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*COMPLETED* Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Well, this went about as good as I thought it would.” She sighed to herself as Briony's taunting started to drive her away, but then out of the corner of her eye she noticed Concepta motioning her back. To her surprise she actually seems interested in the proposal...
“If you want to know, it's more than a personal grudge of mine, he hurt a friend of mine... badly. He's also done things that could get him kicked out of this academy if I could find any proof of it. I'd rather not make this harder for her by going into detail, but obviously this isn't something I can't expect the teachers to help me with yet. I was hoping Nebula could help keep him “busy” for a few days so I could try and find what I needed as evidence...” Her glare hardens into a deathly seriousness of seething spite “...thats all I “needed”, but I don't really care if something worse were to happen, he deserves far more than what he's going to get even if this works.” After a short bit of silence she composes herself again. “If you don't want to get involved that's fine and we can pretend this never happened. After all, there's nothing I can give you in exchange for any help or rubbing some “bad luck” off on him, but if you need a test subject who has it coming, take my word for it that he does. ”
She waits for a moment, trying to guage the reaction of the quiet mage in front of her.
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Concepta listened carefully to Kurui's story, though her features showed little to no signs of sympathy nor disapproval at the various ups and downs of the other girl's recollection--the purple-haired analyst was certainly ice cold in that regard, at least on the outside.

"...So, personal reasons, then. No need to be so vague. Would you happen to know his major? An estimated height? Body type and weight? I'd like mostly physical attributes, if possible, as it is pertinent to my research. I'd like only the finest of specimen, if possible," said Concepta, a most interested look crossing her features.

"Oh come on, like she's gonna remember all o' that?!" scoffed Briony. "If you wanna use this guy for your little science project, he better not be popular or have a group, or people are gonna notice he's gone. This better not be some kinda hoax!" she exclaimed, glaring at Kurui.

Concepta's lips actually began to curl into a smile at this, and the bespectacled one replied, "Oh, he won't be 'gone' at all."

She then gave Kurui another look before continuing. "Actually subduing the subject is another matter, and while I am quite capable of this, I'd prefer not to bother with the bothersome social aspect of this operation. I will leave the matter of luring him out to you. Inform me of the time and place, and we can handle the rest--and of course, please use proper discretion."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui knew enough about Teague to name him, and then elaborate enough on his physical condition if none of them recognized him, although she didn't know much more about him personally and admitted as much to the group.
“It's not a hoax, and I'd hardly call him important...” she insists adamantly, a little annoyed at the childish outbursts by the loud-mouth one, despiter her being the one asking the group for help “...he does have a group I see him hanging out with a lot though. I wouldn't mind seeing something bad happen to them, but I can try to get him to come alone too. He's not royalty or anybody someone is going to notice going missing in a single day or anything. Is any of that actually going to be a problem? If it is we can still forget the whole thing.”
She pauses for a second thinking over the Concepta's cold explanation again.
“You said he wouldn't be “gone” at all. I'm fine luring him into the little experiment of yours, and I'm fairly sure I can pull it off... but if he's not going to be “gone” or out of the way for a few days then this is a waste of my time. I know you probably won't tell me the specifics of what you're planning, but I'd rather not play lure-bait if it's just going to turn his hair purple or something.”
Depending on the answer she gets she decides to either take the group on their word and make finding Teague and talking to him her next order of business, or decides to drop the whole plan altogether... although even that would involve having to look for for Teague eventually too, except this team dealing with him on her own.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"No, it's not an issue," replied Concepta, who made detailed notes of this on a small notepad she happened to carry on her figure. "I apologize for the lack of elaboration--rather, I mean to say that we wouldn't exactly kill him, per se, but turn him into something more... fun, instead." Her failure to elaborate was somewhat odd, especially for someone normally as detailed and analytical as her, but the bespectacled student didn't seem to be incredibly keen on divulging exactly what her little experiment would do to Teague. Even then, her cool mask betrayed a hint of fascination and excitement at the prospects of this possible research project.

"Believe me though, based on what you've told me, if what he really did was so bad, then it's a suitable punishment. I can tell you that much," she added, that is, as reassuringly as her tone would allow. "That is all."

If she had nothing else to say, and agreed to the purple-haired girl's terms, Kurui could then move on to the next stage of her plan. After class had ended later in the day, she spotted the redhead in the hall--ironically, standing about the same place as he did when she first came across him, and as one might predict, flanked by a bunch of his buddies. What she would say to get his attention, obviously, was her choice to make, as there were plenty of options.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Kurui decided to leave the issue at that, afraid of causing her new help to back out of the deal by asking more questions. “If he turns into a rabbit or something, I swear I'm going to leave him out in the middle of the forest for the wolves to get.” That bit resolved she quickly made plans for a suitable location, it was a big academy with lots of unused rooms, some of them far away from any areas of activity. It would happen a few hours from now, sometime after classes would be done for the day, but still giving her enough time to find Teague and have some time to talk to him.

It didn't take her very long to find Teague later, however she still hadn't decided on how to go about handling him. Getting him to an isolated place AND alone was going to take some work.
Trying to charm him or pique his interest was probably the safest and least likely to cause trouble... nobody would question what the two of them might be doing alone in a secluded place and probably wouldn't interfere... then again after what happened with Sienna they very well might. Besides after yesterday how receptive he might be to something like that was questionable. Calling him out in front of everyone and then trying to make nice wouldn't be easy.
There was the other option of trying to work from a position of power. While she was hardly intimidating on her own, she DID know what he had done to Sienna. Though she couldn't prove it, the knowledge might be enough to coerce him into a meeting. Yesterday's hostilities might be enough to work in her favor too. If she challenged him to a magic duel to settle things, he might take her up on the chance... though he might back out or just show up with a group instead. She didn't exactly think she could trust him to play any more fair than she was.
For now she had some time to experiment, and decided to see how Teague would react to her before deciding on a plan. It shouldn't take him any more than a few seconds to notice her standing there... unless he was ignoring her on purpose...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"I don't care what you do with him if, or when, he changes, so long as I am able to properly record and analyze the results and turn them into usable data," was all that Concepta said to Kurui in response to her parting statement.

Teague could be found in the usual spot, exchanging jokes and other pleasantries with his group, hardly noticing her for the first several minutes as he appeared to be in the midst of a rather heated, enthusiastic discussion, although it was difficult to tell exactly what the topic was about from this distance. One thing was for sure though; both the crimson-haired delinquent and that 'posse' of his didn't seem bothered by the other day's confrontation in the slightest, carrying on as usual. Not that anyone may have expected him or his pals to act any other way, as such actions--like what they had done to Sienna--were likely commonplace from the guesses of most observers.

However, Kurui wasn't made to wait too long, as the boys would occasionally look in her direction, then exchange a few words with Teague, who would chuckle, say something back, then shove his hands in his pockets and finally make his way towards the waiting Water Major. When he arrived in front of her, he'd tilt his head with slight interest, trying to gauge her general impression.

"So... lemme guess--still here to talk about Sienna? Hope not. 'Cause, as I told ya, she's just bein' a drama queen, so if she tries to tell ya anything, it's just the usual cry for sympathy. I hope you've figured out that much by now, huh? I guess it's just one of those things, that I'm like, a crazy girlfriend magnet or somethin'. I'll admit, maybe I break a few hearts here and there, but they always wind up making such a big deal about it. So like I said... don't buy into the hype." He seemed to be less hostile, overall, compared to his snooty remarks from before at least. However, given the evidence against him, the youth's exact motivations with regards to this varied treatment were still an unknown factor in light of this.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The group took a little while to notice Kurui, she almost suspected them of ignoring her on purpose as the kept glancing her way then turning back. It was infuriatingly annoying, but she didn't want to make a scene by forcefully interrupting them, not when she was supposed to be trying to play nice. For a second it looked like she was going to have to, but then right before she started to move, they finally approach her.

Their mood was surprisingly casual, especially after yesterday's confrontation. It wasn't exactly polite, but it was far from the sneering and jeering she expected to have to deal with today. It completely threw her off for a moment when she realized Teague was gauging her as much as she was gauging him and when he started to speak it threw her off even more.
“What's going on here? If he thinks I've been talking to Sienna... then he's gotta know what Sienna would be telling me... right? Or does he maybe think Sienna wouldn't say anything? He's so casual for something that risky... Does he think I know and just don't care, or is he just messing with me? Could... Sienna really be exaggerating... no... the crying was real... maybe he thinks I'm as dense as Sienna and just can't do anything even if I know...”
Even though all these racing thoughts threw Kurui off, she tried to compose herself and stick to her original plan. In retrospect this made it easier anyway. There wasn't a barrier of hostility to get over and she wouldn't have to resort to threats when trying to persuade him now.
“Look... sorry about yesterday. I didn't want to fight, but Sienna was crying, I kind of had to say something. You don't know the kind of rumors girls will start about each other if they get the chance, especially if we look like we're backstabbing eachother.” She wasn't sure how convincing it sounded, yet somehow felt herself doing the lying a lot more easily than she expected. “Sienna did tell me some things, yeah... but don't worry I'm not here to fight with you about her mistakes.” She pauses for a second, putting a lot of effort into making the next part sound real, but lowers her voice enough the others can't hear “...What if I told you I was a little bit curious about it? Sienna says you recorded it, I kind of want to see it... maybe if it looks fun I might want to try. I'm asking you because it's not exactly something I can just go around asking any random guy you know. I don't intend to make a whole lot of drama over it like the *other* girls you've been with... but I'm pickier than them too. I have a spot out of the way where we can meet up later, but I'm interested in YOU and not the rest of your group of friends. I'll only take you there if you come with me alone... so it's just the two of us.”

Somehow it felt kind of wrong to be doing this to him. He didn't seem as bad as she was thinking, despite what he did, she could almost believe he didn't know what what he was doing or how badly he hurt Sienna. She shoved the thoughts aside though, whether he realized it or not, he DID hurt her friend and if he agrees to her meeting then he's just a loser pervert who has it coming anyway. His fault for being a typical guy and not realizing when he's hurting a girl. Besides, backing out of a plan with Nebula over small doubts like these was a bigger risk. “Think positive, these will get him what he deserves, and if I'm lucky I'll even get the crystal out of it. That is if Nebula keeps up her end of the bargain...”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Teague smirked at the dark-haired girl's varied reaction, at least when compared to their first meeting. Provided, he had something of a different demeanor this time around as well, at least around her, as if displaying that yesterday's little spat was of no issue to him or his buddies. "Oh, apologizing now, are we? Can't say I expected that, but no need to... heh." He listened a bit more to her comment about rumors and backstabbing. "Yeah... I get it. Seems like you know how it really goes down with girls sometimes."

He leaned forward, closer to Kurui, and threw his hand forward, placing it on the wall behind her. "Wait, so she told you about our little session, eh? Listen, I dunno exactly what she told you, but she asked specifically for all of that, so if she's just ashamed about it afterwards, that ain't my problem. I'm just giving her what she wanted." Upon the redhead's features was a complete lack of typical signs that one would exhibit when telling a lie--or at least the nervousness and guilty tinge that tended to accompany such an action. When he heard the student expressing her interest, however, he raised a brow and smirked.

"Hmm, so just one-on-one, huh? Wonder what got you all curious about this all of a sudden. Well, that sounds fine to me. How about we head over there and you can show me just how willing you are to try this, huh? The guys won't be involved at all, I'll just tell 'em I'm stepping out for a bit." He grinned suggestively, subtly motioning to an empty storage room not far from where they were. Unfortunately for Kurui, it seemed like the delinquent wanted some sort of assurance that she was for real.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Teague's changes in behavior struck Kurui as suspicious for some reason, though she couldn't exactly place why. It may even have been multiple reasons. The biggest one though seemed to be the lack of Sienna around. Kurui wasn't quite 100% sure why it was a such a big deal, why he would be more harsh to poor crying Sienna than her who had actually called him out in front of everyone. It's possible he was afraid of Sienna, but she was like... harmless. It was also possible that her attempts at charm were working extremely well.
“So far it seems like he's buying my excuses about the fight yesterday. I'm not sure if this is too easy or not, but it doesn't look like he's lying... about anything... even Sienna after she took it so serious she was crying. He can't be THAT ignorant about how badly he hurt her... can he? Am I just bad at seeing what I'm supposed to be seeing here?”
She becomes distracted from her thoughts as the redhead finishes his casual rambling and moves onto the subject at hand. *sigh* “I knew this was going too well to be this easy...” While it could've been much worse and he could've shot her down completely, having to show him some kind of assurance wasn't very appealing... it sounded... dangerous even after what happened to Sienna...
“The sudden interest is because I'm not as “vanilla” as Sienna, and it's a little hard to find guys like that who aren't just loser perverts.” She says in an attempt to flatter him, before getting a bit more serious. “I'm not as careless either though. I put a lot of effort into a finding a place where we wont be disturbed later, I'm not going to risk getting found out and kicked out or called a slut because I got impatient and someone catches us in storage. It's not exactly out of the way... and besides your friends look jealous of you, I KNOW they're gonna come watch.” her voice softens a bit again, a she puts all her effort into making this next gamble convincing “I WILL give you this though, right here where everyone can see.” She suddenly moves in to make out with him, hoping he'll snatch up on the opportunity to be seen as such a charmer in front of his friends and that it's convincing enough for him until later tonight. It feels... wrong... to be doing something like this after what he did to her friend, but if he returns her advance, she doesn't actually find it that hard to follow through once she's started. If he doesn't return the advance or still wants more proof... then things just got really awkward...
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Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Wow, you seem pretty cautious about this, huh... a real closet kinkster then, are we?" Teague replied suggestively with a grin. His interest level was clearly at a high from the dark-haired one's use of the term 'vanilla'. "Loser perverts, huh? Well, the difference is, I'm not a loser, but I don't mind having a little fun every now and then--I mean, what's the harm, you know?"

He then blinked at the girl's additional statement about his friends, taking a moment to glance sideways at the others for a few seconds, then back to her. Shrugging, he shook his head, saying, "Oh, they won't. Especially if I don't want them to." Turning his head in their direction, he made a dismissive 'shooing' gesture with one hand, and some chuckles could be heard from the crowd before they slowly began to head for the exit. "See? I got a handle on the situation."

It would turn out that there was a degree of truth to his words, or so there appeared to be, as the group of his 'boys' went straight out the door and appeared to continue walking on afterwards, though they'd continue to steal glances back in the direction of the pair. Whether or not they'd be gone for sure was still unknown, but at least they made the effort in putting forth the proper front for her.

One thing they did catch, however, was her leaning forward into him to make her move. Teague responded to this with an initial look of surprise, but only for a split second, returning the favor eagerly by brushing his nose against hers briefly, his lips soon finding hers and locking with them as he tilted his head sideways just slightly to allow her more room. The crimson-haired delinquent wasn't shy about receiving this gesture in the slightest, instead returning it with redoubled enthusiasm, his tongue smoothly sliding in between her lips to taste hers, though he wasn't sloppy about it in the slightest.

While he was subtle about some things, he was definitely not so about his desire for her, and he expressed this further by placing his hands on her hips and boldly drawing her towards him, sliding his leg forward in between her inner thighs, and further still, until she was practically straddling the considerably taller student. Nudging the upper part of his knee against her crotch, he dared to go even further with this as he gently bucked it upwards, pressing it tightly against her womanhood, then deepened the kiss, steadily slipping his tongue in and out of her mouth, allowing it to mingle with hers, only to stop a few seconds later, clearly making some kind of blatant attempt to get frisky with her even after his posse had left.

After their lips parted, he kept her pressed up against him, a newfound look of confidence upon his visage. "Mm... not half bad. Seems like good enough of an indicator to me. So, still wanna take me to that secret place you mentioned? Or did I get you worked up enough to use the room right over there?"
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Oh my god... I can't believe this is actually working...” A wave of relief washes over Kurui as she finds the redhead actually returning her advance and catches sight of the others leaving. In hindsight, it was a stupid risk, if he had pulled away or called her crazy or something her whole plan could've been ruined. She felt like it was some kind of incredible luck it hadn't been... and now that it WAS working, no need for regrets. Besides, there were other distractions now...

The idea of making out with Teague had sounded a lot worse earlier, but now that it was actually happening, it wasn't really as bad or repulsive or it should have been, even after knowing what he did to Sienna. It was almost easy to forget about all that in the moment. Instinct seemed to be the stronger driving force at the moment.
A bright shade of red blushing broke out over her face as she felt the redhead's knee press up against the sensitive area between her legs. This time it wasn't even acting, yet despite the embarrassment she didn't pull away. It was almost exciting in a weird sort of way, it had been too long since she last did anything like this with anyone, her usual devotion to classwork and general avoidance towards getting wrapped up in the regular social life of the school meant she didn't go out with guys that often. It was a reminder of what she had been missing out on, if only for a few seconds. Teague wasn't all that bad at this either, compared to a few other losers she had seen in her time here. Having her body guided like this and knowing she was wanted was exciting, even knowing this is probably how Sienna ended up making herself so vulnerable.
Teague kept her pressed up against him when he finished, it was an easily overpowerable position but she didn't think she had too much worry about in a public place like this. The room he was motioning towards on the other hand... she almost wanted to give it a go and that thought made her a little nervous, but she didn't let it show on her face or any other noticeable ways other than a slight lingering blush.

“That was... something. Worked up isn't quite the phrase I would've used... but umm... close enough. Sneaking off for a quick bit of fun sounds tempting, but don't get impatient with me, OK? Besides if we're really going to have fun you probably need to get some things first, based on what Sienna said. She's pretty dramatic though, and might be exaggerated. She said you recorded it, if you still have that, bring it and show me, it might give me better... ideas... than the things I've only heard about from her. Anyway, meet me back here in like 30 minutes, and don't bring the losers along, Sienna said some things about them and I'm not going to go “play” if they try and get involved.” Her voice gets a little more serious, despite her not really being in the position of power “I may not be Sienna, but don't make me regret this, I won't give a second chance. Don't ruin what could become a regular thing by getting too rough or eager tonight.” her voice softens again “I'm new at this and a little scared, OK?”

It was still all a lie of course, she had no intention of actually “playing” with him at all, even if the experience was a little... vivid just now. She did need to make him kill some time though so that she wouldn't get there before Nebula showed up and be along with him... and with any luck he would actually bring the crystal this time. Hopefully Nebula knew how to stay hidden, or at least act fast enough that he wouldn't catch on until it was too late...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Teague kept the smirk upon his face, his arms slung about Kurui's waist while his upper leg was still lodged firmly in between her legs. He even had the nerve to tease her there a little more, even with the others watching, but didn't go much further than that after she began to speak again. "Wow... no testing, but bondage already for a first session, huh? I guess you weren't kiddin' when you said you weren't as 'vanilla' as Sienna was... fine. Well... just lettin' ya know, she asked for some pretty hard stuff, like to have all the other boys take her as well, and what not, but I don't have to bring them along if you just want me. I can do it either way. If you change your mind after seein' what's on the crystal though, just say the word and I can always uh... accommodate your interests." His expression remains the same even after she softens her voice, though he adds in a reassuring tone, "Oh, don't worry. We'll take all the time you need."

Finally, he slid her off of him, though he did so in a most suggestive manner, with his knee still pressed up against her nethers until they at last parted. "Well... I guess I'll be seeing you back here, then. Half an hour, right? More than enough time for me to get my things." He hurried off rather quickly afterwards.

From here, Kurui could wait for him to arrive or prepare otherwise. Concepta was nowhere to be seen on campus, but she did give the dark-haired girl her word that she would be there on time, which was of course shortly before the arrangement with Teague. Additionally, the bespectacled prodigy was known for her punctuality, adding a mild sense of comfort to the deal. Provided the redhead didn't get here too early, there didn't appear to be a scheduling issue.

Unfortunately on that end, he was back in only about fifteen minutes, carrying a leather messenger bag of sorts. By rough estimates, Concepta would be there in about five more, depending on how 'early' the purple-haired student wanted to be. The only issue was that the delinquent appeared to be here even quicker. Looking around a few times as he walked down the hall, he gave the girl a quick nod before saying, "So, where's this place you're talking about? I can show you the uh... scene before we start, but I'm not gonna do it out here, obviously."
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

After a rather uncomfortably long “embrace” with the red head, Kurui finally finds the whole awkward moment wrapping up, much to her relief. She was pretty sure his teasing had gotten to her and she probably looked ridiculous between a bright blush and embarrassed expression. Luckily the boy's posy had left and there wasn't really anyone else around. She never really cared much for the whole social scene or the rumors students spread about eachother, but still...
At least on a positive not he seemed to be buying into the plan so far. It wouldn't be long now, only a few more minutes... if he actually came back. “He ran off quick enough... he at least SEEMS excited enough about this...”

She had expected 30 minutes or so of down time before the fire major came back, but it turned out to be about half that, she suspected it was due to his excitement. In truth, she didn't have much actual preparation to do, she grabbed an extra set of clothes just to look convincing even though she had no plans to actually use them, but otherwise didn't really stray to far from the meeting spot. She briefly looked around a bit for Concepta, and maybe for some some sign that things were going according to plan, but didn't find any. It was a bit unnerving, even though they had never agreed on anything and it WAS kind of early still. Before she could finish the search though, she found herself catching sight of Teague again. “Anything too obvious would probably give things away anyway... it shouldn't matter if we're a little early though, 5 or 10 minutes isn't too long to stall...”

“You're back kinda early...” She found herself saying, caught somewhere between surprise and nervousness. Eying his bag made her blush a bit more. “Got all your stuff together already? Thats like... you already had everything ready already...” she takes a moment to compose herself and make her voice more serious, not so much because she's afraid of giving away anything, but because hearing herself embarrassed was a little humiliating. “Um, nevermind. I'm not complaining or anything. I picked us out one of the old classrooms on the other side of the building. It's pretty abandoned and nobody every goes by there, especially not this late in the day. I've spent some time watching just to make sure and it seems pretty safe. I want to see the crystal, but you can show me it when we get there... actually wait...” she stops for a second and thinks about it. Nothing Teague did so far convinced her that he was lying. He even kind of admitted to what he did to Sienna already and didn't say it like some big deal or huge dark secret. A nagging sense of uncertainty was still eating at her over the whole thing. She didn't think Sienna was lying... but it was possible her friend asked for more than she could handle, even if it was accidental. Kurui found herself gripped with a weird sense of guilt for leading him into a trap without knowing the whole story for sure. She wasn't going to stop and break her promise to Sienna of course... but here... here was a chance to know for sure... “You know what, go ahead and show me now if you think there's somewhere we can duck out for a second. I don't trust anywhere else to be safe enough for us to “play”, but looking at the crystal should only take a second and I think I can keep quiet while we watch.” It was a risk of course. If she couldn't keep her expression level a single shocked or disgusted look could turn him off or give away her plan. There was also the risk that the crystal contained something worse than Teague let on, and knowing that could be... dangerous. There was positives to it too though, it would kill some time and bring them closer to Concepta's planned time... and there was the slim chance something on the crystal might show Teague had done nothing wrong. For as much as she cared about her friend, she wasn't going to have Teague poisoned if this whole thing was because of her being irresponsible... thats if he could be convinced to give her the crystal and drop the whole thing. She wasn't going to abandon her friend either, not after all this effort...
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Ah... well, ya know," Teague replied with a slight grin, unfazed by her sharp observation about him having it practically prepared beforehand. "It's not like it's my first time doing this, obviously--I just tend to keep all my stuff in one bag, since I don't really make it a point to leave them all over my dorm room floor," he explained, chuckling. Afterwards, he let Kurui make her suggestion before nodding and sliding an arm towards her back, and without further ado began to usher her towards the empty, somewhat darkened classroom from earlier. "Oh? And just earlier you were tellin' me about not bein' impatient, heh... but no worries, I get it. Here, I'll show you."

Once the two of them were alone and in the relative 'safety' of the room he suggested, Teague slid the door closed behind them and began to dig through one of his pockets. After just a few seconds of searching, he managed to produce the crystal. It was small enough to fit comfortably in his fist, almost like a princess-cut jewel, with one brilliant side and the others tapering down to a point. Focusing just a tiny bit of magical power into it--something anyone at the Academy could do, as it was the basis for opening the 'portals' used for conjuring an element, he then projected it against the wall, where the following scene unfolded. There was no sound, but the imagery was vivid enough for Kurui to remember.

In a storage room, one that the dark-haired girl could recognize in passing, Sienna was seen, hogtied and blindfolded, and even gagged, with a perforated steel ball keeping her from mouthing any obvious words. She was completely naked, and the telltale welts from lashings could be seen upon her rump and thighs. It was no surprise, as Teague was in the 'video' himself, doling out some punishment to the poor girl's backside, adjusting the intensity to a much higher 'setting' the more she struggled by hitting her with even harder strokes. This was accentuated with a few light caresses upon the fresh, bright red marks he had just created... and he soon kneeled down to take a testing lick at her soaked, exposed cunny before resorting to more vigorous, thorough strokes from his tongue, all the way up and down the full length of her slit. It was something of an awkward moment between the two, as he stayed silent while Kurui watched him perform an uncomfortably long cunnilingus session on her friend in the 'video', perhaps having spent close to twenty minutes down there. It might not have actually been that long in reality, but considering Teague was right there next to her watching the spectacle, it sure felt like longer than what could comfortably be commented on.

Finally, the images carried on to the next part. Sienna was sopping wet at this point, though Kurui could tell little of her expression from the blindfold and the gag masking her most expressive features. That's when the movie got a little more pornographic, as Teague had tied her to a desk, face down, with arms and legs strapped to each support. Unzipping himself, he then revealed his manhood--at least to the screen--which was about average size for a guy his height, nothing to brag about, but at the same time, it wasn't anything that she could make fun of either. He tapped the already-erect member against Sienna's ass before lining up the tip with the girl's waiting entrance, and eased himself inside, tilting his chin back in apparent ecstasy as he did so. Again, there was no sound to tell, but Kurui could figure that he would've let out a groan of pleasure at this rate. And with that, he began to pound away at her, causing the desk to scoot back and forth along with her. This stretch of time was even more uncomfortable than the first, since the Water major was basically watching the guy next to her giving her friend the fucking of a lifetime, and he could only smirk and continue to gauge her reactions.

Here, with the memory crystal's angle taken from a side view, Kurui could see it all--the defined movements of his hips slapping against Sienna's, rolling them instead of just blindly thrusting, though there was plenty of that too. He plowed her for quite some time before picking up the pace, seemingly reaching that point when his mouth hung open and he paused for a second, giving the blonde one about five or six defined, hard strokes, and it was easy for the observer to figure out that he had cum inside of her. However, Sienna appeared to react to this as well, her bound body trembling as it was and her body arching tightly under the pressure of what appeared to be her own orgasm. Teague laughed at this, or at least his face gave the impression of doing so, and continued to pump her hard a few more times after seeing that she came from the feeling of receiving his tremendous load. Afterwards, he lingered inside of her for just a little while longer before pulling out, causing a visible flow of juices to dribble from her pink opening. The delinquent sighed, wiping some sweat off his brow before zipping himself back up, and gave Sienna's tush a hard smack before saying something to the effect of "Wait here" before actually leaving the room. However, he was only gone for a few seconds before a whole crowd of guys walked in, some already sporting large erections, others jerking themselves off to get ready. Teague motioned in Sienna's direction, and the first one up took his position behind her, aligning himself properly before slipping his cock into her well-used pussy, and started slamming into her rapidly and with zeal rivaling that of the redhead's, causing her ass to practically ripple from the force of his thrusts. The others around him began to laugh and say all sorts of things, and Sienna writhed weakly--showing a degree of resistance, or at least, that was perhaps all she could muster at the time.

At this point, Teague deactivated the crystal and looked to Kurui with a sheepish grin. "Heh, so... yeah, I mean, it's pretty boring after that since all the other guys didn't last really long... but hey, like I said, she asked for it. Anyway..." As he was standing right next to her, he moved over in front of her and pinned her to the wall with his body, leaning forward suggestively with his lips just inches from hers.

"So what do you say I strap you to one of the desks in this room and teach you what -real- discipline is about, huh?" It was admittedly a little frightening, as he was much taller than her, and considerably stronger, making the idea of escaping physically quite slim. However, if Kurui chose to talk her way out of it, it was possible that she could convince him otherwise, but she had only seconds to decide as he was getting friskier by the moment, running his hands up and down her chest, pressing his hips against hers, and making the situation considerably more urgent.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Teague's preparation... and his willingness to talk about it, came as surprise to Kurui. “He HAS done this before... I mean, I know about Sienna... but it's been more than that hasn't it? I know I'm not the most socially aware... but how could I not have spotted this? This isn't the kinda thing people get away with without getting themselves a reputation... right?” There was no time to worry about that now though. By some miracle she found he was actually willing to show off the memory crystal. This was the chance she needed to see things for herself, although how well it was working was almost so perfect as to be worrisome. “I'm not being impatient, we can wait if you want... but something tells me you don't want to do that.”

As she predicted, Teague wastes no time taking the chance to show off, and the two of them slip into the room together. It's not as isolated as the room where she planned the ambush later... but that might actually be a good thing. It was enough that she didn't think anyone would walk in on them, but if things went badly... and she felt very nervous alone around him now... someone MIGHT be able to hear any loud noises in here. She tried to stay on guard, but Teague seemed relaxed, and for the moment didn't make any sudden moves or anything. The moment of truth came with little more than some fumbling, and a few seconds later she finally saw the crystal that was the source of all of Sienna's torment. She considered grabbing it and running right then... but she still HAD to know for herself what was on it first, and Teague seemed happy enough to show it off. A moment later she found them both watching it...

“Oh god... Sienna wasn't making any of this up...” The images on the crystal prove almost within seconds that her friend's stories earlier were true. She hadn't exactly thought Sienna was lying... but the reality of it was still a shock. She wasn't sure how much of the surprise showed on her own face... but glancing back at Teague showed he didn't seem to care very much. It was... almost surreal. There was more to it than just that though. Everything was a whirlwind of mixed emotions right now. She felt horribly wrong watching her friend naked and abused like this, and regretted needing the “proof” she wanted earlier. Yet... at the same time, she could feel herself blushing involuntarily too. The sexually charged imagery wasn't completely repulsive, some of it was actually kind of arousing... exciting even. Had she not hated the fire major for hurting her friend so badly, she might actually have enjoyed trying out something like this and might have found his sense of “adventure” a charming quality. Right now those thoughts just amplified her feelings of disgust and frustration though.
It got worse though. As the scenes continued and moved into the group stuff, the feelings of anger inside her almost reached a tipping point. Watching was painful, the events themselves were wrong by themselves, but seeing them happen to Sienna, her friend who was too innocent and sensitive to avoid getting seriously hurt, was almost unbearable. Only a focus on the “mission” right now and a need to hide any outward signs from Teague kept her watching. It felt like a painful eternity, but luckily Teague called it quits soon after and ended the memory. Kurui felt herself trembling a little, and hoping she didn't look too visibly shaken. To herself though, it was like coming back to reality after a bad dream, and having to take a tally of everything her body was doing, from breathing to heat beat.

Perhaps some of her facade slipped, or perhaps Teague could just feel the change in her aura... but in one swift moment he took his chance to make a move, catching her completely off guard and working her against the wall. It took her a second to even realize what had happened and start thinking about what to say. His ever growing friskiness was making it hard to concentrate though and she didn't trust herself to speak without some nervousness and uncertainty to her voice. If she was really lucky it might work to her advantage though.
“S-slow down for a second. Just... stop. My god stop for a second.” she sounded a lot more shaken up than she had thought. She found herself actually hoping for some empathy, a dangerous thing to rely on. “That was too much, OK? I'm not doing THAT, not for our first time, not in this room where someone could walk in on us, not where for all I know your buddies could come back looking for you! Just... let me start out slower than that, OK?” She calms herself down a little, trying to be persuasive with logic again. “Maybe eventually, but not for our first time. Let me do this on my terms if you want me to get more comfortable with you, you'll get a chance. For now lets save it till we're somewhere I know nobody is walk in us on us and get me known as a whore, and promise to be more gentle with me than you were with Sienna. Please?” Though it makes her feel disgusted with herself, she tries to even be flirty again. “It's no fun if I give everything up in the first 5 minutes anyway, you're not scared of the challenge of winning me over, are you?”
She wasn't sure how convincing her persuasion was, or if her changes in tone made it feel like a desperate attempt to get away. She wasn't going to run if he let her go, not after having come this far... but the thought of grabbing the crystal and bolting certainly crossed her mind, especially given the risk. She was already thinking, even if things went badly right now, it wouldn't hurt her as much as it had hurt Sienna... but he didn't deserve that, he needed to be taken down a notch, and she wasn't sure how she would handle the emotions of letting herself get taken advantage of... other than maybe very violently as soon as she had the chance. Unfortunately he had the overpowering position right now, and all she could do right now is hope her attempts at persuasion work without complications... otherwise her only chances were a desperate cheap shot, maybe a kick to his crotch, or screaming and hoping someone heard... both were risky if it came to that.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"W... What the hell? I thought you wanted this. I don't see what's wrong with this place anyway." Teague looked a little surprised at her reaction, as if not having expected her to respond that way in the slightest, and this element of shock was enough to make him stop, luckily for her. He raised a brow, and she could quickly tell that he was beginning to lose his patience with the girl, but towards the end of her speech, the redhead exhibited a higher degree of leniency in that regard, especially after catching her more flirty end and the mention of a challenge, which his pride simply would not allow for him to decline. The sound of some girls chattering and laughing loudly in the hallways outside caused him to finally lay off of her, and he nodded slowly.

"Huh...well, alright, I get it. Prolly better if we find a more secluded area, like you said. So, uh, care to show me exactly where it was you had in mind? I pretty much know all of the good spots in the school," he commented shamelessly, stuffing the crystal back into his left pocket and waiting for her to lead him to wherever it was she planned to take him.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

“Saved by the the crowd... that was too close.” The sound of other students outside seems to have done more good for Kurui then her own attempts to talk her way out of this. She could tell in the awkward few seconds before the sounds broke his train of thought that Teague was becoming impatient or suspicious, even with her last minute attempt to catch his interest again. This stroke of good luck seems to have given some credibility to her arguments though and made them look like less of a stalling tactic. The whole thing was tense, and letting her facade slip could've been a fatal mistake, but she kept herself focused now, thinking of what to say next... and making a mental note of where he stuffed away the crystal.
“I do want this, but not quite so rough, OK? Geeze, don't be afraid to work for it, show me you can do a good job without the gang-bang stuff first.” she started, almost indignantly as if stating the obvious and hoping acting annoyed would be less suspicious than being serious “Anyway, I'm sure you know plenty of spots, but you can pick the place next time. I like the place I picked this time, it's one of the abandoned classes a little ways away from here in the part of the building nobody ever uses. Unless your buddies follow us like some kind of ninja, we shouldn't have any interruptions and we'll have plenty of space without having to worry about being TOO quiet or careful. Just follow me, I'll show you where it is.” She hoped he would follow without too much argument, though she still thought they might be a bit early if Nebula didn't set up early. It couldn't be more than 15 minutes, though the close call earlier made her lose sense of time a little. “I guess I can stall for a little while... what's the worst that could happen in 15 minutes? Well... I'll take the long way there anyway... maybe Nebula will be there early...if she doesn't show up this could go really badly... but... if Teague doesn't bring his gang into things, it can't be THAT bad right? At least he doesn't look too bad at this, even though I'll want to kill him afterwards if it comes to that.”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

"Haha, 'course. Besides, like I said, that was something Sienna asked for herself 'cause she's a crazy little bitch. But eh, after you have a bit of me, I doubt you'll want anyone else," he replied smugly. "And yeah, don't even worry about the other guys, they have no idea where we are right now, for real. I'm not gonna lie, you got me pretty worked up right now, but ah... if it's worth it, I can definitely wait, heh." Shrugging, he followed Kurui through the academy halls to her destination, then looked around once they entered the abandoned classroom.

"Hooo, a little big don'tcha think? Well, there are a lot of places I can do some fun stuff with you here..." he trailed off while walking deeper into the room, running his hands over the various desks as he stopped at its center, as if gauging which one to 'use' for his purposes. Then, after turning his head towards the biggest desk at the front of the class, no doubt the one meant for the teacher, he grinned. "How about that one over there? It's got the most space, I can just spread you out over it, and take my time..." Teague looked to be getting very much in the mood, allowing the girl to follow him or stay where she was, when his train of thought was suddenly interrupted.

Swiftly, Concepta walked in, followed by Eliese and Briony, the latter of which shut the door behind them rather loudly. She had an all-business look on her face, arms folded, while Briony wore a mean sneer. Eliese, on the other hand, was mumbling something under her breath with her eyes half-closed.

"Ooh, friends?" Teague said, grinning, though that expression eventually faded once he saw that Concepta's stoic features didn't budge an inch. His eyes then turned to the Water Major slowly, and he raised a brow, his mouth flattening. "So uh... is this like, some kinda joke? I figure they're not here to join the fun, so if this is your idea of payback..." he trailed off, narrowing his eyes slightly as they went back to the bespectacled one.
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

The walk back felt a lot longer than it really was, after what just happened (or almost happened) leaving the safety of a populated area was nerve wracking. Even though nothing would happen and Teague didn't seem ready to make any moves, she constantly tried to keep an eye on him, expecting to be grabbed or something as soon as he had a chance. It was even worse considering she was trying to go slow and kill time until Concepta showed up. Worst of all though was Teague's smug's comments along the way, it made it hard to focus and stay calm... though it made it easier not to feel bad about what could happen when they got there.

The room was empty when they got there. It wasn't completely unexpected, but Kurui found herself at a loss for what do to stall for time. Teague seemed lost in imagination and ideas, but that wouldn't last for long and she didn't think talking would work anymore...
“-Huh?!” “They actually showed up, oh thank Erion.”
Kurui breathed a sigh of a relief and visibly relaxed a little at the sight of her “accomplices”. Though there was still a risk they might not hold up their end of the bargain, the fact that they were here gave her no reason to doubt them just yet. Even better, a glance over at Teague showed he was totally surprised. She had been a bit afraid that her plan or acting had been suspicious, that he might have done some digging and found out what was going on or been tipped off, but he didn't seem to be faking this. She almost felt bad to have done this to him... almost... even though he deserved every bit of it.

She turned her attention away from Teague to the others for a second. “Here, just like you asked. Give me a second though, OK?” She turned her attention back to Teague, not really expecting them to interrupt her anyway. “This didn't have to be payback, I wanted you to prove me wrong. My friend has been crying every day and scared to be seen in the halls because of you... but for some reason I still wanted to believe it wasn't true and you didn't actually hurt her.” She was shaking a little, out of anger... and a weird misplaced sense of guilt over having to do this. “It was all true though, you showed me yourself... you would've done the same thing to ME if you had the chance. I'm not as fragile as Sienna but that still doesn't make it OK and you don't even seem to realize why that is!” she realizes she was practically yelling that last part, though nobody else would probably hear them all the way out here anyway. It was reckless though, all her careful planning and thought giving way to anger... even though she hadn't planned this far anyway. She took a moment to collect herself though, stuffing down the whirlwind of emotion. An idea occurred to her, one that sounded smart. There was an element of pity to it, and even though guilt was weighing on her nerves, she didn't want to just let him go. One good look at Concepta's cold glare assured her it was a safe bet though, she judged at least a 90% chance the void mage wouldn't give up her “test subject” at this point, though Teague wouldn't know this. She calmed her voice and tried to sound reasonable, as much as that was possible in her indignant state.
“I wanted payback, I really did. I wanted you to feel what it was like to be hurt and betrayed. But... it's done now. I don't want to take it any further. Just give me the crystal so I can tell Sienna this is over now, you didn't even like her that much. If you do that for me I'll leave right now and you never have to talk to either of us ever again. The others aren't here for because they're mad and hurt like I am. You'll have an easier time talking things out with them if I'm not around. If you don't though, I'm going to try and take it. You might be able to beat me, but you really don't want to risk the others helping me. You might be able to hurt my friends, and maybe even me, but THEY are not the kind of girls you mess with. I shouldn't even be giving you this chance and I know you probably hate me right now, but just learn a lesson this time, play it smart and give me the crystal, and then talk your way out of this without me wanting to ask them to tear you apart. Please, just make it easier for both of us.”
She wasn't lying... if she got the crystal, she really would leave, she didn't even care to stay and see what happened to Teague. It was still deceitful with how she estimated Teague's chance of talking his way out of ANYTHING, but he deserved what was coming if it happened. There was still the chance her help might not like being used like this, even though she was trying to show respect to their abilities and in truth was actually a little intimidated by them... or they could have some other inconceivable reason to turn on her with their reputation... but she had fingers crossed desperately hoping this would all work as well as everything else had so far. “Please, just let this be over already.”
Re: Elynsor's Royal Magic Academy (Kat) GMed by Takimaru

Concepta gave Kurui a flat look, huffing. The kind of expression she exhibited said that she'd roll her eyes if she could, but her focus was set on the red-headed delinquent. After all, she was not one to come unprepared or take any potential opponent lightly.

Teague's look soured even further as the Water Major made her explanation, but he didn't wait long before replying. "So you lied to me, huh. Figures, you women are all alike..." His rude comment earned him furious glares from the trio behind Kurui, though they let the dark-haired student continue before making their moves.

Likewise, he went on. "Heh... so, you'd go through all this for that stupid bitch? Fine, go ahead and be the hero. She did ask for it, well, at least initially... but you know, that's guys for ya, my boys wouldn't have stopped at that point even if I told them to. You know how it is, right? Not gonna give them all blue-balls 'cause Sienna can't make up her fuckin' mind!" The anger could be felt building on his end as well, judging from not only his tone, but his body language. He looked about ready to rush any one of them at the drop of a hat, but continued talking instead, resorting to threats. "Like I'm gonna make deals with you after pulling shit like this. I could care less about those three whores. On my word, my boys'll follow you wherever you try to run off to, and you might get the special Sienna treatment whether you like it or not. I promise ya this, bitch. That'll teach you to fuck with me like this when I'm already half-cocked and ready to go. No girl treats me like this!"

Concepta appeared to be stifling a laugh. "Oh? But how are you going to tell them when you aren't even going to leave the room?"

He made a sour face and lowered his stance somewhat, as if ready to make a run for it. "...Wanna bet?"

The bespectacled prodigy was just about to make her reply when he dashed quickly for her, traveling faster than most might expect, but the redhead didn't make it far.

"Arc Lightning!" A bolt of lightning flew out from Eliese's fingertip and struck him, causing Teague to crumple to the floor in a heap. He was still conscious, but the young man definitely couldn't move from the looks of it; he appeared to be paralyzed.

"Wow! You're right--it WAS a good idea to have Eliese cast beforehand! Guys like him are all the same!" yelled out Briony triumphantly. Indeed, the quietest one of the three had been mumbling under her breath when she entered the room, showing the level of preparation that Nebula's lackies had--or perhaps it was just Concepta.

Stepping over next to him, the purple-haired girl turned her head towards Kurui. "Hmph. As if I would be taken off-guard by a brutal simpleton such as him. Anything you need to get off of the fool before we take him? Something about a crystal, if I'm not mistaken..."
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