, but doesn't see anyone suspicious nearby. She slips the note back in her pocket and starts heading for the library. "I bet it's my friends playing a trick on me," she says to herself as she walks, trying to convince herself of the idea more than just speaking aloud.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Aya looked over the note twice, thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her. Unfortunately, they didn't seem to be doing so. Letting loose an annyoed sigh, she made her way to the place mentioned, vowing if this was some kind of practical joke, that someone would lose a body part.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Meredith skids her bike to a stop, staring at the note that had nearly fallen out of her pocket, "I don't even remember writing myself a. . . what the hell?"

She reads the note a few times, looking up into the sky each time before wadding it up and shoving it back into her pocket. "So I'm going even crazier; great. May as well head over there and see what the next stupid thing my brain's going to invent for me to look at."

She glares at a passerby, shouting, "What?! Never seen someone talking to themself before?" She shakes her head and hops back onto the bike, riding towards Cenntenial Library.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Priscilla stopped dead in her tracks, in the middle of the sidewalk, as she read the note. And reread. And again. There was just no way that this could be real. This must just be some mind tricks or something. This wasn't happening. Maybe if she just got some sleep, this would all go away. Ya... that'd do it.

As if Priscilla was going to just meet... someone randomly at the Library. Probably some muggers or something. She probably thought out loud about and some creep overheard her and was now trying to lure her to the library for some creepy cult or stalker thing. Yes, that had to be it.

Her mind made up, Priscilla pushed up her glasses and glanced around. She was heading home.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

hikabe read the note and after look the sky, she decide to go to a bar to drink a beer"Its impossible, this can be happening", and things like that are in the head of Hikabe.

(Sorry, first class day XD)
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

As time slowly slipped by, one by one you arrived at the library. It was quite small and even though it had a third floor, everything was close to the entrance. None of you knew where to go or who to see. A few of you asked the librarian if someone was waiting for you but to no avail. Several of you catch each others eyes but think nothing of it. After your 8, not a single person entered the library and it seemed for the most part empty

Before long, you find yourself trying to check the time and you find that more than an hour has elapsed. Whether you began to think that this was a hoax or not didn't matter as finally someone entered the building. A young girl with a short black cut as well as no visible development in the area where her breasts should be began to walk in while wearing a grin on her face. She strided purposefully into the centre of the library. Once she was sure that all eyes were on her, she said aloud, "The sky is falling." and began to walk over to an isolated table.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas stared at her. She then stormed over to her table and tried to slam her fist down upon the table.
Dialogue: "Are you the one who put that message into my pocket? Are you the one that I am suppose to meet? Bullshit. The sky is falling, more like there's a frickin rectangular object in the sky."
Divas stares directly into the eyes of the short black hair girl.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

After having returned her books, Quetz had sat down for a short while before getting bored and moving into a psionic trance and letting her mind wander as a light mist swirled around her. At the sound of the aggressive girl slamming her fist against the table, Quetz starts and breaks her trance. Letting the mist from her water psi dissipate, she then walks over to the table where the aggressive girl was shouting at another. Sorry to break in, but I take it you asked for at least this girl and I to come here? She asks.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

The girl smiles and seems unphased by Divas' stare. "Just wait", she replies.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Divas grumbles and sits back down reading the yaoi manga book she checked out from the library.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"Ah! The sky is falling, the sky is falling," Keyla called out happily. "I remember that story," she said with a smile. "Does that make you chicken little?"
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

"You know, its rude to show up an hour late to your own appointment." says Felicity, taking a seat with the others. "And since you don't seem to want to talk to us about what you called us here for, I think we should get a round of introductions going. I'm Felicity, nice to meet you all!"

((You've probably all seen her around the school at least a couple times, she's the airhead with poseur friends that seem to do well for no reason you can determine.))
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

(My character's 23..)

Divas grumbles and then speaks, "My name is Di'vas Aoa. Since we have made introductions leave me alone to my yaoi." A playful smile tugs at her lips, "Unless you want to go to the bathroom with me? If not then leave me the hell alone."
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

I'm Quetz. Felicity, do I know you from somewhere? Your name sounds familiar. Quetz responds after the Di'vas makes her statement.
Re: City (All posts done directly in the city)

Aya had remained quiet until now, and only briefly spoke. "Mine is Aya Morioka."

She then went back to being silent, trying hard not to throttle anyone.
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