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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Not particulary picking a path, Jenny would continued onwards with Riley close by and just as the girls stepped some ways down the corridor suddenly a loud rumbling echoed out as a gust of wind blew at the girls backs! Looking back their way back out of here had been locked off?!

The girls had been trapped? Infact, the whole appeared of the subtly lit identical walls reminded her all too much... of a maze?! Still getting a better look around Jenny would see the path on her right seemed to extend furthest into the dark, the path forward turned to the right and the path to her left appeared to split up left and right even further!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny cursed and moved to the wall in a vain attempt to push it open. "Well this sucks!" Jenny would stomp her foot before she calmed herself quietly fuming for a few moments. "Okay.... we need to pick a wall and follow it. When Mr. Buckner made his corn mazes thats the only way I ever found the way out." Looking up Jenny smirked at Riley. "You can pick the wall we follow.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Maze?" Riley raised an eyebrow, as she too looked around "Oh crap... You think so? I'm not very good at these." the girl beamed a sheepish innocent smile to Jenny, who wasted little time in making a plan "Alright... how about... this one?" the girl touched the wall to their right.

If Jenny agreed the girls would head down the long passage on their right as the subtle illumination or just some strange magic veiled where the path lead "Though, you know... it's kinda amazing." Riley spoke up with a smile looking to Jenny "I mean the sort of magic that would be required to give all this life. Its almost like its own mini-world here." she'd keep her hand to subtly hover over the right wall as they went.

Whether Jenny had her own thoughts to share or not, suddenly both girls fell silent as they'd feel the ground beneath the feet seemingly tremor? The sudden shift causing the duo to stop as they'd look forward and from the darkness a huge figure seemed to slowly move forward!

There was no mistaking it, from its absolutely huge frame to its bull head, even up to its absolutely monstrous muscles - a Minotaur was slowly making its way forward towards them! Yet, both girls or perhaps just Riley quickly noticed the part that the myths hardly spoke about... as between as either of duo girls could tell the monstrously massive cock the beast hardly hid beneath its loincloth!

Though seemed the long hallways had one minor bonus - the girls had seen the guardian of the maze, before its gaze could make either of them out!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As they moved along Jenny did speak her mind. "You know I was thinking about that. I doubt Ishmal's power is any different from your's. I mean his medium is paint while yours is arcane. His just has more permanence due to the medium....." Jenny stopped as the massive bull man appeared but sadly it wasn't the face Jenny saw first. A slight blush on her cheeks Jenny moved back quickly pulling Riley along they needed to move to a new part of the maze fast but not loud.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley seemed to be as stunned as Jenny, as the perverse thoughts had not escaped the trickster either "eh? Oh right!" she'd speak in a hushed tone as the duo of girls quickly and as silently as they could rushed back! Returning to their crossroad Jenny saw the familiar choice, the path to their right, a path forward and the path to the left which lead back to the sealed entrance!

Even if the Minotaur did not give chase it's movement and presence was rapidly nearing the duo, no doubt would it get close enough it would spot the intruders!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Moving quickly as they could while remaining silent Jenny guided them the opposite way from the beast man trying to put some distance between them, After alll living in a place like that smell might be his best sense.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl may have moved silently, but they had little time to take it slow! Leading them onwards Jenny took the path forward! The beast did indeed not seem particulary good sight in regards to view range...

Heading forward soon enough Jenny came upon a sharp T split before her, one path heading to the left and one to the right "T-that was a minotaur right? Never seen one, before." Riley spoke up, as she'd keep her gaze back towards the dimly lit and unnaturally shadowed passage behind them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly nodded her mind full of bull cock and trying to desperately send it away. Something that big would have broken her in two. Still reaching a T she had to decided. "Lets go left!" Jenny would begin to head that way till trying to clear her head of the large dong she had just faced. Even in the dim light the trickster no doubt caught the blush on the girls face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The sight seemed to affect both of the rather perverse girls, as both shared a healthy blushes on their face! The duo turned left and head onwards soon enough coming upon a sharp turn to their right and a long hallways onwards. One that soon enough came upon another turn right... and with it *Thump thump thump* closing stomps of something heavy up ahead.

Jenny could tell whatever it was it was right around the next corner, making even peeking a risky affair. Yet surprisingly the figure had stopped briefly... Dare Jenny take a peak around the turn she'd the minotaur?! Surely with its slow movement it couldn't have been the one the girls had just escaped!

Still peeking onwards, the minotaur seemed to have come from a pathway on the left down the passage, while the passage itself seemed to extend outwards. Clearly the minotaur would soon enough make his turn either left down the passage or right... no doubt spotting Jenny, who'd be peeking and stumbling onto the duo! The girl could risk and hope the beast turned away... or head back along the whole path they used to escape the other beast behind them!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Seeing the beast Jenny waited a moment. Sadly they would have to back track there was no way they could pass him with out being seen. Mumbling about her luck Jenny would lead Riley back to the next intersection and head south. She doubted her charms would work against a minotaur and even if they did.... she wasn't so sure she would like what would happen or the stories Riley would tell. Hopeing for better luck Jenny would lead they way.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What is it?" Riley asked in a whisper and peeked over the corner as well, to see the Minotaurs immense figure standing there facing the wall as if inspecting something! With a subtle eep the trickster quickly dashed right back behind the corner along with Jenny!

Deeming it too risky had the Minotaur turned towards them, Jenny would risk backtracking down the path they came. As soon enough the duo would head on back! "Was that the same one?... It couldn't have been, right?" Riley thought aloud and looked to Jenny for her take on the potential threat of several wandering guardians.

Still as the girls walked back along the straight path as they neared the turning, time seemed to stop as with a stomp a minotaur stepped forward and turned to face them!!! Its immense gaze seemed to meet the duo, as color drained from Riley along with a small bead of cold sweat "H-Hi?" she'd wave to the beast, before it roared out! They had been spotted!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nope... Speed would win this not a brute strength. "Give hims something to play with Riley.! Jenny would wait for Riley to cast her illusion before having them both run back hopefully the other one didn't hear his friend.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Play with?! Do I look like I carry around Minotaur toys?!" Riley spoke up as the lumbering beast took a step forward towards the duo, its immense and powerful form even more frightning and absolutely weakening than ever before!

"I don't know! Maybe a female cow....taur thingy!" "Cowtaur? Whats a Cowtaur?!" the duo exchanged their quips, as they kept their backpedalling going! "Do it now!" Jenny urged her ally over as indeed they were completely out of time!

With a speedy motion, Riley quickly moved to cast a spell as right infront of the girls appeared... a large literal cow. One standing on two feet?! Seemingly all three, including the minotaur looked to the sight with clear puzzlement... before Jenny turned to Riley who'd sheepishly shrug.

"Come on!" The duo would rush onwards as the Minotaur seemed to just look to the strange sight in palpable confusion, before with a crash behind them the girls heard something massive give chase behind them!

Heading down the previous path soon enough Jenny reached the corner from before, but thankfully the other minotaur was gone! The girl could rush forward or turn left! Yet her choice would have to be made at moments notice!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would keep opening the distance heading as straight as she could until she could duck into an alcove or side passage. It was too Risky to head down the one path the previous beast there was probably at the end of its patrol, and running into two of them would end poorly for her and Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing to head straight head Jenny rushed forward along the path with little to no turns appearing up to the very of the passage! Only at the straight passage end would Jenny get a quick snap turn right only to face with another choice, forward or to the left!

Meanwhile the minotaurs hoove stomps seemed to only continue to echo from the pass they left behind, while Riley seemed to quickly grow winded as well!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took only a moment before heading left at a much slower pace. Riley was not sued to running so she had to keep her friend from tiring out or else they would suffer in the long run. Smirking she turned to Riley and spoke in a whisper. "Ya know we are going to have work on your endurance. Build of that stamina of yours." Winking Jenny kissed Riley on the lips before creeping slowly down the passageway.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I...I'm sorry... I must've skipped the part in Wizarding Uni, where they had us run for miles full-sprint!" Riley answered with deep breath and a final exhale as she'd catch her breath, before smiling at Jenny. Thankfully the moment between the duo was allowed as soon enough the echoes of the minotaur grew distant, seemed it had taken the turn instead of heading forward.

Their pursuit over the girls were able to slow down their advance as they continued along the maze. This path seemed to have several turns, but no branches. The girls followed the path turning right, then right shortly after and then a left... before another left... up to finally reaching yet another choice a T crossing standing right before them, a path extending to their right and left.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grumbled, she disliked mazes. Turning to Riley she offered her the choice. "Well sense I keep running into minotaurs how about you pick our turn this time." Awaiting Riley's choice the duo would proceed with Jenny in the lead.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hum... Right?" Riley pointed to their right and shrugged with a smile, before the duo would head onwards along the path. They'd not meet any other crossroads here, with but a single turn left at the end of their brief walk forward.

Yet as the girls turned, they'd soon enough encounter a close wooden double door! It's steel hinges hinting at the doors fair weight. If Jenny dared to push the door open it would slowly slide apart just enough for either of the girls to peek at what lied beyond.

And that peek would reveal a massive room, its furniture far larger than normal. Tables, chairs, massive drawers, a bed, even a small fire with a large black cook-pot... it was a living quarter or perhaps a kitchen? Infact looking over some of the tables Jenny could spot fresh looking vegetables! And perhaps more noticeably... one of the Minotaurs! It seemed to be busy chopping up some vegetables as it was preparing a meal. Its back turned to the group.

"Jen... Look!" Rileys spoke up in a whisper as she'd point deeper into the room... to an out of place ornate chest at the end of the room as well, its fine wood adorned with gold filigree.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's eyes widened but then again even with the temptation of treasure she had hold. Could she even lift the weight of the lid? Even if she snuck past the minotaur it would be all for naught if she could open the damn thing. Shaking her head Jenny would slowly close the door. "Too Risky." Unless Riley could convince her other wise she would lead them back.