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Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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In stark contrast to Chris's group, Claudia's had nearly no flight time. There hadn't been much time to converse at all, with it only being a short flight from South Dakota to the Air Force base in the Springs.

Now that they had landed though, they could see various Air Force craft about, and a number of personnel going about their jobs. One person though, walked up to their group.

"Good afternoon, I'm Colonel Mays, currently second in command here. General Hill is a bit busy at the moment and sends his regrets he couldn't meet you personally here. Isn't often we get high ranking agents in here. Chris, myself and the General all once served together years ago, so when I learned he was sending some of his people here, I figured I'd have to meet them at some point. As I understand it, your here to check out the strange stuff going on around here, so I should probably tell you that so far the base isn't affected, but outside in the main town has been. People going off all crazy trying to fly off buildings, causing damage, hell we've even had several public gropings since yesterday morning. Six arrests outside the base from armed people, but none of them really seem to remember coming here."

Claudia nodded, speaking off to the side with the Colonel, and returned several minutes later, alone.

"Ok so .... Looks like we need to head into town, start looking around. We'll start around the local bar, since that's where the most recent problem was, and work our way back, hopefully finding the source soon. Unless anyone else has a better suggestion?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Doesn't sound that worrysome from a personal protection standpoint. Should we split up, cover more ground faster?" Ellen asks, looking around carefully, seeming to be mildly disturbed about something.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"I'd opt for splitting up, myself being alone. I move faster and work better like that." Kevin says as he adjusts his Fedora with his right hand and looks over at Ellen.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira looks around, then looks down, muttering while adjusting a heavy shoulderbag, "I guess.. that's okay if that's what you guys want..."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia hesitated for a moment. She didn't like the idea of one person going off alone but .... more ground covered meant sooner return trip home.

"Alright, Kevin go ahead and take the church then, Akira head on over with Connor to the restaurant, there was some sort of disturbance there, and Ellen your with me I guess, we'll hit the bar. We'll meet back at the motel on fifth street in three hours, got it?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Understood." Kevin says, stretching both his legs and then taking off in a run towards the city
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

(Hey, my mind was read, awesome)

"It's not so much what someone's comfortable with, I think it'd be more of what they know they can handle. You two sound pretty sure of yourselves, but I honestly don't even know what we're looking for or how the hell we're gonna find it." Looking over to Akira, he smiled, though a bit too playfully before purposefully making what he thought would be a poor first impression. "Looks like it's you and me, Short Round." He tried to laugh and lightly elbow in Akira's direction to signal he was joking.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira freezes up briefly, cringing, before relaxing a little, looking at Conner, "N..nice to meet you. Please don't kill me..." Looking around Akira quickly starts to walk towards the resturaunt, "Let's hurry..."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"When you don't know what you're looking for, it's best to be everywhere at once and hope it's looking for you, too." Ellen says with a shrug. "To the bar then?" She asks Claudia, starting to walk before the other woman had a chance to answer, berely after ellen had finished the question. Every once in a while, she would take her hand out of her pocket, sliding the sweater's arm back as if she was checking a watch.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

((Doing all three to start with here, I'll update each grouping as much as I can when all parties involved have posted. In this case, you may have to go back a bit too.))

When Kevin arrived at the Church grounds, he'd notice it was a two story church, complete with a bell at the top. He'd also note that there was quite a crowd outside, including the Priest who seemed to be shouting something up to the bell ....

And if his gaze trailed up, he'd spot why. A nun, dressed in all black was on the upper ledge, arms spread in preparation to jump.

"Sister, please! Stay there, I'll come get you."

She shook her head. "No. It's alright. Don't you see? I can fly."

With that, she stepped off the balcony, plummeting to the street and landing hard on the concrete of the street, dead on impact.

Akira and Connor, once they arrived at the restaurant, which was a small county style one, ironically named Norma's, would discover there was some kind of commotion going on inside again. Entering, they found several people engaged in a brawl inside, three police officers trying, rather unsuccesfully to break them apart. One caught their eye, as he pulled a knife from the table, and began sneaking up on the cop closest to him, his intent quite clear.

Claudia and Ellen arrived at the bar, noticing it just said "Bar and Grill" on the front sign. Entering, they were met by the bartender, who spoke quietly, but with a no nonsense tone. "Bar isn't open til six ladies, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin looks on at the spectacle, walking into the crowd and slowly approaching the dead nun "Hm....." he says, crouching down to one knee and examining what was once a most likely very religious woman, then standing up and turning to face the Priest who had pleaded the woman not to jump "Are you the priest of this church? If so, we have a few things that need discussing." he says in a serious tone, his right hand sliding into his pockets as he awaits the man's response.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

If the Priest was shocked by the bluntness, he didn't show it. "Ah yes um, please follow me. I must call this in first though, so this will be a few moments."

He led Kevin inside to his office. Inside were two guest chairs, one a red chair, old from the looks of it, and one was a somewhat newer model. "Please, have a seat, I'll be with you shortly."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin nodded as he followed the priest in, then sat down on the newer chair, his gaze seemingly directed at nothing as he waited. He began thinking on what little memories he had gathered from his work, and simply chuckled as he pushed them back away and waited for the priest
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"That's alright." Ellen says smoothly, pulling out her fresh badge and showing it to the man. "We'd just like to ask you a couple questions about the strange goings-on recently. Feel free to keep working, we'll try to disturb your schedule as little as possible." She said with a kind smile, remaining standing so she can follow the man around if needed.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

It wasn't long until the Priest came back in, apologizing again. "My apologies. What can I do for you?"

The bartender's face changed from one of one who'd had to run too many people out, to one of confusion. "Oh, I see. Well, I'll try to be as helpful as I can then, what exactly would you like to know?"

Behind him on a muted television, was the scene from the Church, showing a woman plummeting to her death. The man had yet to see it.

Claudia had, and inwardly winced. Outwardly she showed no signs, but Ellen would know she'd seen it.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"I need to know what you know about these incidents around town. People believing they can fly, people going crazy. I'm concerned it may be something very dangerous. Something that could hurt a lot of people." Kevin says, the back of his trenchcoat shifting as he awaits the priest's answer
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

The priest thought for a few moments before replying.

"Well, all of this started about two weeks or so ago, just out of the blue. At first we thought nothing of it, a case or two here isn't unusual, especially amongst the elderly. Then it started becoming younger people, even children. Children who'd been enrolled here at our own church run school, some of them began lashing out, destroying things. Please bear in mind, we've never seen anything like this around here before. I've spoken with the authorities on this, and they are just as baffled as I am about it. I've no explanation for what's happening here, nor do I know what even is happening. All I know is something strange is happening here, and it's getting progressively worse as each day goes on. It doesn't even make sense, none of these people have anything in common at all."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Did anything strange arrive around the time that the strange behavior began? A piece of history, or an ancient artifact?" Kevin asks, his right hand rubbing his chin as he continues "And, if there is an object like that, where was it put?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Well, is there anything new to town that could convince someone to do that, for instance?" Ellen asks calmly, pointing to the scene on the television. Her gaze never wavered as she watched the gruesome scene, not flinching in the slightest. "Has there been an upsurge in the drug trafficking around here, more specifically hallucinogens? Maybe a new mine opened up nearby, or an old one re-opened, perhaps? How many people have you seen that are new residents? Do any of them look suspicious? How big of a hospital do you have in town? Any other fresh occurances from around the time this started happening?" She asked calmly, waiting in between each question for the man to answer.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

The bartender shook his head no to her questions, seemingly confused. "Nothing I can think of that would be out of the ordinary here, then again to be honest with you I've only been here six months myself. But this all started about two weeks ago. Actually, come to think of it, I think the only thing new here in town has been a couple of those Air Force kids being transferred here. They usually come in around eight at night, if you'd like I can point them out to you later and you can ask them, though I don't know they can tell you much more than I can. Sorry."

He seemed a bit upset he couldn't be more helpful, and sickened by the sight on the t.v.

The priest thought for several moments. "Well, no not really. I brought a few items that belonged to my grandfather in about three weeks ago though, that's about it. None of that's been unpacked yet though, it's all still upstairs waiting for when I have enough time to properly place it around here. My grandfather was a very religious man, and his wish was to have his grandson take what was left to him and use them in this church. Though there is a museum in town a few blocks from Fifth Street, maybe they brought something in? I've never really been in there, so I couldn't say for sure."