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City of Dall


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Nestled away in the central plains of Aerl, a large city named Dall rests. Here, the citizens make their living doing what they can do best. Be it blacksmithing, carpentry, or masonry. The city itself lays at a crossroads between the eastern cities of the Sepute region, where spices and silks are common, and the western forests of Tollgrad. To the north, in the mountains of the Tehara Expanse, the Brikars live in their small villages, coming down only to raid villagers when they run low on food. And, slightly to the south, lays an ancient highway that runs all the way to the southern seas, where the fishermen of Gustark live, thus making it a very profitable center of trade.

All in all, life in Dall is an easy one. People make their keep and go about their lives, and rumors, as usual, spread around town pretty quick. The latest is that the nobles who run the town have been hiring more and more mages to their guard, as to why, the people can only speculate.

((Commence posting of what your character might be doing around town ATM.))
Re: City of Dall

Niko sat calmly in the corner of the Silver Asp, an upscale bar in the merchants quarter of Dall. The place was a favored hang-out of his, firstly because it offered numerous opportunities for employers courtesy of the fact that he knew the owner of the place, who'd send anyone he thought was serious about doing his type of business Nikos way; and secondly because the drink here wasn't as likely to be watered down as it was anywhere else. Poisoned perhaps, but as far as anyone knew, he was just another merchant, whom no one knew, and no one did business with. His clothing, while not the richest in the bar, pegged him as a successful man, which was more or less what he was. Having completed a well paying job a week ago, he would have no need to work for a while, as his pockets were still full, as were the various stashes he kept hidden throughout the city.

Still, having nothing better to do, Niko wouldn't pass up another potential job, if one came calling, so here he was.
Re: City of Dall

Leena found herself drawn to the local market, perusing the scents of local delicacies, gazing at the lovely gowns... And finally decides to make her way towards the Royal Library, wondering about there selection...
Re: City of Dall

Having just finished a job as an overseer for a caravan's guard Alys rode on to the nearest likely inn, seeking a meal, a place for the night and a bath. Giving her horse to the stableboy along with a few coins and then moved to the inn with her saddlebags, quickly getting a room and setting in a relaxing bath.
Re: City of Dall

Jonathan arrived in Dall recently, after hitching a ride with a small caravan. People usually didn't mind having a mage around during long travels, even a dark one, if the road was a dangerous one. Fortunately, Schneiden's journey passed without incidents, and now he was enjoying a peaceful walk as he wandered around Dall without a goal in mind. He seemed to be lost in thought, which was quite true.

The mage was currently entertaining himself by coming up with theories explaining the newest rumors. He never really liked nobles, sometimes for a good reason. He rarely accepted jobs from them, altough a wanderer like him sometimes just didn't have a choice but to take any task that was available. This time, it didn't seem like he'd have to. He had no intention of staying around and he had been able to score some bounties fairly recently. Usually this was a job for the guys with guns, but there were others who had some successes in the field as well. Jonathan "Grave" Schneiden was such person.
Re: City of Dall

Anggrath passes the time in a bar, sitting alone in a corner. He couldn't quite recall why he'd come to Dall - it had just sort of happened after he found himself heading that way. Still, he had a good feeling and he wasn't short of money for the time being. Might as well hang around awhile until something comes up.

Anggrath tests the edge of his axe against his thumb - a bad habit of his - then takes another swig of his drink.
Re: City of Dall

In the silver Asp, a somewhat wealthy man approached Niko at his table, then looked him over for all of half a minute. "You're that man the Owner was talking about, right?" he asks in a somewhat hushed tone to keep the rest of the bar from hearing him. "If you're interested in some work, there's a certain person I need removed from the city." he says, his tone still hushed as he reaches into his pocket and produces a bag full of coins that he gently sets on the table. "Meet me out in the High Quarter. One hour from now, the entrance to the Low Quarter. There's ten times that as a reward if you can do this job for me no questions asked." the man says, then exits the bar as quickly as he had entered, leaving the gold on the table for Niko to count, which would add up to a hundred gold pieces.

In the Markets, a man dressed in a dark green robe with the hood up and carrying a bundle against his chest clutched in his arms, runs past Leena, bumping into her and almost tripping. After he regains his balance, he continues onward, and Leena soon sees down the street from where the man had come several town guard running in her direction.

As Alys bathes, she can hear a commotion out in the city below. Along with that commotion, she can most likely hear sword clangs and even a slight crackle of electricity. Were she to look out her window, she'd see that a Mage, dressed in black robes embroidered with red lining on the edges and his cohort, dressed in black leather with a white skull on her chest, had gotten into a fight with the city guard. The cohort herself seemed to be holding off the city guards with her twin shortswords, while the Mage was lobbing electric bolts at the city guards.

As Grave walked, he too came upon the battle occurring in the city. With the Mage and Warrior fighting off the city guards, several rushed past him, one even stopping to notice the piece of wood he carried in his hand "Hey. You a mage? If you are, we got a serious problem. One of your kind is tearing up Caravan Row. Mind giving us a hand stopping him?" the guard asks, a lightning bolt flying over his head as his friends fall over on the street "Bloody hell! You bastard! Those were good men!" he yells, then draws his shortsword and charges at the mage, only to be cut down by the female with her twin shortswords, who notices Grave "Hey, look Alvus. There's another piece of cattle for the slaughter. Let's kill him while we wait for Juscio." the women says, then begins to charge towards Grave.

Outside the bar where Anggrath waits, people can be heard shouting and running. Some of the patrons stand up and walk to the door, opening it to look outside. One comes rushing back inside, his entire back on fire. As the other patrons come rushing back inside, some look at the man laying on his face, his back still aflame, as a fireball flies through the now-open door of the bar. It continues going until it hits a keg of ale, igniting it and making a hell of a bang. The explosion knocks most of the patrons across the room, those close to it already dead. As the survivors struggle to stand, a man in plate armor walks in, a longsword at his left hip and a kite shield strapped to his left arm as he looks around.
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Re: City of Dall

Jonathan was roused from his little trance as the sounds of battle reached his ears. Locating the source of the commotion was hardly a problem, especially when the mage - an elementalist, Grave noted - was launching spells everywhere. Lightning bolts, to be specific. The mage frowned, even as he quickened his pace, closing in. Of all the elements, it just had to be lightning. It was a royal pain in the ass to deal with, especially for someone unfamiliar with elements. Even as he walked, Schneiden was already concentrating, preparing a barrier spell.

He didn't give much of a reply to the guardsman that talked to him, other than a nod. He didn't have enough time before the man was cut down. Jonathan's eyes widened for a moment as he watched him fall. So many men, dying to protect the city from a pair of lunatics... What was that bastard thinking, throwing elemental spells around like this? Grave felt anger rising within him. Good. For a long time, anger was the only emotion he felt after losing his best friend. In time, he learned to harness it, direct it towards a useful purpose. It fueled his magic. It was an expression of his purpose in life.

Facing the psychopath with swords, Grave barely restrained himself when he heard her words. Killing people for fun? Simply out of boredom? That bitch would pay. But first, Schneiden had to ensure he wouldn't be taken down by a suprise lightning bolt to the face. His first action was erecting a barrier - after practicing it so many times, it came naturally to him. Afterwards, he focused on the woman. No doubt she'd charge and try to take him out, before he became a problem. He pointed his staff at her, essence flowing through it. Jonathan let his anger flow freely as well, and dark mist seemed to gather at the tip of his staff, quickly congealing into a sphere of shadow. "If you like causing pain so much... Why not experience some yourself?" Grave growled as he let the shadow bolt loose, his anger flaring. His intention was to cripple her, then deal with the other mage.
Re: City of Dall

In the silver Asp, a somewhat wealthy man approached Niko at his table, then looked him over for all of half a minute. "You're that man the Owner was talking about, right?" he asks in a somewhat hushed tone to keep the rest of the bar from hearing him. "If you're interested in some work, there's a certain person I need removed from the city." he says, his tone still hushed as he reaches into his pocket and produces a bag full of coins that he gently sets on the table. "Meet me out in the High Quarter. One hour from now, the entrance to the Low Quarter. There's ten times that as a reward if you can do this job for me no questions asked." the man says, then exits the bar as quickly as he had entered, leaving the gold on the table for Niko to count, which would add up to a hundred gold pieces.

Niko nodded to the man, but remained silent throughout the entire conversation. When he said no questions asked, Niko nodded again, and watched the man depart. Rather than count it here, he pockets the bag, and takes a walk outside, until he reaches an apartment he rented which was only a few minutes away. There, he opened the door, waiting several seconds before entering, at which point he glanced around the tiny place before closing the door and taking a seat at the small desk which sat in the far left corner of the room. His back was to the door at this point, but a small hidden mirror allowed him to see behind him, and another allowed him to see to his right, which had the only window into the room. As he counted the coins, he periodically glanced at either, more out of habit than expecting any real danger.

Once he'd finished, he leaned back in his chair, and said to himself; "A thousand in hard coin..... Either this is a trap, or this man wants me to kill someone important. Given that he said no questions asked, I'm guessing the latter. Well, we'll see how this goes. If it looks like a rucksack full of scorpions, I'll give him his money back and have him on his way." then, standing and putting the coin purse into a pocket inside of his vest, right next to the ornate dagger which he always carried, he left his apartment, heading for the arranged meeting place. He'd only spent about ten minutes, so he should have plenty of time to spare.
Re: City of Dall

Claire was taking a drink in the saloon when she heard the guards start going after the mage. She sprang to her feet when she the man cut down and the mage's accomplish threaten and attack Grave. She picked up her pistol and rushed outside to assist Grave with the Mage and his friend. She would pack extra powder into her shot and try to get a shot off at the mage without hitting grave before ducking for cover behind some supplies that were left out.

(sorry if this seems half assed, I'm just trying to get started)
Re: City of Dall

As the bolt flew towards the swordswoman, she ducks forward, trying to dodge it as if it were an arrow. But this fails, as the bolt strikes her, causing her to trip and roll forward several times until she's on her back, clutching her shoulder where the shadow bolt impacted "Blast you! If you weren't a mage you'd be dead by now! ALVUS! Kill him!" she yells, the Mage holding his staff in front of him to hold back the force of the still-spinning bullet with his own barrier. "Damn! A Gunslinger! Shira, you're on your own. I'd rather take my chances with the boss then take a bullet!" the Mage yells, the bullet finally coming to a stop as the mage turns and dashes off, the bullet dropping to the ground. "Oh, may the gods have mercy on your wretched soul Alvus. Once I kill this mage I'm going to kill you as well." the woman, apparently named Shira, says as she struggles to sit up, her shortswords still clutched in both her hands.
Re: City of Dall

"Well, sugah," Claire said from behind her cover, "it looks as if ya' pardnah up n' bailed out on ya. Two on one ain't favorable odds ya know. So why doncha go and do everyone here a big favor and surrendah all peaceful like now hon? Or do I have to turn your pretty self into a pencil?" She asked as she was preparing another powerful round into her pistol.
Re: City of Dall

Leena eeps as the apparent thief bumps into her, narrowly knocking her down with the sudden impact.

She watches him run off with his precious cargo, held to his chest as turned as she heard the metallic clink of armour...

A small group of town guards running in the same general direction.

With a mischievous grin Leena waves over the guards and points out the direction the thief went...

(Well... A thiefs gotta eat too... But... Thats not to say were gonna make it easy for him...)

"Thief went that-a-way!"

She waits for the guards to pass and... With a wide grin decides to tail them...
Re: City of Dall

"What the...?" Alys exclaims out loud as she hears sounds of combat from outside. Looking through the window she sees a mage and a warrior battling the city guard. While she's still thinking whether she should get involved, she sees another mage rush in to help the guards. "That settles it, then. No need for me to get involved. Well, maybe just one spell" Alys thinks and starts focusing on the skilled warrior just assaulted by the mage. Settling on weakening the warrior she unleashes her energy.
Re: City of Dall

Jonathan focused once more, another bolt of dark energy forming at the tip of the staff. However, this time he didn't fire immediately. "Surrender and drop your weapons." His voice was calm, but only because he was used to controlling his anger. It was just another weapon he had, an effective one. "If you try to fight back, I will keep this up... Even if I have to keep shooting until you can't move." He tried to glance back to locate the gunslinger supporting him, but Schneiden couldn't do that without letting the enemy out of his sight. Sighing, he decided to look for the sharpshooter later, still wary of the woman in front of him.
Re: City of Dall

The woman in front of Jonathan growls as she stands, her weapons still in hand as she turns to face him, her hair messed and hanging in her face. "No. I'm not going to back down. Not after I've come so close." she says, then begins to walk towards him, pain apparent in her voice. As she began to walk, footsteps could be heard as a man running in a dark green robe with the hood up approached the woman "Shira. What's gotten into you? I told you to wait until I got what we needed." he says, pulling the robe's hood back and revealing his face, covered in numerous dark tattoos that Grave would easily recognize as tattoos of demons and dark magic. It would be then that they'd notice him holding a bundle in his arms close to his chest with his right arm, and on his left hip they might catch a glimpse of the edge of a wand hidden away within his robes.

Leena would tail the guards and the man quite a ways, until the man lost the guards near Caravan Row, the district where most of the inns and taverns were. Were she to follow him, she'd eventually come upon the exchange between him, Shira, Grave, and Claire.
Re: City of Dall

Grave swore under his breath. Of course, there just had to be another mage. And this one was a dark one, no less. At least he had a good idea what the other one was capable of doing. Hopefully, he wasn't too powerful to handle... Altough Schneiden was curious about that bundle the other mage was carrying. Was it something fragile? He wanted to investigate it, but he'd have to deal with the two of them first.

Jonathan briefly wondered whether he should try to talk to them first, or just shoot. Still, if the conversation was any indicator, they had planned to do this... Which was a pretty good excuse to shoot first, ask questions later. Deciding that eliminating the weakened link would make dealing with the mage easier, Grave aimed at the woman, mindful of the way she tried to dodge earlier, amplified the blast he had prepared - he really didn't want her to get up this time - and once he decided he put enough essence into the projectile, he let the shadow bolt fly. Immediately after shooting, he was already preparing to counter any potential attack from the mysterious demonologist.
Re: City of Dall

Alys watched the combat continue below as the woman warrior got up again and another mage joined the situation. Thinking that it would not do to get involved in a battle with long odds and no information she steps away from the window so that no-one on the street could see her and, deciding that she's clean enough, starts drying herself and, after considering her options a while decides that the best course would be to not wear her armour; it does, after all, bring attention and it's quite dirty, besides. Instead, if she isn't interrupted, she puts on light green clothes of fine wool and, picking up her spear for support, walks downstairs to see if she can find out more about the situation.
Re: City of Dall

"Godammit! Another goddamn wizard!" Claire cursed to herself as she spotted the dark nage standing next to the women warrior. Hmmmm, maybe if I'm lucky I can manage to get a good clean shot at his wand and destroy it if nothing else it will hopefully distract him enough for the other guy to an opportunity to get a shot on. She thought to herself as popped out from behind her cover and tried to get a lucky shot in at the mage's staff.
Re: City of Dall

The Mage reaches for his wand as the gunslinger fires the gun, a dark purple barrier blocking the bullet as his tattoos begin to glow purple as well. The Warrior, however, was not so lucky. The Shadow Bolt struck her directly in the chest, sending her reeling onto her back and gasping for air. "Boss. Help." she asks with what little breaths she can get in, before losing consciousness from the shadow bolts. The Mage, however, stood firm as he reaches his left hand for his wand, his right arm gently setting the bundle on the ground and then yanking the cloth covering it off to reveal a purple gem covered in the same markings he had on his face. He begins to charge dark energy into his wand, then points it down at the gem, his mouth finally moving to speak. "NOW! Come forth, Sithras! Lord of Darkness! Grant me your power and crush these pitiful creatures!" the Mage yells, a bolt of Energy shooting from his wand to the Gem, as it begins to shake and glow.

What happened next was nothing to the eyes of Claire and Leena aside from the gem continuing to glow and pulsate. But to Grave's eyes, a massive black humanoid form would slowly appear out of the gem until it had fully arrived in the Human realm, staring down at the mage who had summoned him, grasping him by the head and looking him over, not speaking a word, until finally, it nodded twice, shrunk down into a small black orb the size of a head, and thrust itself into the Mage's chest.

The Mage then began to laugh maniacally, as his wand began to course with dark energy, and the back of his robes started to shift and move, until finally, a pair of large bat wings thrust out from the back of his robes, and horns begin to grow on his head. His Wand forms a solid blade of purple metal at the tip, covered in demonic runes, and his eyes take on a red tint. "Now you see the power of Demons. You may have some small understanding of the dark arts, young one. But this. THIS IS TRUE POWER!" he yells, his voice much deeper than normal, raising the blade and flipping it upside down, then thrusting it into the ground, as the stone of the street begins to displace, skeletal figures popping out of the street all around the mage. "I now control the power of the very Lord of Darkness, Sithras! This city of nobles and merchants will become my very own City of Undeath! With I, Varisan, as the Lord of All Dead!" Varisan yells, as he flaps his wings once, lifting off from the ground in an almost bunny hop to a nearby building, his new sword in his left hand. "If you can survive my skeletal soldiers, then by all means, feel free to flee the city! You won't make it past the legions of the damned that are soon to follow!" he yells as he begins to cackle, bunny-hopping from roof to roof with his new wings as the skeletons begin to shamble towards Grave and Claire, strange white swords in their hands, seeming to be made of bone.