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Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Genevieve smiled and excused herself from the group she was with boredly. Introducing herself with the alias she had been using at the correct moment and adding with a look of concern. "Oh that is terrible but I do not mind I've already grown bored of this party. It seems rather subdued after that nasty duel outside. I will gladly leave with you, my dear sister. And it's a shame I didn't get the chance to meet with you Lillian perhaps another time."

She raised her eyebrow a bit quizzically when Eliza invited Lillian to join them but said nothing. The young lady in waiting seemed to want to join Eliza in leaving but she said. "I would really like to leave with you, though I don't think a gift is necessary. But my brother is rather hurt and I don't feel it would be right to leave him just yet. Perhaps we could just arrange to meet again tomorrow evening. When this horrible evening is behind us."

You aren't being punished. You killed someone in cold blood which calls for a roll in degeneration if you follow the path of humanity. You failed the roll. Vezina's path didn't even call for a roll so she didn't suffer those consequences.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Leaning against her "sister" a little to keep up the sickness act, Eliza frowned at Lillian's reply but nodded gravely. The Lasombra didn't really have any desire to continue pressing the point, wishing to just move on from this place.

"Yes, quite unfortunate... That is understandable. I am afraid I will be rather busy tomorrow, but perhaps I will send for you another time, so we can chat."

With a smile, Eliza left with Genevieve but scowled as soon as they'd gotten out of eyesight and earshot. She probably wouldn't be calling anyone.

Eliza retold the story to Genevieve on the way back in hushed tones and eccentric gestures, focusing on the surprising revelation that the Queen had been a hunter, how Eliza had to kill her because of it, as well as the strange feeling she got when observing the chapel. She lamented the lack of simply "ordinary" royalty in London and vented pretty much every frustration she was feeling. When she was finished, Eliza forced out a sigh.

"Perhaps hunting here wasn't such a great idea after all... I think I may just head back to my haven and turn in for the night."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The mischievous smile never once left Genevieve's face even as she lamented the poor choice of hunting grounds with her fellow Lasombra. Neither the coldness of the night nor the cold boiling rage where Eliza's heart may have once been could slow them as they made their way to her haven. Genevieve in perfect step beside her as they pushed their way into the entrance way of the one place Eliza could relax after such an evening.

Genevieve practically pushed the devilishly dressed Eliza down on a soft cushion as they entered and whispered softly from behind her. "Now now my devilish companion. You needn't worry about a thing I will ensure that everything is taken care of by the tomorrow provided of course you do as your told!"

Eliza might have lashed out but something intrigued her about the way her fellow Lasombra had said that. She didn't even fight back as she felt her arms suddenly pulled back behind her by her angelic companion, who leaned in as closely as possible and whispered ever so softly in Eliza's ear. "Have you ever heard of the path of sin, my dear. I think it may just be what you need, if your willing to learn more."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Walking cautiously into her haven with Genevieve, Eliza looked around to make sure everything was in order, a habit that she never really thought of shaking. The Lasombra primogen had half a mind to tell Genevieve to leave, but it was hard to tell such an angelic face to go, even for Eliza. It didn't hurt that Genevieve was one of Eliza's only friends too.

What came next took Eliza totally by surprise. Plopping down on the couch, Eliza bared her fangs almost instantly but didn't do anything to stop Genevieve, instead just tilting her head to show Genevieve the menacing tips of her fangs, gazing up at her with keen interest.

"That would depend on what I am being told to do Genevieve... but I do admit to being rather intrigued about this turn of events."
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