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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito roars himself as he charges towards the first beast, his eyes full red as he bulldozes right into it "You won't be feeding off of me anytime soon!" he yells, jumping and locking both fists together, bringing them slamming down on the beast, causing a slight tremor as he slams it to the ground
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The creature was smashed into the ground, then in a blaze of movement, whipped Burrito and Grave back into the rest of the group, and out of that particular hallway before charging after them.

This also left Shrike completely alone with the other creature, who by now was attempting to stuff tentacles where she didn't want them to go. She would also begin to feel the creature begin moving away from the others, apparently trying to carry her weakening body elsewhere to be alone while it ravished her. It didn't seem however that it's aim was to kill her though, more like it was draining just enough in an attempt to make her too weak to resist it's advances.

((Easy solution to the problem there, apologies Grave. You'll get your shot to kill one of those things, I promise you that.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito grunts as he is sent flying back, crouching as a whirring is heard in his legs, motors in plain sight from his missing pant legs starting to power up as he kicks off the ground, flying towards the beast "How about a taste of this?!" he yells, drawing the blade from his back and slicing at the creature
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Good enough Shrike thought to herself as she mentally figured the distance she was being carried. Her weakening mind was quickly growing fuzzy, losing the battle to keep that warmth at bay, and her body started to slump as she lost the focus needed to continue the physical struggle. The Thembrihkal roared in triumph, quickly tearing off the last of her clothes and drawing her deeper into itself. Shrike watched as a separate tentacle appeared, obviously stiffer than the rest and with a bigger opening at the end, appeared from somewhere and began moving menacingly towards her lwer body. She waited until the last possible second, grimacing from the strain, then mentally let go, the warmth spreading to every part of her in an instant. Every muscle she had spasmed, and she opened her mouth to scream as a wave of pure force expanded outwards from her, shredding the beast as well as the structure around her, the walls, floor, and ceiling snapping and buckling for dozens of feet in every direction from her, the nearest ones completely shredding and tearing away. She screamed for what felt like forever, suspended in the air with nothing to support her, and when it was over in the space of a few seconds she slumped, then fell through the hole in the ground around her, dropping two more floors before landing with an unceremonious thud. She lay completely unmoving in a rubble strewn cavity, buckled almost to the point of breaking even that far from the epicenter.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The Thembrihkal let loose a short lived roar of pain before it was torn apart from the forces, nothing, even it capable of surviving such an outburst of energy.

Some time after she had fallen there, five wraith happened upon her body, having investigated the explosions. As they bent down to drag her nearly nude form away, something came flying out at them from the shadows.

Two of them were killed instantly by sharp blows to the heads, causing a part of their skull to fracture and pierce the brain. The remaining three fired their weapons at their attacker.... to no avail. The weapons had absolutely no effect on it. After only another minute, the three lay dead on the ground, their entire throats and hearts ripped clean out of their necks and chests, leaving a bloody, awful mess. When Shrike awoke and noticed the bodies, she would notice the bodies, still dripping fresh blood, and a shadow moving two floors above her, having just landed from a jump before taking off at an impossible running speed.

The one Burrito was fighting went into a more defensive mode, countering his attacks while trying with it's free tentacles to swat the annoying cyborg away.

The pilot, who had dispatched several other wraith trying to come in behind them now charged the creature, hitting it with enough force to make it stagger a step backwards before getting slapped into a wall with enough force to kill a human. Thankfully, he wasn't human anymore, and slowly got up again, cursing.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito is swatted back against the wall, but kicks off of the wall in a frenzy his shirt sleeves and pant legs now completely missing, showing his exposed mechanics "Come on! I'm not in the mood for your shit!" he yells, sliding the blade into it's sheath and stomping the ground with his right foot, shaking the ground as he flings both arms out behind him, then slams them forward with the force of a runaway train, directly at the beast and at close range
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

It seemed to the beast was growing tired of this, and took actions to end it. After it staggered back from the blow, while Burrito was getting ready to attack again, five tentacles shot out. He'd likely dodge four of the five, but the fifth barely managed to hit paydirt, wrapping around his neck. Once there, the thing tried to yank hard enough to rip his head off. He'd have to be quick and lucky to cut off, or get the thing off his neck before it began to constrict too far.

((Tell me you have something that will cut through metal Burrito. If not, I have an idea here.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito begins to groan, grasping at the tendril wrapped around his neck "Piss off!" he yells, his four fingers on his right hand each folding backwards at the last joint, bullets firing out at the monster "Let go you piece of scrap!" he yells, slamming his left fist into the metal that plated the arm, unable to get free.

((Nope. Nothing that can do that.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Drat. Ok, time to encounter the homicidal thing Siphon has become.))

Just as it seemed the creature was going to tear Burrito's head off, suddenly he was free, the creature letting out a surprised bellow of pain as it's limb was literally torn off by something. As he staggered back and the others came into view, they watched the Thembrihkal slam a single tentacle down towards it's attacker, who they recognized to be.... Siphon.

Something was wrong with him though, and it took a moment to register what. It wasn't his battered clothing, not the fact that he had torn that arm off, surely adrenaline pumping through his already powerful body could do that? No, what made them realize something was TERRIBLY wrong with him was when they looked to his eyes. One was completely normal, but the other one.... was completely dead, soulless, demonic black, the skin slightly distorted around it.

The tentacle slammed down towards Siphon... who shockingly grabbed it mere inches from flattening him, muscles twitching for only a moment as he completely stopped it. Letting loose a roar that was more demonic and homicidal than angry, he swung the thing by it's tentacle, repeatedly smashing it into the walls of the hive. He did not stop until long after it was dead, the arm he was swinging it by finally snapping off in protest. His rage did not end there though. Two wraith had tried to come in from a side corridor and ambush Copper and Pale. Snarling more like a primal animal, Siphon hurled himself at the two wraith, knocking them both to the floor. They were quickly taken out as he literally thrust his hand into their chests, and ripped out their still beating hearts, killing them instantly.

The pilot slowly moved towards him, and as he reached out to ask Siphon if he was alright, the hybrid turned on him, and despite the fact he was clearly one of their own, Siphon backhanded him hard enough in the face to fracture the cheekbone, slamming the vampire into the far wall. Letting loose another roar, this time in challenge clearly, he jumped through the ceiling, and vanished into the deck above them, leaving the group to wonder just what the hell had happened to him.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Burrito stands, shocked at what he had just saw. His Sergeant had just murdered a giant beat that could withstand his own power, and had ripped the still-beating hearts out of two wraith with barely any effort "I'm going after him!" he yells, rushing towards where Siphon had disappeared to and leaping up, chasing after the crazed hybrid "Keep going! I'll handle the Siphon issue!" he says over the radio, his vision changed to thermal to trace after Siphon
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike starts to twitch a little bit, then sits up with a start, gasping in surprise. She calms down immediately, taking stock of herself and her surroundings. The last thing she could remember was starting to land the ship so she could enter the hive with the others, and judging from her surroundings-

A noise above her makes her look up just in time to catch something running away, two floors up the massive hole she sat at the bottom of. "Siphon?" She called out questioningly. To no response. She looked back down and saw the shredded bodies around her, and started to piece things together as she stood and started adjusting the few leftover pieces of her clothing. One, she must have been in dire straits for what she must have done to happen. Two, judging from her clothes. It must have been a Thembrihkal, like the one in the TP forums. When she realized this, she focused on herself for a moment, fighting through the pounding headache to check herself over thouroughly. Couple big bruises and scrapes, but she was fine otherwise, good. Three, a bunch of... Wraiths apparently, had gone to capture her after she had passed out, and something had saved her. Since nobody was around, it must have been Siphon in the bloodrage she had felt earlier, wiping out targets and moving on.

Slowly rubbing her temple, Shrike started climbing the rubble towards where she figured the floor she was on was, there to try and figure out which way she had come from.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((I hate when I miss the big crap. Makes catching up seem almost contrived.))

Copper's response to Grave was going to have been that of the short-range fighters in the group, two of the three were female, so there was no getting around that.

Following along with the group as they moved to engage the thing, she was doing what she could to keep it distracted, not to mention keeping an eye out for wraith, but unless she invested more of her blood, she wasn't throwing the blades hard enough to get through the Thrembrihkal's hide.

"Shrike!" Dammitdammitdammit! As the one retreated with it's prize, she growled. If they wanted to get their companion back, they were going to have to go through the first one. And it just...wouldn't...die!

Stumbling a bit as backlash of (though she didn't know it) Shrike's energy explosion rocked through the area, she picked herself up in time to see Burrito in the grip of the thing. She was about to rush in when, pretty much, more hell broke loose in the form of Hurricane Siphon.

Seeing him, she began to wonder if there was some truth in the outside wraith's words. He said the...enzyme had flooded his system. That'd explain the super soldier status, maybe. But what the hell had happened to the rest of him? She flinched as Burrito shouted over the radio, tempted to go with him, especially if Siphon wasn't fully recognizing friend or foe, but they had to get Shrike away from the other Thrembihkal, not to mention...

"Up and at'em, Flyboy." She went over and crouched near the pilot, making sure that he was all right, too. Thankfully, her breed of vampire was tougher than most and that had been passed on to her Childe. Time, though, to give him a few pointers on healing, at least enough to get him upwardly mobile so they could keep hunting.

((Siphon! He needs a name or Copper's going to start calling him any variant of the word "fly" she can think of.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((I know what you mean, I was off most of the weekend, another one of my games has thirteen pages of unread in the OOC area :/ ))

Finally reaching what she thought was the floor she started on, Shrike listened carefully for any sounds of battle. Not hearing any worried her, so she fought against her headache and searched for the group, growling in pain as her mind is buffeted by Siphon's mental screams, but managing to pick out the group before she couldn't take the pain any longer. Walking slowly, she finally rounds a corner and comes across the group talking over the corpse of apparently another Thembrihkal.

"Miss me?" She asks slowly, still rubbing her head. Her clothes are a mess, nothing left but tied-together tatters covering the important bits, and multiple bruises and welts show on her body, especially around the wrists and ankles.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

The pilot looked up to her, staggering to his feet. As he did so she spotted the name on his uniform. John Sheppard. So he DID have a name, that was good, she could call him by something useful now. Sheppard groaned slightly. "Son of a bitch, I'd heard stories about a wraith's strength, but god damn does he hit HARD."

The act of talking of course rattled the fractured cheekbone, and he grimaced slightly in both annoyance and pain.

Burrito would be tailing after Siphon for some time before seemingly losing him at one juncture. However as he turned a corner....

He came to a dead stop as Siphon was standing not ten feet in front of him, a borrowed Magnum that had been specially modified to fire armor piercing rounds pointed straight at his head from the hybrid. Though he hadn't pulled the trigger yet, it was clear he was considering it, even before he spoke.

"I could have taken you out and shot you several times by now. What the hell do you want?"

Whatever had happened to him back there minutes ago, he seemed to at least partially recognize Burrito as not being a hostile, though how long that would last was anyone's guess. What was readily apparent was that he clearly felt annoyed by Burrito's presence there. He seemed semi lucid right now, and Burrito might have to wonder if that was only because they weren't in a hostile combat situation right now, and if they were, would Siphon even be speaking to him?

"I'm waiting, WHAT?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((At least it's only the ooc stuff you have to worry about.))

"Well, Siphon's a little hopped up right now, so that might account for it." She was listening to John slur his words thanks to his injury. "You'll want to fix that, you know. I mean, your body will do it on it's own, over time, but if you think about it, what you want done, you can patch yourself up quicker than that."

Hearing a female voice behind her, she turns. "Shrike!" She all but bounds over to the other woman. "Are you...what..." She seems to be taking in her appearance a little more each time she starts to ask a question. Finally she settles on "Are you okay?" followed immediately by "Want a shirt?"
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike chuckles a little, leaning aainst the wall for support. "I'm mostly fine, all things considered. It's dead, I kind of... exploded, is the best word for it. Don't actually remember anything since I landed the ship outside, but I pieced together more or less what happened. I'm pretty much back to when you guys found me mentally, massive pounding headache, and yes, if you have a spare shirt I would love one." She says slowly, rubbing her temple once again.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Yeah, kinda felt that." She listens as Shrike gives an assesment of herself. If she's not too troubled by it, then it looks like the vampire relaxes a little. "Well, since you weren't here," she shrugs off her jacket and actually pulls off the tank top she's wearing, handing it to the other woman before putting her leather back on and zipping it up, talking all the while. "we found Siphon. Sort of. He came in, beat the ever loving piss out of the other Timbuktu and two wraith, threw John," she indicates the pilot, " into the wall and then took off." She jerks a thumb in the direction that he went. "Burrito went chasing after him and I was originally going to go looking for you, but you're here, so we can either go after the boys or go on a bug hunt and look for more survivors."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike takes the tank top and slips it on, using the peices of leather from up there to reinforce what she had in terms of 'pants'. "I think I saw Siphon too. woke up with mutilated corpses around me, which wouldn't have happened if they were standing there to begin with. Figured they tried to carry me off and he killed them, thought I saw him head this way when I recovered. Are there any survivors for us to find? I vote we go after Siphon, I swear if you could hear his mind..." She says, shaking her head again.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

"Sounds about on par with what we saw him do here," the vampire replies. "There were some fighting the wraith, but I lost track of them when the beastie showed up. Though finding Siphon might be beneficial to all involved, so yeah, let's do that." She visibly shudders as Shrike mentions his mind. "I did."

((Copper = bed. Assume I tag along if you go Siphon hunting.))
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave was pissed. He didn't manage to get close enough to the beasts to damage them - all he got was a couple of wraiths. However, Siphon's actions shocked him - he knew that the hybrid was powerful, but he had no idea he was that strong. The warrior raised his sword and checked the edge. It was sharp enoug to cut metal, but the armor of the tentacle beasts was quite tough. Grave sighed and expressed his feelings as he followed the group. "F*** this."