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Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Mithra: HP = , PP = , EP = , Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

Perception (Mithra) : ???
Perception (Evangeline) : ???

The orc war had been hard on Mithra's home village. Many of her younger kinfolk were gone, gone to fight those that had taken their homelands. The orcs, taking the opportunity left by the alien invaders, attacked in force and swept aside all attempts to stop them. The war had been bloody and brutal so far, the orcs possessing numbers that none had predicted and utilizing tactics that had been unexpected from such brutish and primitive creatures. The conflict had gone cold two months ago, when the orcs had halted their advance after a failed attack on the Academy, but groups of the beastmen continued to filter into elven and human lands searching for captives.

Though the fey themselves were unwilling to involve themselves in mortal conflicts, the more powerful fey nobles weren't stopping their children or subjects from joining either side. As such, Evangeline had been allowed to go to the aid of the humans and elves by her parents, who were still unaware of her ability to summon demons, the most hated enemies of the fey. She had made her way to this village to meet with the village elders, who had given Mithra a seat among them for her experience in battle during her adventures. The village, being an elven sanctuary, was well hidden within the woods and she had brought no guide with her to lead her, which was also why Mithra had been sent to retrieve her at a designated meeting place.

Evangeline had been waiting at the meeting place for about ten minutes when Mithra crept up on it, doing so to avoid any dangers that might be present in the snowy woods. She saw a woman standing in the center of the clearing, and had been sent to find just that by her elders, and make sure that she arrived back at Mithra's village, Silverdale, safely. Whether this was the woman that she'd been sent to retrieve, on the other hand, was something that she couldn't be sure of without talking to her. Alternatively, Mithra could attempt to attack her from stealth and sort out who this strange woman was when she was chained up back home. Evangeline, for her part, had no idea that she was being watched.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

As these years passed, Mithra has learned to always have the upper hand and never act without think twice, many young warriors ussually are confident with their strengh and jump on the battle field to see their great mistake. Alone hidden as best as she can, Mithra notice that unknown woman standing in a cleaning, a easy target for any feral creature or any soldier, easily a orc sniper could be using her as a bait.

Before try something the female warrior looks around trying to find something out of place and if she dont spot anything she will try to take her in a sorprise move, normaly she would hit that woman so hard than the woman could fall uncouncious in the instant, but today she was looking for someone in this right place, maybe this woman was the one than her elders order her to take to her town, the only problem is than Mirtla only know her name.

Using her stealth moves she get in a hidden place without cause too much noice and then cast "entangling vines" at her foe waiting to successfully grapple her foe and remain hidden as she wait to see if its safe to ask her. If the girl looks to be cooperative enought, Mithra will stay in the woods behind the unknown woman and said Dont try to move, you are surrounded. Introduce yourself stranger Said the elf still hidden ready to make the woman see stars or kill her if it was needed.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

Casting: Success.
Attack (Vines) : Miss.

Mithra's spell was successful, causing a patch of vines to suddenly tear their way up from the ground and grasp at Evangeline. The fairy woman managed to sidestep the grasping vines that had so suddenly attacked her, having heard of such creatures attacking traveling women and planting their seeds in them many times before. Mithra, seeing that her vines had failed their initial attack, didn't speak just yet.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"I wonder what's taking them so long... (Sigh)... I've been waiting here for at least ten minutes now for the one the village elders sent to get me," Eva said to herself as she sat on a tree stump, getting just a little impatient with the wait now.

After a minute or two she got up and started pacing around to stretch her legs a little. When she got up and took a couple of steps, something suddenly burst out of the ground and grabbed at her legs. She managed to jump out of the way in time to keep them from grabbing her, yelping out as she jumped, "Ahh! What the hell, go away darn you," Eva said, drawing her katana out while kicking at the vines until she got a few more feet away from them.

She looked at the vines for a moment while she caught her breath after being scared like that, wondering where they came from. She looked around, but didn't see anything around her that could have caused it. Maybe it was someone from the hidden village, or it could be some orcs or something trying to capture her, she had to be careful.

"Um hello? Is anyone out there? If so are you from the hidden village? I'm Evangeline Sangriella, I'm waiting for someone to meet me here to take me there, I got special permission from my parents to leave home and help you. I mean you no harm, look see I'm setting my weapon down," Eva called out loud, wondering if she was simply paranoid in thinking someone was there. She set her weapon at her feet, leaving enough room for her to kick it back up into her hands if need be.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The hidden elf frown hidden in the shadows, she was slightly amazed by how this woman easily evade the tendrils from her creature, not doubt than this was not a clumsy orc slave or a brainwashed girl from one of the aliens creatures, Mithra was close to get serious and put this girl to sleep when there is still chance to do it, but then the girl start to introduce herself like the person who the blonde elf was looking for.

It was hard to be in guard once Evangeline said all and in some way the young swordswoman cant believe than this woman had just said a lot of info without know if someone is close her. Raise your hands close your head and don't turn, as you move away of your sword. Said Mithra as she cast a buff Resist spell just in case than this girl try to do something against her. After a long time fighting against the orcs and aliens Mithra don't need to prepare her sword and she just have her hand close the hilt, giving her the chance to take it out and attack at the same time in just a second. Her eyes try to see her foe but not the face as many dark creatures usually try to cast a spell at this moment. Slowly the blonde elf get close in an attempt to identify this person and see how she will react, if all goes right they will shake their hands and Mithra will take this woman to her land, but all depends in how this named Evangeline will react.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Eva stood there as a young elven swordswoman came striding towards her, telling her to back away from her weapon and raise her hands. Evangeline wasn't too happy about leaving herself practically defenseless by stepping back from her weapon, but did as she was asked and took two steps back away from it, though she only held her hands out to her sides and didn't raise them all the way up, not seeing the need to do so as long as she kept them still and out.

"I understand what you're saying and why you're doing this, but I assure you that I truly am Evangeline of the noble sidhe house of Sangriella. I have to say I expected a slightly better welcome than this considering I came all the way here to aid your village, but like I said I understand your mistrust of me," Eva said to the young elven woman, slowly moving her right hand to extend it in friendship. "What's your name miss? As you already know I'm Evangeline. Also is it very far to the village? I've been traveling as quickly as I could to get here and I'm quite tired. So if you intend on trying to knock me out or something, could you at least wait until we're in your village please so I can fall on a soft bed."

Eva waited for the girl to introduce herself and shake her hand, then she'd follow her to her village unless she tried to knock her out. In which case she would attempt to defend herself somewhat, though she hoped it wouldn't come to that.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Once in front of the named Evangeline, the blonde elf woman decide to believe her and get closer, not really ashamed in how she found the woman identity. She turn to see the woman hand, ready for any upcoming attack, but once she notice the lack of hostility, she shake the fey hand. My apologize, Lady Evangeline. Our people has been in a harsh moment for a long time, my name is Mithra and i was choiced to escort you to our town.

The young warrior left drop the woman hand and let her take the sword on the floor, with a permanent guard as she look around for any possible stalker.

Once the fey was ready she start to guide her through the snowy woods, reducing her voice until only being heared by Evangeline Our travel will be a little long, as we must remain the location of our town in a secret, also we should be ready for any sorprise attack Mithra will take Evangeline through a safe but also secret passage to avoid show to any intruder the exact location.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"It's nice to meet you Mithra, and please don't worry about it. Because while I may be from a noble house, it's a minor house. So I don't really stand too much on tradition and those things honestly," Eva said in reply to Mithra's words, shaking her hand.

Evangeline took her sword back up and sheathed it, then once she saw Mithra was ready, she told her she was ready as well and then followed the young elf. "Oh it's fine, I don't mind having to walk too much, but I hope it doesn't take too long, cause my feet really could use a good soak in some warm water so I can relax. And don't worry, I'll be ready to fight if I need to, I'm always ready. And if it comes to it I can summon us a little help," Eva said to Mithra, keeping an eye out for any trouble as they traveled along, with Evangeline following Mithra's lead as she knew the land better than her.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 50/52, Status = Grappled by 2 Skyrays, 23/25 Resistance
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Grappled by 1 Skyray, 22/23 Resistance

Perception (Mithra) : Partial Success.
Perception (Evangeline) : Partial Success.

Attack (Skyrays) : Automatic Hit on Mithra, one hit on Evangeline.
Grapple: Mithral wins, she isn't put into a submission hold
Aphrodisiacs: 1 + 1 = 2 damage on Mithra, 1 damage on Evangeline

Both are treated as if they're Blinded until they remove the facehuggers.

As the two of them sheathed their weapons and prepared to depart, Mithra noticed movement out of the corner of her eye and reflexively glanced into the bushes along the side of the clearing. A hint of movement allowed her to discern the silhouette of a hunter, one of the stealthy alien reptiles that often laid ambushes. Unfortunately, before she could point this out to Evangeline or try to attack the thing, something she hadn't seen coming flung itself right at Mithra's face.

Evangeline didn't see the hunter, but as Mithra turned she did see a quartet of flying creatures suddenly dart out of the trees and descend upon the two of them. Two went for each woman, but Evangeline managed to dodge one. Unfortunately not both, however, as she found one of the strange pale flying creatures wrapping a half dozen bony limbs around her face. The light of the sun was blocked out by the strange creature covering her face, and the thing seemed to be coated in a strange slime that caused her skin to tingle with arousal. Mithra had one wrap itself around her head as well, and then another grabbed her waist, something she felt rather than saw as she was blinded. Both women felt something slimy writhing around their face, trying to force itself into her mouth, and both had their vision blocked out by the creatures covering their faces.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

"Well then I'll let you lead the way, as I don't really know it myself," Evangeline said, stating the obvious to Mithra.

Eva stopped when Mithra did and looked over towards the bushes along with her. She wasn't sure what was over there and was about to right it off as a wild animal, but let out a yelp as a strange looking creature came flying right at her face and latched onto her, noticing just before she was grabbed two others going for Mithra. She was able to thrash around and cause the second one to miss her thankfully, but Mithra sounded like she'd been grabbed by both of the ones coming at her.

Evangeline could feel her face getting tingly and warm as she felt coating of slime getting on her skin, it was making her tingle down between her legs as well and she felt her penis starting to tingle as well. One of the many thoughts running through her mind was that she couldn't let Mithra find out about her being a futanari, what if she wouldn't take her to the hidden village after finding out.

Evangeline couldn't see around the thing on her face and while she could feel something rubbing around her face, she didn't panic, as that would likely make her open her mouth and allow whatever it was to find its way inside.

Evangeline started calling upon her spiritual energy to blast this thing off of her and maybe blast the rest of them as well with her attack. Once she'd quickly prepared what she was going to do, she released her spirit energy onto the ground at her feet, hoping to hit everything around and free them both.

Evangeline is going to use Holy Fire or "FUEGO!" on the ground at her feet so it hits every enemy within 10 feet of her, which I think is all of the skyrays and maybe the hunter too. If it isn't though then she's still doing it. She's going to pump 16 EP into it for 2d4 + 1 * 16 dmg.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

The walk through the cold forest was peacefull for some minutes until suddenly Mithra manage to spot a dangerous alien hunter maybe waiting for an unlucky traveler, Mithra soon prepare herself to check the whole place to notice any other creature and then clean this place of the alien menace, but suddenly from the woods two skyrays jump at her, without time to act Mithra soon get grappled by the nasty creatures, her trained body manage to dont get placed in a worse position and also the weak slime dont affect her too much.

All could get worse, as the two looks to be blinded by these creatures and the hunter even when it looks to dont had see then, maybe will heard the battle struggle. Suddenly Mithra heard than Evangeline was close to cast something, she could feel a strange energy coming from her side and she wait to see what will happen before make her move.

Mithra will try to get free of these creatures if Evangeline fail and then look everywhere to dont get caught off guard again. However if Evangeline free them, the blonde elf will look for any possible remaining oponent and slice him using 5pp in smite, quick death and all her others passive skills. (light strikes if there is more of a foe, fused with sword dance.)
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 45/52, Status = 23/25 Resistance
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 98/114, Status = 22/23 Resistance

Evangeline uses 16 EP Holy Fire, dropping it at her feet.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: More than enough, though it doesn't hit the hunter.

Attack (Mithra) : Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 25 + 2 + 5 - 8 = 28 damage on the hunter.

Attack (Hunter) : Miss.

Evangeline's burst of white fire turned the creatures attached to Mithra and herself into piles of white ashes at their feet in an instant, revealing the hunter that had broken from cover to both women. Now alone and seeing itself faced with two opponents, the alien lizardman turned to flee. Mithra had other ideas, however, as she suddenly darted forward, drawing her sword as she went, and opened up a shallow gash on the monsterman's hide. It turned and swiped at her with its claws, but Mithra easily sidestepped the attack, which left the thing open for another strike on her part. Evangeline could just as easily attempt to finish the reptile off if she so desired, but Mithra seemed to have their last attacker well in hand.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With a sudden fire both facehugers are completely turned into dust, Mithra was not sure what kind of spell Evangeline made, but the elf was ready just in case she dont need to struggle in order to escape. However Mithra remember than a hounter was close, she cant leave him alive as her village could be found by these creepy creatures, running at a great speed Mithra stop him in his escape attempt and with a quick move she take her sword from her belt and wound it with a vertical cut. The creature survive and tried to wound her but her speed was beyond his level.

We cant leave this creature escape, prepare yourself to hit him if needed Mithra said even when she suppose than she can handle this alone, easily.
Looking the creature still alive she just purtsue him and tried to cut his head to end his live as fast as she can, in someway enyoining the moment.

Attack, pleasure throug pain, change 6 points of dodge for attack
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Evangeline released her blast of stored up energy straight into the ground and completely eradicated the facehuggers on her and Mithra both. Once free Evangeline saw Mithra rush the other beast that had been moving towards them. She watched as it tried to claw Mithra and missed in its attempt, then saw Mithra counter it with a slash of her sword in response. The creature she saw looked as if it were trying to run away, and she wasn't about to let that happen, because she knew if they did it would only bring more of its kind to attack them.

"Of course Mithra, it may lead others to the village if we don't take it out here and now," Evangeline called out to Mithra as she rushed towards her to aid in the killing of this creature before it could get away.

Evangeline gathered her magic around her and took aim at the last creature while Mithra was distracting it, deciding on firing an actual bolt of holy fire at it instead of releasing the same magic at her feet to encompass a larger area. It would be more powerful this way and she hoped to kill it with the shot before it could get away from the,.

Casting Holy Fire or FUEGO! again, directed straight at the Hunter to try and take it out before it can get away. Pumping 7 EP into it for a total of 3d4 * 7 heat/fire HP dmg
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 48/52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 98/114, Status = Fine

Initiative to see who gets the kill: Mithra wins.

Attack (Mithra) : Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 25 + 2 + 5 + 6 - 8 = 33 damage on the hunter. It's Drain Through Pain, not Pleasure Through Pain :p
Drain: 2 + 1 = 3 EP gained.

Eva and Mithra each get 2 experience!

Mithra decapitated the hunter before Evangeline could complete her blast of white flame, making the attack no longer necessary. The clearing was empty save for them and the headless corpse of their assailant, but whether that was all of them or more monsters were about was anyone's guess.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

With a clean sword swing, the creature head get separed of the alien body, falling only a pair of foots away from his murder. Once ended the battle Mithra give a quick check for spot more creatures or from where the direction from whre they come, maybe they were just scouts trying to spot any victim, but the elf cant let this pass by a just a coincidence.

Good job. Stay on guard, there could be more. Said Mithra to Evangeline as this end to take the hunter skin using her knife and storing it in her backpack. Mithra tried her best to dont let cluess to the aliens or any other village foe.

After that what take just some minutes, Mithra continue to guide Evangeline to her town hidden in the cold mountains
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

When Evangeline rushed to Mithra's aid to finish the creature before it escaped, she saw that she need not even worry about it, as Mithra had everything all well in hand. Once the creature was dead, she did as Mithra did and took a moment to look around for anything else that might want to attack them. Once they had checked and made sure nothing else was around them, Evangeline turned to Mithra.

"Nice swing on that one, and thanks. Do you know where they might have come from? Are attacks on your village common? And don't worry about the corpse here, I can take care of it, just give me a second," Evangeline said as she moved the head of the decapitated monster over to the body, after Mithra had finished skinning the creature, she would then set it ablaze and burn it to ash with a small holy fire blast, destroying any evidence of them being there once the wind blew.

Once that was done, Evangeline would tell Mithra that she was ready when she was and they could leave whenever.

Use Holy Fire to burn away all evidence of our being there, using 1 EP if that would be enough to do so.
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Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

Mithra: HP = 68, PP = 52, EP = 52, Status = Fine
Evangeline Sangriella: HP = 50, PP = 50, EP = 114, Status = Fine

Mithra gains a chameleon skin.

Once Mithra had skinned the hunter and Evangeline had disintegrated the body, the two of them departed for Mithra's village. Though it was hidden within a forest, Mithra's village wasn't difficult for the elf to find given that she knew where it was, and the two of them arrived quickly enough. The village elders were likely in the meeting hall, a longhouse that could seat the entire village inside if need be, but they didn't need to go there straight away if they didn't want to. The boarding house in which Eva would be staying if she didn't bunk with anyone was located on the edge of the village, and Mithra could take her there to get her settled before taking her to the elders if she so desired.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After Mithra skinned the beast that tried to flee and after Eva disintegrated the body, the two went on towards the hidden village. They made their way carefully through the forest and after a short while they got there. Eva scanned the village and saw how it seemed to be laid out, with a large longhouse in the center of the place that looked to be able to seat the whole village. The village was somewhat smaller than Evangeline had anticipated it being in all honesty.

"Um... Mithra... Don't get mad for me saying this, but I thought your village would be somewhat... larger than this. What all has happened to this place? And also do you happen to have a place where I can sleep and put my things please before we go see your elders? And also a bite to eat would be nice too if it isn't too much trouble, but that can wait until after the meeting with your elders," Eva said to Mithra, looking around and seeing what looked to be a smaller unoccupied house on the edge of the village, though she didn't really want to live on the edge of the village unless it was the only place she could go, as she didn't like the fact that anything coming to attack the village would likely attack her first.
Re: Cold Wars (plmnko and Mind Flayer)

After walk for a while, the two women reach the hidden village, Mithra heard Eva opinion about her town without show any emotion. Instead the blonde elf walk toward the woman new house and answer her, Its supposed to be a hidden village in middle of the snow forest, the houses are bigger of what normaly someone can see, easily a lot of people can live here, but after all these wars its close to be a ghost village, nearly all our people is fighting....

Mithra stop for a moment until they were in front of the door and continue. You can rest here for a while, this house has been without use, but we prepare it for you so you can have all the privacy than you need and dont worry about any possible monster we have guards, magical beasts and more to protect this place. Mithra dont need to leave as even for yesterday they have all ready for the newone