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Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Lillian practically cooed as her companion stroked her hair. The young lady in waiting was practically putty before the otherworldly allure of the devilish Lasombra. She seemed willing to do or say almost anything Eliza would ask of her as they sat in the wintry garden of the Castle Bayard. In the distance they could hear the lively music of minstrels beginning at the masquerade.

Lillian thought about the question for a long while, so long that Eliza felt a prick of worry that her question had somehow alarmed the girl. Perhaps this had all been some perilous trap set up by her brother or even her dear sire to test her. The worrying fear of paranoia wormed it's way into her mind as she sat in the girl's arms. Then Lillian looked up as sweetly as ever and said.

"My lady is rather afraid of the amount of corruption at her court, she bemoans it constantly to myself. Her own faith is a shield against such things but she worries so about the other nobles and her even dare I say her husband the king. Gifts might be seen as nothing more than a bribe but if you were to take her into your confidence perhaps and bemoan the same things."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The seconds slowly ticked away in Eliza's mind as she waited for Lillian's reply. It was a simple question really, but no answer was forthcoming. Eliza couldn't help but wonder why. Silence becoming more pronounced the longer it lasted, only the tooting and strumming of the minstrels remained. It taunted Eliza's sensibilities.

The Lasombra primogen squirmed uncomfortably in Lillian's embrace, paranoia building within her. Eliza's eyes glanced down at Lillian's pretty little head suspiciously. Somehow, she suddenly looked less adorable than she did before. Could the conniving little harlot be involved in some plot against her? Would a sniveling human dare such a thing? Why would the girl not speak?! Would not surely such a simple question yield a speedy reply? Common courtesy demands it! Eliza wondered frantically, furtively looking around as the snow flakes leisurely glided to the ground.

When Lillian finally did reply, Eliza nearly jumped. She watched Lillian closely, suspiciously looking for any clues that something was up. The description seemed appropriate enough, basically what Eliza had expected, but still, she couldn't help but wonder.

"Oh? I suppose that is understandable. I could not help but notice you hesitate. Is something wrong darling?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Lillian jumps a bit almost at the exact moment as the devilish Lasombra, Eliza, does. She seems to notice the sudden change in temperament and the suspicious glance her companion is casting at her and with a frightened look upon her brow she answers. "W-why no there is nothing wrong, milady. I was just trying to piece my thoughts together so as to give the best response possible. I do so want to be of any help I can."

The frightened look seems to fade as she stares into Eliza's eyes as though she is desperate for her new companions approval. Perhaps it had simply been some trick of timing or perhaps something more sinister but Eliza couldn't tell. She remembered how paranoid Adria was and for the briefest of moments she actually smiled as she thought of her wonderful sire. Only to be dragged back to the present by the sycophantic noblewoman as she lay her head against Eliza's breast once more.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Thinking of the scene around her, Eliza couldn't help but think of her dearest sire Adria. So many times Eliza acted just like Lillian was now, a combination of genuine, afraid, and desperate for approval. Adria was so difficult sometimes, but Eliza ever so loved the times when she would smile upon her or dote upon her.

The young Lasombra primogen was smiling, thinking of one of those beautiful times when Lillian's nuzzling brought her back to reality. Eliza still wasn't quite sure if something nefarious was afoot, but the thoughts of her sire and the ironic role switch going on calmed her nerves. She continued to smile, albeit vainly as Adria would have to her, stroking Lillian's hair softly.

"I am sure you will be a great help Lillian. I cannot think of anyone better to arrange a private meeting with the queen than you." Eliza was lying through her teeth to calm the girl. "I hope you will pardon my boorish reaction as I was taught to be wary in foreign lands. I realize now that you only meant to help darling. Perhaps you could get started with that now to assure she does not become otherwise engaged?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Even without seeing her face Eliza could sense Lillian's eyes light up at the empty praise. The minstrels seemed to be in full swing by this point in time filling the castle hall and snowy garden alike with their wonderful tones. It also indicated that the time for introductions was over and that Eliza's nefarious plans could now be brought to fruition.

At Eliza's suggestion Lillian nodded ever so happily and looked up at the regnant lady of the night in her lap as she whispered. "An excellent idea, milady. Would you prefer me to bring her here or perhaps in the queen's own apartments for the evening. I am sure she will want to go for a rest before long after the initial excitement of greeting so many nobles."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza smiled wickedly, sensing Lillian's happiness. So easy to please... the Lasombra thought to herself as she gave the girl one last stroke through her hair. Smile turning from wicked to content as she stood up, Eliza offered her hand to Lillian.

"Now that you mention it, the Queen's apartment chambers sound like a fabulous place for our meeting. I do quite enjoy my privacy. Hmm.. you have been very helpful to me Lillian. I think I shall put in a good word for you with your highness."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Oh I don't think that will be necessary, milady. I'm sure introducing her to you will be more than enough to put me further into my queen's good graces. I'll just go and see if I can't lure my queen away from the party. I'll catch up with you on the opposite side of the great hall from the gardens." Lillian said as she hurried off to fulfill her task of luring Eliza's true target into the trap.

Passing through the snowy garden Eliza caught a glimpse of her companion on another stony bench. She seemed to be rather busy with a few conquests of her own though she did manage a wink at her devilish clan mate.

Once inside the great hall Eliza could see that most of the guests were busy dancing to some jaunty tune of the minstrels. Even the king himself had joined in but across the room she spied Lillian speaking to her queen with a smile. Just as Eliza had reached the far side and the doors where she was to wait she was accosted by none other than Lillian's brother who seemed a bit more drunk than he had been previously.

"Ah milady, here is-h that drink -hiccup- I promised you. I was-h wondering where you and my dear sister had gotten off to." He took another swig of the wine in his own goblet after handing one to Eliza. "This-h wine is such an excellent vintage is-h it not Barones-h. Perhaps-h you would care to dance?"

Boor alert. We have a wild boor in sector 2.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"I will be waiting with baited breath," Eliza replied to Lillian, a hint of playfulness in her eyes as she brushed a finger through her long snowy hair.

Eliza watched the girl scamper off, making her own way back through the garden with an elegant gait, tails of her red dress brushing along the ground lightly. The Lasombra primogen smirked back at Genevieve but rolled her eyes when she was out of eyesight.

Less interested in the party now that her quarry was at hand, Eliza made her way through the crowd, slinking her way past the merry humans until finally arriving at her destination.

Eliza only turned, to her great consternation, to find Lillian's drunken brother Carolan offering her wine and wanting to dance. Naturally, Eliza wanted no part of such base frivolity, thinly veiling her emotions behind a forced smile.

"Ah? Quite the irony considering we wondered where you were Carolan. I am not versed in this particular dance I am afraid." Eliza frowned a bit then pointed to a woman in the crowd. "I noticed that she has had her eye on you for quite some time. You should go ask her to dance."

Oh gosh
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Carolan's eyes are far to glazed over from strong drink to see past Eliza's thinly veiled feelings for him. In fact he merely smiles wider as she admits to wondering where he was. Though his attention is quickly turned to the lone noblewoman that she points at with the same smile. He simply nods at the command without the slightest idea of why or how as he slurs. "The Duchess-h of Ips-h-wich was looking at me. Perhaps-h my luck has-h changed."

He soon stumbles off to speak with the apparent Duchess of Ipswich though Eliza little cares who it is or what happens to the sotted boor. Her attention has already returned to her present quarry. The queen seems to have disappeared from the dais where she had been seated with Lillian, who also seems to have disappeared within a matter of moments. The tedious feeling of paranoia pecks at the back of Eliza's mind once more.

Suddenly a loud argument to her left draws her attention away from the familiar feelings as she looks to the source. Carolan stands near the exasperated woman as another lord stands between them as he angrily slaps a leather glove across Carolan's face. "How dare you speak to my wife, you sotted cur. I must defend her honor, the choice is yours, worm."

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Not that you need it right now i just keep forgetting to keep track of it for everyone.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza merely smiled as she watched Carolan saunter away toward the apparent Duchess but did not focus on him for long. The sooner he was out of her hair the better as far as she was concerned.

Instead, she focused on her main prize, which was... gone. The throne was empty with no Matilda or Lillian to be found. That was odd. Eliza didn't recall disappearing into the back to be a part of the plan. If the queen wished for a meeting, why not just come tell her about it right away? That gave Eliza a bad feeling. Nothing to be nervous about yet, but it still raised alarms in the back of Eliza's mind.

Just then, Eliza noticed the commotion in the middle of the hall and frowned. Filthy rabble cloaked in finery... The Lasombra thought to herself as she silently made her way through the double doors behind her. She had a mission to do, and didn't feel like drawing any more attention to herself. If Lillian or the queen was back here, perhaps Eliza would find them.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Leaving the commotion inadvertently caused by her own doing to play itself out however it would she entered through the double doors. Closing them behind her as she did she found herself in a lonely hallway of the castle without a soul around. The castle was certainly well decorated for having been done by mortals but she did not have the time to worry about such things as she moved forward to search for her prey.

It seemed odd that this hallway should be so empty she thought as she peaked in another door. This paranoia was certainly beginning to become annoying and she almost wished for once that she was not exactly like Adria, but no perish that thought it was simply to perfect as it was. The next room was set up with a cozy fire and a huge four posted bed in one half of the room. A picture above the fire looked very much like her prey but older and 3 other doors in each wall likely lead to further suites. It certainly appeared as though she had found the queen's apartment.

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Having left the commotion behind closed doors, Eliza walked silently through the darkened hallway. If she'd still been among the living, she might have made a sigh of relief. Her vampire nature preferred the darkness, and even before she'd been turned by Adria, Eliza had never really been much of a people person. Eliza took the empty hall as a kind of respite from all the people at the gathering, even if she still idly wondered what the queen and Lillian were doing. It felt more comfortable here.

Eliza smiled when she found the queen's bedroom. She hesitated within the door frame at first, not sure whether she should go in, looking to see if anyone was there. If no one was however, she would decide to go in after a few moments. She was the real queen after all. Eliza went to peer through the doors to see what lay beyond then sat upon the edge of the bed in waiting.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

After a few minutes of nary a sound from the room or it's nearby compartments Eliza entered the queen's chamber to look around. The door in the eastern wall was merely a closet of sorts and the western door was bolted from the inside. The door to the north revealed a comfortable sitting room with another door to the north. The sitting room looked as comfortable and as well decorated as the bedroom.

Still there seemed to be no one within this portion of the castle. Even as much as she had preferred to be alone in her own time, Eliza had kept her guards near enough to call. The silence was equally as unnerving the only sound being the loathsome roar of the fireplace.

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza found herself increasingly perturbed after finding the locked door on the western side of the room. The feeling only grew as the silent seconds continued to tick away. Her eyes went back and forth between the locked door, the fire, and the hallway.

If still nothing had happened after waiting in silence for a good while, Eliza's scowl would increasingly grow more unhappy until finally jumping up and pushing the locked door open.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The wait only seemed to increase the tension within Eliza's mind as she wondered where her prey might have disappeared to. Eventually after several nerve racking minutes her patience broke down and she shoved the door open breaking the handle and locking mechanism as though it were paper. The room beyond was dimly lit by a few candles but she could easily see that it was a private chapel of sorts.

Strange as it might seem to her after all these years she was suddenly overtaken with a nervousness at the sight of the altar at the far end of the room. It was almost as though the power of god was actually present in this place of worship but she knew the legends of godly powers to be false. Why her grandsire was a high ranking archbishop of the church and her own brother was a priest. Still she felt the slightest tinge of fear at the sight of the altar.

A sound of the door in the sitting room opening and a pair of soft footfalls drew her attention. She could either wait here, investigate the sound or perhaps return to the silent hall but she would have to decide quickly as she had little time before they would enter the bedroom.

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][]. Hope I wasn't confusing in my description but there was another door in the sitting room that connected to the bedroom. Not that it really matters since this works too.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

As soon as she saw the altar, Eliza staggered back a step. It was a subconscious reaction just like a person would have when they see something totally revolting. When the conscious part of her brain became aware of the subconscious, Eliza frowned suspiciously. She stood in place, warily eying the chapel as her mind went into overdrive. It was unusual certainly. She knew many clansmen and women who were among the church, even occasionally partaking in the façade herself. This time felt different, and that worried her. All she knew for now was that she didn't really want any part of that altar.

The sound of the door in the sitting room drew Eliza back to reality. Her eyes darted to the door then back to the chapel room. She scowled at it one last time then tried to pull the door back. That way, it would look relatively undisturbed, and Eliza wouldn't have to look at what was inside. Once that was done, Eliza headed toward the sitting room to find who was coming. She was suddenly far less keen to stay in this bedroom.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The handle was broke beyond immediate repair even if Eliza knew how to do such lowly tasks. Still the door would pass casual inspection and likely not draw to much interest when discovered. Her fear seemed to fade as soon as the altar was out of sight and she quickly made her way to the sitting room door.

From the other side she could hear 2 women speaking one was the simpering plaything Lillian and the other she of course did not recognize. They spoke sweetly about the guest that Lillian wanted to introduce to the queen. Lillian practically seeming to gush over her description and how she so abhorred the corruption in her own courts.

Queen Matilda sounded so sweet, as she gave an agreement to meet with this baroness in private, that Eliza felt herself grow excited. She would enjoy corrupting such a woman, so sweet and so innocent. Then the door to the sitting room closed as Lillian headed back to the main hall no doubt to find Eliza so she could bring her to the queen.

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Once the door closed, Eliza felt an inward sigh of relief. A living person would actually sigh. This was different. Just the feeling of the sigh itself without happening. Satisfied with the door, Eliza quickly made her way to the sound. She heard Lillian gushing over her purity and smiled at the irony of it all, brushing her finger tip on her devil horns.

Instead of going back to the hall to wait for Lillian, Eliza walked right into the room with the Queen, trying her best to seem shy. She pretended she was Genevieve, conjuring up an innocent looking smile.

"Oh pardon me my lady. I did not mean to barge in. It is just that with all the dancing and carrying on, I felt so out of place. I wanted to get some privacy, but it seems I got lost. This is so embarrassing. Please accept my apologies. I will leave you to your resting..." Eliza stammered out as she began to turn away to leave.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The queen looked up with a start at the appearance of Eliza from the doorway though she quickly smiled and offered a seat beside her. Her own smile just as sweet and innocent though far more sincere than Eliza's own. "I can hardly blame you for seeking a more quiet place to contemplate things. I'm not much one for parties myself though my lord, the king, is rather fond of them. I am sure you must realize who I am but I'm afraid I don't recall you being announced though you certainly appear as though you would fit in at the debauchery of the party."

The queen herself was costumed as a lady of the church, almost fitting considering what Eliza already knew of her. "I fear my costume did not go over so well but it seemed fitting none the less. It might be considered rather amusing if people could see us now no doubt."

12/15 BP, 3/4 WP, [][][][][][][].
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

After she turned to leave and the queen beckoned for her to stay, Eliza smirked devilishly. By the time the Lasombra turned about to face the queen again, her smile was angelic, at least she thought so. "Oh you noticed my costume? I was just trying to fit in, but maybe it was too much..." Eliza replied as she sat down next to the queen. "My name is Racchea, Baroness of the faraway lands of Raška. My family sent me here to learn the ways of your people, but it can be so lonely all by myself."

"Haha, yes I suppose it could be considered amusing," Eliza laughed, placing her hand on Matilda's thigh for a moment. "It is a very... holy.. costume. I like it, but I think it a shame to hide your hair that I can only imagine must be so pretty. It must be to match your face. If you do not mind me saying so."
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