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Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor quickly turned to his partner who had now darted away. His first reaction was to turn towards Kevin to see how he took it, but figured, being slightly defensive about it, he might be somewhat used to it. "Uhhh, I'll go talk to her." Noting Claudia on the ground, after she started making some noise, albeit some sleep, he took a second to ask "Is she going to be ok first? I mean, if she was hurt, I could probably help her, if not.. I think I'll go get Akira before she skips town."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen had just finished walking over to Claudia, and was kneeling down when she responded to Connor. "Go catch her, I'll make sure Claudia's okay." She says simply, waving him towards the door.

Focusing back on the injured woman, Ellen tried to determine how serious her injuries were...
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Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Kevin sighs as Akira runs off, grasping his hat with his right hand and holding it tight on his head. "She's going to need to work on that." he says, walking over to Ellen and kneeling down next to her "It's probably just a mild concussion. In which case, we need to keep an eye on her." he says, shaking his head as he stands, then turns to face the priest "You had no idea that the chair was going to cause this. As for your grandfather's items, I'm sure they'll turn up."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen's 'exam' of Claudia revealed two sure facts.

One: She had a slight nasty cut on her lower leg where the beast had slashed her, likely how the sedative had gotten into her bloodstream to begin with.

Two: Other than being fast asleep from said sedative, the cut and half the crotch of her pants missing, she seemed to be perfectly fine. It seemed the Hunter hadn't been trying to kill her, only incapacitate. Which meant someone had ordered it to do so and then likely carry the woman away once she could no longer resist or know she was being taken somewhere.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen gave Kevin a nod, waiting until he stood and wandered off again before dealing with the cut. She brought her hand up to her mouth and cut her palm open with her teeth, then brought it to Claudia's mouth, letting her blood drip into the unconscious woman's mouth and down her throat. She waited a few seconds, then brought her thumb across the other woman's lips and brought her hand back up to her own mouth, licking the remaining blood off and sealing the cut.

Another check of Claudia's leg showed it already starting to heal, so Ellen did her best to cover the woman's torn clothes and stood again, to go talk to Sean.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen waved Connor off, so he decided if she could help Claudia, he was best off going to talk to Akira. It'd probably be best if she worked things out with Kevin, but considering her state... probably not the best idea. He ran off after her, hoping to catch her before she got too far off.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira pauses briefly while running to turn around, noticing Connor, "H...hey, are you running away too? Listen, I'm going to head back to my town and try to forget all this... this is... this is too crazy for me..."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor slowed down to a stop in front of Akira before speaking up. "Yeah... yeah frankly I don't blame you. But, you're gonna run home? Don't suppose you live anywhere around here." He tried to chuckle, hoping he could at least keep the mood light if he had to talk. It wasn't his business to change anyone's mind about this thing, but he could at least try to find a solution through their conversation.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira paused at that, shurgging, "I was hoping to take a greyhound or something... maybe even a plane, it's not that expensive at this time, right?" Shaking, Akira continues, "I don't understand you people! How could you all remain so calm when there were monsters, and when one of the 'people' we were with is a monster himself?! I... I don't get it! Tell me why you were so goddamned calm!"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor tried forming some coherent explanation together, hesitated and shook his head before rubbing his face with his hands as if to clear himself. "In all honesty, I'm not ok with it. I don't know what the hell's going on same as you. Hell, I don't know what's stopping me from getting a ticket with you right now and heading back myself. All I know was at the time, there was nothing I could do. When I saw on the screen there were monsters, I rushed to act because I knew I had to. When they're attacking someone, you can't just sit idly by. As for Kevin? ...." Connor sighed before continuing, "I don't know. I mean, I'm not so dim to think 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend,' so just cuz he was killing another monster doesn't mean we should trust him immediately. In all honesty, I'll still be giving him a weird eye every now and then, but speaking up about it now isn't going to help anything. Hell, we all have the capability of evil, any one of us could be as much a monster on the inside as he is on the outside."

He backed away a step and held out his hands towards both the way Akira was already walking and back to where they came from. "In terms of survival, it's best to stick to who you can trust. I trust you, and to show you can trust me, keep heading wherever you want, and I'm with ya."
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Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira sighs and begins to slowly walk back to the church, "I guess... I guess that's okay..." Sighing a little, Akira adds, "I doubt they would let us run far anyway, so much top secret crap going around, we'd be sent back even before we had it out of this state..."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor exhaled a deep breath silently, somewhat glad Akira chose to come back, but still felt something nagging him as if to suggest they should have just left. "All right. Whether you want to trust him or not, and I don't blame ya if ya don't, I'd suggest just keeping some distance. I'm sure he must not be too comfortable now either."
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

"Quite right young man, quite right."

An older gentleman appeared suddenly, walking out from gods knew where. He drew out a bag that was eerily similar to one of the neutralizer bags given to them by Chris.

"Perhaps you'd be so kind as to take this back? Be careful, it's an artifact."

The bag was tossed lightly to Connor, the man already walking away.

He was some yards away before flippantly adding, "do say hello to Chris and Sean for me will you young man? Tell them ... James MacPhearson say's hello."

He ducked around a corner and by the time they would round a corner if they chose to pursue him, he was completely gone. There was no trace of the strange man whatsoever.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira slowly re enters the room and looks at Claudia, "H..hey.. is she going to be okay?" Akira stares at the ground, avoiding eye contact with Kevin for now, too scared to look at the man, "H..how are we going to get back to the warehouse?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Connor caught the bag as it was thrown to him, but not being trustful of the man at all, immediately dropped it to the ground and stepped back from it, almost expecting something to magically jump out of it any second. Hell, he's seen stranger things lately.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Nothing did happen regarding the bag, save for it clunking to the ground with a thud, whatever inside sounding a bit like leather.

ABout the same time that Akira asked her question, Claudia let out a small groan.

"Gah .... what the fuck happened?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Ellen was seated on the ground beside Claudia, simply waiting for the woman to awaken. "She'll be-" she started to say, before Claudia awoke on her own. "...fine. There were creatures, knocked you out cold somehow. How are you feeling?" She asked, leaning closer.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia tested herself by moving slightly, eventually standing.

"Well nothing FEELS broken, so that's good. Though I think I'm going to need a new pair of pants."

She had looked down, seeing the state of her clothing, then moved, drew off and kicked the body of the Hunter hard.


Then she turned to Akira, having suddenly realized she'd asked about her.

"I'm alright, thanks. So uh .... wait, where's Connor?"
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Akira looks at Claudia, confused, then turns around, "Connor? Connor? He was right behind me... w.w.here did he go? Connor!" Akira starts to backtrack, looking for Connor desperately.
Re: Colorado Springs, Colorado. United States.

Claudia moves with her, drawing out her 9mm pistol from what remained of her 'pocket'.

She would be damned if she was letting anyone go off alone, forgetting the fact that she already HAD done that.