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Cold Blood

Re: Cold Blood

Been kicking the idea around for the past few hours. Needed to get it out of my head so figured I'd just post it for the fun of it. I most blame Kelyo's story for making me want to write it. And come on we all are perv's here so you should expected it happen everyonce in a while.
Re: Cold Blood

Archer, unless you want to end up like tass and have 20+ people join your game so that you can only update a thread once per day or less, I'd suggest you put a limit on the number of players you're accepting.

(Ninja) It really only takes so long for me to post because I'm usually doing some other stuff while I'm posting, and I'm hesitant to search for a second GM to help lessen the load since I don't want to have to explain the entire storyline to them. That, and my map of the town is on paper, and I'm too lazy to remake it in paint.
Re: Cold Blood

Well, I mean it's taking so long because it takes about two hours to fully update everyone once, so you can't post at the same level as when there were only 7-8 of us...
Re: Cold Blood

It's an expression BG, meaning that Asmodean snuck a character sheet right after yours without any of us noticing.

Oh. That sneaky bastard.

Speaking of GM's, wasn't I going to help you out if the work load became too much Tassadar?
Re: Cold Blood

An easy solution would be to have matthias blow up the universe, problem solved, no more demons.
Re: Cold Blood

It was possible, but you have a character now. That, and it would take forever to send you everything you'd need. If I did elect to bring on a second GM, it would require a.... trial run, of sorts.

If BG (or anyone else) wants to try their hand at it I can have try-outs though, which would basically be you having a thread with a character of my creation with a small set of monsters in a short dungeon of your creation. Any applicants, please sign up in the OOC thread for Dark Gate.

Also, sorry for kind of hijacking your OOC thread Archer. :eek:
Re: Cold Blood

I highly doubt matthias has the Dominus Union. Plus what fun would that be anyways.
Re: Cold Blood

As is, Tass should really consider making a formal post in the character sheet thread that he isn't accepting anyone new unless a lot of people quit randomly.
Re: Cold Blood

Eh it was bound to happen eventually, better hijacked by you than a drunk RJ stumbling in and groping Keylo.
Re: Cold Blood

Note: Unlike my characters, I can and would shoot the drunk RJ. I also keep a knife in the seat of my chair so... yeah. Not the best idea :3.
Re: Cold Blood

*clubs RJ with a nail bat before calling the cops*
Re: Cold Blood

Damnit someone get Toxic so RJ will turn all his lust on him instead.
Re: Cold Blood

I just noticed something:
Sen is the only character who didn't truly believe in monsters before her first encounter with them.
Re: Cold Blood

I just noticed something:
Sen is the only character who didn't truly believe in monsters before her first encounter with them.

My character has an excuse, she's fought Dracula before. >.>;;
Re: Cold Blood

My character has an excuse, she's fought Dracula before. >.>;;

And mine is a hunter who was paid more or less to kill monster before the whole killing a priest thing.
Re: Cold Blood

It's more of a thing with everyone else knowing what they're getting into and being mentally prepared for it while Sen gets tossed to a boss monster for her first supernatural encounter and barely escapes while doing next to no damage to them.

Her current mindset is now stuck as 'monsters are extremely powerful beings I have no chance of defeating'...
Re: Cold Blood

Well two are monsters, Marcie saw her vampire sister tear her parents apart and the two new guys are both hunters, and Scarlet is from the graves family.