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Corporate Compliance - Campaign

25598 Samantha, Lover of Spirals and all things Capitalism!; Location: Headed back to ???; Mood: Pretty Spirals!
"Obey, Corp...erate S-slave, H-happy, empt-y..." Samantha muttered over and over again. The spiral having spread out from the screen to fill her entire field of view. Everything and everywhere was nothing but the spiral. She was nothing but the spiral! The happy consumer, lover of the free market, and cheerful employee of Goddess Ocean, she CEO of her entire being!

The happy little blond spiral slave slipped off her clothes, her breasts popping and giggling as she hastily pulled her top and bra off at the same time. Next her pants and panties slid off, leaving nothing but smooth exposed skin. She nuzzled up to her fellow spiral slave, her fingers dexterously finding the girls engorged clit and mercilessly teasing it. "Good slave, you must serve the corporation. Empty slave, you will only think the way the corporation wants. Happy slave, only the corporation can give you happiness." She cooed the soft mantra, over and over again. Her own body pulsing with the shared pleasure of her new sister slave, the duo of drones dove deeper and deeper into blissful, empty, corporate compliance.

Buttman, Big Daddy's shop, Tag: Via

"Well don't worry. I wont be kicking you out. I can borrow you some clothes but they might be a little.. tight."
Big Daddy chuckled, glancing over to the.. well, someone generous would call it a clothing rack. He handed Via a rather strong coffee, but perhaps she didn't mind, right now.

"We could just call you a taxi?.. and.. well... how about you tell me the last thing you remember?"
He leaned back and smiled. "This early there's rarely any customers, I just open up the store because I get bored, so.. this way.."
Big Daddy smiled, leading her to the back of the store, to a small employee area, two chairs standing there, a little table with some fruits, an small duck-figure wearing a ball gag, some schedules and paperwork lying about.. there was also a radio, currently announcing.:
.. with the election closing in. In other news, an explosion at a Lakeside research facility has caused a small fire which was contained with only minor property damage. Official statements blame faulty electronics. Remember to ensure your valuable posessions with Creek insurances for a low price *kzzzzchh*
"Never anything good on the news if you ask me."
Big Daddy chuckled,,turning the radio off.

Tag: Spiralslaves

The spiral continued spinning, and there was a low, relaxing hummning noise. Although if either of the two.. especially Jessie had the presence of mind to glance over to the camera, she'd notice the two of them most definitly still being watched.. That just made it better of course.
Not that the obediant spiral-slaves weren't feeling good already. They had each other, obediant corporate sluts like they were ment to be and if ever they were uncertain or had an inkling of resistance raising in their mind, the pulsing colors of the beautiful spiral illuminating the car swiftly soothed away their worries.

"Hooh you are doing well... and to think I was concerned.. good slaves! Touch each other but don't look away from the spiral. You have to watch the spiral. Need to watch the spiral. Feel good watching the spiral, obey the spiral."
The laptops microphone informed.
"Good good... relaxed and happy. I think your horny bodies should remember feeling like this.. dazed, compliant, obediant, whenver someone tells you oh I don't know..

Good Corporate Slut."

The spiral pulsed with those same words, pouring into the girls eyes and right past them into their defenseless subconscious, overwhelmed by horny, tingly sensations.. "Because that's what you are, right? My good, horny, corporate sluts!"
The laptops speakers declared.. and the pulsing spiral made it so, still drawing in their eyes and what was left of their will and in place rewarding their keen observation with pleasurable words and subliminal messages..

"By the sound of it you two are ready to become two happy, obediant consumers.. we will learn more about whatever abilities you might have soon, but..for now how about you gals tease each other right to the limit... then tell me whom you obey. Who you belong to. THEN. and only Then may you cum... Understood? You can only cum once your mind understand who it belongs to. If you still struggle with that, just stop thinking of yourself as persons, think of yourself as corporate assets. The laptop you watch master spiral on. The car you sit in. The tight pretty uniforms we'll put you in soon. They are no different from you, just corporate posessions. NOW. You've had your fun! It's time to answer and obey!"
Your CEOwner demanded, whilest the spirals pulse intensified.
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2a76bae19db1d56730f6a41ac09ed621.jpeg Jessie Roland, Tech-slut, Corporate Drone and Spiral Slave
Between the moans and mantras, Jessie's new mind started to form, born from a raging inferno of pleasure. She was leaning against her fellow slave, her sister-slut, as they moaned and repeated in unison.
"Only compliance makes us happy. Only obedience gives us pleasure. We are property. We belong to the corporation. We belong to Mistress. We do not think. We just obey."
Every word became law, became truth, the pulsing warmth and the pulsing spiral made it so. They were helpless, and it turned Jessie on. This was better than anything she ever dreamed off! She had eagerly submitted and emptied herself, until only the arousal was left. Now, her horny brain, begging to be fucked into submission, started to fill again.
The spiral still dominated her vision, but she could see stuff around her now. Sam, her fellow slave, next to her, helping her reprogramming along. Jessie had thought her cute before, but seeing her with empty eyes reflecting the sexy spiral, naked and sweaty, mouthing her mantras of corporate enslavement, made the girl really hot. Sam was a slave now, so she was beautiful. Jessie also saw the cameras, and knew it could only be their Mistress watching. She intensified her movements, pushing her fingers into Sam's wet and eager slave-pussy while her other hand played with her own breasts. She wanted to put on a show, to show off how eager and enslaved she was. It was hot. Being a slave was arousing, but showing it off was on another level. Jessie hoped the display of mindless compliance and lust would please her Mistress...


The voice of the person that owned Jessie, that owned both of them, cut through the humming that meshed so perfectly with the spiral. Jessie felt her pussy twitch as she heard it, heard Her.
Relaxed. Happy. Horny. Dazed. Compliant. Obedient. Her Mistress spoke the truth, and it set her pussy alight.
Jessie shook, close to orgasm, but of course she'd never disobey, as she heard the trigger phrase. She managed to keep her eyes on the spiral like a good slut while thrashing. She was a slave, a slut for control. Being brainwashed and controlled made her horny and tingly and feel so right...

On the orders of her owner, she intensified her finger-fucking of sister-slave Sam's pussy, and mewled as the other one returned the favor. She was property. She belonged to Ocean Corp. She belonged to Mistress. Her pussy and her brain were property. She was owned. She was a machine.
And then, Jessie moaned the truth at the core of her new being, and the wave of ecstasy caused by obedience carried her over the edge of orgasm, her mouth open and her pussy gushing forth her cum as she shook more violently than before, but still, eyes on the spiral, as always.
"I belong to Lady Ocean and the Ocean Corporation!"

Jessie slumped in her seat, hands still stroking flesh, gazing at the spiral and listening attentively for any further commands as she basked in the afterglow of her enslavement...
25620 Samantha, Lover of Spirals and all things Capitalism!; Location: Headed back to ???; Mood: Pretty Spirals!
Over and over again Samantha spoke the mantra, "Only compliance makes us happy. Only obedience gives us pleasure. We are property. We belong to the corporation. We belong to Mistress. We do not think. We just obey." the spiral was her everything now, she stared at it blankly, fully transfixed as she let the truths of her mistress flood over her, a new consumerist little slut. While watching the spirals she touched herself... no that was Jessie, she rubbed Jessie's pussy harder, bringing her to the edge of orgasm, and the more that her co-conspirator fell, the hotter Sam got! It was so enjoyable seeing Jessie give in, becoming a consumerist drone... She needed more she wanted more!
It was time. Time to give in, to renounce her ideology, to become the capitalist slut she was always meant to be! But, part of her held back, resisted. It would not let the spirals consumed her fully. She saw Jessie, declaring her allegiance, cumming, and once more she was rushed with a torrent of pleasure... She... she wasn't a person anyways... that's right! She was a cat! Such a stupid cat thinking she knew best... she needs to submit, obey, consume!
"I, huff, belong to Lady Ocean... body, heart, and mind are hers! My life, ... exists only for Ocean Corp!" She came as she finished, soaking Jessie's hand in her strong juices! She was a 'Good Corporate Slut' now, now thoughts, no resistant, only obedience.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"The last thing? I mean, it feels weird, but I think I waited at a bus stop...but I don't remember where I was going? I mean, I hope I am not getting crazy, but I had a headache yesterday and took some new painkillers...maybe some kind of side effect? Or maybe someone drugged me? Anyway, I am in one piece, so at lest that's something.." she pondered.

"Yes, a taxi would be fine...I guess. But you will have to tell me your name, so I can pay back for all of this." she offered. Of course she really planned to do so, once she had access to her bank account. Or have Dee pay for it. Stealing was ok if it was a necessity, but she was too proud to accept charity.

Tag: Spiralslaves

Soothingly, the spiral pulsed on and on. The girls were being obediant. Empty. Blank. Good. Slaves. Corporate. Consumers. Each of them was a Good Corporate Slut. As they accepted their new station, the spiral formed more complex thoughts.. how they wanted to spent all their time working for the corporation for profit, only to spent it all for the corporations products. Obey and consume. A simple, nice, easy to follow life.

"Seems the new hypno-software is doing well. Oh right..
If you two consent to this being shown as a product demonstration and research material please say 'yes' now."

The CEOwner encouraged, with a lustful subtone, as the spiral slowly subsided.
"Great.. alright, ending program.. You two will now slowly wake up, it wouldn't do to have you run around as horny, dazed, easily molded slaves -all the time-. As pretty a picture as that would make, wouldn't it, my two consumer sluts? Don't worry.. now that you are property ,all it needs to get your minds back on track is a little triggering whenever I.. or one of my employees.. feels like it."


Mistress appeared back on the screen, with the spiral fading away.
"Honestly, this almost worked a little too well.. It's almost like the two of you have a talent for this.. Anyway. I'll use you to finally take over the corporation of my good for nothing rivals.. but first things first, explain to me exactly what happened at Lakeside."
Mistress commanded.. and the sluts obeyed.

"I see.. so the ability to speak to machines and super strength.. marvelous.. I can see a branding deal already.. .. but not like this you are too human and good as the spiral is, you ought to be processed more throughtouly.. but first... tell me,.. do any of you two good little consumers know where this Via Valentine could be at now?"
She pondered and then grinned.. "Perhaps you could track her down and help her become a corporate slut, just like you.. would you like that my capitalist assets?"

Buttman, Big Daddy's shop, Tag: Via

"Well, I don't know much about medicine. .. and it's fine. You don't have to pay me back. If someone needs help and it costs you little to give, why not just help them?

Anyway. People call me Big Daddy. I'm at the shop tues to saturdays, If you want to pay me back just send any.. adventurous friends you might have back here, alright?"

He offered, with a mirthful wink.

A phone call from Big Daddy later, Via found herself back in the store.. with a selection of skimpy, rubbery looking outfits. "You can have any on the upper shelf.. they sell like crap anyway, hah."
Buttman chuckled.

Via would have to select a tight-fitting rubber kink outfit,.. or meet the taxidriver soon to arrive in the donated blanket.. or naked. Which was the best option, one had to wonder...
Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
Jessie eagerly accepted the new thoughts that outlined her new life as she lay there in afterglow, sweaty and cum-stained, leaning against her fellow corporate slut.
"Yes, Mistress." She intonated as the voice of her owner spoke to them again. She shivered in newly building arousal. She was property. She would obey.
Part of her felt a sting of longing as the wonderful spiral disappeared, but the face of her Mistress on the screen drowned it in a wave of bliss. She listened attentively, and obeyed without hesitation, slowly stroking Sam's slit and kneading her breasts as she told Mistress everything, from Dee's hideout to the explosion at Lakeside. The two of them almost talked over each other, so eager where they to betray their former allies.
The idea of being processed more made Jessie's pussy gush in anticipation. By now, their sweat and pussyjuices had stained the entire backseat, puddles of girlcum forming under their squirming bodies.
Jessie felt bad for not knowing where Via was, but she took solace in knowing she was a slave.
The idea of finding and enslaving Via sent another shiver through her. Turning her into a corporate slut, like they were. It would be so hot to fuck her mind out, until only servitude was left...
"Yes, Mistress!" Jessie almost yelled, her voice quivering with arousal and excitement as another orgasm closed in. "I would love to enslave Via for you. I would love to enslave everyone for you! All should serve you and Ocean Corp, Mistress!"
She glowed internally at being called an asset. Assets were useful. She wanted to be useful. She wanted to obey...
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

After thanking the 'Big Daddy', Via looked at the selection of options...if it could be called a selection at all. She considered just going over with the blanket, but that would draw even more attention than a skimpy outfit.

Finally, decided to just wear the damned thing, and try not to think about it...


Soon, she found herself waiting for the taxi to come. Sure she could run there, but she had walked enough already...and she didn't want to walk around dressed like that more than she would have to.

She would tell the taxi driver to take her a small distance away from their hideout - that way if he was found and interrogated later, their hideout wouldn't be immediately given away...
Tag: Via

With some Persuading the nice Buttman paid for Via's cab.

Aside from some.. lewd looks, the taxi drive went smoothly and the car parked a half-block away from the downtown appartment this had all started in. Hopefully Dee would be there, Big Daddy's kindness aside, Via had to figure out her next step.. without getting too worked up, because that either made her body heat up or speed up...

With only a few bystanders tilting their heads, she moved to the appartment finding it unlocked and.. inside.. lucky break.


Dee, now in the flesh, turned around. "Via! There you are.. what happened.. everything went.. well worse than expected. Where are the others....
Interesting getup."

She mused, her eyes wandering over Via's revealin dress, until she was caught, coughing ever so slightly with an innocent smile.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

"Here you are...to sum things up, they were trying to make some kind of superhumans. They were close to succeed. However their test subject went into a berserker mode, and long story short, things blew up. I woke up in the hospital...and now I can do this..." she paused, going faster and moving behind Dee to showcase her speed.

"And I can also do this." she added, litting her finger on fire.

"Great in case you get lost in a dark cave, bad if you want your clothes intact. In any case, I have no idea where the others are...if they survived the explosion. I am pretty sure I drew some attention coming here too..." she added with a cough. It wasn't really her fault, was it?

"So...what now? I think we should get out of here, and my...powers should be enough proof for anything...but I don't want to become a test subject for reverse engineering whatever happened to me..." she added, with a weary look.

Dee, The Hideout, Tag: Via

Dee blinked at the speedy movement, turning around to Via again.. "W.. woah that's amazing.. you could be like.. superhero!
Wait.. actually, there are more important things.. close to succeed hmnn.. that's bad.. and did the others have abilities like you too? What'd they say?.. wait you didn't see them? Damn it.. we should try fo find out more, see if they have... abilities like this..

Wait, you think you could have been followed.. Yeah.. I can see you not wanting to become a test subject.. hrmnn.. listen.. I guess.. I could take you to a friend..

Alright, fine, I was.."

she shifted..

"Not entirely honest. Yes, I got in trouble with Rivers and their associated company, but I am also in this for -my Boss-, Dahlia.. yes,, she's a corporate businesswoman too but.. listen, she isn't like these assholes.. she is.. nice, cares about people. She's also smart.. perhaps, with her help and resources, we can figure out what to do. Will.. will you trust me and go to her place, with me?"
Dee offered...

(give me a d20 perception check, for no reason at all.)
25650 Samantha, Lover of Spirals and all things Capitalism!; Location: Headed back to ???; Mood: Happy!
Awash in the joy of the spirals, of losing herself to wanton consumerism, to growing the pocketbook of Lady Ocean at any cost! "Yes! Your corporate slut would love to be shown off, use her to make more consumer slaves! Mmmh, please mistress!" Sam moaned, rubbing her needy crotch on Jessie, her swollen slit oozing its juice onto the seat.

Slowly, Sam started to wake up... well not wake up to who she was. That foolish idiot of a concerned journalist was gone. No, the new, improved lover of all things free market, and avid admirer of Lady Ocean Samantha woke up. Unconcerned with her nakedness nor her and Jessie being covered in sweat, fem-cum, and drool. "I'd love to help! Ocean Corp honestly should have a monopoly on the market anyways, so we are just serving the greater good," Samantha beamed. She nuzzled up to Jessie, feeling an odd sexual attraction to her fellow... 'corporate slut'? Yes, that seemed oddly fitting... She filled in much of the story, offering bit's that Jessie wasn't present for, such as her choice to be a cat or her talk with the two nurses. Everything was laid bare for Mistress Ocean!

"Mistress Ocean, if I may. You shouldn't compare me to a human, I already signed that right away to your company," Sam offered with her enthusiastic grin, "So whatever processing you desire for me, please don't hold back!"

Finally the to the subject of Via, "I'd be happy to bring you Via! I don't know where she is right now, but perhaps Jessie could find her using her gift? She should be able to talk to security camera's on a network or something like that! Then I can apprehend her?" Her solution seemed the most plausible given there strengths. Though neither knew what powers Via might have, only that their mistress needed the complete set!

Mistress Ocean, On the road, Tag: Corporate Slaves

"Ohoho we need a major branding deal for you two adorable sluts. But first, we should.. aquire your wayward companion. And maybe clean yaou up a little.."
Their corporate mistress nodded, briefly seeming to talk to someone off-screen about the location of the hideout and 'getting things set up'.

"Should we give you a secret identity? Hrmnn.. so many possibilities...

You have an excellent workplace attitude.. I think we should.. outfit you a little and then set you lose.. for now, I sent some.. aides to check out your little hideout and this Dee person.."

She nodded, smirking at the corporate slave Jessie, before nodding to Sam.

"Sentimental do gooders like Dahlia have really no place in the free market.. but I bet you'd love to help me fix that, bring me your friend, my rival.. whoever I desire.."
She cooed.
She nodded, picking up a phone.. and talking about where to deliver the corporate sluts.. and what to provide them with.

The car changed direction, and barely twenty minutes later, they arrived. As they excited the car, still completely naked, and uncaring that the Lakeside security (Just employees of a subsidary of their mistress after all) openly oggled them. Outside, now with their minds awakened by the spiral, they saw the real, beautiful picture of the consumer landscape hidden behind the advertisements and billboards of the world..

Before they were ushered into an office room, where several technicians were busy setting up.. well, this one seemed to be for Corporate Slut Jessie:

There was also another technician, providing them with tight, rubbery looking outfits.. Not quite as good as Jessie's at home, but she'd makedo. Samantha's had a touch of tiger-stripes, but both were rather.. revealing and fetishy.. complete with a heavy set of Cat-ears that.. actually seemed to have some tech in them. A technician attached them to Samantha's head, and there was a dull, throbbing, dizzying sensation for a moment, before the corporate cat-slut wanted to purr sensually, whilest also getting some makeup from another Oceancorp assistant.. it seemed they were being disguised, for their mission.. no.. costumed!
Samantha, meanwhile, already lead to the screens was provided with a far less flashy suit, simple, black, tight latex one piece with a face obscuring mask that, to her joy, she might realize was more to remove than hide her identity.

"Mrs. Ocean instructed us to tell you that these are only rudimentary outfits, more refined and customized versions will be provided once you have proven your worth." The technician informed
b96873ab15afd8412a57699b9c1e3ace.jpeg Jessie Roland, Tech-slut and Corporate Drone
Drone Jessie was happy. She had been brainwashed, and now she was owned. Her sister-slave Samantha sat next to her, both of them pleasuring each other in service to their Mistress.
"Yes, good idea, drone Sam!" She answered, before kissing slave Sam deeply, their tongues intertwining, making sure to hold the kiss as long as possible and providing their owner with a good view.
She eagerly listened to her Mistress' plans, getting even more excited, heat radiating from her drooling pussy, but of course, she didn't cum without permission.
"Yes, Mistress! Well help you enslave everyone you order us to!"
As they arrived at their destination, Jessie almost jumped out of the car, excited for the next step. Like the corporate slut she was, she showed off her naked and glistening body to the security personnel, wondering if they too were slaves, or merely contractors. She hoped they were slaves. It would make their stares so much hotter. She walked with an exaggerated sway to show off her sexual assets, a trickle of cum running between her legs, leaving a trail behind her. She nevertheless walked rhythmically, almost a lockstep, every move calculated like a machine. She was a drone now. She opened her minds to all nearby electric devices, listening to them, hoping they were devoted to Mistress and the company as well, and would sing their submission to her. Being a slave made it easier to bear, her mind so synchronized and stripped of all unnecessary flourish, like a computer programmed for sex and obedience. Seeing the subliminal propaganda flash all over, she felt butterflies in her stomach. Her Mistress' reach was so far, so many people were being slowly brainwashed to serve, consume, work and spend. This was her dream come true, utopia incarnate.

She followed the others inside, taking in their new tools and equipment, listening to the other corporate slaves and the machines. Her excitement skyrocketed as she beheld the workstation that was being set up, and swooned on her feet. This was some serious hardware. She would put her digital savvy to use for her Mistress. Even better however, was the new suit. Her eyes widened as she beheld it, eagerly stepping inside, using her sweat and cum as lubricant. It felt so good, so sexy, so right.
She showed off her new, sealed body, wrapped in tight, smooth, black perfection to her "colleagues," trying to get them to reciprocate or perhaps even allow her to cum... (Roll for seduction: 3)
Jessie looked at Samantha in her literal catsuit, mewling and purring like an animal in heat. She walked over, patting and scratching first her head, then her stomach, then her delta, latex rubbing over latex. "Mhh, oh Sam, you are such a cute drone, such a good slut, and this whole cat thing really fits you. Mistress' little pussycat, oh, and how you can purr..." She mused, rubbing and massaging the slaves slit through her suit.
Finally, she couldn't bear the anticipation any longer. She gave quick peck to Samantha, before taking the mask and overhelmet from the technician and putting them on. Seeing flashing inside the visor, Jessie eagerly opened her eyes and her mind to it, willingly absorbing whatever the system would feed her. She didn't focus too much, though, unless another beautiful spiral would appear, instead keeping her mind open to the words of her fellow corporate sluts and the whispers of the other machines around her.
Thus fully sealed up, Jessie started to relax. The arousal was still there, but she felt complete now, every trace of her being human hidden and erased. Just a smooth, shiny, sexy, obedient drone. She turned to the technician. "Thank you, fellow drone. What are our precise orders? Will there be more processing? And what is the workstation to be used for?" She asked, more patient now, her raging lust tamed by her obedience.
Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Well, Via didn't really have a problem with corporations in general...only those that fired her. And she knew Dee was not honest from the start, so no big surprises there. On the other hand, she didn't really trust her...but what were her other options? Live the rest of her life in a cardboard box under a bridge, dumpster-diving for a living? Because that was the only way a rich corporation wouldn't be able to find her...

"Yes. I had my reservations at the start, but I think you can be trusted...even if you like to hide things." she sighed "Lets go and meet your boss...maybe she is the only one who can get us out of this mess. I don't suppose you are her, right? Dee, Dahlia..."

Dee, The Hideout, Tag: Via

"Ohoho.. no.. consider me a zealous personal assistant. Lady Dahila is just too good for this world, she believes that the boss of Lakeside, Dr. Reef and -his- boss, this Ocean-bitch are working in her best interest even with the shady things they are doing. There, that's my motivation.. anyway, let's go. She's actually at a charity gala at the cities art gallery right now but I'm sure that with this special case, she'll help us out.."
Dee smiled and stepped outside.. only to stumble backwards, and collapse into the appartment, groaning!


"Target located."
The riot-masked man declared, spinning around the butt of his rifle, to aim at Via. "Come out with your hands behind your back..."
He demanded, before briefly seeming to glance over Via... "Slut."
25663 Samantha, Capitalist Kitty of Justice (for Lady Ocean); Location: Drone HQ; Mood: Basking in Purrfection
Branding, secret identities, Samantha was ecstatic! Once more her hands started to wander, she, she needed to obey her corporate mistress, her goddess! Only able to let out a few muffled moans, restraining herself from indulging in pleasure before permitted, Sam soaked in Mistress Ocean's orders, "R-right..." She struggled, finger lightly sliding up and down her tender slit at she spoke, "Via, Dahila, anyone. Mistress's power should grow!" Sam couldn't help but let a finger slip back into her waiting sex. Fingering herself while moaning into Jessie's shoulder all the way to there destination!
The horny little ball of consumer desires tumbled out of the car and into the street, taking in the breathtaking view! The whole world was new to her, a place dominated by the goddess of ~~greed~~ prosperity! "It's so wonderful, Jessie... My body is trembling, ha..." She giggled still putting on a bit of a show for the security. As she was escorted in she could feel the lewd grip on her bottom, letting out a moan of approval she had to fight back the urge to cum! She could not, she would not, not until she had earned it by being a good little corporate slut!
Inside it was like a dream come true, the happy consumerist slaves assigned to Sam spirited her away to an awaiting corner. She was given a tight suit, the female attendant helped slip it on Sam, making sure to grope corporate slut. Purely, to get her booty and boobs into the tight leather of course! Next, the assistant slipped a pair of hefty cat ears on her head... pulsing, buzzing, and bliss soon followed! The already dehumanized Sam understood! She was to become a true cat, the pet of Ocean Corp! Any semblance of humanity would be driven out of her the longer she wore the cat ears! As a signed of her approval she purred, rubbing herself against the lab assistant! Finally, a bit of makeup, and Sam's look was completed, a true tigress! Shiny leather fur, make-up, and her all important kitty ears...

Sam purred loudly as Jessie began to pet her, "Yes!! this is what I was always meant to be!" Waves of satisfaction echoing in her voice, she was a good little cat drone, an obedient slave who would do anything for Mistress Ocean! After all, Mistress gave her the truest desires of her heart, to be a pet, with no worries beyond making her mistress happy!
Sam purred, nuzzling with Jessie who by now was fully suited up. "Yes... we look forward to proving ourselves! Do you have anywhere you'd like us to start? Have you heard back from Dee's hideout?"
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Via Valentina, Sexy Scientist

Well fuck...it seemed they had found them out.

Via had no illusions about her ability with firearms...she would probably do the comical thing where she can't find how to unlock the safety of the gun, if she tried to shoot one.

However, she was pretty sure that they wouldn't actually shoot her...she knew very well that they wanted her alive.

And even if she was wrong, she felt that she could do it. Even if she couldn't outrun a bullet, she could outrun the trigger finger, and the hand that aimed.

"Help me, they have a bomb in there!" she cried, rushing outside. Of course, it was such an obvious nonsentical lie, but just because of that it would make them pause for a moment as they would try to make sense of it. Or so she hoped....she then tried to speed up to the limit...just a touch, and she would cook them up inside their shells, like steamed lobsters...