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Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Yleine was likely not very happy at the moment. Cast down from the heavens she was stuck in a now...not quite mortal, but close enough body. She had none of her ability to strike down mortal kind in the dozens with just a single punch, indeed if she punched anything now she'd just hurt her hand. Though she did have a sword and shield at least.

No, what was probably causing her unhappyness was the drizzling rain, and possibly the that was floating ahead of her, just out of her reach. The woman was a servant of the goddess that tossed her down here, and the one directly responsible for maintaining her curse.

That same curse that was currently seeing her in her second iteration. When she had been cast down she had rather unfortunately, and quite deliberately by the goddess of love, been thrown into a pack of minotaurs. Those minotaurs had wasted no time in showing her that she had lost her godly powers, and just what her curse was.

Years she had spent in that cave, being nothing more then a breeding sow to the minotaurs, her first child had been a daughter, which the minotaurs seemed oddly protective of, and after that it had just been minotaur after minotaur. She had gotten the opportunity to watch her girl grow into a near perfect copy of her, except with an more expansive chest, before with a flash of light one day her daughter was gone, and she was no longer in the cave. Instead she found herself in a town, wearing her normal outfit, with a sword and shield on her person. Though as she looked down she'd realize that her breasts weren't this large before, and she'd realize she wasn't herself anymore, instead she had become her daughter.

Now though she was being taunted by the servant of the goddess. "Heh, how did you like your stay with the minotaurs? They looked like they treated you swell. Maybe if you went back there you could get a free showing of them fucking your old self? Either way the goddess has decided to be a bit merciful after the last few years of watching you become a cow, and put in a way for you to escape! You just have to find me, beat my dungeon, and then beat me and we'll get rid of the curse! Won't that be fu~un?"

Before Yleine could try to take a swing at her or something, the servant flew into the air. "Remember, you got to come find me!"

A few months later, and luckily not another iteration. Yleine found herself infront of where she believed the servant had set up shop. She just would need to battle her way through whatever they had prepared, and she'd be able to be free of this indignity.

Option 1: The Crypt of the Sexdancer (Easy)
Primary Enemy Types: Vampires, Spirits, Darkness Creatures

Option 2: The Labrynth (Normal)
Primary Enemy Types: Minotaurs, Lamia, Greek Mythology

Option 3: The Den of the Debauched Dragon (Hard)
Primary Enemy Types: Kobolds, Dragonlings, Dragons
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Yleine blinked as she found herself in another time and place, the haze that had been much of her cursed mortal life - induced by drugs and near constant rape - had passed, and her rage over the indignity cast upon her fell full force upon her mind as she looked up at the imp sent to torment her by the goddess of love. "Impudent wretch! I will rend you asunder and see your shreds tossed to oblivion for this!" The depowered demigoddess growled, but she could not reach the hovering cherub and she darted off after the cryptic message she'd been sent with was delivered.

She was cursed now, and had had to fight - with less than the most minuscule fraction of her power - to find the servant's "dungeon" over the course of months. She recognized the signs of the creatures who had captured her previous body and used it as a breeding sow, and despite a shudder of shame and anger would proceed into the dungeon. She knew, at least, that only one who had defeated her would be able to claim her and force her through another generation, the curse forcing her to act as their loyal brood sow, but suspected that others would seek to make use of her body at the earliest possible opportunity. She would have to be prepared for the worst, the most vile and lascivious of creatures, if she wished to see herself through to the end and her ascension back to the heavens.

(Normal dungeon, because it is the most fluff appropriate.)
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Finding herself at the entrance of the Labrynth, Yleine would enter into what seemed to be the 'entrance room' for lack of anything else to call it. A stone slamming to the ground behind her and sealing her in. "Heh, I see you found me. Took you a bit longer then I expected. I hope you like the theme, mistress decided to make the challenge appropriate. She even when through the difficulty of importing that same group of minotaurs that took you on your arrival. So your old self is around here somewhere." The servant's voice echoed through the room. "Either way, I'm 10 floors down, come see if you can get to me."

With that the voice faded away, and there was two paths to take, one to the east, and one to the west.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

"Face me! Impish little cretin!" Yleine shouted, albeit to no avail. The stone statue had gone still and silent, and after a moment she huffed off to the West.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Heading west, Yleine would encounter the first of her opponent, a small creature that Yleine was able to identify as a Kobalos that barely came up to her mid shin. Upon further inspection it appeared to be that the creature was female, and seemed to be giggling at her. What it was giggling about though was up in the air. Maybe if she left it alone it might not attack her?
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Yleine glared at the diminutive creature, not sure why a female of the species was giggling so fervently while off on her own. She hesitated, glancing around towards her flanks and behind her while raising her shield, trying to discern if she was surrounded by an ambush. "What are you laughing at, creature?" She demanded derisively, keeping ready to react in case some of its kin or some other threat leaped out at her.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

(Speed Test: 8, Fail)

The Kabalos just kept giggling, and pointed to something above Yleine. Whether she looked or not, a second later she'd find herself dunked in water, soaking her from head to toe. The woman rolling onto her back with her fit of laughter.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)


Ylein's enraged bark gave way to silence after the bucket of water was dunked onto her head. The demigoddess was shaking with fury, and slowly turned her glare back onto the kobalos as it rolled with laughter on the floor. For a moment she simply stood there, clearly contemplating murder, but after a few seconds she simply stalked around it, apparently pretending that the thing didn't even exist.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Yleine walked past the Kabalos, and the creature actually jumped up to its feet and gave her a bright grin, and a moment later she'd feel herself get a bit stronger. Then it dissapeared and left her in the room by herself.

Passed the Kabalos test, +50XP

There was a door to the South, and one to the North.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Yleine straightened, startled, at the rush of power that suddenly washed over her. She glanced back, but found the laughing spirit had vanished, and simply shrugged. Apparently, a lack of mindless violence was enough to earn one rewards in this place... A good reason to maintain control over her temper.

Glancing from door to door, she shrugged and went North.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went North

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Yleine found herself in a room now with two weak and ragged looking Spartae. The skeleton warriors were equipped with rotting shields and rusted swords, and didn't look like they would be too much of a challenge, but you never knew.

(Decide on your ratio of drawn cards (Attack, Magic, Defense) with a maximum of 7, for example 2||3||2)
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)


Gritting her teeth at the sight of the undead warriors, fallen soldiers who had been reanimated by foul magics, Yleine raised her sword and shield and advanced, making to keep them both in front of her and sidestepping to keep them coming at her in single file.
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Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went North

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

The Spartae began to advance on her, swords raised as they moved to attack.

(Yleine Deck (pick up to two from each catagory): 17,4,19||10||9,15,19)
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

(4 and 17 attack for a total of 21, 24 with sword presumably. 10 for magic I guess? 9 and 15 into defense for a total of 24, 27 with shield. This is assuming that I understand what is going on, which may not be the case!)

Yleine launched herself towards the nearest, aiming to destroy it without taking a scratch before moving on to the next and doing the same.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went North

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 8 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Yleine Remaining deck: 18/19/18

The two Spartae were quite weak, and Yleine slashed at them with her sword and left them both reeling. Unfortunately though both of the skeletons seemed to glow for some reason, and the currently mortal woman felt herself weakening just a bit as the glow effected her, only for her to smash both of them a moment later. The two dissolving into piles of bones, and then into a cloud of dust.

Yleine beats the Spartae. Gains +40XP
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Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

(At 90 XP, and not sure if that did any damage, since you didn't update anything in the above status spoiler.)

Watching the undead crumble, Yleine kicked at their dust for a moment before simply moving onward.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went North

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 8 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Yleine Remaining deck: 18/19/18

The maze forked, one way leading west and one way leading further north.

(Fixed, took 2 HP damage)
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Glancing between the two paths, Yveine opted to turn left, going West.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

Turn 1, Floor 1: Yleine headed west.
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went North
Turn 2, Floor 1: Yleine went west

Name: Yleine
Pic: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1259&pictureid=17920
Level: 0
Health: 8 / 10 [+1] (Get hit and lose this)
Resistance: 10 / 10 [+1] (Get molested and lose this)
Life: 10 / 10 [+1] (Run of out the upper two and this starts to be lost. Can't get it back)
EXP: 50/100

Skill: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to hit things]
Intelligence: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to use learned spells]
Speed: 1d20+0 (+1) [Ability to run away/dodge/block]
Power: 1d10 (+0~1) [Ability to deal damage]
Defense: 1d10 / 2 (+0~1) [Ability to aborb damage.]
Endurance: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Health]
Stamina: 1d1 (+0) [Ability to regen Resistance]

Copper Sword: +3 Atk
Copper Shield: +3 Defense

Yleine Remaining deck: 18/19/18

Heading west, Yleine would encounter...a box. More specifically it was a chest, this one painted Red and Gold.
Re: Cursed by the Goddess (Tassadar)

"What is this?" Yleine murmured, gazing cautiously at the painted chest. She glanced around, looking for signs of a trap, but if she saw no apparent passageways or ways in which she might be ambushed she would simply try to open the chest.