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City of Dall

Re: City of Dall

Leena wasn't too keen on running from an enemy, big enough to just demolish the town... But she disliked the thought of being crushed under a gigantic bone sword even more...

"I... Guess a temporary retreat wouldn't be the worst idea right now..."

She blasts it with what lightning magic she had charged up and takes whatever effect it has to cover the fleeing!
Re: City of Dall

As the man falls, he tries to move out of the way of Anggrath's axe, but to no avail. The axe rends his head from his torso, causing it to roll on it's right cheek. The shield then stopped shimmering and the essence from his body slowly seeped away.

Meanwhile, the spell that had been cast upon the larger skeleton caused it to flinch for all of two seconds, before it raised its sword and then brought it down, missing Leena again. it stands there for all of ten seconds, studying the dent it had made in the ground, before raising the sword up and thumping towards the two mages, now within full view of Anggrath.

As Grave searched for a commotion, he might hear sounds of combat all across the city as the city guard engaged the skeletons in combat, battle shouts and orders ringing out through the streets. One battle sounded close, but they didn't sound like they'd last long.
Re: City of Dall

Anggrath chuckles at Grave's shout.

"Hah, think I could've worked that one out for myself. Not like I was making any plans to fight these things."

Anggrath lets his axe rest on his shoulder and surveys the situation around him.

"Damn, looks like this whole city's going to hell. Nothing for it, then."

His muscles slowly starting to return to normal, Anggrath heads off to find the most convenient exit to the city.
Re: City of Dall

Leena thinks the giant skeleton must really not like her... Twice now she narrowly escaped being pasted by the massive skeletal sword...

"The feelings mutual pal..." She uttered under her breath as he ran from the fresh trench the bladefall caused...
Re: City of Dall

Grave let out a short string of curses before making a decision. Speed was the most important factor here. "Come on, this way!" He pointed towards the nearest source of commotion, beginning to sprint. Hopefully, they'd find some allies and a way out of this city before it was completely overrun. Seriously, why did that moron decide to raise the dead? Jonathan quickly concluded that the guy had to be butt-f*** insane.
Re: City of Dall

Claire continued to try to shoot her way through the skeletons as she ran making sure she kept up with Grave and the others who were trying to flee the tavern. She shot with both her pistol and rifle on one each hand as as she ran, juked, swerved and did her best to avoid combat with the skeletons. "Hopefully anyone who can't hold their own skidaddled as soon as they saw magic flying or mr tin man there turn big and nasty." She said, "Abd hopefully alerted the local law."
Re: City of Dall

"That may no be as a good idea as it sounds..."

Leena tries explaining as in between runs leapfrogs over a boneheaded Skely and parrying boney weapons away with her stick...

"I'm not like an expert or anything... But I hear if you get killed by undead you usually join them... And certain mass summoning spells are only cancelled my rendering the caster unconcious or worse...

We may HAVE to hunt down Mr. Demon in order to stop this from spreading..."
Re: City of Dall

As she retreated towards the second floor, Alys sees one of the skeletons coming towards her. "I suppose I won't avoid fighting", the daughter of Ironhand thought, as she felt a stab of pain from her scarred leg, blood coursing through her veins, her ancestors demanding that she fight. Fight she would, but not the way her ancestors had. Summoning her power, she commanded the skeleton to surrender to her will.
Re: City of Dall

As Anggrath moved through the city, more and more skeletons began to arise. Until eventually, they began to be replaced by zombie forms of the residents of the city. As the Skeletons cut down civilians, they slowly came back to life as zombies, though anyone with a weapon was fighting back against the undead.

Meanwhile, inside the hotel, the one skeleton that had confronted Alys had raised his sword and was about to slice her in half, when he began to feel a strange feeling overcoming him. He stopped, then lowered his sword and turned away from her, taking the best battle pose it could muster given the shape it was in.

Down the road, Grave and Leena also began to encounter zombies, but they were also nearing the site of the commotion, which seemed to be several guardsmen in a Phalanx formation, holding off the undead with their shields and longswords.

Across town, Niko had been waiting quite some time until his contact showed up, in a hooded robe, to conceal his identity. "Mr. Niko. Since you seem to be a capable man, we need you to execute this mage, and do it before he does anything major to the city." the man says, then reaches into his coat and pulls out a piece of parchment with a sketch of a man with a bald head and magical tattoos on his face and neck. "We believe he may be planning something big. As to what, we have no-" The contact is cut off as skeletons begin to arise all around the area where Niko and the man are meeting, the undead immediately charging the two men, hoping to kill them both with their makeshift bone weapons. The contact screams in horror as he turns and flees, the skeletons turning their attention to Niko.
Re: City of Dall

Niko silently nodded as the man showed him the sketched picture. Mages were always his least favorite targets, mostly due to how difficult it was to get past their barriers. Still, if they didn't feel threatened, a knife would go between their ribs as easily as those of any other man. Which shouldn't be a problem, since there wasn't a man in the world who was perpetually on guard. It was just a matter of finding out when he wasn't, and putting him down. The fact that he was supposedly planning something meant Niko was on a much shorter schedule than he would have usually liked, but for the money he was getting, it wasn't unreasonable to expect swift results.

All in all, the meeting was going swimmingly until the undead decided to drop in. Then, with his contact fleeing and an unknown number of skeletons, conjured from who knows where closing in on him, Niko does the only sensible thing a man in such a position would do. He left. The meeting had been at a place he was relatively familiar with, so on the way over he'd planned a few contingencies, as he always did whenever he went to such meetings. It was a practice among the guard to try and lure would-be criminals to the gallows via high-stakes deals, after all, and with a contract this lucrative, it wouldn't do not to be prepared.

So, when the living dead rose and approached him, Niko wordlessly watched his contact flee for a moment, briefly contemplating laughing for a moment before shaking his head, turning, and jumping up, his hands grasping the ledge of the landing above where he'd met the contact. With a quick hoist, he was raised up above the street, on the 2nd floor landing of the tavern which had been the backdrop for their meeting. The tavern had a gate connected to it, which Niko ran across without a moments hesitation, even though it was barely a foot wide, putting him on the roof of a small shop. The skeletons wouldn't be able to get to him up here, at least not immediately, and Niko already had his route planned out: Moving over the roofs across the town toward the safe house he'd left only an hour ago. The fact that he could take the rooftops meant that there were practically an infinite number of ways he could go. Once there, he'd have to assess the situation further to determine his next course of action, though ideally he would hole up there and let things blow over. No amount of money was worth his life, after all, and if this was what his target had been planning, it was a bit late to kill him in order to prevent it then, wasn't it?
Re: City of Dall

Snatching her saddlebags from her room - she had taught herself to habit of being ready to leave at any time - Alys commands the skeleton under her will to attack one of the other skeletons, calling her will again to take control of a third.
Re: City of Dall

Leena begins getting frustrated with every few moments having to dodge or parry or just strike a skeleton that was in her way...

They weren't making good time...

And when the zombified civilians began to show up among the hoarde... She had just about had enough of this slow pace...

"Thats it..."

Leena forms a spherical whirlwind around herself, AND her two allies...

Hoping that whatever blade the wind doesn't divert... Would be dampened enough to just reflect off the barrier... Unless it was the big guy... No way a localised barrier is gonna stand up to THAT impact... Except maybe a fifth tier crystalized dragonbreath barrier... But those are as hard to come by as they are to use...

Leena nearly gets lost in her daydreams of a rare weapon collection... To notice the Phalanx, and her thoughts returned to the grim happenings... She envisions this small defense, and the massive skeleton not too far left behind...

"Ready the siege weapons... LOAD a CATAPAULT! You'll be glad you listened later!"

She called out to them as they ran... Trying to shout over the turbulent winds meer inches from her face.
Re: City of Dall

Upon seeing the civilians cut down Burke skeletons begin turning into zombies, Claire began to realize that most civvies were either hopefully long fob from the city or now mindless zombies; which was both good an bad to her; it was good because it meant she didn't need to be quite as careful with her shooting anymore, but bad that it meant that a lot of innocent bystanders had been killed. But there was little to nothing she could really do for them now. The beat thing she could do is provide covers for the others and try to take out a many skeletons and zombies as possible. Which is what she continued to attempt to do as she packed extra powder and stopping power into her rifle and pistol and continued shooting into the heavy crowd of undead monsters that were steadily swarming the town.
Re: City of Dall

Jonathan sprinted along Leena, cursing his lack of proper exercise. Sure, he was not couch potato, but he was far from being an athlete. His fighting style didn't require great physical power, just good concentration and steady aim. He realized how hopeless any attempts at attacking those creatures were, so he just focused on keeping his own shield up in case one got close enough to strike. The sight of guardsmen was more than welcome. "Hey! There's a huge one back there! We're gonna need something big to take it down!"
Re: City of Dall

The skeleton that had been attacked by Alys' controlled skeleton fell over, the bonds holding it to this world breaking, as the third skeleton fell under her sway and a fourth came thumping up the stairs.

Meanwhile, the Guards that had been inside the phalanx struck out and began to widen the circle, pushing the zombies and skeletons back, as a few more guards arrived to reinforce them. One of the original phalanx guardsmen turned to face Leena and her whirlwind, his axe in hand as he approaches her "Hey! You think you could give us some help? We don't have the manpower to evacuate these civilians AND fight off the undead. Help us get the other guards out of here and we'll help you deal with whatever it is that's chasing you." he says, as the massive skeleton soldier begins to thunder into view behind them. "Make ready, Guardsmen! We have a big one on the way!" he yells, as the other guards turn and ready themselves to fight the large skeleton. "Hold off the rest of the undead. We'll handle him."

On his rooftop travels, Niko might spot glimpses of a man with demonic wings hopping from rooftop to rooftop chucking down black orbs to the street, resulting in more skeletons appearing throughout the city.
Re: City of Dall

Leena looks at her newfound allies, and back to the phalanx guardsman

"Shit... I guess I'll have to catch up to you guys later..."

The evacuation of civilians should take precidence over persuing the Demon Mage

As the giant Skeleton raises into view, she adds: "Well... There you GO... Thats what WERE running from... Hope you guys are ready for this..."

Leena took a deep breath, and deactivating the Wind Sphere, began to charge up some more Lightning arrows... Trying out different numbers, and power variations as she has the chance... Like how many she can launch simultaniuosly, without losing enough power to put the Skeley down...

She probably wouldn't get another chance to just test out stuff like this for a while, and wanted to make it count... And with the Guard asking for her help... Seemed like a decent excuse... Even if she disliked fighting undead...
Re: City of Dall

Spotting the flying man chucking orbs of dark energy at the ground only changed Nikos plan in that he had to move a little more slowly across the rooftops. While he could defend himself if need be, taking on a mage, particularly a necromancer and a demon worshiper, in a straight fight was just about the stupidest thing one in his line of work could do. It was probably the target he'd been hired to kill, but even if it was, no amount of coin was worth getting killed over. Keeping his eyes peeled and making his way across the roofs, Niko continued on toward his safe house.
Re: City of Dall

Commanding both of her skeletons to come deal with the one now approaching her, Alys prepared to flank the skeleton from her higher position, aiming a strike at it's skull.
Re: City of Dall

"Dont worry boys, well take care of the brain eaters and skeletons, you just take care of that overgrown fossil back there!" Claire said throwin her head back in the direction of the giant skeleton as she continued unloadin round acre round if ammo into the skeletons ad zombies trying to fight the swarm back and help the guards handle the undead that were set loose in the town.
Re: City of Dall

Jonathan stood his ground, unhappy about the fact that his magic was next to useless here. After a brief moment, he deactivated the energy blade he had created, afraid that it might empower the skeletons as well. Grave was reduced to using his staff to fend those creatures off. He did what he could to help the guardsmen in their battle, trying to crack some skulls and other bones with his swings. He didn't like this at all, and whenever he caught a glimpse of a zombie coming towards him, he mentally cursed the mage that caused this. Jonathan swore to kill him personally.