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Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Shrike wandered the remains of the forum herself for a while, finally settling with a crumbled apartment building with two walls left standing. She didn't have a place here either, but she's also been in a lot worse situations as far as lodging has been concerned. a quick set of kicks to clear off some of the smaller chunks from a piece of carpet and she layed down, arms behind her head and looking to the sky.

"Just like old times..." She mumbled to herself before nodding off.
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave catched the keys and nodded. "Thanks... I'll keep your orders in mind." Something about the way he said the word orders suggested that he would most likely break all of the rules if he found the outcome amusing. "And where's your house located? I've never been there."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Testing her "orders" might be fun and from what he's seen, there'll likely be two outcomes: She'll blow it off or she'll follow through. "Over by the role-play section. That's my usual haunt." She gives him a few more specific directions that'll take him right to her door. "Help yourself to the beer in the fridge, if you want, too. Keep away from the bottles labeled 'Red Dog' though."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

Grave nodded. "Beer, huh? I guess we'll get along. Thanks again." The warrior left the landing zone and after a nice walk he managed to find Copper's house. He entered it and closed the door afterwards using the key Copper gave him - that was an old habit of his, to keep people out - blood stains on the floor were a bit troublesome, and Grave reacted in a violent way when someone entered his house without his consent. "Well, let's see if ULMF beer can best AL beer..."
Re: Crashed Hive- Mountains east of TP forums.

((Oi. Switch it to the Forum thread.))