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Jun 15, 2009
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There are many cottages sitting up to an hours drive away from central Peiquok, where vacationers or townies live. They can be accessed from the Range Roads, and while some front the Shoreline, many do not have a beach-side view and instead look out on the Woods.

Some cottages sport RV's from longer-distance travelers, while others possess boats and other useful items. It seems that they're all abandoned, however.
Re: Cottages

Melissa grins back at Rosie at her 'home, sweet, home' comment, feeling relieved to at least have found something that could be called a home after the strange trip. "Come on, girl," she said, a hand on Rosie's arm. As they approached the cottage, Melissa looked around, wondering what else besides the house might be in the area.
Re: Cottages

It looks like there's a shed further out in the yard, and wires running from the cabin out into the fog suggest that she has power of some kind, though everything here is dim.

Rosie tries the handle, then gives a curse when she realizes that the door is locked. "My keys..." she says, frowning fiercely as she notes that said keys were probably lost with her embarrassing encounter.
Re: Cottages

With a shake of her head and a slight laugh, Melissa says, "Figures it wouldn't be that easy." She looks around the porch, then asks, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare anywhere, would you? Hidden under the mat or in a plant? I'd rather not break the lock like I did back in pawn shop." She said the last part with a smirk, then walked around the porch checking the various objects. "What about the shed, anything in there?"
Re: Cottages

"The shed? Just some gardening tools and stuff. There's a generator too, but I haven't had to run that for ages... it's probably out of gas anyways," Rosie tells the blonde. She begins looking around for a key, preoccupied with trying to get into her own home.

Rosie Searches
8+3 vs 14, Fail.

"It's been forever since I forgot my own damned keys," she mutters, not managing to find a spare in the usual places...
Re: Cottages

Vaulting herself over the handrail of the porch, Melissa heads for the shed, saying, "I'll be right back, keep trying to get in." As she heads to the smaller building, she calls back, "Yell if you see anything."

Coming to the door of the shed, Melissa looks around inside the building. In particular she looks for hand tools, like a screwdriver or knife. Something that she can use to pry a door or window open.

(search the shed)
Re: Cottages

Rosie Searches
7+3 vs 14, Miss

Melissa encounters a light chain on the door's handles, keeping the double-doors of the shed secured by, you guessed it, a light padlock. Melissa notices, however, that there are two glass windows lining the side of the shed under an over-hanging roof, between which a large pile of wood has been carefully stacked. The windows large enough that she could probably squeeze through if she tried...
Re: Cottages

Carefully making her way up the stack of wood, Melisa grabs a piece and uses it to break open the window, then clears out the the remaining shards with it. She tosses the piece of wood inside, then crawls in through the window, taking a look around before pulling herself all the way in.
Re: Cottages

Rosie Searches
4+3 vs 14, miss (xD damnit, Rosie, why'd I have to make your mental stats so low?)

Melissa Searches
7+6 vs 14, miss

At first glance, it's hard to see what all is in the shed as Melissa's eyes adjust to the darkness. She bumps into something solid and smooth, a metallic 'clunk' issuing from whatever she'd hit.

"What was that?" Rosie asks from the porch, startled by the sound of shattering glass and distracted from her searching.
Re: Cottages

Melissa stumbles as her foot hits the metallic object, one hand reaching down to grab at the object to steady herself, while the other comes up to her forehead. Her knees shake as she breathes in large gulps of air. Finally recovering, she calls out, "N-nothing... Just looking around in the shed."

After a minute, Melissa looks around the room, starting with the object she'd run into. Although she hadn't thought of it while clambering into the shed, the sudden separation from Rosie makes her feel a bit nervous, and she continually glances at the windows, to make sure no one is watching her.

(inspect object, search again)
Re: Cottages

The object turns out to be that generator that Rosie had mentioned, large enough to be quite heavy, and hooked to some wires that must be attached from shed to cabin. Melissa begins searching the cabin in earnest as Rosie replies, "Ah, okay!" and continues her own search...

Rosie Searches
3+3 vs 14, Fail

Melissa Searches
3+6 vs 14, Fail

Melissa's feelings of dread seem to sky-rocket for a moment in this dark, confined area, and although nothing leaps out at her, she gets the nearly unshakable feeling that something malevolent is staring at her from right behind her... needless to say, she doesn't spot anything worthwhile while she's frozen up like this...
Re: Cottages

Shaking violently, Melissa closes her eyes as she draws in ragged breaths, trying to force herself to calm down. She opens her eyes and looks down at the ground, spotting the block of wood she had thrown into the window. Quickly kneeling down, she grabs the block and spins around, ready to swing at whatever was behind her.