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Cold Blood

Re: Cold Blood

The ones in the first post. I upped the % of soul drain and just gave maelstrom a more generic name so people could tweak it however they liked.
Re: Cold Blood

It's official, Archer's dice has it out for us. :V
Re: Cold Blood

Archer, a suggestion: if you are planning an encounter that is not a boss fight, limit the sum of the enemies stats to be equal to the sum of the player's stats. Essentially, the only thing you should have outnumber the player in a normal fight is something that is weaker than the player. Having the player fight multiple things that are stronger than them is counter productive to them surviving.
Re: Cold Blood

It has a long and bloody history behind it. Just be lucky you won't end up like the guy who fell into an empty pit and stabbed himself with his own sword. Easily it's most gruesome casualty.
Re: Cold Blood

The succubi's stats are evenly distributed thats why they're acting all as one. and each you defeat will actually make the group weaker and weaker.
Re: Cold Blood

Question: how much damage does strength add to an attack?
Re: Cold Blood

10% it's value, thats on top of what I roll on a d10, monsters roll different die depending on what it is, critical combat failures add damage to their rolls.
Re: Cold Blood

i think the dice are like possums they draw you in with horrible rolls while travelling and beginning to fight and then BAM! my best friend the 20 hopes in for a visit and saves my sorry ass.

of course i probably jinxed it now and scared my best friend 20 away by say this.
Re: Cold Blood

And now Sen no longer has the money to take a bus... lovely. I guess I now get to have her try to apply for a job at a local restaurant once she gets some manner of clothing.
Re: Cold Blood

That's if the cops don't tazer a naked screaming woman speaking gibberish pounding on people's doors.
Re: Cold Blood

And to me goes the first game over! Woohoo!... On the plus side? If not for the fact this was an Ero-Rp, Alicia would be getting digested by now. ._.
Re: Cold Blood

Who says she won't be......
Re: Cold Blood

Okay that's the last update for me tonight, possibly breaking some kind of record....take that Tass! *slams head on desk while passing out* Seacrest.....out! ZZZZZ.........
Re: Cold Blood

Name: Rosaline Charlotte

Description or pic:
Height: 5'7
Weight: 135 lbs

Background: About eighteen years ago a young baby girl was born into a very religious family, one that was a bit more than just associates of the holy church. Because of her upbringing the girl grew up to be a nun, one that lived for god, worked for him at the church she'd been going to her entire life. Her life was a peaceful one, a happy one. She did not worry about the rumors of vampires and werewolves that had come up recently, nor did she get concern with the cold war. Life was simple, a happy existence.

This all came to an end about a month into the year 1974. Rosaline's good friend and cousin member Catherin had come down with a bad illness. The girl had always been a frail and sickly girl growing up, and now she seemed to of come down with an illness that might just kill her. Even with the medicine, the praying, and everything being done to help the poor girl it seemed she was only getting worse and worse and the weeks went by. The red haired woman had taken notice to this, she had come to realize that no amount of prayer or visits from the town doctor were going to help. After much thinking and praying for insight, Rosaline and suddenly come to a decision on what she should do to help. She'd leave her home and go off in search of something that could save her cousins life. She wasn't sure what exactly she would be looking for, however she figured a good place to start was the nearby country of Romania. She'd heard rumors of vampires, werewolves, and magic there, she figured there might be something, or someone, who would be able to help.

Before setting off on her journey, one that she went on with only telling one person about, only leaving a note behind to her family saying why she was setting off, she went to her churches priest to ask for advice and aid. Strangely enough, the man didn't stop her, he actually ended up giving her a few useful tools, mainly a pile of glass containers containing holy water and some sort of cross that was suppose to be used as a weapon.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: Romania

Class: Vampire Hunter

Weapons: Cross and Holy Water

Faction: The Church

Things I'd like to see and avoid:
Fetishes: Submission, yuri, tentacles, impregnation, futa.

Avoid: Guro, vore, scat, yaoi.
Re: Cold Blood

Name: Ruby Stein

Description or pic:

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 pounds

Background: Ruby was born in Ireland but grew up in London. From a young age is was taught to fear monster that inhabit the world. Ruby's family was a simple one with her mother, father, twin brother and herself. Unknowing to Ruby, her family is somehow tied to a witch. While this has no effect on her or her fighting ability at all, It may be the cause of her want to slay not monster but evil.

Lily and the twin brother, Luke, became Vampire Hunter for the Church. The two are often sent off on their own to hunt down monster said to be attack and hurting or killing humans. Often it once faced with a monster Ruby with strike it down with ease then take something to prove it's dead and return to the closest church to send word the job was down and wait for new orders.This patten would go on for a year and a half.

Her time with the Church was a hunter would end as they tried to order her to kill a young boy purely due to the fact he has demon blood in him. Ruby refused knowing it was not blood that made one evil but the actions of the person. She was forced to kill a priest to keep the boy safe. Another hunter had seen this and reported it made Ruby a target of the church. While this info was not be released to the public at large if sight most would not thing it below them to get a crowd to attack.

Country of origin or you wish to begin in: Born in Dublin Ireland, somewhere in Romania.

Class: Vampire Hunter

Weapons: Short sword & leather whip along with the hunter sub-weapons

Faction: Freelance, however former Church member

Avoid: guro and scat.
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Re: Cold Blood

Archer, unless you want to end up like tass and have 20+ people join your game so that you can only update a thread once per day or less, I'd suggest you put a limit on the number of players you're accepting.
Re: Cold Blood

Archer, unless you want to end up like tass and have 20+ people join your game so that you can only update a thread once per day or less, I'd suggest you put a limit on the number of players you're accepting.

Going to recommend this as well. Having 10-15 people without a second GM or something will screw you over massively.
Re: Cold Blood

Yeah I was about to say that I might start putting the gate down to make sure I could handle it, Gold asked me and I green lit him, I didn't see Asmo sneak in there hidden under Gold's dress, perv.:cool: Probably going to only allow one or two more. I feel great that my first shot at it seems to have attracted a lot of interest though. :)