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D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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This is a game idea I have. It is currently in conflict with my desire to run a game for Mirafar. I'm merely posting it here to get feedback or ideas.

Character Creation:
You are a magic item.

Begin by choosing your form. Are you a weapon? Suit of Armor? Hat? Ring? Amulet What do you look like?

Choose from the following lists what material you are made of. If you are a weapon or piece of armor, you count as being anything on the same list of the material you are made from.

  • Adamantine, Alchemical Gold,Black Steel,Celestial Ivory,Force Metal
  • Iron, Steel,Blood Steel,Green Steel, Meteor Iron, Ethereal Lead
  • Silver, Demonbone, Astral Driftmetal, Entroptium, Mirrormetal, Mithril, Fairy Tears
  • Bronze, Brass, Gold, Copper, Shadow Crystal, Treant Amber
  • Stone, Obsidian, Blended Quartz, Elukian Clay, Giant Frog Resin, Blessed Ice
  • Wood, Bronzewood, Chitin, Darkwood, Iron wood, Enchanted Bone, Dragon Bone, Shroom Log


Now chose your attributes. You have an 18, a 16 and a 14 in the mental attributes of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, assorted as you desire. Each of these will be tied to your spell casting. You count as having 10 in all your physical attributes. In addition, you may allocated nine points to any of these attributes in any combination to increase them.


Now allocate 230 skills points among the skills on the this list, to maximum of 23 in any one skill:

Your wielder may use your ranks in a skill in the place of their own if yours is higher, up to a maximum of their level. If your wielder has max ranks in a skill you have at least six ranks in, or if they have at least six ranks in a skill, they receive your relevant attribute modifier as a synergy bonus on rolls with that skill.

You may also use skills yourself, though you can only communicate telepathically with a range of touch by default, and are immobile, so you can't use physical skills.

Magical Might:

Your wielder is enhanced by your power in physical ways as well. While they will be picking up feats and abilities from 3.5 and Pathfinder, you will be granting them powers that will outstrip normal mortals. Choose six feats from any combination of either or . Your wielder can use the abilities these feats grants when he qualifies for them. Pre-Tome of Prowess feats will be adjusted to work with the new skill system.

Spell Casting:

Your wielder can tap into your supernatural power. Choose six spheres as your Major Spheres; they are tied to your highest mental attribute to determine their save DCs and which skill your wielder needs to access them. Now choose four spheres as your Minor Spheres; they are tied to your second highest mental attribute. Now choose two spheres as your Lesser Spheres; they are tied to your lowest mental attribute. The available spheres can be found .

Each of your spheres grants your wielder access to the spells on the list as if they know them, in order of availability based on their ranks in the relevant skill. Aracana grants the wielder access to the spheres tied to Intelligence, Geomancy to the spheres tied to Wisdom, and Thurmaturgy tied to Charisma. Each rank in a skill above 3 grants the next available spell from your assigned spheres. You might grant your wielder the benefits of your sphere's power if they have at least 1 rank in the relevant skill, subject to my approval.

The caster level for you spell's effects are equal to your wielder's level, and the save DC is equal to 8 + half their level + both your relevant ability modifiers combined. The wielder has a number of spell slots available to make use of these spells, based on the following chart. He does not need to prepare spells ahead of time, though he needs a full night's sleep to restores spent spell slots. Wielders do not have to pay material component costs for any spell they cast, though must spend XP for spell that require it as normal.

Spells/Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Level 1 1 - - - - - - - - -
Level 2 2 - - - - - - - - -
Level 3 2 1 - - - - - - - -
Level 4 2 1 - - - - - - - -
Level 5 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
Level 6 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
Level 7 2 2 1 1 - - - - - -
Level 6 3 2 1 1 - - - - - -
Level 9 3 3 2 1 1 - - - - -
Level 10 3 3 2 1 1 - - - - -
Level 11 3 3 2 2 1 1 - - - -
Level 12 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - - -
Level 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - -
Level 14 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 - - -
Level 15 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 - -
Level 16 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 - -
Level 17 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 -
Level 18 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 -
Level 19 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2
Level 20 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3


Using you powers isn't without consequence, however. Every day that they use any of your spells is a day they must make a Will save vs DC 10, plus the highest level spell they used, plus one of your ability modifier relevant to the attribute. Failure means the have become corrupted by you. Even if they don't use your magic spells, every week that they are attuned to you, they must make a Fortitude save vs DC 15 plus your highest mental ability modifier or become slightly more corrupted anyway.

Generally speaking, their corruption is good for you, and bad for them. They become more aligned to your attitude and goals, and more likely to do what you want them to do. However, they also quickly start changing form, taking on traits based on the creature you were before. There's a reason why your creature type is referred to as Outsiders, and it's because mortal societies are rather xenophobic. Especially corrupted characters may be targeted by hunters for 'cleansing'.

You may chose not to corrupt your wielder for being attuned to you for a week, but not for using your spells.


You were once a powerful outsider, but were bound into a piece of a set of magic items created by a powerful wizard as his last great project: Immortality. He has hidden you all across the know world in the hopes of keeping you separated, for if reunited, you will return his mortality and drain his power significantly.

What were you before being an inanimate object? (Chose and outsider or elemental from D&D 3.x with a CR between 10 and 20.) How do you feel at being imprisoned and hidden away like this? Do you hate the wizard? Do you wish to be reunited with the other sentient items? Is revenge on your mind?
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Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

Cohort's Classes: Heroes
Table: The Acrobat Hit Die: d6
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Acrobatic Flair,*Trapfinding,*Pole Jump
2nd +1 +0 +3 +0 Evasion,*Sneak Attack*+1d6
3rd +2 +1 +3 +1 Sure Climb,*Kip Up
4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Detect Magic,*Grapple Line
5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Rapid Stealth,*Sneak Attack*+2d6
6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Mercurial Charge
7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Sneak Attack*+3d6,*Unsettling Choreography
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Improved Evasion
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Athletic Cascade,*Sneak Attack*+4d6
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Aggressive Stealth,*Skill Mastery

Class Skills (10 per level)

Appraisal*(Int),*Acrobatics*(Dex),*Arcana*(Int),*Bluff*(Cha),*Athletics*(Con),*Affability*(Cha),*Concentration*(Con),*Devices*(Int),*Disguise*(Cha),*Escape Artistry*(Dex),*Jump*(Str),*Stealth*(Dex), Dungeoneering*(Int),*Psychology*(Int),*Legerdemain*(Dex),*Perception*(Wis),*Enigmas*(Int).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:*Acrobats are proficient with all simple weapons, as well as the sap, the shortsword, the whip, the bolas, the long staff, and the shuriken. Acrobats are proficient with light armor but not with shields of any kind.

Trapfinding:*As a full-round action,*a 1st level Acrobat can*may move up to her base speed while also searching each 5’ square immediately in front of her for traps. She must "Take 10" when she uses this ability, and can not make a check for squares searched in this way. If she reduces*her*speed to only half of her base speed she may "Take 15" for the round instead. An Acrobat may do this, in difficult circumstances and without penalty, even if she do not have 4 ranks above the minimum required to use the search ability, but she is limited to only finding though traps she could otherwise find based on her ranks in Dungeoneering.

Acrobatic Flair*(Ex):*An Acrobat may move her full movement while using the Acrobatics skill without suffering a penalty or increasing the DC of her check.

Pole Jump*(Ex):*If holding a pole, spear, staff, long staff, or other pole-like object in both hands, an Acrobat can add twice her reach to her final distance moved during a Jump check, and in this instance her jump distances are not limited by her height.

Sneak Attack*(Ex):*At 2nd level, an Acrobat gains the sneak attack ability.*If she can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The Acrobat’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a*Dexterity*bonus to*AC*(whether the target actually has a*Dexterity*bonus or not), or when she*flanks*her target.*Her sneak attacks inflict an extra d6 of damage at 2nd level.This damage increases by 1d6 at levels 5, 7, and 9.

Ranged attacks*can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an*unarmed strike, an acrobat can make a sneak attack that deals*nonlethal damage*instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal*nonlethal damagein a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.

An acrobat cannot sneak attack creatures without*vitals, such as some*constructs*and*plants, as well as all*oozes*and*incorporeal*creatures. Any creature that is immune to*critical hits*is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The acrobat must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. An acrobat cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with*concealment*or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Evasion*(Ex):*If a 2nd level Acrobat succeeds in a Reflex Save to halve damage, she suffers no damage instead.

Sure Climb*(Ex):*At 3rd level, an Acrobat gains a*climb speed*equal to half her land speed.

Kip Up*(Ex):*At 3rd level, an Acrobat may stand up from*prone*as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Detect Magic*(Sp):*At 4th level, an Acrobat may use*detect magic*at-will as a spell-like ability. An Acrobat may use her Appraisal skill in place of Arcana,*Thaumaturgy*or*Geomancy*in order to glean additional information from her detect magic.

Grapple Line:*At 4th level, an Acrobat becomes a master of using grapples and grappling lines. By firing a missile weapon designed as a grappling weapon at an unoccupied square and doing at least 1 point of damage to an object filling that square (wall, ceiling, statue, etc) or a securely affixed object (ceiling post, small statue affixed to floor, etc), an Acrobat can run a rope from his current potion to that location as a full round action. She may then use this rope to make Balance or Climb checks as normal.

Weapons designed as grappling weapons have a simple pulley and loop attached at the end and are balanced for this modification, and have at least a 50’ length of strong thread running through it and connected to a rope so that it can be pulled through swiftly. They cost an additional +1 GP each (ammunition costs as much as normal weapons), and suffer a 5 ft reduction in range increment. Many grappling weapons are made out of*adamantine*in order to better penetrate hard materials like stone.

Rapid Stealth*(Ex):*At level 5, the Acrobat does not suffer the -10 penalty to Stealth for moving at her full normal speed. She still suffers the normal -20 penalties to Stealth for running or fighting if she performs those actions.

Mercurial Charge*(Ex):*At level 6, an Acrobat need not move in a straight line to charge, nor must she charge the closest available space. She still may not move back on herself during a charge, and her charge move still ends as soon as she threatens her target.

Unsettling Choreography*(Ex):*An Acrobat of 7th level is adept at making other creatures fall down, and may use her Dexterity Modifier in place of her Strength modifier when making a*trip*or*bull rushattempt.

Improved Evasion*(Ex):*When an Acrobat of 8th level fails a Reflex Save to halve damage, she takes half damage anyway.

Athletic Cascade*(Ex):*At 9th level, if an Acrobat moves before making an attack, for the purposes of flanking she may count any square she has moved through as threatening an opponent, in addition to the space she is actually attacking from. In this manner, she may even flank with herself.

Skill Mastery*(Ex):*At 10th level, an Acrobat is able to take 10 on any Appraise, Athletics, Acrobatics, Devices, Jump, and Stealth checks even in stressful or dangerous situations.

Aggressive Stealth*(Ex):*A Thief Acrobat of 10th level does not suffer the -20 penalty to Stealth checks for running or fighting.

Table: The Knight Hit Die: d12
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Designate Opponent,*Mounted Combat* * * * * * * * * * * * * **
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Damage Reduction
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Energy Resistance,*Speak With Animals
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Immunity to Fear,*Knightly Spirit
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Command
6th +6/+1 +2 +2 +5 Defend Others,*Quick Recovery
7th +7/+2 +2 +2 +5 Bastion of Defense,*Draw Fire
8th +8/+3 +2 +2 +6 Mettle,*Spell Shield
9th +9/+4 +3 +3 +6 Sacrifice
10th +10/+5 +3 +3 +7 Divine Grace

Class Skills (6*per level)
Athletics*(Con),*Endurance*(Con),*Affability*(Cha),*Ciphers*(Int),*Cultures*(Cha),*Creature Handling*(Wis),*Concentration*(Con),*Dowsing*(Wis),*Intimidation*(Cha),*Jump*(Str),*Perception*(Wis),*Cultures*(Cha),*Psychology*(Int),*Thaumaturgy*(Cha).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:*Knights are proficient with all*simple weapons*and*martial weapons. Knights are proficient with*light,*medium, and*heavy armor,*shields*and*great shields.

Designate Opponent*(Ex):*As a swift action, a knight may mark an opponent as their primary foe. This foe must be within medium range and be able to hear the knight's challenge. If the target creature inflicts any damage on the knight before the knight's next turn, the attempt fails. Otherwise, any attacks the knight uses against the opponent during her next turn inflict an extra d6 of damage for each knight level she possesses. This effect ends at the end of the knight's next turn, or when she has struck her opponent a number of times equal to the number of attacks normally allotted to her by her Base Attack Bonus.

Example: Vayn is a 6th*level knight presently benefiting from a*haste*spell, granting her an extra attack during a*full attack*action. On her turn she designates an*ettin*as her primary opponent, and the ettin declines to attack her during the ensuing turn. When Vayn's next turn comes up, she uses a full attack and attacks 3 times. The first two hits inflict an extra 6d6 of damage each, and then she designates the ettin as her opponent again. It won't soon ignore her again!

Mounted Combat:*A knight gains*Mounted Combat*as a bonus feat at 1st level. If she already has Mounted Combat, she may gain any*Combat feat*she meets the prerequisites for instead.

Damage Reduction*(Ex):*A knight trains to suffer the unbearable with chivalry and grace. At 2nd*level, she gains*damage reduction*of X/-, where X is half her knight level, rounded down.

Energy Resistance*(Ex):*A knight may protect herself from energy types that she expects. As a swift action, a 3rd*level knight may grant herself*energy resistance*against any energy type she chooses equal to her knight level plus her shield bonus. This energy resistance lasts until she spends a swift action to choose another energy type or her shield bonus is reduced.

Speak to Animals*(Ex):*A knight can make herself understood by beasts. Her steed always seems to be able to catch the thrust of anything she says. A 3rd*level knight gains a bonus to any of her*Ride*andHandle Animal*checks equal to half her knight level. In addition, there is no limit to how many tricks she can teach a creature, and her Handle Animal checks are not penalized for attempting to get a creature to perform a trick it does not know.

Immunity to Fear*(Ex):*At 4th*level, a knight becomes immune to [Fear] effects.

Knightly Spirit*(Ex):*As a move-equivalent action, a 4th*level knight may restore any amount of*attribute damage or drain*that she has suffered.

Command:*A knight gains*Command*as a bonus feat at level 5.

Defend Others*(Ex):*A 6th*level knight may use her own body to defend others. Any ally adjacent to the knight gains*evasion, though she does not.

Quick Recovery*(Ex):*If a 6th*level knight is*stunned*or*dazed*during her turn, that condition ends at the end of that turn.

Example: Vayn is hit by a*mind blast*and would be stunned for 7 turns. She misses her next action and then shakes off the condition ready to fight.

Bastion of Defense*(Ex):*A 7th*level knight can defend others with great facility. All adjacent allies except the knight gain a +2 dodge bonus to their Armor Class and Reflex saves.

Draw Fire*(Ex):*A 7th*level knight can exploit the weaknesses of unintelligent opponents. With a swift action, she may pique the interest of any mindless opponent within*medium range. That creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ knight's Hit Dice + knight's Constitution modifier) or spend all of its actions moving towards or attacking the knight. This effect ends after a number of rounds equal to the knight's class level.

Mettle*(Ex):*An 8th*level knight who succeeds at a Fortitude Partial or Will Partial save takes no effect as if she had immunity.

For example, if Vayn was hit with an*inflict wounds*spell and made her saving throw, she would take no damage instead of the partial effect in the spell description (half damage in this case).

Spell Shield*(Ex):*An 8th*level knight gains*spell resistance*of 5 + her character level. This spell resistance is increased by her shield bonus to AC if she has one.

Sacrifice*(Ex):*As an immediate action, a 9th*level knight may make herself the target of an attack or targeted effect that targets any creature within her reach.

Divine Grace*(Su):*At 10th level, a knight gains a bonus equal to her*Charisma*bonus (if any) on all*saving throws.

Playing a Knight

A knight has the potential to dish out tremendous damage to a single opponent, and it is tempting to think of them as monster killers. It is, however, best to realize in advance that the knight does not often realize their tremendous damage output. The threat of the knight's Designate Opponent ability is just that – a threat. A knight excels at defensive tasks, and attacking a knight is often one of the least effective options an opponent might exercise.

By making it a logical combat action for your opponents to attack your party's defensive expert, you've really contributed a lot to the party. A knight can take a lot of the heat off the rest of the party, so don't get frustrated if enemies constantly interrupt your Designate Opponent action – that's the whole point. A knight's role is to protect others, and the best way you can do that is to provide a legitimate threat to your opponents.

Table: The Berzerker Hit Die: d12
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Rage,*Fast Healing*1
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Rage Dice*+1d6,*Combat Movement*+5'
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Battle Hardened
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Rage Dice*+2d6,*Combat Movement*+10'
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Sidestep Hazards,*Fast Healing*5
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Rage Dice*+3d6,*Combat Movement*+15'
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Great Blows
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Rage Dice*+4d6,*Combat Movement*+20'
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Great Life
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Rage Dice*+5d6,*Combat Movement*+25',*Fast Healing*10

Class Skills (8*per level)
Athletics*(Con),*Endurance*(Con),*Bluff*(Int),*Cultures*(Cha),*Creature Handling*(Cha),*Concentration*(Con),*Dowsing*(Wis),*Escape Artistry*(Dex),*Healing**(Cha),*Intimidation*(Cha),*Jump*(Str),*Geomancy*(Wis)*Perception*(Wis),*Survival*(Wis),*Psychology*(Int).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:*Berzerkers are proficient with simple weapons, martial weapons, light armor, medium armor and with shields.

Rage*(Ex):*When doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, a Berzerker may choose to enter a Rage as an immediate action. While Raging, a her gains a +2 morale bonus to hit and damage in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice he has to his melee damage rolls. He also gains a +2 to saves, a -2 to AC, and he gains DR X/- with “X” being equal to half his Berzerker level +2 (rounded down). For example, a 1st level Berzerker has DR 2/- while Raging and a 10th level Berzerker has DR 7/- while Raging.

While Raging, a Berzerker may not cast spells, activate magic items, use spell-like abilities, or drop his weapons or shield. Rage lasts until he has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds. He may voluntarily end a Rage as a full-round action.

Fast Healing*(Ex):*Berzerkers shrug off wounds that would cripple a lesser man, and have learned to draw upon deep reserves of energy and stamina. At 1st level, they gain Fast Healing 1. At 5th level this becomes Fast Healing 5, Fast Healing 10 at 10th level, Fast Healing 15 at 15th level, and Fast Healing 20 at 20th level. This healing only applies while he is not raging.

If a Berzerker ever multi-classes, he permanently loses this ability. A multiclass character does not gain this ability. A character with 4 or more levels of Barbarian gains this ability even if multiclassed.

Rage Dice*(Ex):*While Raging, a Berzerker may add these dice of damage to each of his melee attacks. These dice are not multiplied by damage multipliers, and are not applied to any bonus attacks beyond those granted by Base Attack Bonus. These dice are not sneak attack dice, and do not count as sneak attack dice for the prerequisites of prestige classes or feats.

Combat Movement*(Ex):*While Raging, a Berzerker moves faster in combat, and may add his Combat Movement to his speed when he takes a move action to move.

Battle Hardened*(Ex):*At 3rd level, a Raging Berzerker’s mind has been closed off from distractions by the depths of his bloodlust and battle fury. While Raging, he may use his Fortitude Save in place of his Will Save. If he is under the effects of a compulsion or fear effect, he may act normally while Raging as if he was inside a protection from evil effect.

Sidestep Hazards*(Ex):*At 5th level, a Raging Berzerker learns to sidestep hazards with an intuitive and primal danger sense. While Raging, he may use his Fortitude Save in place of his Reflex Save.

Great Blows*(Ex):*At 7th level, a Raging Berzeker’s melee attacks are Great Blows. Any enemy struck by the Berzerker’s melee or thrown weapon attacks must make a Fort Save or be stunned for one round. No enemy can be targeted by this ability more than once a round, and the save DC for this ability is 10 + half the Barbarian’s HD + his Constitution modifier.

Great Life*(Ex):*While Raging, a 9th level Berzerker is immune to nonlethal damage, death effects, stunning, critical hits, negative levels, and ability damage (but not ability drain).
Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

Cohort's Classes: Regrettables
Table: The Warrior Hit Die: d8
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +0 +0 +2 Replaceable
2nd +2 +0 +0 +3 Signature Weaponry
3rd +3 +1 +1 +3 Loyal to Death
4th +4 +1 +1 +4 Rank
5th +5 +1 +1 +4 Unshakable Morale

Class Skills (4*per level)
Acrobatics*(Dex), Athletics*(Con),*Endurance*(Con),*Escape Artistry*(Dex),*Creature Handling*(Wis),*Intimidation*(Cha),*Jump*(Str),*Perception*(Wis),*Survival*(Wis).

Class Features

Replaceable:*Warriors represent the faceless hordes of grunts, guards, and mooks. They are intended to be easy to use, and very easy to replace. Instead of worrying about the feats that a Warrior has, simply give Warriors +1 to-hit for each feat they would be eligible for.

Signature Weaponry:*2nd level warriors are proficient with all racial and cultural weapons and armor of their people. For example, 2nd level Dwarven Warriors are proficient with the Dwarven Waraxe and Stone Plate armor, while 2nd level Elven Warriors are proficient with Elven Thinblades and Darkleaf Armor.

Loyal to Death:*3rd level Warriors will fight to the death and remain conscious when below 0 hit points (they are still staggered as normal).

Rank:*4th level Warriors are qualified to lead troops, and have a Command Rating equivalent to being a Sergeant.

Unshakable Morale:*5th level Warriors never have to make Morale checks and receive a +2 bonus on saves vs. Fear.

Table: The Aristocrat Hit Die: d6
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Privileged Upbringing,*Voice of Authority
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Bling,*Entourage
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Tough Negotiator
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 In the Name of the King
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Veni Vidi Vici

Class Skills (6)

[edit]Class Features

All of the following are class features of the aristocrat.

Privileged Upbringing:*An aristocrat was probably born into wealth and at the very least will most likely die rolling in cash. As a result, he can afford to spend a little. An aristocrat is considered to have in his possession any purchasable object (except for scrolls) worth up to 1,000 gp per aristocrat level. He may also purchase scrolls with a value of up to 250 gp per level.

As an unfortunate result of the silver spoons in their mouths, aristocrats have no combat training or special skills of any kind beyond those described below. They are not proficient in any form of weapon or armor and cannot take feats.

Voice of Authority*(Sp):*An aristocrat can use*command*as a spell-like ability at will that affects up to one creature per aristocrat level. No matter what effect it may gain in the future, and saving throws for voice of authority have a save DC equal to 10 + ½ the aristocrat‘s level + his Charisma modifier.

Bling*(Ex):*If you have it, flaunt it; those are the words the aristocrat lives by. The Aristocrat can*benefit*from three additional magic items slots above eight, provided they are rings or amulets, so long as he can dish out the dough to buy it. All effects of magical*jewellery*he wears stack if applicable.

Entourage:*Starting at 2nd level, the aristocrat gains a bodyguard who possesses a number of*Warrior*levels equal to the aristocrat’s class level. At each level thereafter, he gains another warrior guard, and all guards always have levels equal to his. These bodyguards are considered when calculating*encounter*levels regarding the Aristocrat normally.

As a standard action usable at will, the aristocrat can attempt to motivate his guards with a successful*Diplomacy*check (DC 10 + the CR of the strongest opponent they are facing) by promising them more money in return for victory (pledges of land, title, and concubines may also be included). If he succeeds, all guards gain the fanatic attitude (and all benefits thereof) for the duration of the current encounter.

Tough Negotiator*(Sp):*At 3rd level, the aristocrat’s voice of authority ability improves, allowing him to make a*suggestion*on any target to whom he sends a*command.

In the Name of the King*(Sp):*An aristocrat may create a contract with another being at 4th level, a pact that binds another creature to his will. This ability functions as a*lesser geas*spell and has all the normal limitations thereof, but has a save DC equal to 10 + ½ the aristocrat‘s level + his Charisma modifier. The aristocrat may only have one such pact in existence at any one time.

In addition, the aristocrat's guards become even more expendable. If the aristocrat is adjacent to one of his guards, he can take an immediate action to push them into the line of fire, causing the guardsman to be struck by all attacks that would normally affect the aristocrat until his demise.

Veni Vidi Vici*(Sp):*A 5th level aristocrat is the lord of all he surveys. His voice of authority ability now allows him to use the*demand*spell at will.

[edit]Trading Out Aristocrat Levels

Despite their glaring lack of martial prowess, aristocrats have some pretty strong abilities. This was intentional, but it doesn't change the fact that aristocrat levels assume that the person who possesses them is almost always a snooty, inept piece of scum. Should an aristocrat ever gain any measure of competency, replace all aristocrat levels with PC levels.

Table: The Adept Hit Die: d6

Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Replaceable,*Elemental Attack
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Dangerous Magic
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Versatile Magic
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Defensive Magic
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Special Magic

Class Skills (4)
Acrobatics*(Dex),*Arcana*(Int),*Athletics*(Con),*Creature Handling*(Wis),*Intimidation*(Cha),*Geomancy*(Wis),*Thaumaturgy*(Cha).

[edit]Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Adept:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:*An Adept is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as Light Armor.

Replaceable:*Adepts represent the faceless hordes of assistant spellcasters, acolytes, and cultists. They are intended to be easy to use, and relatively easy to replace. Instead of worrying about the feats that an Adept has, simply give the Adept +1 to the damage of their magic powers for each feat they would be eligible for.

Elemental Attack*(Sp):*Depending upon what school of magic or cult they belong to, the Adept may use one of a number of different energy types. Necromancers and Death cultists use Negative Energy, Fire Adepts and Pyromancers use Fire, and so on. Each Adept has an elemental attack which does one kind of energy damage chosen when the Adept is created. It does a d8 of damage to a single target within Medium range and allows a Saving Throw of the target's choice to halve the damage. The Save DC is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma based depending upon what the precepts of the group happen to be. This is a spell-like ability usable at will, but it has Somatic and Verbal Components anyway (no Arcane Spell Failure though). Energy types are chosen from the following list (though nothing prevents unique cults from having Adepts which use more obscure energy types):

Negative Energy

Dangerous Magic:*2nd level Adepts have magic that causes a dangerous side effects on those who fail their save against the effect and take at least one point of damage. The effects are based on what kind of magic is being used:

Negative Energy - targets who fail their save are frightened for one round.
Fire - Targets who fail their save are on fire until they are put out.
Electricity - Targets who fail their save are stunned for one round.
Acid - Targets who fail their save will take damage again next turn (save for half), and will continue to take damage every round until they make a save or they are washed off with alcohol.
Cold - Targets who fail their save are slowed for 10 rounds.
Force - Targets who fail their save are pushed back a number of 5' squares equal to the number bonus damage the Adept has from lost feats minus one square for every size category the target is larger than Medium.

Versatile Magic:*3rd level Adepts can use their choice of two different energy types, which are still both selected when the Adept is created (the original and the extra energy type).

Defensive Magic:*4th level Adepts use magic defensively somehow. All allies within 10' of a 4th level Adept have a +2 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws and a +2 Deflection bonus to AC.

Special Magic:*5th level Adepts no longer allow their target to select the Saving Throw type they make against their Magic. The Adept selects one save type (Fort, Reflex, or Will), and all targets must make that saving throw type against their Elemental Attacks regardless of whether that's a good thing for them or not.

[edit]Trading Out Adept Levels

Adept levels aren't capable of doing anything good. If for some reason an Adept became a named character, he becomes a member of a real character class. That is, simply trade levels of Adept for levels in a real class that has a casting or spell-like ability progression.
Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

What kind of feedback are you looking for? Character creation guidelines seem reasonably clear, and I would think that matters of Tome balance would be better addressed on the Gaming Den, home of the Tomes.

Are you looking for plot ideas? Suggestions for new cohort classes? It doesn't seem very clear.
Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

Double Covert DOUCHEBAGS!

Man, these guys are getting sophisticated!
Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

I have no idea what you're talking about Taken.
Re: D&D Tome modification for Magic Items game

There were two spambot post here yesterday. They're gone now.