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City of Dall

Re: City of Dall

Jonathan felt a smirk forming on his face as he watched the warrior fall. One down, one more to go. Unfortunately, it seemed that fate wanted to really screw him over that day. The moment he saw that gem, the young mage knew that the situation was about to turn ugly. It was an artifact of some kind, Schneiden was sure of that. Then he heard the mage call out, and froze. Was he trying to summon a freaking DEMON? Granted, Jonathan couldn't recall the name Sithras or it's significance, but anybody called Lord of Darkness probably wasn't a nice guy. Or thing.

As soon as he saw the dark giant come out of the gem, Grave pointed his staff at the mage... And did nothing. That thing was HUGE! There was no way he could damage it, and it was too late to attack the mage. The young man stared in morbid fascination as the demon seemed to judge the man who summoned him before nodding, as if agreeing to the mortal's demand, and fusing with him. Schneiden didn't forget to read up on what kind of spells were commonly used by dark mages when studying, and he happened to stumble upon a certain chronicle that mentioned a dark art which allowed to form a pact with demons. None of the stories about the hosts ended well. And Jonathan sudddenly realized he was living one now.

Grave quickly cast glances around him as the demonhost cast his spell, noticing the dead rising from the ground. Where did he get these things, anyway? Was this city built on corpses or something? Shaking his head and tuning out most of the bastard's rant - it wasn't worth his time - the young mage quickly turned and ran towards the Gunslinger. "We have to get out of here, fast! Those things will likely keep coming even if we take a few of them out. We need to gather as much people as possible and fight our way out of this place!"
Re: City of Dall

Sitting in the corner, Anggrath is safe enough from the exloding ale. He remains where he is and continues drinking, although he turns to face the newcomer and keeps an eye on him, mentally preparing himself for a fight should one break out (which under the circumstances seemed quite likely).
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Re: City of Dall

As Grave speaks, the skeletons continue shambling about, making clattering noises from their animated jawbones snapping their jaws open and closed. They spread out, more popping out of the ground as the first of them begin to spread through the city.

Up on the rooftops, Varisan begins lobbing down black blobs of dark energy, skeletons popping up out of the ground wherever they land. The entire city begins to devolve into anarchy, the city guard deploying to combat the skeletons.

In the bar, the man in plate armor looks around, then notices Anggrath sitting in the corner, looking about at the frightened bar patrons. "If you don't want to die, I'd suggest you leave, now." he speaks in a firm tone, reaching his right hand for his longsword, then slowly drawing it as the random bar patrons run screaming, some tripping on the bodies of those dead from the explosion. "You look like you'd make a good soldier. I'll gut you and bring what's left to the Boss." he says, then steps into a fighting stance, his shield ahead of him as he points his sword forward, then charges towards Anggrath.
Re: City of Dall

Anggrath gets to his feet at the first sign of hostility, his axe in one hand and his drink in other. Taking one last gulp of it as his attacker charges, he throws what remains of his drink into his enemy's face and sidesteps out of the way of the charge. Bringing his axe up over his shoulder and out behind his head, the veins and muscle on his arms begin to bulge as he grips the handle tightly with both hands, before sweeping out in a wide horizontal slash straight at his foe's neck, aiming to take the head clean off.


((Anggrath's battlecry is to yell his own name, used to indicate when he is going Berserk. While Berserk, the veins and muscles on his arms will bulge.))
Re: City of Dall

Upon seeing the berserker pick up his axe and swing at the demon, picked up her hat reloaded her pistol and picked up her rifle; "You're right, I just hope that muscles over there can hold his own against that monster. And we'd just be wastin' time energy and in my case ammo trying to deal with the skeletons. Let's corral up the customers who ain't fightin' and try to slip away while noone's looking and try to rally up some folk who are handy with a pistol or rifle and the sherrif and his possy and try to fight our way through the skeletons because unless we had more muscle power, mages and or gunslingers; I don't rekkin' we'd even stand anywheres near a snowball in hell's chance of surviving fighting that monster, let alone beat 'im. By the way; the name's Claire, hon." Claire said introducing herself to Grave once they had agreed on a plan of action.
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Re: City of Dall

Leena had frowned at the lack of disaplined tracking skills from the Royal Guards...

She had hoped to witness something interesting... But with her curiosity unsated and the guards calling off the search, she decided to continue the search herself...

Knowing the caravan area, from having walked through there fairly recently on her strolls... Leena figured the best dodgey spots would probably be one of the allyways behind the Inn or around the Tavern...

Not too keen on venturing down the dark alleyways alone and unguided, Leena tried her chances on the Tavern...

And soon found herself watching a strange reunion between her thief, and some warrior. Who was engaged in a fight with a fellow mage... And a person who seemed to be useing a firearm of some sorts...

Then her Thief revealed himself to the other two... And Leena wished she was close enough to hear the conversation... At least untill the Mage/Thief began to transform into some kind of demonic abomination and leapt to the rooftop above her, out of her view... And overhears his cackling as he leaps directly over her head...

"Wait... Did he just say something about... Skeletons?"

Leena didn't like the thought of fighting undead, as she heard the first shuffling grind behind her...

A single skeleton staggered into view, what looked a sharpened split femur in both hands... Leena could hear several more down the alleyway still out of sight...

"Eh-heh... You gotta be kidding me..."

Leena pondered her choices... Looking back towards the two that were going against the Demon/Thief. They seemed to have there own Skeletal problem themselves... But maybe they might be cool with a little extra help...

Leena scrambles over the stall she was hiding behind before the skeleton can pin her in, sliding her staff from her back as she ducks through the stalls...

Thrusting her staff at one of the Skeletal... Warrior thingies... Leena calls down a bolt of lightning, wondering what it would do to the thiings...

She might have to switch her attack method if the bolt doesn't do enough damage... But without much in the means of experience fighting undead... Some experiment should be warrented...

As she runs toward the other two, she calls out

Re: City of Dall

The man who had charged across the bar had indeed been blinded by the drink thrown in his face, though that caused him to stumble forward, barely missing the attack by sheer luck, though losing some of his hair, and crashing through one of the windows of the tavern and out into the street where the skeletons had begun to gather. Claire, Leena, and Grave might see the warrior crash through the window into the street. Meanwhile, the Skeleton that Leena had cast a lightning bolt at had frozen in place, then collapsed into a pile of bones, losing the magic that kept it mobile in this world. The rest of the skeletons, however, had been slowly bolstering their ranks as they shambled towards the group, clattering and dragging their bone-like weapons along the ground as they encroached on Grave and Claire.

The Warrior began to groan as he planted his longsword in the ground and stood, looking around at the skeletons gathering. "Oh crap. boss already started the party." he says to himself, then turns towards the tavern, about to head back inside to continue his fight with Anggrath, the skeletons seeming to ignore him.
Re: City of Dall

Jonathan turned his head towards Leena. He heard the loud bang of a lightning bolt striking something, and quickly came to the conclusion that there was another mage here. It was good to see that this wasn't the killer he saw earlier. "Over here, quickly!" He shouted, turning his head to face the monsters. He briefly wondered whether he should risk using dark magic against those things. Carefully, he chose one target and sent a quickly constructed bolt flying it's way. "We've got to get people out of here!" He paused when he saw the warrior fly out of a window. "There's someone over there! We should..." He was about to suggest helping the guy before noticing that the undead ignored him. Dark energy flickered around his staff as Grave willed the blade of his scythe into existence. "I get the feeling we ought to beat the crap out of him."
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Re: City of Dall

Anggrath walks out into the entrance of the bar, muscles still bulging and axe slung over his shoulder.

"I'd suggest getting on out of here and not trying that again, unless you're looking-"

Anggrath stops mid sentence and looks around at the situation outside the bar. Those skeletons certainly hadn't been there before.

"Good grief... there goes the neighbourhood."
Re: City of Dall

Nearly the same time Leenas Lightning bolt struck the Skeleton and left it a crumpled heap of, Nice-and-still, not-trying-to-kill-us bone. Leena eeped at the sound of shattering glass...

Muttering under her breath "Wasn't me.. Wasn't me.. I didn't do it... I think..."

Leena levels her staff once more, this time forming a couple small lightning arrows and launching them towards the skeletons...

Hoping the repetitive smaller attacks wouldn't leave so much... Kaboomy as she continues to close the distance between her and the other two people...

"Anybody knows whats going on yet?"
Re: City of Dall

The Warrior seems to ignore the mages and Gunslinger across the square, focusing on the Berserker in front of the tavern. "Oh, no. I'm not going to stand down just because of som-" he stops mid sentence, then turns his upper body and head to look at Leena and Grave. "Oh, this is rich. A muscle-head, and two mages. You will all make perfect servants of Varisan." he says, his shield seeming to emit a faint white glow as he directs it towards Anggrath. "You first, big man." he says, then begins to charge, his arm tight against his chest to protect his torso and face with his shield as he also points his sword forward for a stab towards Anggrath during the charge.

The Skeletons began to fall as the lightning arrows hit them, Elemental magic seeming to break the spell that bound them to this world. But, as the skeletons fell, more and more arose to take their place, like a nightmare.
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Re: City of Dall

Grave took one look around and cursed under his breath. "Ok, I'd wager that those things aren't too fast, so we can probably outrun them. Which means the only guy we have to worry about is that tin can over there." Jonathan pointed towards the hostile warrior. "I say we blast him and get the Hell out of here, FAST." Finishing his sentence, the young mage pointed the tip of his staff at the man with the shield. He really should have faced them first. Focusing his energy, Grave launched a shadow bolt at the man, then tried to look around and catch a glimpse of the skeleton he tried to shoot earlier, to determine whether it took any damage.
Re: City of Dall

Well, they never do it the easy way...

Anggrath steps forward and and swings out with the flat of his axe, attempting to knock the sword off course. He then aims a kick low down at the warrior's legs, hoping to trip him as he charges.
Re: City of Dall

"Back... That way?" Leena groans at the thought of having to run through the thick of the skeletons again...

Then with a sigh he grips her Staff tighter and readies her self for blasting through...
Re: City of Dall

"Good point. I'd rather blast through those bags o bones any ol day then take my chances with that overgrown garbage pail!" Claire said as she picked up her rifle and starting shooting at the skeleton with extra caliber shots, before sprinting off after grave; attempting keep them covered with her pistol in the process.
Re: City of Dall

The blast Grave unleashed hit the man in the back, sending him forward with extra force, but did not stop Anggrath's axe from disarming his opponent. The Mage Hunter loses his grip on his longsword, then trips thanks to the low-kick, landing flat on his face with an "Ooof!"

The group running, however, is soon stopped by the skeleton Grave had shot, which was slowly growing in size and bone density. Its weapon was growing larger as well, until the creature itself finally stopped growing at an impressive nine feet tall. It raised it's massive bone sword, then brought it crashing down towards Leena, missing due to lack of eyes and only depending on a weak sense of essence. The blade connecting with the ground, however, cracks and deforms it, causing one to wonder how something without muscle gets so strong.
Re: City of Dall

Leena dives out of the way from the massive bone sword strike...

Then looking over at the sword, then at the massive Skeleton...

She looks at Grave "What did you DO! Shoot it with sterioids?"

Leena begins chargin up for a full bolt of lightning... Pretty sure the little arrows wouldn't cut it this time...
Re: City of Dall

"Skeletons? My spell aren't much good against them. I think I'll pass this battle" Alys thinks, retreating back to the stairs.
Re: City of Dall

Anggrath sidesteps out of the man's way as he falls, then raises his axe over his head and brings it down straight towards the man's neck.
Re: City of Dall

"Somehow, I doubt steroids work this way!" Grave shouted back. He realized that he made a really, really big mistake when attacking. Dark magic was only going to make these things stronger. "They seem to somehow feed on my magic! My attacks aren't going to be of much use. We've wasted too much time staying here, we have to retreat now!" His head turned towards Anggrath. "You there! Run! There's too many of those things!" He tried to locate the nearest source of commotion that suggested presence of armed fighters that weren't undead, and move in that way while signalling others to follow.