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Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Ali yawned as she watched the sun setting behind her. She had the window seat at her favorite local coffee shop where she'd been skimming the classified, reading, and scoping out for local hotties. Unfortunately, there wasn't much of interest in the classifieds, nothing she wanted to do anyway. The job market was tough, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy a good book and a steamy hot latte blended with just the right amount of coffee, milk, and spices.

When Ali looked up to see the Sun fading into the horizon behind a set of pink puffy clouds, a hip looking woman with olive complexion walked over to her. The girl was pretty with long brown hair, a fedora, and a playful smile. She didn't waste any time or ask for permission, just plopping right down in the chair across from Ali.

"Wow. Niiiiice boots! Looks like this table is where it's at today. I'm Sadie, and I'm wonderin' why someone who looks so sexy is sitting all alone?"

Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ali raised an eyebrow as the woman sat beside her, even carefully setting her book down and letting the corner of her lip pull up in a smile. She was thankful for the eyeshadow and foundation on her skin that hid the bruising from her latest match. She'd gotten good at that.

"Just enjoying a good book before I enjoy the evening, before some pair of sheets embrace me for the morning light," Ali said teasingly. She couldn't help herself, and let her eyes explore this woman before her, this beautiful girl who had just slid into her life with no explanation. It had certainly piqued her curiosity.

"Ali. My name's Ali, short for Alexandra," she introduced, holding out her hand.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Nice to meetcha Ali," Sadie replied with a smile, reaching out and shaking Ali's hand with a playful wink. After shaking Ali's hand, Sadie leaned back on the back rest of her chair, comfortably slouching a little with her legs spread out. She took a sip of her iced mocha, only licking the excess whipped cream from her lips a few seconds later.

"Mmm, yummy. Don't be in such a hurry to go to bed silly. All kinda stuff can happen between now and then... Like how about this. Have you ever been to the Onyx Oasis?" Sadie asked, her smile growing wider with pride. "There's never a dull night in the Oasis, and I can get you on the list! You're already on it if you play your cards right. That's why there's a spot on the list just called "Sadie's Friends," hehe. Remina and me are tight." Sadie emphasized her point by curling her little fingers together with a grin.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"The Onyx Oasis? I've heard of it, but never been. Cover's always been a bit too much for my wallet... so colour me intrigued," Ali said leaning forward, pushing her book gently to the side. She might not have the money, but a new club? Could certainly lead to a fun evening, and with the right people there never was money required.

"Do go on my dear," Ali purred softly, the corners of her lips curling slightly.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Well..." Sadie smiled widely, happy to continue her explanation. "Anyone who's anyone either goes to the Onyx Oasis or wants to go. It can be hard to get on the list, ya know... exclusive clientèle can be pretty picky, have certain things we have to provide and all that. Things can get stale if it's always the same people around though."

"That's where I come in," Sadie tipped her hat, grinning for Ali. "I'm the easiest way to get into the Onyx. Remina and me go way back, see. While she might be the queen of the club... even of the city if ya get right down to it, she knows I'm the queen of fun! So she put me in charge of bringing in the best people to make sure everyone is having fun. The club is always in need of new blood..." Sadie suddenly coughed, as if sheepishly embarrassed about something she said before covering it up with a giggle and taking a long sip of her iced mocha, then let out a long contented sigh.

"That's where you come in sweetie! I'm not always one to judge a book by its cover, but ya look like ya know how to have fun girl. You'd be great new blood for the club don'tcha think? Hehe."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Well, I think I'm happy I wore these boots today. I'm in," Ali said with a wide grin, closing her book and slipping it into her carrying bag. She didn't have a match until a few nights from now, and she didn't have much money. But just a few drinks didn't mean she couldn't have a lot of fun.

"Count me in honey. I'm guessing I get to go tonight, and meet this queen for the new bloods?" Ali purred gently, a coy little smile on her features as her eyes danced over this woman once again.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Well aren't you a good guesser?" Sadie replied with a coy smile. "Definitely sweetie. I already picked you out to be my date tonight. Somehow I had a feeling you'd say yes, hehe."

The fedora clad girl bounced up and led Ali out of the coffee shop, the Sun having totally set now, the sexy pair head out in the twilight.


They walked across a few blocks, but it wasn't too far. Eventually, Sadie led Ali through a large iron gate, swung open invitingly and under an arch with neon gray letters spelling out Onyx Oasis. The letters were highlighted by a spotlight to give them a cloudy look and underlined by the neon green stem of a rose. The building itself was circular, like a wide tower with a dome roof. Bright colors pulsated through the widows of the otherwise dark tower with a trio of spotlights shooting up to the cloudy sky.

A steady beat thumped lightly under Sadie and Ali's feet even from outside as they approached. There were a few sexy people sitting on black marble benches outside, wearing eccentric but attractive goth-getup. Most of the people, however, were clearly inside where the party was.

When they got to the doors, Sadie gave it a double knock, and a slit quickly slid open and closed before the whole thing swung open for Ali to find an enormous man standing in front of her. He was at least 6 feet 7 inches tall with his bright green mohawk adding 3 more inches to his already massive height. Muscles rippled out of his leather vest and a spiked collar wrapped around his neck. Perhaps the strangest thing though was his big smile.

"Hey there Sadie! This little truffle your new friend?"

Sadie smirked at Ali, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "You got it Kenny. This here is Alexandra, but friends call her Ali. What's your last name sweetie?" Sadie asked, hardly giving her a chance to respond before adding. "You can put her on the list Kenny, and let Remina know she wants an appointment!"

Kenny paused, looking a little nervous. "I dunno Sadie. You know Remina. Always booked up full of appointments." but Sadie just pulled Ali closer. "Don't worry Kenny. Just tell her Sadie said so."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Brook," Ali managed to squeeze in between her energetic date's words. The throb of the music pouring out through the open doorway and the close press of Sadie's body making her heart flutter with excitement. Mentions of appointments coming from her lips somehow sounded more delicious than the sterile word should.

Letting her hand slide across Sadie's lower back, fingers curling around her sides, she smiled brightly at the large man, this Kenny, her hip pressing firmly to her date's.

"And when would this appointment be?" she asked curiously, sliding her gaze to Sadie, the motion taking her lips mere inches from Sadie's skin.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Oh don't you worry little strumpet," Kenny said with a toothy smile. "Remina ain't shy. She'll let ya know when she wants you."

"Oooh..." Sadie purred from the closeness of Ali's lips. She brushed across them then smiled. The olive skinned brunette slid her hand down Ali's arm, tickling gently along the way until sliding her hand into Ali's.

"C'mon sweetie," she cooed as she pulled Ali along into the Onyx Oasis. They were still in the main entranceway with a black staircase at the end of the hallway, leading up to the thumping beat and colorful strobe lights. Before they got there, though, Sadie suddenly pressed Ali against the wall, pulling up Ali's thigh into a curl against her body with her right hand and holding Ali's shoulder with her left. She was strong for a little thing!

Sadie leaned in quickly, brushing against Ali's hair with a playful smile and whispering in her ear. "Mmm.. I better eat you up before anyone else gets their paws on you eh?" She was firm but soft, swaying her body ever so slightly against Ali's. Her smile was crookedly playful, eyes incorrigibly mischievous.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

As her back slammed against the wall, her thigh sliding over the other woman's form, feeling the heat through her own thigh high stockings, Ali bit her lip as her eyes lit up. She leaned her head forward, until her lips grazed over Sadie's ear, tasting her skin, licking the heat.

"Mmm, I think that perhaps you should. I taste ever so delicious," she whispered softly, letting her body move with Sadie's movements, letting herself be pinned by the surprisingly strong woman.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Mmmm... rawr," Sadie gasped in reply as she felt the gentle heat of Ali's lips brush along her ear. "Ya don't have ta tell me twice honey." The olive skinned woman said with a smirk just before diving in for a kiss. Her lips sucked hungrily at Ali's lips, pulling at the lower lip at first with a low growl before tasting Ali's mouth passionately. Sadie's scent of apples and sex flooded Ali's senses as they kissed, her hand curling beneath Ali's rear. She hefted her up into the air and pinned her against the oaken wall.

Sadie's body rhythmically pounded against Ali's core to the beat of playing in the background, the moans of the song mixing with Sadie's muffled growls. Once she'd gotten a good taste of Ali's lips, Sadie's tongue slid within. There tongues entangled, saliva mixed, and bodies pressed tightly. Her free hand brushed through Ali's long, silken locks of hair as they kissed, curling and pulling her even closer. Sadie then suddenly hoisted Ali up even more, one hand supporting her and the other wrapped around her back. She continued the kiss, but headed straight for the stairs. It seemed she wanted to carry Ali right into the club as they kissed!
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

The taste of the other woman's lips upon her tongue sent fire coursing through Ali's veins. Her eyes closed, letting the sensation of her back against the wall and the feel of Sadie's hand gliding over her thigh to the curve of her rear swirl with the feel of the kiss and consume her mind in a haze of rising lust.

As Ali's lips hungrily pressed, and her tongue eagerly danced with the other woman's, her hands roamed over her body. The soft swell of breasts gentle beneath her palms before fingers slid to back and chest pushed against against through cloth and lace. The smell of melon and lilac wafted off from Ali's locks and skin while her groans were lost amidst the thumping music that seemed to pound and flutter along with her heart.

Legs curling around Sadie, pulling herself closer, her skirt hiking up slightly from the movement, Ali let herself be taken by this wildcat stranger, eager to see her world.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Sadie groaned into the kiss, fingers curling tightly into Ali's hair as she strode up the stairs to the main area of the club. The strong little olive skinned woman kept up the kiss until pulling back just so when they got to the top of the stairs, tongue lightly flicking at Ali's moist lips with a playful smirk.

The dance floor was filled to the brim with dozens of people, decked out in leather and lace and other sexy attire. The walls and ceiling were symmetrical like a cube. They were black, crystallized, and opaquely translucent, shimmering with the colorful strobe lights from the stage and reflecting them back upon the group of clubbers. Little balls of light floated about like little fairies. People swatted at them and they bounced up to the crystals, shooting around every which way as the music continued to thump around them.

Two staircases on either side of the club led up to a second floor balcony with people sitting at tables, talking, and looking out over the lower floor dancers along with the sexy people, both men women, dancing on a few suspended platforms above the dancing floor. A stage also propped up at the front of the dance floor, opposite Sadie and Ali, but right now no one was there.

After a few seconds to let everything sink in, Sadie set Ali down on her feet again, swatting at a neon blue ball of light that went spiraling toward another blonde woman in leather pants who knocked it toward the ceiling. More than a few people on the dance floor, all looking rather pale but still sexy, watched Sadie as Ali as they made their way into the crowd. Sadie pressed behind Ali, "You look pretty popular!" she whispered in her ear just as she slid in front of Ali, pressing back against her and leaning her head back against her shoulder.

"I wonder though... are you a first floor or an upper floor kinda girl?"
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

As her feet touched the ground, Ali sucked in a sharp breath as she overlooked the club itself.

The heat of everyone moving and pressing together, the smell of sweat and sex on the air, invigorated the young woman, who moved with the olive skinned beauty whose taste lingered upon her lips.

"Would you have something to do with that?" Ali asked of Sadie as her eyes slid over the beautiful people that moved around her, skin peering out from behind leather and lace without concern for prudish modesty. The curves and slopes of nubile bodies sparking the lust of Ali's imagination.

"Right here is nice... but I think maybe upstairs," Ali purred as she looked down over the woman leaning back against her. She let her fingertips slide up from Sadie's hips and over the expanse of her stomach before moving over the gentle swell of her breast, before letting her hand gently curl around the soft flesh.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

"Mmmm," Sadie purred from Ali's soft touch. The olive skinned beauty pushed her chest out against Ali's exploring hands then wiggled, rolling her shoulders and swaying against Ali's body. "Would I do that?" she asked, smiling playfully with a look over her shoulder. "I'm just an innocent party girl, hehe." Sadie slid her arms down Ali's sides, brushing her body against the other woman, swaying rhythmically to the music until taking her hand and turning around with a wink.

"Upper floor girl eh? I'm not too surprised. Remina will like that too. C'mon then I'll show you around."

Sadie confidently led the way through the crowd of dancers brushing past a few couples that turned to look with expressions ranging from naughty to haughty as the two walked past. Sadie was undettered though. She led Ali up a spiraling staircase up to the second floor balcony. "Maybe one of the private dancing rooms eh?" Sadie stopped to tease, brushing against Ali lightly as she walked along.

Even with Ali's excitement to follow Sadie, she felt her attention strangely drawn to a blonde woman that was sitting with a couple others at a table not far away. She had a soft leather top and pants with her hair pulled back and had red lipstick and black eyeshadow. Ali felt a small urge, like something nagging at the back of her mind, a feeling that she wanted to go talk to this blonde stranger. Sadie was still pulling her along the opposite direction to head for the private room though...

Mysterious blonde woman is trying to use presence on Ali! She can resist if she wants.

Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Licking her lips at the sight of the blonde woman, Ali stopped, pulling gently on Sadie's hand.

"Who's that?" she asked gently, feeling a shiver crawling along her spine. This place was almost too much for her, she felt like she was drowning in desire that crawled across her brain, and she loved every moment of it.

She did not immediately respond to her urge, instead, catching herself between Sadie and this gorgeous woman who had pushed herself into Ali's mind.
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Sadie stopped then came back, pressing behind Ali just by her side to peer over her shoulder. "Ohhh you have a wandering eye do ya? Hmmm... I see you have some interesting taste too. That's Winter. She's a pretty frequent visitor here. Has some... peculiar tastes. She used to be an actress or something. I dunno, but Remina doesn't mind indulging her because she has some good connections."

"Peeeersonally, I wouldn't trust her unless I had something to hold over her head, but that's me. I could introduce you if you want though." Sadie added then rubbed against Ali playfully and gripped her butt gently. "Unless you wanna play... hehe."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Ali bit her lower lip, torn on the decision as she ground her rear into Sadie's hand playfully, her eyes still upon this woman, Winter. The urge still kindled in her mind, though the burning between her legs was all from Sadie.

"Would you introduce me, I find a bit of..." Ali turned her head, leaning back onto Sadie's shoulder and gently clamped the woman's ear between her teeth, letting her tongue slide over her skin.

"...anticipation makes the final act so much more, climactic," she purred softly, running her fingers through Sadie's hair.

"Because I do so wish to feel you devour me."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Sadie gasped as she felt Ali's tongue slither behind her ear. "Ahhh.. and I thought I was the tease. Alrighty then. If that's what ya want." Ali's companion led her to Winter's table. She smiled and gestured to Ali.

"Hiya Winter. This is our newest member, Ali Brook. I'm giving her the rounds and seems she took a liking to ya. So yeah."

Winter leaned back and smiled at Ali, not seeming to pay much attention to Sadie. "Hi there Ali. I was just telling Oliver here how it would be great to have some new faces around here. It gets so boring with the same old people all the time. Why don't you sit down."

"Hmmm.. I guess I'll let you two chat. I'll be back to let you know when Remina's ready for ya. Or you could just find me," Sadie added with a wink before sauntering away bouncily.

Winter's smile seemed to curl up a bit when Sadie left. "So what brings you to the Onyx Oasis Ali Brook? If you need something from Remina, I might be able to help you with that as well. That woman can be so busy, and I know quite a bit about how things work around here if I do say so."
Re: Crimson and Clover: Ali Brook

Watching Sadie saunter away, eyes following her hips before she vanished from sight, Ali finally turned back to Winter. She noted how her smile curled more upon Sadie's departure, and wondered what kind of game she was poking her toes into.

Sliding gently into a seat, and crossing her legs slowly, shifting the hem of her skirt slightly, Ali smiled as sultry a smile as she could summon.

"Something different. Something... spicy," Ali confessed, her eyes sliding from Winter's own gaze to her lips and back. This woman intrigued her, and pulled her in, and Ali didn't entirely understand, but a part of her thrilled at it.

"I was told this Remina would be interested in me."