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Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Don't mention it, twas nothing more than a little thing on the side for me anyway. "

Treating demon-killing and rescuing naked women in distress as a daily occurrence, Artemis paid no real attention the one she had rescued, seeming to put more concentration to the road as her own thoughts. It was apparent that the “demon-hunter” had been in her “line of work” for a while now, already accustomed to overeager offers to repay her or show their gratitude.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

Rain wasn't even a little surprised to see that Artemis hadn't cared for the gratitude that she had shown. Rain figured the woman had gotten use to people thanking her for saving them. She must of saved people just like Rain all the time, weak and afraid girls being used by some demon. To Artemis Rain was just another nameless and faceless girl who she rescued, that's what Rain figured anyways. Seeing that the woman wasn't interested in talking with her the dark blue eyed girl sat in the passenger seat silently, waiting for the jeep to arrive at it's destination. Feeling mixed emotions inside her from everything that had happened and what was happening Rain closed her eyes, resting in the warm blanket that had been loaned to her.

Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(So, want me to just fast forward to the haven?)
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Yeah go ahead. Unless you want something interesting to happen during the trip to the haven, that is. )
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Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

(Well then, moving on. Sorry for the delay.)

The rest of the trip relatively uneventful, it was not until they had arrived at what appeared to be an extensively modified luxury apartment complex that Artemis spoke again.

"Well then Miss Rain, I'll be dropping you off here now. Think you can take your friend inside by yourself?"

The hunter's concern proved to be unnecessary as Winfred had stirred earlier, having chosen to remain silent up until this point to see what.

"No need...I can walk.

Keeping herself covered with the sheet that had been given to her, the girl exited the car while beckoning her friend to follow suit, causing Artemis to give a shrug.

"Suit yourself, you two take care now you hear?"

Soon after Rain exited the car, the cowboy-hat wearing sniper would drive off, seeming to have another destination than the haven.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( It's cool. What's the area around the apartment complex like? )

When Rain had gotten out of the jeep, quickly after Winfred did, she kept still and quiet until the mysterious savior drove off, leaving Rain and her best friend in front of the apartment complex. Rain had kept the blanket on her, not wanting to be naked when people she didn't know could see her. Looking at Winfred for a moment Rain slowly started to look like she was slowly getting emotional, like sad and suppressed emotions were coming out. Tears began to form in her dark blue eyes and she stood there silently. That's when Rain suddenly took a step forward and wrapped her arms around her her slimy friend, holding onto her as she began to silently cry into her shoulder. Rain then began to speak, her voice sounding a bit shaky and sad. " Winnie..." Rain slowly started before giving a brief pause then continuing. " I'm so happy that you're alive. When I was left alone in the hell the thoughts of you being dead were tearing me up inside. The thing that made me continue... And get away from that monster was you, not wanting your sacrifice to be in vain..." Rain went silent then as she silently cried more into Winfred's shoulder.
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Dummy...I told you I'd be fine..."

Letting a slight sigh as she allowed her friend to cry into her shoulder, Winfred looked up into the sky to avert Rain's gaze. Truth be told, even she hadn't expected for the slime to do that to her instead of devouring her alive. Nor had she expected to see the light of day again when she blacked out, much less her friend's face. Nonetheless, as it was up to her to be the "brave one" out of the two wherever they were, Winfred had continued to put up a strong front so as to keep Rain's spirits up.

"But...thanks for worrying about me..."
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

As Rain hugged and silently cried into Winfred's shoulder she felt a bit of comfort when the black haired girl had called her a dummy. It was the same old Winfred, whatever that blob had done to her it hadn't changed her, it hadn't taken away her best friend. Rain suddenly wondered what the blob had done to Winfred. Rain had first thought that it had eaten her like the the slimy mess of gush did in that old horror movie the two girls had seen together. That wasn't what it had done though, Winfred was still undissolved. Rain actually felt her peach cheeks get slightly red as the thought of that blob not eating but doing to Winfred what that... Bat woman had done to her. The dark blue haired girl was badly trying to forget all about that, act as if it never happened. Winfred might of felt the same way about what the blob had done to her so Rain decided to just not ask and forget about everything that had happened in that school, to forget about the painful memory's and move on.

When Winfred had thanked Rain for worrying the crying girl felt slowly got off of Winfred, braking her hug and taking her face off of the girls shoulder. Wiping her dark blue eyes Rain responded to what Winfred had just said.
" You're welcome..." Rain said. With her eyes wiped the girl began looking up ahead at the fancy looking apartment complex. Rain felt slightly nervous about going in there in the state she was in now, however, she wasn't afraid. Rain trusted that this place would be safe, safe of bat woman that wanted rape her. As Rain slowly began to hold onto one of Winfred's arms with one of her own like she usually did she spoke to the black haired girl, her voice sounding calmed down now. " Well... Let's get inside... Maybe they can give us something to wear..." The thought of getting some clothing on sounded very nice to Rain. She really didn't care what they had as long as it would cover her private area's...
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

"Yeah...you're right, it would be nice to have something to wear after all..."

Taking the initiative, Winfred began walking up the steps leading up to the glass doors of the haven, holding the sheet around her with one hand while holding Rain's hand with her other. What would happen to these friends now? Only time would tell...

(Rain has completed her scenario, and is now Level 3! Rain now has 6 additional stat points with which to upgrade her stats! Please allocate or save the points as you desire, state what you to do here, and update your character sheet to reflect upon your changes!)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SCENARIO COMPLETE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Re: Class with a Witch... (Rain)

( Upgrade Power, Mind, and Endurance to level 2. Keep one point left over. )