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Claire's room

Re: Claire's room


"I'm not sure," Caitlyn replies, running her hands smoothly down over Claire's body, touching the bruises lightly. "The whole thing is a little overwhelming; tentacle monsters and creepy girls with white hair. . ." She shakes her head and then nuzzles close against Claire's shoulder, "I guess the most important thing to start with is making sure this place, and the people in it, are safe." I can't let anything happen to you, she thinks, looking deeply into Claire's eyes and giving her neck a quick kiss.

"Whatever happens," she whispers, one hand drifting down between Claire's legs, cupping her pussy and feeling the warmth there, "There are still good things in the world. I won't forget that or give in to despair."
Re: Claire's room

Frowning as her hand drifted lower, going tense (though she tried to hide it), Claire felt conflicted... the touch was gentle, and the words were nice, but it would take more than that before she felt comfortable with much of anything between her legs except for clothing -- though what little protection that offered seemed rather negligible.


"Seems like the only good things left are behind these walls," she murmured back, though she quirked a grin. "Or in this bed. Did you just seduce me? I think you did," she would rather be talking about that, after all, than debating the morality of protecting the beauty and innocence of an Inn full of survivors... she didn't think she could do anything of the kind, anyways.
Re: Claire's room

Caitlyn notices the reaction and moves her hand back up to rest on Claire's stomach. She takes a deep breath; she hadn't talked to Claire about what happened to her yet. But Caitlyn didn't need to have a long conversation to know that it had left Claire severly traumatized. She was a little surprised at herself for not being more shaken up; she had written it off to shock at first but as more time passed she wondered when, if ever she was going to cry over it.


"Me?" she smiled, shaking those thoughts away for the moment, "I was going to say that you had taken advantage of me after getting me drunk." She laughs, "Except I wasn't drunk."
Re: Claire's room


"Alright, so let's just call it even," Claire replied, relaxing as Caitlyn's hand settled on her stomach. She pulled her head back to stifle a yawn -- even if she'd slept today, it hadn't been a natural sleep and she could use a proper rest. "You can stay, if you like," she told the blonde as she recovered. "If you want to stay the night, I mean... though I don't think I have enough in me for another round, as fun as it was." Besides... as much as she might not admit it, she enjoyed being held and kissed and touched. Even when the blonde ran fingers over her bruises, she was careful not to prod, and that was a consideration that Claire was grateful for.
Re: Claire's room


Caitlyn wraps her arms around Claire and nods, "I'd like that a lot. This might be the first good night's sleep that I've had in days." She spoons with the redhead and kisses her tenderly on the neck, just below her ear. She did feel better, and not just because of their recent lovemaking, there was just something deeply relaxing about being so close and feeling Claire's body in her arms. She cuddles Claire sleepily, deciding to just enjoy this time and, for once, maybe try to resist over-analyzing everything that happens.
Re: Claire's room

Settling into the new position, hooking the blanket up for some warmth, Claire reached over to turn off the lamp near the bed, though it would be a while before she fell properly to sleep. She still had quite a lot to think about.

((Is this a good place to cut off, or would you like to do s'more?))
Re: Claire's room

(( That seems like a fine stopping point to me, for now. ))
Re: Claire's room

((RJ screwed up placement... again! :p)
Re: Claire's room

Naw, this was a long time ago, I just forgot about this thread.