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Re: Eternal Sleep

Christie raises her hands to the tentacle at her throat and tugs frantically while kicking with her legs. Thankfully the tentacle is not so tight around her throat to keep her from screaming for help.


*attempt escape*
Re: Eternal Sleep

(The monster has a tight grip on you)

(Christie attempts to free herself)

Her attempts were in vain, the monster's grip hardly lessened

(Enemy action)

Christie is pulled into short range.

*What do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep


"Nnggh, get... off!"

With the creature pulling her so close, Christie though maybe it needed some persuasion to let her go, so she began swinging her fists and her free leg as hard as she could. She wasn't the strongest person, but one good hit would be all she needed. She hoped.

*attack creature (brawl) *
Re: Eternal Sleep

(She's a fighter, eh?
And uh, short range about 10 yards = to about a good 30 feet, but that doesn't mean you can't wrench the tentacles.)

(Christie attacks unarmed)

The monster simply gave her another good yank with the tentacles, rendering her efforts in vain...

(Christie is now at point blank range with the monster)

*Choices, choices, and yes, you do have some. Hehehe.*
Re: Eternal Sleep


"Aarrggghh! Damnit! Let me... let me go!"

Christie didn't like being so close to this thing and she let it know by swinging over and over again.

*keep attacking (;))*
Said the spider to the burgler. [Scenario complete]


I'm going to be rich after this.

Kali happily thought to herself.

Kali was standing in front of the gate to a mansion that held a one of a kind painting, that only the owner possessed. All she'd have to do is sell that baby on the black market, and she'd never have to rob again!

She'd be set for life.

(Climb check)

With a sly smile, she climbed the mansion gates...

As she proceeded up the path, the creepy atmosphere of the family graveyard didn't bother her at all, her mind was too focused on the reward.

At last, she stood in front of the mansion. The money felt so close, yet so far away... All she has to do is find it, there's likely not any sucurity measures in this house, so all she has to do is not awake the vacants in the house.


I have no idea where this thing might be... Where should I start?

*There are many way to go about entering the mansion, but the first things that come to mind are picking the front door, back door, and sneaking through a window*

*What do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep

(Christie attacks, unarmed)

Christie throws a very good kick

The monster looked like it was hurt, but it's grip didn't lessen.

(Enemy attacks)

The tendrils began to wrap their way through her cloths, with all intentions of ripping them off...

(Armor status: Red)

Your cloths were badly torn, but by some miracle they managed to stay intact.

*What do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep


"What... what are you... damnit!"

Christie was starting to panic now that the creature was ripping her clothes off. Why the hell would it care about that? Oh... shit...

With renewed effort, she keeps attacking the monster, aiming a kick for where she thought it's crotch might be.

*attack once again*
Re: Eternal Sleep

(Christie attacks, unarmed)

Only hit air...

(Enemy attacks)

(Christie's armor is now destroyed.)

Another attempt results in Christie's cloths being ripped to shreds.

The creature lifts Christie into the air...

*Christie's heart is racing, what do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*Decides first to circle around to the back of the house looking through windows to make sure there werent any latenight roamers in the house before attempting to slip in through the back door.*
Re: Eternal Sleep



Christie screams as she is lifted above the creature. This wasn't happening! Forgetting trying to attack it, she focuses entirely on getting out of it's grip!

*escape!* (I think if this doesn't work I might just go ahead and use Bless :eek:)
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Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

All was quiet.

She moved to the back of the mansion.

There was a normal wood door there.

(Lockpick check)

Kali picks the lock decently.

All of the tumblers fell right into place.

She opened the door...

It was dark, and difficult to see with what little light was coming from outside.


I could use my flashlight... But I don't want to risk being spotted...

*What do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*kept the flashlight tucked away for now using the darkness to enter and begin searching the house queitly the target was in here somewhere and even with it being this dark out she should still be able to pick out the painting once her eyes adjust*

(lights stay off and going to enter the house to begin search)
Re: Eternal Sleep

(Christie attempts to escape the grapple)

The strength of it's tendrils have outmatched her frail frame.

(Enemy attack)

With a little difficulty, the monster launches a third, hidden tendril into her sex.

Christie screams from the violation.

(Christie has taken 8 stimulation points, and lost 2 stamina.)

*What do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

(Perception check)

Kali attempted to feel her way through the darkness...

Step by step Kali was being slow, and careful not to-


She trips over an unknown object and falls to the ground.

(Lost 1 essence from shock.)

*You're on the floor and have made a slightly noticeable ruckus, what do you do?*
Re: Eternal Sleep


"Ah, aaah!"

As soon as the tendril penetrates her, Christie feels something about her change, like a light bulb switching on, and she suddenly knew how to get away from this thing. Without a second thought, she pushes away from the creature as hard as she could, determined to let this be as far as it went.

*use 30 points of essence for Bless (+10 to roll) and use it to help escape! hope thats enough!*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*grumbling within her mind she stayed still and silent listening for any sounds to see if anyone had taken notice of her noise. Should things remain quiet she would gingerly shift about and pull her flashlight out to appraise what it was she tripped over*
Re: Eternal Sleep

(Remember, I'm the GM buddy, no calling the shots for you! But I suppose she does need to get away. :rolleyes:)

Her desperation, fear, as well as her stimulation somehow awoke some kind of second wind from her.

She felt strong, she felt smart, be most of all, she felt good!

With her newfound strength, she tries with all her might to get away.

(Escape attempt + bless level 10)

Christie's escape attempt was excellent!

A violent rip of her arms easily broke them free of the monster's grip.

(Christie is no longer grappled)

*What do you do?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

She heard nothing.

(+1 essence while resting.)

She decided the best course of action would be to use the flashlight, and inspect what tripped her...

Apparently this is the dining room, as she tripped over an outstretched chair leg.

Embarrassed, she got to her feet.


I need to find that painting!

*There are three floors of this mansion, the 1st floor, 2nd floor, and basement.*

*Where will you begin your search?*
Re: Said the spider to the burgler.

*would begin searching the first floor using her flashlight only when natural vision wouldnt let her see she had to remain as unnoticable as possible*