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Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(Curses! My arch foe the 20! I really need to file that off.)

The harpy's laughs are cut short by a sudden gurgle. "C-Curse.....youuuuuu...." She gasps out before turning to dust. With another foe fallen Michelle feels a bit better used to her skill in the open world.

Michelle hit level 2
HP:60 MP:4 STR:70 INT:45

HP:30 (still nude) MP:4
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle threw her pinned sword arm and just as the harpy said something stabbing directly under the rib cage. Michelle felt both the harpy's lungs collapse from the cut. Instantly the harpy dropped freeing Michelle from her uncomfortable position. Michelle freed her gladius and wiped the excess blood from sword. Michelle kept her sword out and looked over the body for any useful items. afterwards would Michelle quickly sheathed the weapon and took back to sky heading to greece but keeping an eye out for any clothes that were being hung out dry.

( check the body for anything useful then keeping flying and look for some clothes)

-the 20s the be my friend don't kick them out this is their home :(
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle doesn't find anything useful from the harpy but manages to find, ironically, a toga to wear along the way. Some kind of instinct seems to guide her to a cave in some ocean cliffs. Almost as if something was eminating from it.

(Don't blame me when Pheonix and Keylo come to pry the 20s from your cold dead hands.)

HP:60 (To-ga! To-ga! To-ga!) MP:4

(I had to say it.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle lands lightly on her feet now comfortable in the brisk ocean air and her toga fastened out of a stray bed sheet she snagged along the way. The cave was very eery and seemed to pulse like heavy breathing. Michelle drew her gladius ready herself for anything and began to slowly walk into the cave. Michelle made sure to build up the burning fire again but held it at bay until it was time for action or until it was too dark to see.

(cautioniously walk into the cave. igniting the sword with holy flame when danger appears or its too dark to see.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(You got lucky, no ambushes)

Michelle wanders the cave easily following the evil to it's source finding herself in an elaborate underground temple plenty of torches for lighting. "Are you the one who killed the harpy? I hope ssso, that was getting on my nerves." A naked woman moves out of the shadows, and then the rest of her does, a long massive serpent tail added to the snakes in her hair. "Did you come to keep me company?"

Boss:Medusa {Warning} Medusa can use an ability every few turns to try and petrify, once petrified she can remove clothing for the 2 turns you're frozen or deal erotic damage
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle knew about the gorgon and immediately ducked her gaze to the lower half of medusa. as well as igniting the gladius with a shake of her hand. Michelle charged began to slice at the serpent with quick fluid slices of fire and steel.

(lower gaze and ignite sword then attack)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(You hereby have Keylo's curse.....*a giant 2 crushes you*)

{Medusa uses petrifying gaze}

Michelle doesn't avert her gaze quite fast enough and her eyes lock on Medusa's as she feels her body harden. "I've always loved the classics....I think you'd look much better without it though..." Medusa chuckles to herself as she removes the toga just before Michelle returns to life with a gasp. "Now don't you feel better?" She chuckles standing before Michelle.

HP:30 (Noga Toga) MP:4
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle free of the stone gaze and now naked became angry igniting her sword and charging for stab at medusa to try an end this before the gorgon makes further advances.

(ignite sword and attack)

-lazy post. come on best friend come on over.
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(Sorry your old pal 20 couldn't come, his drinking buddy 17 showed up though)

Medusa hisses and leaps back as the blade scorches her. "If you give me too much trouble little bird you will not be happy..." She lashes out with her hair but Michelle manages to avoid all the tiny fangs snapping at her.
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle lit the sword up with the warm white flames and began slashing at the gorgon. The sword missed but the flames managed to lick quite a bit of her skin scorching her with a tremedous burn. The goron attacked back with her snake hair but they were held at by the flames of her gladius. Michelle closed her other fist and the fimilar white light began to seep through the cracks in between her fingers. Michelle then threw the holy light and followed the flash with a feint attack at the grogon's head but really she was aiming for medusa's chest.

(holy light flash and follow with a fake swing toward the head but then stab for the heart.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(4, the dice has forsaken you)

Medusa notices the light and closes her eyes to avoid the flash and catches her blade as it goes for her chest. "You think you're the first warrior I've fought?" She grins and one of the serpents on her head comes free and moves down her arm and up Michelle's before biting her shoulder.

Michelle takes 5 damage and has been poisoned, will take 1 point of damage for 5 turns.
HP:25 MP:3
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

As Michelle went for the stab the gorgon quickly deflected her flamed weapon. Michelle drew away when she felt a burning sensation go up her arm. Posion! Augh come on how does a lover of Poseidon gain venom. I thought you were only cursed to be ugly?" said Michelle cluthing the bite wound.Michelle extingushed the flames on the gladius hoping to use the reflection on the sword to hopefully counter the gorgons stare if she used it again. Michelle eyed the lower portion of medusa waiting for an attack to counter.

(wait for attack then counter it. use blades reflection to counter paralyzing stare.)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)


Medusa's tail darts at Michelle just as she looks at it giving her just enough time to avoid it and leap out of reach and slash at her cutting the tail a bit. "You've been listening to way too many stories dear." Her gaze seems to remain normal.

HP:24 MP:3
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle waited patiently for the attack and when it came Medusa's tail suffered for it. Michelle quickly hid her fist behind her this time going for a surprise holy light attack. Michelle would then try for another quick attack but this time going straight for a beheading of the snake woman.

(sneak use of holy light then follow with a beheading attempt)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(6 for light, 18 for attack)

Medusa again saw the light coming, but this time opened her eyes barely with enough time to avoid the sword but still losing some of her hair. "AHHHHHH! You little whelp! I'm going to enjoy tormenting you..."
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Snakes fell from medusa's hair dieing as they fell to the ground. Michelle ignored the threats of the gorgon and continued on the attack while medusa was still distracted by her lose of living hair.

(cotinue the attack)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

(Yeesh took like 7 turns for either side to land something)

Michelle and Medusa danced around her lair weaving and parrying each other's blows, michelle avoided being petrified twice looking away just in time before landing a mighty blow and cleaving Medusa's head off. As she calmed herself and prepared to gather her clothes michelle heard a hiss behind her and turned to see Medusa's head flying through the air towards her.

(Hey at least there aren't any pits around)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

michelle dodged and weaved snakes and stares until she felt the sickening feeling of the gorgon's head leaving her shoulders. Michelle started to intake a large breath to calm her system down when a ploping sound came from behind. Medusa's head was flying at her with mouth open. On instinct Michelle attempted to kick the head away like a large uneven soccer ball.

(Kick the head away)
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)


The head flies across the room from the kick and slams into a pillar before falling to the ground. "Hehe....I never thought I'd be beaten by one of my own..." The head screams before turning to stone, the body does the same and Michelle feels a burst of strength within.

Level 3 HP:70 MP:5 STR:80 INT:50
Re: Crucifix Held Close (Fanta)

Michelle looks in awe as the body and head turn into sold stone. Then wonders to herself why all the monsters keep saying I am one of their own. Then shaking the thought from her mind searches the cavern for any clue or items of usefulness along with her toga.

(search the cave and redress)

-is the one of us part of the plot or because I am a darkborne-ish creature.