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Re: Corruption

Alyssa's face grew sad.

Alyssa: "My dear sister, I'm not forcing you to do anything, you may leave right now if you want... I'll I want to do is help you."

Alyssa placed her hand on Eena's shoulder.

Alyssa: "Seeing you suffer every day is unbearable to me, this is the only way."

Alyssa: "Please... Let me help you."
Re: Corruption


Eena looked down thinking rather terrible of herself ‘What am I doing, promising that I wouldn’t ever doubt and yet…No more I won’t let my fears and doubt make me unable to trust anyone!’ Eena put on a brave face.

“Alright sister I’ll be brave too.” She replied to her eagerly taking off the ribbon as she caught the cross pendant nearly laying them on the ground as she took off her blouse and unbuttoned her skirt they were both folded quite well on the floor.

After taking off her white boots only her white bra and underwear was left. ‘Calm down you can do this…Sister promised all the terrors would stop once I can do this.’ Eena thought to herself with her hands reaching back unhooked her bra quickly covering her nipples and small orbs with her left arm then with just the right arm took off her panties and covered as best as she could.

Eena slowly layed herself on the ground. “Like this sister? Brr…so cold…” She stated as her naked body layed on the floor with her hands still trying to cover her privates.
Re: Corruption

Alyssa smiled down at her.

Alyssa: "Yes, just like that..."

As Eena Lay naked on the floor, her sister stood over her, and began chanting in an unknown tongue.

As if that wasn't strange enough, a strange symbol light up in various colors under her.

She started blacking out, her sister's voice began to fade, and soon she found herself completely unconscious...

As if in a dream, she seemed to float about in a black abyss. Until she heard a voice in her head.

???: "Greetings, young one, I'm so happy to see you."

*How do you respond to the voice?*
Re: Corruption


Feeling a bit queasy from the experience Eena gathered herself to push for a response

"Uhh...Who are you?"

She questioned the voice trying to open her eyes to see who was speaking to her.
Re: Corruption

All was black, she couldn't tell if she even had eyes. She couldn't feel her hands, her feet, she couldn't even tell if she was breathing.

???: "I am the one, who will show you the way, to eternal bliss. The one who will welcome you, as a knight of honor, to the gates of Valhalla. But first, you must prove yourself..."

*She's awaiting a response from Eena.*
Re: Corruption


Seeing how really helpless her situation was Eena knew she had to agree to it even so she was doing not just for herself but her sister as well.

"I will accept any test you will have do spirit."

She replied in a calm tone trying to steel herself against whatever challenges he or she had planned.
Re: Corruption

???: "Oh, you'll find I'm more than a spirit, young one..."

The voice giggled.

???: "I await you inside the city, go to a place, called, 'Apple Inn'. I will let you know what more to do from your dreams, child. Don't anymore fear sleep, as I will be there to protect you."

Then the voice announced.

???: "Go now, child! When you have proven yourself, you will be welcomed at the gates of a new world as a Queen!"

Eena's eyes shot open, she was in her bed, just as she remembered.

Was it a dream? She believed it, nothing else had made sense when she fell asleep.

She was startled to find a note in her hand. It was in Alyssa's handwriting.

"You know what you have to do, Jonas is waiting. Good luck, I love you, Eena."
Re: Corruption


Returned to what seemed to be the true reality Eena couldn't believe what she just experienced was just a hallucination with the note in hand she carefully put it in her blouses pocket as she prepared to depart.

She opened the door to her room.

"Jonas are you here"

she questioned the area beyond the door if what the note said was true.
Re: Corruption

Jonas: "Yes milady, lady Alyssa said you'll be wanting to depart to the city then?"
Re: Corruption


"Yes I am I'll be heading to the Apple Inn will you drive me there?"

She asked Jonas hoping that once she got there some of the answers she sought would be answered.
Re: Corruption

Jonas: "Yes, milady"

As she was led down to the limo, Jonas seemed to have a lot of questions on his mind.

Jonas: "Milady, dare I ask, why are you going to a cheap hotel?"
Re: Corruption


'I see Sister didn't fill him in on all the details...' Was her first thought she turned to Jonas.

"I'm going there because I had a dream Jonas something...or someone told me that my destiny would take root starting from that place...I know not why they never told me that except that I would find it once I was worthy." She spilled out the truth of what she knew since lying or brushing aside such questions was never an option especially to one such as Jonas whom had been her caretaker since she was little.
Re: Corruption

Jonas was quiet for some time, as they got to the limo, he finally let out.

Jonas: "I knew this would happen, one day..."

He sounded as if he was about to burst into tears.

He didn't speak to her for the rest of the trip, as he drove her to the Inn, he opened the door for her as they reached the entrance.

Jonas: "Good luck, milady, I have faith you'll make the right choices."

His face goes grim.

Jonas: "Goodbye... Milady."

Without waiting for her to answer he quickly walked back to the limo, and drove off, leaving her in front of the Inn.

She walked over to the entrance, and knocked on the door.

When the latch opened, the woman on the other side spoke to her

Woman: "Ah... You're like her... I'm sure she'll be happy to see you, shit, maybe she'll have a friend now! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

She let Eena in, gave her keys to her own room, she proceeded up the stairs and finally slept a night without a nightmare...

The voice came back to her in her sleep.

???: "There will be a woman there, similar to you, I want you to bring her to me, but not yet, I'll inform you when it's time..."

[End of chapter 1, Corruption.]

(Your story continues on the first page of the Apple Inn, also, please make a post regarding Eena's thoughts on Shiva.)