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Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Remember to make use of gimmicks if you want to get past the earlier scenarios...)

The noises above continued for a period of time, the sounds of struggling and fighting continuing to echo into the stairway. However, when the sounds began to slow and screams began to take their place... it was obvious that Winfred had lost and why something had begun pounding on the door two floors above. It was obvious that Rain would have to find another way down on the floor she was on, or suffer the same fate as her friend...
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Gimmicks? I don't understand. )

Rain let a cry and whimper out as she heard screams replace the sounds of fighting. Her friend had lost and to her knowledge was dead. Rain was afraid, she heard the pounding at the door and knew that the blob of goop would quickly come for her. Rain didn't want to die, she didn't want her dear friends death to be in vain. As afraid as she was Rain forced herself to stand up, still crying and shaking a bit the girl began to stand up, getting up on her two feet as she began to look around the darkness. She couldn't see very well but that wouldn't stop her from trying to find a way out of this place. Rain had started to believe that she was in a horror movie, and if she was that did tell her something important. There was a way out and away from the monster. She could survive and escape the darkness.

( Action: Search for a way to go, a way past the fence or another hall to go down. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(In Witch's Chess, there will almost always be something in your environment that you can use to help overcome enemies in a storyline scenario. The dolls for Castea and Pollusia against the slimes is a good example of this. Of course, its entirely up to the player to find and make use of the gimmicks, as I refuse to "piggyback" anyone in finding them. So be creative, use your brain, and try thinking outside the box/what you would do in real life.)

The only way that Rain finds she can go, is through the door and down the hallway for this floor, the rest either blocked off or leading back to the blob like entity. Meanwhile, the pounding on the door was getting louder and louder with each passing second...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Ah, I see. I should of grabbed that dagger back there damn it. * Hits self * )

Seeing that there was no way past the strange fence and that the way upstairs was a bad choice the scared Rain decided to go down the hallway of this floor. She didn't have time to go up to the next floor and look, seeing that if she did there was a very good chance the door would be busted down and Rain would be eaten. Wiping the tears from her eyes and letting a deep breath out the naked girl quickly began to walk over to the doorway, having every intention of going through the doorway and down the hallway in search of a way she can get out of here or something that might be able to defend herself...

( Action: Go through the doorway and down the hall of this floor. If possible close the hall door shut in an attempt to slow the blob down. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Dagger versus blob... not exactly the most effective thing :p... )

Rain runs down the hallway to the other set of stairs as the pounding noises grow stronger by the second, her fear compelling her to run faster than she would have thought possible. To her horror however, the door leading to the other set of stairs was locked, another envelope hanging from the handle...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain felt her heart skip a beat upon seeing that the door leading to the stairs was locked. The naked girl was going to have to find a key or something to get this lock to open. With the pounding sounds getting louder and louder Rain didn't want to stand around thinking and was about to run off in search of a key when she suddenly noticed an envelope hanging from the handle. Rain figured that the envelope would might be able to give her some kind of clue as of how to get out of here and away from the monster that had killed her friend.

Rain quickly walked over and reached out for the paper hanging from the handle...

( Action: Get envelope and read its contents. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

The letter, unlike the previous one, only contained a a single phrase:

"Exodus 20:13"​

Upon reading the simple letter, it is then that a red glow begins to emit from six closed rooms in the hallway, a number painted on each of them in some sort of red ink.


Whatever Rain did, it would have to be fast, as a resounding crash from the floor above indicated that the "blob" had just smashed through the door above.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain was confused at first after she had taken the envelope from the handle and read the letter. She was sure that Exodus 20:13 was one of the ten commandments in the christian religion... However rain couldn't quiet remember which one it was. She had a feeling it was the sixth one, thou shalt not kill, but she was still uncertain. As Rain mentally thought about it, trying to keep her thinking unaffected by the banging sounds above her, she suddenly let a gasp out and knew she would have to choose a door now after hearing a crash.

Rain knew that the crashing sound was the blob breaking down the door. It must of finally broken through and was coming for her, wanting to doom her to the same fate as poor Winfred. This sent chills down Rain's spine, making her shake a bit from the fear she was feeling. Rain shook her head a bit, trying to quickly shake off her paralyzing fear. Rain quickly turned and ran over to the hall door with the painted six on it, having every intention of opening the door going inside this room, regardless of her fear.

( Action: Try and go through the door with the six painted on it. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Entering the room, Rain finds that it is empty asides for a key hanging from the ceiling by a string. Meanwhile, she begins to hear a loud pounding coming from the hallway, indicating that the blob had begun to work on the door for this floor.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Upon seeing the key hanging in the empty and dark room Rain instantly knew what it was for. The hall door where the envelope had been, this key must of been the key that's needed to unlock it! Feeling a bit of hope rise in the girls spirits Rain quickly took a few steps forward and reached out for the key, wanting to grab it and use it..

( Action: Grab key then run back to the hallway, then to the hallway door that's locked and attempt to unlock it with the key. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

The poundings grow louder as Rain runs out in her attempt to unlock the door, the very hallway seeming to shake with each blow. Fortunately for the girl however, it seemed she wouldn't have to stay on this floor for much longer as the key slips easily into the lock and turns, allowing her passage down below...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain felt relief as the key worked on the lock and allowed her to open the door. She had been right, she had managed to solve the riddle that had been set before her. Hearing the poundings getting closer and the hallway even seeming to shake the naked girl knew she didn't have time to stand around and celebrate, she had to get through this door and move on. With the door unlocked Rain quickly turned the knob and swung the door open, quickly going through the doorway and into the unknown...

( Action: Go through the hall door. If allowed Rain shuts the door behind her in an attempt to slow the blob down. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Closing the door behind her, Rain arrives at another set of stairs, littered with various chairs, desks and other sorts of objects common in a classroom. Provided she chose to, it appeared that she could continue her way downstairs, and away from the blob which had just smashed through the doors on the other side of the hall...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

The dark blue haired girl quickly shut the door behind her as she arrived at another staircase. The scared girl only took a moment to take a look at her surrounding with her dark blue orbs, noticing that there were chairs and desks along with other things one would find in a classroom littered in the stairs. Trying not to think much on how this stairway got this way Rain quickly began going down the stairs, going as quick as she could whilst trying not to trip or bump into anything. Rain could hear the sounds of wood smashing behind her as she went, Rain's terrified mind figured that the blob of goop must of been looking for her in every single room in the hall. Rain figured that because the goop was doing that she might of had a little extra time to get away and escape...

( Action: Go down the stairs fast whilst trying not to trip or bump into anything. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Arriving at the ground floor, it is then that the pounding noises caused by the blob begin to become faint, before stopping completely. It would appear that the the monstrosity had given up in its chase for now. However, whether or not it would desire to resume it was another story...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Finally arriving at the bottom floor and hearing the pounding and smashing cease Rain let out a sigh of relief and went down to her knees, putting her hands over her pounding chest, trying to calm down. Keeping on her knees Rain took silent, but deep, breaths. The dark blue haired girl had never been so terrified and upset in her entire life. Having heard her best friends screams of agony and being almost positive the girl was dead had filled Rains heart will sorrow and grief, and even some regret that she hadn't gone back and attempted to save the black haired girl. Rain was also terrified, knowing that the blob could return, having the intention of eating her alive just like it had likely done to Winfred. As sad and afraid as the naked girl was she knew that she couldn't sit on the ground on feel sorry for herself, she knew she had to get up and escape this place, she couldn't let her friends sacrifice go in vein.

" Winnie..."
Rain said to herself silently " Your death won't be in vein... Ill get out of here alive... I promise..."

Having calmed down a little Rain stood up, letting a deep sigh out as she got on her two feet. The girls dark blue eyes began to look around the are she was in, taking in the details. Rain had decided she would start looking around for ways to go, whilst keeping an eye out for any more helpful envelopes.

( Action: Examine and search the area. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Upon further inspection of the ground floor, Rain would find that the main exit out of the building was blocked by various desks and chairs piled up against it, as if to prevent her from leaving. To her left, was a cafeteria like area, from which a red glow emitted. To her right, were doors leading to the rooms described upon them, such as "Nurse's Office" or "Teacher's Lounge"...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain had a feeling this wasn't going to be over when she had reached the bottom floor. Upon getting up seeing that the main exit out of this evil and dark school had been blocked Rains feeling had been confirmed true. Letting a sigh out Rain had began to look around a bit more. Upon doing so the naked girl found that she had two ways to go. to the left a doorway lead to a cafeteria where a strange glow was coming from, one that told her something of important was that way. To her right were two doors, one labeled a nurses office and the other labeled teachers lounge.

Rain didn't really think much of the teachers lounge however upon seeing the room that was the nurses office Rain was instantly reminded of her time learning basic first aid. Rain wasn't completed sure why but... She wanted to inside and see if anything important was in there. The dark blue haired girl thought that maybe there was another envelope with some more information, or perhaps something else that could be useful. Fearful but thinking that this wasn't a bad idea Rain walked over and made her way to the right, walking right over to the nurses office...

( Action: Go inside nurses office. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

The nurse's office was a rather small and enclosed space, having a bed for patients to rest upon, a small storage closet for supplies, and a desk, where a skeleton garbed in a white jacket sat. Looking outside the window, one would find it to be as pitch black as the earlier ones had, not including the four "glowing" jars filled with some sort of preservative liquids and various human parts. Interesting enough...all of the parts looked fresh...very fresh...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

When Rain had made her way into the nurses office her eyes lit up slightly for a moment upon seeing a white jacket being put over what she thought was some authentic skeleton replica. Rain was about to walk over and take the little bit of clothing until she noticed something outside the rooms window. Four jars filled with something. Rain took a few steps closer to the window then suddenly realized what was in the jars. Human parts, various human parts were in the four glowing jars. Upon this realization Rain's eyes shot up wide open as she let out a small and she let out a fearful gasp as her hands went up to cover her mouth, taking a few steps back away from the window. Rain looked away from the window where the jars were and over to the skeleton with the white jacket. Rain looked at the bony thing a bit differently, she was actually starting to think that this thing wasn't just some plastic replica but... The real thing.

Regardless if they thing was made of real bone or not it was dead, unlike Rain who was cold and wanted something to put on. Fearful that the skeleton would jump to life and attack Rain slowly began to walk over to the thing, having every intention to take away its white jacket and put it on herself, covering her up at least a little bit and giving her warmth...

( Action: Exit and head to the cafeteria after taking the jacket and putting it on. )
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