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75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
"Mr. Frank Doberman, then." Jessie smirked as she approached the seated patient. She took a look around, to see if anything stood out (Observation: 7).
"So how are you today, Mr. Doberman?" She asked. "My name is Jessie Roland, I'll be assisting Dr. Adams today. But please, call me Jess." She had read a lot about the importance of manners in the medical profession, and figured doing a bit of smalltalk while assisting the experiment was exactly what they were here for.
"I think we will begin shortly." She assured the subject, that was the only way she could really think about him. Part of her wanted to see first hand what they were doing here, until a small voice in the back of her head reminded her that it was unlikely that they would do anything even borderline criminal while having newbie assistants around.
She stepped closer to Dr. Adams, trying to be as casual as possible while trying to get a good look at the display, trying to identify the programs used, what access ports the device had, and if they were logged into an intranet and/or the web. (Computer knowledge: 16)
"So what should I do to help?" She asked Dr. Adams, knowing fully well she sounded overeager.
25501 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Lakeside Dr Office; Mood: Excited, Nervous
Following the forced laugh with a nervous chuckle of her own, "Y-ya, they are pretty cute, the way they purr and such... Yep, I've been pretty healthy so far," Seemed like she was done with this secretary and the duo walked together much deeper into the facility. That was good! She was going to get to just walk right into the secure areas, and maybe get a peek at whatever they were after!

Inside the room, Sam kept up her smile wondering why the doctor seemed to be so normal... "Yep! The money sounded right so I thought I would give this a shot," Sam lied a bit as she lifted her simple shirt up and over her head, revealing the modest C-cup breasts hidden behind a rather bland white bra, which also found it's way off.

"I guess I don't fully understand no, the paperwork mentioned something about human-pet experimentation. Guess that's why you needed me to sign stuff saying I'm a cat..." Next, she pulled down her pants leaving her slender legs fully exposed, only her moist slit was covered up by the thin white panties she wore. Within seconds she had stripped those as well, leaving her perfectly exposed sitting on the papered chair. Her nipples were clearly exec, her slit had a tell-tail puff... she felt so embarrassed, but... it still felt good...

Keeping full eye contact with the doctor she gave her arm in preparation for having it checked. "So what exactly are you going to give me? Kinda wondering what my afternoon might be like."

Unknown Doctor, Lakeside foundation, experimental area, changing rooms

The doctor moved to listen to Sam's chest, take her blood pressure.. nothing too interesting for the journalist hoping for foul play. Well she was naked, but the doctors glances seemed professional, even that one brushing on her chest just accidential.. very disappointing.
"No, dear, it's not human-pet experimentation, it's just that some of the things we do would be.. not legal for humans. Luckily, right now, you are not a human legally.. don't worry, once the tests are over and you sign out we'll officially return your status, together with the payment.

Everything alright? No need to be nervous about being naked.. alright, I'm a professional"

She smiled, before answering Sams questioning: "Well, best case you'll feel like you had a years workout.. we are testing human enhancement serums, a new batch, I heard.. anyway, you seem good to go, although for contamination reasons, put on this suit please."
She directed Sam to a short and again, disappointingly , smiling encouragingly.

Once Sam had put on the right suit, the doctor smiled.. before leading her to another room. Within, she saw a young man in a (kinda less sexy) suit like hers, her two co-conspirators.. and a slightly annoyed looking doctor girl.. "This way Kitty."

(Reuniting the paths, pending Aenon's responsening!)
25515 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Lakeside Dr Office; Mood: Excited, Nervous
"Wait really?" Sam was a little shocked to hear how... normal the testing would be. "That's good," She smiled, her anxiousness over getting turned into a sex-pet somewhat diminished. Though, it seemed whatever they where doing still couldn't be done to humans so something was up!

"No, it's nothing. Sorry doc, my, uh, friend made me think that signing away my human right was going to be a bit different... Animal cruelty and all that... So that's what I'm going to wear?" It seemed odd how much skin it showed on the legs, and yet, it didn't seem all that crazy. Either way, Sam slipped into the tight suit, pulling her hair down.

Seeing Via and Jesse put Sam at ease, they would be able to monitor her much more directly should anything happen... "Yes, er, ma'am," Sam nervously filled next to Doberman. Being called 'Kitty' finally started to line up to what she was expecting. "I hope you're nice to cats, Doberman. It would be pretty hard to run tests on us if you're chasing me all around," She giggled a little, trying to lighten the mood.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Hello. I am Valentina. Just relax and don't worry about anything...just a regular visit to the vet." she chuckled "No, really, anxiety can mess with our examinations, so it is no good. Besides, you are doing a good thing for the mankind - and rest assured that we wouldn't run any blind experiments on you." she reassured the stupid dog. It was typically the job of the lab assistant to deal with situations like that, and no matter how much she hated it, she did want the job...for now.

Via mentally rised her eyebrow when Sam arrived...they were sure quick to do tests on her, which could only mean that they were low on other test subjects. Which was both a good thing for them, since they wouldn't have to wait for tests to happen on Sam...and a bad for the poor...Kitty. But then again, she didn't really care, as long as it wasn't her!

Dr. Adams and Frank, Human testing Laboratory, Tag: Via, Sam, Jessie

The young man huffed at Jessie, who failed to see anything particularly interesting. She did however get a good peek in on the computers, getting a basic understanding of what was going on with them. They'd be complicated to hack into from the outside or within.. but not impossible. She didn't recognize the program currently running, some sort of measuring plus tracking thing for scientifical use.
Frank chuckled a bit, whilest the doctor responded: "We are waiting for one more."

"Anyway, your task will be rather simple, observe and note down whats happening. Did you bring a noteblock or laptop?"

She asked, sighing and adding. "There are some in the desk if you didn't.."

Then, with Sam's arrival, and assignment to sit down on the sidelines, it seemed the experiment could begin.

"Alright, my name is Dr. Adams, experiment on a male and female.. speciment of the new compound X about to begin at T-2 minutes, it is now 15:38"
The doctor dictated into a small speaker, stepping to a side window, a rather secure looking metallic delivery thing releasing a large, smoking metal cylindre that only opened After Dr.Adams typed in a long code.. and seemed to contain a few syringes. "Alright Doberman, you're up first."
"But I already had my shots!" "Amusing."
Adams stated, stepping over to Frank without a hint of a smile, injecting the slightly blueish tinted liquid into his arm.
"Alright, take a hold of this.."
She directed, handing Frank some sort of pliers, whilest he slightly rubbed his upper arms. "They will measure the strength of your hand-grip."
She informed, whilest the thing sluggishly beep-beeped. Next, she turned to Sam.
"Same thing for you.."
She nodded, glancing to the side as she heard a beep-beep-beep!
"Hooh.. it's working fast. Finally some results."
beepbeepbeepbeep. The machine made as Frank glared at it.
"Very impressive, this is the equivalent of an olympic.."

"What the.. " The doctor stammered, before being slammed by a backhand, stumbling, as Frank snatched the syringe from her hand, slamming it right into his chest, injecting himself with more.. "FUCK YES GRWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
He growled out, flexing, before picking up the examination table, sending Sam stumbling to the ground.. and tossing it into a wall by the side, cracking it and the wall, an angry beeping of sirens warning everyone about some sort of decontamination procedure, whilest Frank laughed and growled with animalistic rage.

Next, barely giving you time to gather yourself, he jumped up, smashing the speakers the sirens were coming from, sparks flying everywhere, a hose breaking lose, hissing hot, strange-smelling air into everyones faces.. whilest Frank rushed to pick up the cylindre, containing a half-dozen more syringes, blood dripping from his hands.. it seemed his bodies strength had increased.. but not the rest of it.
"D.. damn it.. I'm authorized to use lethal force!... ugh.. someone do something.. shoot the bastard!"
Dr.Adams demanded, whilest pulling out a gun, only to have Frank charge at her, grabbing at her and the weapon, tearing her lab-coat with what seemed a twisted, lustful beasts grin more than a human expression..
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Via took a small notepad from the ones offered, starting to write down the process of the experiment...until things went wrong.

'Shoot the bastard' was an interesting order, considering they had no weapons or generally anything shootable. Maybe she could shoot an agry glare at him, but that was it. Luckily the suit offered protection from the things that were sprayed on them...

"I think he gets agitated by loud noises...keep calm and silent..." she warned everyone who could hear her.

At least Dr. Adam's sacrifice would buy them enough time for the security to arrive. The alarm had already sounded, so it was just a matter of time. She would just have to draw the least attention.

She slowly distanced herself from the others, sidestepping towards the security door. She would stand at it's side, preparing to get out once the security appeared.
75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Everything happened so fast. Jessie stood, dumbstruck, watching the subject run amok. A strange fascination held her frozen, watching, passive. She must have looked stupid, or petrified, or both. Then, Dr. Adams being attacked, she snapped out of it, looking around. Sam was still on the floor, just as stunned as her. Via had evidently found her mind earlier, but had decided to wait or to evacuate. That was the smart choice, Jessie realized, but her body moved before her mind could follow. Adrenaline blurred her vision as she jumped at the raging subject, throwing him off of Dr. Adams and wrestling him to the ground. (Physical: 17) Clarity washed over her as the adrenaline rush subsided. She was in a precarious position. This guy was much stringer than her, and he'd soon recover from the surprise. She intensified her grip while calling out, to Sam, and Dr. Adams, and especially Via. "Come on! Hold his limbs down before he can get up! Help me!" She yelled. Inside, her mind was reeling. That stuff they were working with was dangerous. She'd have to watch out. And maybe take some Krav Maga classes.
25529 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Lakeside Dr Office; Mood: Determined
While Doberman had his turn Sam sad quietly, watching the experiment unfold. Her eyes following the syringe when it was her turn, "I'll try to be a bit more accommodating than that silly dog," she thrust her arm out with a teasing grin.
That's when everything went wrong. For a few brief moments, Sam sat stunned watching Doberman inject himself with more and more of this wonder drug.
[Agility 13]
Sam launched herself up from her daze, jumping onto Doberman's back, one arm looping under his neck, and the other pulling tight. Holding him in a sleeper hold.
This was before Jessie knocked them both to the ground, Sam still holding onto Doberman's head tightly, wondering just how long it took to knock someone out like this.
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Dr. Adams and Frank, Human testing Laboratory, Tag: Via, Sam, Jessie

Via heroically protects Via, by positioning herself close to the exit door cautiously. Jessie, meanwhile, decided for a more.. protect all approach, struggling with wrestling down the inhumanely empowered Frank, but managing to hold him down.. for a while, with Sam assisting..

But this ones strength was inhuman. Even with the two of you struggling to keeph im down he kept a hold on the canistre with the syringes, grabbing another one, with Dr. Adams shouting: "Good job you two hold him steady.."
She declared, whilest raising and aiming her gun.. but just as the sound of a shot revibrated through the air, Frank, the now not at all scrawny looking brute, lifted up the canistres, to intercept the shot, and a nasty metallic screeching noises indicated that .. well perhaps it had been under pressure, perhaps some of the stuff hissing into the room was gas.. It all happened not very fast, but very slow, for a change.

A trail of red fire slowly expanded from the canistre, changing to a bright blue as the contents of the liquids evaporated.

Jessie and Sam found themselves contemplating their lives, as they were blasted backwards, flying through the air with a flash of light, watching Frank's body pretty much torn apart.

Via saw the bright light of a powerful exothermic reaction shine through her companions, Dr.Adams..and herself. For a brief moment, it was like she could see the outlines of skeletons within their bodies.. then the pressure wave slammed her against the wall..and all the others as well.

You open your eyes. Above you a dim neon light illuminates a white-ish, sterile room. As you struggle to look down upon yourself, you notice you are laying on a comfortalbe, white hospital bed. You look around, and realize you are alone. You are wearing a white hospital gown and nothing else.
Attached to your arm is an EKG metre, beeping calmly. On the wall is a clock, slowly tick-ticking the time away.
As you struggle to et up, you hear a voice call out to you. "Oh hey, you're awake. How are you doing? Shame we'll have to part so soon, I almost got used to you..."

As you look around, you find yourself supremely confused. There's no one around that could be talking to you. Did the incident drive you crazy? "You shouldn't worry so much, it's bad for your heartate, I shouldl know." That same voice informs her. If Jessie didn't know any better, she could have sworn that voice came from the EKG machine she is currently hooked up to.
Abilities unlocked:

Sam stretches, before getting out of the bed with some effort.. only to be shocked, as the same bed creaks and cracks.. and collapses under her. She jumps up in shock.. and, with a suprising burst of momentum, rams her shoulder into the nearest wall with her momentum.. there's the dullest hints of pain.. as she withdraws herself from the wall, tapestry tearing, rock-dust falling down besides it and a shoulder-like imprint being left right where the smashes into the wall, her own skin barely scratched...
Abilities unlocked:

Via awakens, glancing over at the clock. 10:31 she must have been knocked out and then.. well, presuming their disguise worked, they were propably transported to another hospital. She struggles, getting up after a few moments to peer outside.. yes, this seems to be a normal hospital, judging by the corridor outside, but she thinks there's a guard at the end of the hallway. No suprise. She wanders to the window and checks outside.. Downtown hospital, fourth floor. Jumping is out of the question. She ponders for a while, before glancing over to the clock.. 10:31 Great. A broken clock. Well, she decides, whilest she figures out a fabulous plan, she might as well have a relaxing shower. She strips and opens up the water faucet.. only to hesitate, watching the water drip and drizzle slowly. Something about this thing seems to be broken, just like the clock. She glances back over to the clock that's been showing 10:31 for like.. 10 minutes or so.
Now the clock is on 10:32
Abilities unlocked:

You seem to be in seperate rooms in a remote, but civlian hospital, with only a few bruises and lightly singed eyebrows after an experiment gone awry.. but that is only the start of strange thing happening around you today, it seems....
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25554 Everything seemed to happen at once, Jessie wrestling Doberman to the ground, Dr. Adams getting the gun, firing and then... nothing? Sam had passed out!

Sam shot up out of bed, her mind still racing from the chaos of the doberman encounter. Looking around the sterile white walls, she couldn't find the roid raging man, Dr. Adams, Jessie, nor Via. She was alone, sitting in a white hospital gown in a mostly empty room.

She stretches a bit before sitting up, and the bed under her gives way causing her to tumble to the ground. In her haste to get up, she throws herself into the wall, denting it! "Did... did I gain weight?" She grabs at her belly a bit under the hospital gown.

"Hello!?" Sam wonders over to the door, "I, I um, don't realy know what's going on, but is anyone there?" She grabs the door and tries twisting the doorknob. [Strength Check: 19]
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75539906_p0.png Jessie Roland, Technology fetishist
Jessie remembered nothing about the time she was out. She awoke groggily in a hospital bed, to a strange electric humming. She looked around. She was alone in the room - wait, hadn't there been a voice? She turned to the EKG reader next to her. "Am I hallucinating? Or are you by any chance an artificial super-intelligence talking to me?" She asked aloud.

She took stock of her situation. She was unhurt, her body a bit numb, but that was it. But to her dismay, she couldn't feel her bodysuit beneath the gown! They must have removed it! This thing had been expensive, and there'd be questions about why a lab assistant would wear fetish wear to work, her first day even, and they had washed her! She smelled like hospital soap! Not like the mixture of sweat, lube and cum she'd been looking forward to experiencing...

Despite feeling fine, Jessie knew that trying to leave would be a bad idea. Better to wait for someone who could provide answers to show up. Jessie hoped it would be soon.
Tag: Via, Jessie

You hear a distant cracking and crashing noise, as if something has broken, or fallen to the ground loudly.

Tag: Sam

You touch your tummy. It seems.. fine really. Then, you reach out for the doorknob and.. it cracks and bends under your grip. Undistubed, you push on and with a bending of metal, tear the door right off of it's angles!

It unsuprisingly doesn't take long for not one but two nurses to arrive, looking at you with a suprised expression.

"What happened? Are you alright miss?"

(Super Strength adds +10 to your D20 roll to all strength-related checks, meaning you can never completely fail at strength checks and now leaving you with a result of 29, High Superhuman success!)

Tag: Jessie

"I don't think you are hallucinating, but then, I'm not a fancy tomograph. .. but I do think I am pretty clever, Jessie." The EKG enthused cheerfully. Jessie waited a little, but the earlier noise seemed to have distracted the nurse-staff..
"So a bit nervous aren't you? Your heart rate is a little up. Don't worry, the staff here is nice, treats me reasonably well..." her mechanical companion offered.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Something was definitely wrong. Even if the clock was broken, the law of gravity wouldn't have been broken. No...for some reason she could see everything going slower. But it wasn't a matter of perception, she was moving faster...this made no sense. Wait, maybe the same thing that had happened to that guy happened to her, minus they madness? Right, some weird lab accident made her go faster. Could her body even support this speed? What if she moved too fast for her body to endure? Well, if that was the case, she would have broken her spine just by standing up from the bed...no, this was weirder than that.

And this was really bad news. She didn't want to become a lab rat, not at all. She had to pretend to be slower, for a while. Maybe relaxing her mind could shut this thing off? She closed her eyes, trying to meditate and calm herself down.
Tag: Via

Via tries to slow down and.. it works. She almost manages to speed herself down.. but then she startles, and things around her slow down once more. She shouldn't have dismissed those self-improvement meditation classes so swiftly.. on the upside, her speed makes it so that she can try again, no one has come to check on her, yet.

If they did, perhaps Via could try being -really- still?
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Yes, standing still could work for a while, while she learned how to control this thing. But she could slow down, which was definitely good. The alternative would be horrible, now that she thought about it.

However, she wouldn't be able to stand perfectly still like this. Just the slightest move, would make her look like she was trembling, at the very least. She closed the water. She would have to rush back to her bed, and then stay there meditating, until she got the hang of it. Or, she could sneak in the nurses room, and steal some drugs to keep her calm...but that wouldn't really solve the problem.

Of course, returning back to bed didn't take long. Via pretended to sleep, but in reality she kept trying to slow things down and up, judging the passage of time by the ticking of the clock....

[natural 1 meditation!]
Tag: Via

Staying calm and silent is hard, when time passes slower for you. Wait what about your heartbeat, what if you have a heart attack, what if you can't ever stop. You realize you are having a panic attack, which, sadly, does nothing to stop the same, as you toss the blanket covering you up in the air and watch it slowly glide down in frustration. You can control this, you know you can, but you HAVE to get out of here. You have to breathe. Get to the roof. Some fresh air.. perhaps if you are slow enough they wont notice something is off.. or perhaps, if you are fast enough, no one will notice you? Doesn't matter, HAVE TO BREATHE!
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

This was bad...yes she could stop it, no she didn't really need air from the roof, it was just the same air, shitty particles of whatevers floating around...ok she had to go to the roof. Or to find some calm-calm medicine. Fix the blanket, fix, fix, make it look like someone is under it, fast...what if she opened the door and it made the screechy screechy noise? Whatever, she just had to be fast...or faster...the human eye could only catch like so much...if she want faster than a bullet, she could be like invisible...and judging by when the last tik of the clock was heard, maybe just maybe she could do it...at the very least she could try staying behind people, maybe that would be enough...fuck the elevator, she would go faster on the stairs...
Tag: Via

Via rushed out of her room and outside. There were two nurses at a room on the other end of the corridor. There was also a guard, definitly hiding a weapon and bearing a Lakeside insignia. And he saw her, even though he seemed to move in barely half-speed slow motion to her. But she didn't care up, up the stairs, one, two, three staircases.. Via rushed up, pondering if she was also resistant to the effects of friction of fast objects and ...

Her hospital gown fluttered in the cool afternoon(?) air... finally, air, a breath, a moment of relaxation.. she watched the clouds crall above her.. and slowly speed up.. Finally, she had it under control...
25565 Samantha, Aspiring Journalist; Location: Mystery Office; Mood: Confused
Ripping the doors off it's hinges finally woke Sam up to just what was going on. Somhow she had grown much stronger well asleep... that was, good? She couldn't tell honestly, and at this point she just wanted to know where she was and what happened. Thankfully two cute looking nurses soon turned up!

"Hi, uh, ya... I guess I don't know my own strength, sorry... So, do you know where this is? How I got here? I was at Lakeside last I remember." She asked them nerviously.